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~~:;;;::::~The arcane arts follow specific rules and forms themselves give only the mebt general instrUCtion. A sorcerer's
.-=OO<E"""-.that those with the necessary talent and dedtca· knowledge of Paths opens the door to true study but only
tion may exploit. The sorcerer learns the laws provtdes the tools. True, a sorcerer can perform many tasks with
that govern powers beyond nature, whether a few steps along a Path, but there is a difference between
through extensions of science or progressions conrrollingsomething's nature and undersrmu:ling its nature. As a
into the supernatural. For each route to power sorcerer gathers experience, he broadens his knowledge of the
there is a Path. Be it a mythic thread hidden in Path with rituals. By means of rituals, the sorcerer applies the
legend - the home remedies passed down in a Path's principles to greater effects. Perhaps the scientist under-
family or the 100-year-old formula of a secret takes a long laboratory process designed to distill out the pure
......._..,__..~.-A society- or a highly-specialized branch of sci- form ofan element, or a magician reinforces his Path skills with
ence, each Path exerts influence over a power beyond the reach lengthy chants and paeans. In either case, the ritual represents
of nonnal, unaided humans. a strength born of comprehenston, the means to rum simpler
A sorcerer's study of Paths opens the door to various forms of Paths to more complex and spectacular ends.
magical practice. Each Path offer.. command over one aspect ci
nature or supemarure. Though each Path has limits - one's TH€ STRUCTURf E9F PATHS
understanding of the arcane principles of fire does not necessanly The Paths of magic and science are not dependent on the
translate into a mastery of tranSpOrtation - the diligent srudent tools the sorcerer uses or the studies that the sorcerer under·
carefully takes step after step until, hopefully, complete dominion takes. Be it a technosorcerer using a teleportation apparatus or
over a given area ofsrudy is achieved. Other magicians srudy many a student of arcane magics transported by a spirit of wind, both
Paths in dilettante-like fashion, gathering a smattering of arcane use the Path ofConveyance, although they have very different
knowledge overseveral mystical orsuper-sctentific princtples-just means of implementation.
enough to perfonn curious and impressive feats but far from the Paths are broken down mto two different parts: spells (also
power wielded by a ~er sorcerer. referred to as effects) and rituals. Spells can be cast quickly and
While each Path breaks down the components to com· can be modified and customued easily to allow for changing
mand and control a specific disciplme of study, the Paths envirorunents and situations. Rituals are much Longer, more


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formalized and often more powerful castings that can work
[.:: 1
permanent changes. Spells and rituals are divided up into six lGN$RINGAsPECTS
levels; only the first five are available during character genera- The new system of aspects for spells and rituals adds
tion (and, in all fairness, Storytellers should restrict newly flexibility and detail to Sorcery, but at the cost of some
generated sorcerers to no more than the third level of experi- simplicity. IfStorytellersprefer, they can easily ignore the
ence in any given Path). aspects and merely set all aspect ratings to equal the dots of
knowledge the sorcerer has in the Path or that he is using.
AsPECTS So, for instance, ifasorcerer has three dots in Healing, then
Some spells have aspects (or effect components), parts of • any healing he does will cure one level of bashing damage,
the spell that the sorcerer must specify prior to casting. When relieve fairly major pains, cure any disease ofToxin Rating
a spell is cast, the player detennines how much he wants to 2or lower and cause lethal damage to heal25 percent faster
emphasize each aspect, by according dots from the Path rating than normal, with a difficulty of 7. When choosing to
into the various aspects. In essence, a sorcerer must divide up ignore aspects, the Storyteller will have to adjudicate how
successes among various aspects of the spell, just like a mage- many successes are necessary for an effect to work; gener-
affecting multiple people requires several successes, extending ally, however, a single success will allow for a relatively
the duration requires extra successes and so on. The default ~simple effect to come off, while 3 successes will ensure that
successforaPathassumescastingthespeUononer.argetforthePath's ,.most spells will work without difficulty.
