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Domestic Animals

Wow! I am going to a fartm!

I will see so many animals there!
Little Rohan went out one day,
Over the hills and far away
To a farm he went that day,
To see some cows and lambs that play
There on the farm, he could see,
Grazing sheep and buzzing bees.
Mother Duck said, Quack! Quack! Quack!
And all little ducklings came at her back.
There was a cock, some chicks and a hen,
And lots of sheep in the pen.
Oh! The well was so deep, deep, deep
Little Rohan could just have a peep
The last one he saw was a pig in the sty.
Then to all, he said, 'Goodbye!'
dog pupPPy
Pig piglet
cock hen chicks
horse foal goat kid cat kitten
COW Calf
Have you ever been to a farm?
s h e e p - lamb
duck ducklings Which of these o a l s have
you seen
22 Now You Know-A

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