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1. To study the saIeness (noise) oI working environment in manuIacturing lab.

2. To measure noise level at diIIerent positions in manuIacturing lab that worker would
exposed to.
3. To determine the maximum time oI exposure Ior worker working in the room at
diIIerent position.

Theory: (Add In)
According the National Institute Ior Occupational SaIety - NIOSH - noise exposure
should be controlled so that the exposure is less than the combination oI exposure
level - L - and duration - t.

The maximum time oI exposure can be calculated as:

t 28,800 / 2
(L - 85)/3

t maximum exposure duration (seconds)
L exposure level (dBA)
3 exchange rate for equivalent sound pressure, L
85 Recommended Exposure Limit - REL

1. 1he layouL of a ManufacLurlng Lab ls shown as below

igure 1.0. Layout of Manufacturing Lab

Layout`s description:
Purple Box (A) : Lathe Machine 1
Purple Box (B) : Lathe Machine 2
Orange Box (C) : Pedestal Drilling Machine
Black Box (D) : Grinding Machine (Noise SOURCE)
Red Box (E) : Plastic Granulated Machine
Orange Box (F) : Digital Drilling Machine
Green Box : Concrete Beam
Black Bolded Box (T): Working Table

"1 2 3 4 S" No|se Measurement os|t|on


Cfflce 2 Cfflce 1
2. The data obtained are tabulated as below:
%able 1.0. Sound Pressure Level Measurement

3. Graph oI Noise Level Measured at diIIerent position in ManuIacturing Lab is
shown as below:
a. Source oI noise. (Grinding Machine, x 0m)

b. Measuring position 2 ( Between Lathe Machine 1 & 2, x 8.2m)

Noise Measurement Position Sound Pressure Level, L
No. Distance Irom source,x (m) Max Min Equivalent
1 0.00 90.8 73.2 89.1
2 8.20 86.5 67.2 82.1
3 12.20 84.1 56.2 80.7
4 10.60 82.8 67.3 81.1
5 13.80 82.5 74.4 79.3
c. Measuring Position 3 ( In Iront Digital Drilling Machine, x 12.2m)

d. Measuring Position 4 (Working Table, x 10.6m)

e. Measuring Position 5 (Working Table, x13.8m)

4. Maximum Time Exposure to Noise
%able 2.0. Maximum time exposure of worker to noise at different positions.

$,25le C,lcul,tion:

Maximum time oI exposure, t 28,800 / 2
(L - 85)/3

At measuring position 1 (sound source), exposure level, L L
89.1 dBA

28,800 / 2
11168.24 seconds 3 hours 6 minutes

Noise Measurement Position Expose Level,
Maximum exposure time, t

No. Distance Irom source,x (m) Seconds Hours
1 0.00 89.1 11168.24 3 hours 6 minutes
2 8.20 82.1 56284.41 15 hours 38 minutes
3 12.20 80.7 77780.16 21 hours 37 minutes
4 10.60 81.1 70913.92 19 hours 42 minutes
5 13.80 79.3 107485.40 29 hours 51 minutes

1. In manuIacturing lab, there are several machines that will produce noise when they
are in operation. Among them which will produce noise with high pressure level is
grinding machine and lathe machine. The reason choosing grinding machine as target
Ior study is that grinding process contributes a lot more noise to the working
environment compared to the lathe machine which may aIIect the hearing oI other
operator inside the lab.
2. During the measurement oI noise pressure level, there are several assumption made:
a) There is only one sound source inside the ManuIacturing Lab which
originated Irom the grinding process. Others background noise like human
conversation; other machining operation and external noise Irom outside oI
the room are neglected.
b) The noise is generated Irom grinding operation is considered as a system, not
originated Irom a point.
c) A weighting level is used in the measurement oI noise exposure level.
3. Sound level meter (SLM) is a sound measurement device which is an integration oI
microphone, preampliIier, range control ampliIier, detector, display and output. The
basic speciIication oI sound level meter is as below:
a) Inclusion oI an A-Irequency-weighting Iilter.
b) Data output available in measuring time, equivalent sound pressure
level, LA
, maximum sound pressure level, LAs
, minimum
sound pressure level, Las
and the histogram chart Ior the
measurement as well.
c) Increased Ilexibility over basic SLM
d) Capability oI data storage.

4. From the data obtained as in %able 1.0, it can be known that the sound pressure level
is decreasing as the distance Irom sound source is increasing. It is because as the
sound wave propagating away Irom the source, the sound pressure level generated by
the wave in travelling path is absorbed/ reIlected by the obstacles encountered.
5. As in %able 2.0, the maximum exposure time to noise that a worker can aIIord
without any risk oI hearing loss at each position is obtained. From the table, it
concludes that an operator can perIorm grinding process without any hearing
protection kit Ior approximately 3 hours. Other than that, it also shows that other
operators/ workers in the lab can conduct their own task without any hearing
protection in their working hours.

1. The working environment in ManuIacturing Lab consist oI signiIicant noise
generated by grinding machine and lathe machine which can bring some harm
to operator iI their perIorm the speciIic machining process over long time
without any hearing protection.
2. The noise pressure level in ManuIacturing Lab is decreasing as the distance
Irom the source is increasing.
3. The maximum exposure time Ior operator/worker to a noise depend on the
level oI noise and aids oI hearing protection kit.

1. hLLp//wwwenglneerlngLoolboxcom/nolseexposurelevelduraLlond_717hLml

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