usual specified duration. Anything beyond this requires extra Note that the psychic phenomena in Chapter Five do
successes placed in the aspects, to gain additional targets, longer not use aspects; they're assumed to be simpler in effect,
duration, wider area, stronger effect and so on. Each Path lists generally because they're easier to perform. You can easily
several aspect possibilities. Theseaspects show the typical limits
convert psychic phenomena to use aspects if you want,
of the Path at that level of casting- if your sorcerer has three
though this can make them more powerful- at the cost 1
dots in a Path, then the typical spell hits the third aspect level
of additional successes the player could specify a much
at best. If you wish, you can cast a spell with a lower aspect; since larger area or effect than normal.
you use the highest aspect to determine difficulty, this means
that a sorcerer with a high level in a Path can cast lower-level
effects more easily. Each aspect that you invoke beyond the first roll, just as with most skill checks. Each addi tiona! roll adds time
level costs one success - so many Paths require two or three equal to the amount already spent in casting. For example, if
successes to affect anyone other than the caster for more than Father Michael had determined that there was lirtle chance of
a moment. Conversely, if you score enough successes, your him actually making the blessing work, he could try for an
Storyteller may allow you to pick a higher level aspect: If you extended roll. Since the highest aspect is 3 dots, the ftrst die roll
manage to double your required successes, you can push one of the casting will take 3 turns. The second die roll will also take
aspect a level above your normallimirJ Thus, on a really good 3 rums, the third die roll wUI rake 6 turns to complete, the fourth
roll, your sorcerer might cast a spell with a much stronger effect 12, etc. As with all extended task checks, a failure on a die roll
or longer duration than normal. simply means no successes are gathered, but a botch instantly
kills the spell, and any chance of success.
Almost all spells and rituals require an Attribute + Ability fAIL.UR€
roll. Often, this is Intelligence+ Occult (Intelligence+ Science Ifa sorcerer fails to generate enough successes, the spell fizzles.
or Intelligence +Technology for those practicing extraordinary Most such failures merely result in the energy being wasted,- with
science or technosorcery), but some Paths have different re- only minor inconveniences or side effects (indeed, for most simple
quirements (see each Path for details). effects, failure has no further results).

Effects have a base difficulty of (4 + level of the path used, As sorcerers don't tug and pull at the T ellurian with the
or the highest desired aspect if an aspected effect). Some effects same dynamic force that Awakened mages exert, they don't
will have modifiers to this base level ofdifficulty; these modifiers suffer the burning backlash of Paradox. On the other hand, a
are detailed in the text for each Path. sorcerer does still do magic, and channeling such forces is not
without inherent risk. When a sorcerer botches, those risks
Trrne come home.
Effects normally take one tum per level of the effect (or the Typically, a botch results in some sort of chaotic misfire or
highest aspect of the effect) to cast, unless noted otherwise. Rituals horrid backlash from a spell. The exact effects depend upon the
takeaminimumoflOminutesandnormallytakemuchlonger;most Path in question and the use in particular. Most Path descrip-
rituals have a description indicating their time component. tions include ideas for various botch possibilities. TheStoryteller
should tailor the results of the botch to the Path's power level,
€xTfNDED RmLLS the desires of the sorcerer and the style of magic used. For
If a spell needs more successes than the sorcerer thinks he instance, a machine designed to harness metaphysical energy is
can get in a single period ofcasting, he can try for an extended far more likely to explode than a flying carpet.
TheParadoxrules(p.l94ofMageRevised}givesomeideasfor cess, or might give access to powers that are related to the Path,
magical botches. Ofcourse, sorcerers don't usually have matters end but not a normal aspect of the Path.
