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Age and gender specificities in ski training - Age or gender specificities

• First age group - Preschool 5 to 7 years

• Second group - Children - from 8 to 10 years
• Third group - Teen - 11 to 15 years
• Fourth group - Youth - 16 to 20 years old
• Fifth group - Adults - 20 to 40 years old
• Sixth group- over 40 years

First preschool group characteristics - for this group there is a special area in which they are
trained. In the zone itself there are special devices , to make it interesting for them. The equipment is
mandatory to include a helmet. To take into account the intellectual level of children. The training should
be in the form of a game to keep the interest. Weather conditions must be taken into account. Time is
limited so there is no way a child of this age can take part in a 4 hour lesson and their group should be
smaller. Maximum of seven. If it is possible to have two instructors with them and to be a man and a
woman , in order for this training to
resembles a family model.SAFETY is the most important thing with them. Individual training is

Second Children's group characteristics - Intellectual growth and improved physical condition
. There is a difference between the two sexes. The main teaching method here is demonstration. I.e.
children can now actively participate in the learning process. They can now also learn much more difficult
elements. The method of training besides demonstration can also be used competitive as it is a sense of
self-expression - relay games.

Third group Teenagers characteristics- to take into account the peculiarities of this age. If we can
separate them boys from girls is advisable as we have sexual maturation. They are physically and mentally
much stronger and a full learning process and workload can be conducted and terminology used. There is
one peculiarity as they have a problem with lack of concentration.

Fourth group Youth- Definitely developed musculoskeletal system and built physical and volitional
qualities can afford serious physical exertion and leading the process of
Training .

Fifth group Adults *mature* - no different from the youth

Sixth group over 40 years - The first signs of aging appear. I.e. people become a little more cautious and a
little more timid but it is relative to the person and especially people who are not involved in any sport are
more susceptible to injury. We have to consider the physical condition of the student and what kind of
workload they can handle.

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