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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Alhamdulillahilladzi an amana Bini’mati iman wal islam

Praise be to the presence of Allah SWT who has bestowed His grace. Don't forget to send
shalawat and greetings to our lord the prophet Muhammad SAW and pray that we are always in
good health, Amin ya Rabbalalamin

My brothers and sisters, teachers who I respect and friends who I love, on this occasion I would
like to share a story that is difficult for the human mind to accept, but if we have faith, Insha
Allah, it will increase our faith.

Isra Mi'raj is the journey of the Prophet Muhammad SAW at night from the Grand Mosque to the
Aqsa Mosque and then proceed to Sidratul Muthe or the seventh heaven.

This event is narrated in the letter Al-Isra ayat 1.

During the journey the Prophet Muhammad SAW experienced very extraordinary events One of
them is getting the revelation of the command to pray 5 times directly from Allah.

When the Prophet Muhammad SAW arrived at Sidratul Muthe, Allah ordered the prophet and
his people to order 50 prayers in 1 day and 1 night.

The Prophet Muhammad SAW took it for granted and the Prophet descended into the sixth

In the sixth heaven he met Prophet Musa, Prophet Musa stated that he asked Allah for relief
because his people would not be able to carry it out because Prophet Muhammad SAW loved his
people finally Prophet Muhammad SAW approached Allah and asked for relief.

Initially 50 times became 10 times and finally the final decision arrived that Muslims are
required to pray 5 times in 1 day and night. Fajr, Dzuhur, Asr, Maghrib and Isha.

Prayer is the pillar of religion, so make prayer a necessity, not a burden Ladies and gentlemen
teachers who I respect and friends who I care about, that's what I can convey.

Sorry for my mistakes. And the truth belongs to Allah. Finally,

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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