as badly.ln general, a sorcerous botch doesn't automatically mflia The creator must have knowledge m the Path at least one
damage and almost never resulrs in a manifestation ofaspirit, realm dot higher than that needed to learn the ritual (especially if the
or QJiet. Usually, the botch simply means that the spell fires otTan ritual allows the sorcerer usmg 1t to exceed his nonnal knowl-
effect completely out of the sorcerer's conaol and against his desire. edge). He must also spend some months in research, working on
There are exceptions. though! Sometimes spirirs do show up to perfecting the new ntual (during which time he will cast the
chastise enant sorcere~S, and sometimes the magicians 6nd them- ritual many, many times and likely become thoroughly sick of
selves shunted tO strange realms or insane. It's aU pan of the it before he is done). Once all this is accomplished, roll
price of power.... Intelligence+ Occult (difficulty 9). You must achieve at least3
successes for the sorcerer to successfully create a ritual that will
RITuALS actually be useful and comprehensible to others; otherwise, it's
Many Paths have rituals associated with them (and some back to the drawing board. At the Storyteller's discretion, an
Paths can only be used as rituals, such as Enchantment and astoundirig success (6+ successes) may result in a ritual that is
Alchemy). Rituals are collections of precise mystical formulas exceptional in some way; it may be easier to learn (lowered Path
that take time and effon, and usually some small expense, to knowledge), have additional (beneficial) effects or take less
bring about but have effects that are greater than a quick spell. power or time to cast. A botch might mean that the work is
Rituals normally take longer to work than a spell or effect, but simply wasted, that the final test ritual backfires (injuring the
their power can be much greater - often greater than that creator) or that the ritual works, but has some unexpected (and
which a student of the Path would normally be able to summon undesirable} side effect.
at their current level of experience.
Mo:.t ntuals require a basic level of knowledge about an
associated Path; those that do not can be learned by anyone, even Though not technically a "game mechanic," a sorcerer's
those who have not studied the Path (an example of this is sryle is as important as any other aspect of practicing a Path.
Counterspells, whach are really Just a set ofntuals and spells that areEach sorcerer learned to do magic m a specific, Linear fashion,
common knowledge tO aU Paths). This knowledge requirement is and that form always colors the sorcerer's technique, even ifthe
character later learns new methods. The members of the An-
indicated by the dot ranng ofthe ritual; ifa ritual has a rating in dots,
you must have at least that many dots in the Path to learn it. All cient Order ofAeon Rites, for instance, base much of their work
ntuals ON 3 poinrs to learn; findmg someone to teach one to your on Pythagorean numerology and Enochian rituals; practicing
character, or the gnmoires necessary, is always another matter... Paths through such means seems very different from a wtSe
many of these rituals are known only as rumor or legend ln some woman's use of herbs and songs or an extraordinary scientist's
exceptionalcases,eventhetotallyuninitiatedcanuserituals,casting high-tech tools and labs.
them by rote out of a grimoire... or they can try! Botches in these The primary division is whether the character is a mythic
cases are usually incredibly bad. sorcerer or an extraordinary scientist. The former relies upon
magical techniques and builds Paths through supernatural
CRfATING RITUALS correspondences, tables, rituals, prayers, chants orsimilar meth-
Sorcerers can create new rituals, under cerrain special ods. The latter uses extremely advanced scientific theories,
circumstances. They might happen upon a new alchemical specialized tools, delicate procedures and specially-prepared
formula, for example, or they may perform a given extended research environments. To the uneducated observer, the' ad-
casting of a spell so many times that they formalize the process. vanced research lab is just as arcane as the magician's library,
Storytellers may also wish to create their own rituals for inclu- and the maddeningly complex 12 circles of ritual summoning
sion in their games. The guidelines here are just that, guidelines; are just as indecipherable as a scientist's tensor calculations
as always, let your own judgment as Storyteller and the needs of relating to space-time motion. Both use "magic," but one
your chronicle be your guides. proceeds from the mystical while the other proceeds from the
That said, typically, a ritual allows a spell to have a greater rational. The two rarely work together, given the dichotomy
duration, power or area ofeffect than a normal spell will allow, between Traditions and Technocrats. (Technically, psychics
at the cost of a much greater castmg time (most rituals take at could be considered a third style, but their phenomena have
least lO minutes tO cast, and many take hours or even days). special rules detailed in Chapter Five and are typically not
Some ntuals will g1ve the sorcerer access to more ability than he included in the usual groups of sorcery.}
\l•ould normally have (usually equal to an additional dot in the Once the base type of style is established, look into the
Path; so a level Three nrual might let the wizard cast an effect sorcerer's style in a more personal fashion. Does the mystic rely
that would normally need level Four in the Path). ln the case upon runes, charms, special words of power or elaborate dances?
ofPathswithaspecrs, a ntual ml&htallow thesorcerertocastan Does the scientist study pharmacology, high-energy physics or
effect created with tw1ce the normal amount of aspected sue· bionics? See Chapter Two for several societies that give ex·
amples of sryles.


By default, sorcery is a mysterious, meticulous art
In a crisis, a sorcerer can choose to ttadedifficultyforspeed-
that takes time to build up, time to work and, in
bycuttingcomers and leaving outcontrols, the sorcerer is able to get
return, has fairly reliable set effects. Some Storytell-
a spell done more quickly, although the spell is much more difficult
ers, however, want a faster-moving system for sorcery
or one that is easier to work and more potent. Con-
add a +1 to the difficulty (maximum 9; additional modifiers create
versely, otherStoryrellerswanrto make sorcery harder
a threshold, as in Mage Revised p. 62). Spells cast this way always
to work, especially in any kind of hurry and much less
require a Willpower point, above and beyond their nounal costs.
reliable. Here are some suggestions for each. Usually,
HANGING SP€LLS adjusting only one of these variables will have the
effect you want; modifying all of them will make for a
Sorcerers have long realized that while their spells and very different magic system.
rituals can produce some impressive results, they are not nor-
mally fast working. Some sorcerers dealt with this problem by DIFFICUL1Y
srudying the martial arts as well as the mystical ones. Others Reducing the difficulty roll to 3 + level of effect
hired guards to protect them or attempted to make themselves t brings sorcery on a par with a vampire's blood magic and
so indispensable to their community that none would want to makes sorcerers a Little more competitive with other
visit violence upon them. Some, instead, learned new ways of supemarural creatures. Increasing it to 5 + level ofeffect
casting spells and rituals so that the sorcerer could carry them, makes it much more difficult to pull off Large effects of
nearly but not quite activated, until they were needed. These any kind.
spells are commonly referred to as being "hung" or stored by the
sorcerers who practice this art. I' Thn€
To hang a spell for later casting, the sorcerer casts the Reducing the time cost to 1 tum per 2levels ofeffect
spell as per normal but pays one Willpower immediately and makes small effects very easy to use and Large ones
adds one to the difficulty. The player then marks down the feasible even in combat. Doubling or the time
name of the spell and the number of successes scored. The cost makes effects strictly non-combat (since mostftgbts
sorcerer may then release the spell at any time (so Long as the will be long over by the time the casting is done).lf this
sorcerer would normally be able to cast a spell- an uncon- option is taken, you may want to eliminate the concept
scious magician can't release a held spell}. Releasing a spell of Fast Casting altogether.
takes one tum; at that time, the player must pay the normal
casting cost for the spell or ritual and allocate successes on
the spell's aspects, if any. Many effects cost Willpower to use; reducing or
A hung spell is a constant distraction to the sorcerer; it
requires a small level of semi-constant anent ion, even when
t eliminating these costs make sorcerers able to carry on
their activities fora much longer period of time (possibly
sleeping, that is a persistent drain on the sorcerer's focus. too long). Increasing the Willpower costs makes spell
The sorcerer adds + 1 ro all menral and social tasks while she casting a much more unusual activity, something to be
is carrying a hung spell. This penalty increases by an addi- done only when all other chances have been used up.
tional + 1 for every additional two spells the sorcerer is
carrying ( + 2 at three spells, +3 at five spells, etc.). R€sTRJCTING K.NEBWLEDGE
Note that Awakened mages tend to "hang" spells by Some of the higher levels of Path knowledge can
using a Time effect in conjunction with the regular effect, wreak some pretty impressive effects. Even with Story-
and a mage's "hung" spell usually only counts against addi- teller prerogative and the need to work behind the
tional magic, not against other tasks. Depending upon how scenes for the most part, there may be levels ofa Path (or
flexible you want to make sorcerers, you could allow a entire Paths) that the Storyteller simply doesn't want
sorcerer to hang spells with only a concencration penalty to her players to have access to. This is fine; not every Path 4
additional magic, or you might have an entire Path devoted is appropriate for every game, and some games will stress
to hanging spells (in which case the sorcerer would need a some Paths above others. Storytellers should therefore
Path rating for Spell Hanging equal to the Path rating of the feel free to restrict, or even disallow, any and all Paths
spell stored). from unlimited advancement or charge extra experience
costs (or other, darker, costs) for some Paths.

Experienced sorcerers can reduce or even eliminate the Exampl.e: Daniell.e is a master Shapeshifter, with four dots in
high price most Paths charge in Willpower. A sorcerer with the Path. She decides she would rather be a redhead, and works
two more dots in a Path than the minimum required for a a speU to change her hai'f color and adjust he'f skin and eye color
desired effect may choose ro cast the spell at rbe higher slightly tomau:h. NormaUy, this would cost I Willpower, requiTe
difficulty and reduce the cost in Willpower by one.
• • in the Path (to effect multiple small changes at once) and have Failure can carry a heavy price. If none of the assistants
a difficulty of 6. She decides that she'd rather not deaL with the succeed at their magic checks, there is no additional problem,
cost, casts the speUather highestdifficulcy (B) and forgoes the cost but ifany assistant botches, add 2 to the prime caster's difficulty
m WiUpower. (anything above 9 adds thresholds, as usual).lf the leader ofd1e
spell botches, any complications gathered fall not only on the
WILLPE9W€R.AND EiUINTESSfNC€ leader, but on the whole team. This can be very unpleasant
Spending a point of Willpower (in addition to whatever when performing major rituals or Summonings ....
costs the spell normally incurs) gives the sorcererone automatic
success, in addition to those rolled on the dice. Raw Quintes- CeUNT€RS~LLSAND UNW€AVING
~ce is typically useless to a sorcerer; she literally does not know Any sorcerer who does more than dabble in the Arts will
lt is present and cannot interact with it in any meaningful learn at least some basic countermagic, if only so that they
::ashion. A particularly potent bit ofTass might be of use to the can try and undo the messes they inevitably create while
aiept sorcerer if she uses it in some appropriate fashion: ingest- learning. There are as many different forms of countermagic
mg a bit of faerie food, burning the remnants of an archmage's as there are spells; in plain terms, however, they are divided
<taffin a ritual fire, etc. Normally, this will reduce the difficulty
into two basic types: Counterspells and Unweaving.
r( a sorcerer's task by 1 or 2. Most sorcerers stick with a Counterspells are cast at an incoming spell or effect and
specialized form of Tass or Quintessence according to their serve to blunt or dispel it before it can take effect. Roll Wits +
"ee"Sion of magic- a sorcerer used to chi energy will store and Occult (difficulty 8); each success you score cancels one of the
concentrate only that sort of power (see also the Mana Back, opponent's successes. I£ the opponent ends up without enough
ground, p. 53). successes for the spell to go off, then it fails (but she still loses
whatever costs she paid, be it blood, Quintessence, Willpower
CeiTrnllirnGPATHSANDS~L~ or whatever). You can spend Willpower to aid a Counterspell,
Spells from disparate Paths cannot be combined for butyoumustscoreatleastonenaturalsuccessfortheCountetspell
additional effects: Each spell is a separate entity, and the to work at all.
m owledge of one Path does not easily mesh with that of Unweaving is the art of disassembling another speU caster's
~ther Paths. A series ofspells could be linked cogether (using effect. The sorcerer must have knowledge ofthe Path that was used
Conjuration to summon a weapon, then the Hellblade ritual to create the effect in the first place (if trying to unweave an effect
ro set it on fire immediately), but both spells must be enacted notbasedonsorcery, such asThaumanugy, Spheremagicorthe like,
separately. Alternately, a sorcerer might be able to fashion a use the Path most applicable). If your character hasadeastonedot
ritual that relies upon the knowledge of multiple Paths or in the Path (or a related one) being used, roU Intelligence + Occult
.'lang one spell in order to cause it co affect a later spell, but (difficulty 8), using the Extended Rolls rules (see above). You must
these complexities are in the Storyteller's hands. Most score at least as many successes as the original caster scored to
"":Orcerers should be restricted co the limits of each individual unweavethespeU;otherwise,itmaybeweakened,butitwillremain.
Path. By defmition, such Paths are Linear magics, not the Long standing Enchantments and those based on Thaumanugy or
affinitive, flexible power of the Awakened Spheres. Sphere magic can take more effort tO unweave: In the case of very
ancient, very powerful Enchantments, sometimes as many as 15 or
T€AI!IWE9RK even 20 successes might be needed (time for some teamwork).
Sometimes, you can only get by with a litrle help from Spells cast by sorcerers {or others) that are more knowJ,
•·our friends. In order for two or more sorcerers tO cooperate edgeable than the unweaver are significantly more difficult to
on a spell, they must both have the same Path (a master undo. For every two levels ofdifference between the unweaver's
Conjuror is oflittle help to the Healer trying to cure a cancer level in a Path and the original caster's level, an additional
patient). One sorcerer (usually the most skilled) is chosen as success is needed. Thus, if you have no knowledge of the Path
the prime caster, makes all rolls for the spell and determines of Hellfire and your opponent has four dots with 6 successes on
how any aspects are set. Note that, generally, sorcerers can an effect, you would need 3 successes in order to cancel the first
only cooperate if they have roughly compatible practices. A success and 8 to completely wipe out the spell.
magician from the Ancient Order of Aeon Rites, used to O:>unterspellsand UnweavingworkagainsrsorceryandSphere
using precise Pythagorean formulae, may not have any magic (and, if the Storyteller wishes, against the mystic powers of
reference point to combine her spells wi tb a psychic's powers vampiric magic, faerie glamour and the like). There are also
or a techno-shaman's spirit machinery. specialized vetsions of Counterspells and Unweaving designed to
Each assistant rolls her magic check as well, to see if she work against spirit powers (such as spirit Charms, ghosdy manifes-
succeeds in helping the lead spellcaster. Two sorcerers can tations and similar otherworldly occurrences). These must be
operate together without a problem (aside from the clash of bought separatdy. Each group of countermagic costs 3 freebie or
personalities, magical styles, foci, agendas... ); each addi, experience points, so buying a full set of countermagics costs 12
rional sorcerer adds one tum to the casting time for the spell. points. Fora sorcerer more interested instayingalivethan indealing
Each successful assistant reduces the difficulty of the leader's damage, it's an investment weU wonh the cost.
magic roll by one, to a minimum diffkulry of 3.


Sf~R.YT€LLeRS PRfR.~TIV€ asorcererattemptsan obviously impossiblefeatinpub/icandroUs afailure,
Sorcery is an imprecise and mysterious Art that tries to blend the result is rreated as a botch. (This does not apply if the Storyteller
into the shadows whenever it can. With the powers of knowledge, rulesafaUurewithnoroll.)So,althoughasorcerermaynotbecarted
will and desperation behind them, sorcerers can perform mighty off by a Paradox spirit, he will still suffer the consequences of his
fears, but they cannot move mountains, raise the long dead or blast hubris, and his magic will still tum the universe against him. Just as
elder vampires into dust. If a sorcerer attempts some magic that thesorcerer'spower is more limited insome ways than an Awakened
obviously flaunts reality (blasting police officers into flinders with mage's, so too are the consequences for failure u.rually less severe.
HellfireinthemiddleofaprisonormakingtheStatueofLibertywalk Usually. In shon, a sorcerer doesn't have the power to fling around
down Broadway) without some seriously good explanations, the disaster-freemagicaleffectsinpublicanymorethanamagedoes,but
Storyteller is perfecdywithinhisprerogative tosimplysay"Thatfails at least he's less Likely to explode.
utterly," no matter how many successes the sorcerer generates or Storytellers Note: This should not be thought ofas a loophole
how much WUipower the player spends. Some things are simply with which to dick your players at every tum- or even just because
impossible for a sorcerer. whattheyaretryingtodowillmesswithwhatyouwanttohavehappen.
While mages have the risk of Paradox when performing It is merely intended to reflect the limitations a sorcerer works under,
impossible feats in public, a sorcerer tends to risk outright failure. If while discouraging those who try to abuse the systems presented.


Alchemy is the science, art and study of the ADVANC€0 CH€ITIIS1RY?
tranSformation of the base and profane into the So which is it? Well, all three, actually. Depending
pure and the sacred. At its heart are the disci· on the sorcerer and what beliefstructure she has, she may
plines of the Hermetic student, the holy words of study any of them or some strange mixture of all three!
the Kabbalah and the Koran, mystic secrets from Alchemy as a Path simply represents any number of
~~~~•t:~ Asia and China and an inherent assumption in material rransformative skills that result in elixirs useful
1 _:A5:.~!!'..a the perfectibility of all things- often tied up
as potions, salves or unguents.
..__;;;.._........,;;:,.,;:., with a healthy dose of Christian beliefs and
heresies. Although thought by many to be Western magic and
to dare from the Renaissance, its ties and history trace them- Herbalism and Brewing is the art of using the natural
selves throughout Asia Minor and Europe, and even to China, properties of various plane and animal pares (ranging from
where it is known as Tan, is closely tied with the Wu Keng and St. John's Wort and dried bear gonads to even more exotic
dates back at least 2,000 years. ingredients) to enhance the natural processes of the human
The alchemist believes that all things in nature can be body. Ln so doing, the herbalist can also induce effects that
transformed, or purified, into a higher essence. At it's most may seem magical to others but are (in the herbalist's eyes)
basic, Alchemy is the pursuit of the Philosopher's Stone merely examples of what the human body can do when
(which, depending on the alchemist you listen to, is either properly motivated and reinforced with the power of nature.
a tincture [usually red], a glowing stone of beauty, a powder, Advanced Chemistry is a science, and its practitioners
a solvent, a waxy substance or some other form), which can don't even think of it as being magic at all (although some
transform lead into gold (from the basest metal to the of its effects, they admit, may seem magical if you don't
highest), grant immortality, raise the dead and perform a understand the science behind them). Advanced Chemistry
host of other miraculous deeds (exactly which deeds are, is similar to the more mundane chemistry studied in high
again, rather hard to pin down). school labs around the world but is more impressive in it's
An alchemist could spend a lifetime trying co separate application thanks to the advanced understandings that are
outh from the legends, lies and myths that are wrapped up in its foundations. Some Advanced Chemistry relies on chemi·
alchemical lore and still not get very far (especially because in cal formulae and processes as yet undiscovered by more
a practice that wanders the line between art and science, one mundane scientists or on new and unique implementations
person's lie is another's solid ouch). So most alchemists don't of already existing knowledge, while other advances require
try, instead spending their Lives experimenting and analyzing
the use of basic nanotechnology and DNA/RNA
what has worked for them, painstakingly measuring the results resequencing.
of each test for any new insight or path forward on the way to
their Philosopher's Scone or spend years apprenticed to an-
other, more knowledgeable alchemist, learning his craft by rote. Roll: Intelligence+ Alchemy (Alchemical Procedures)
A few recognize the underpinning ouch of alchemy: The Intelligence+ Herbalism (Herbalism Procedures)
process of purification leads inevitably to the purification of Intelligence + Science (Advanced Chemistry
humanity, the pursuit of spiritual perfection. Procedures)
Cost: One Willpower per operation dragon fung, hair from a werewolf, etc.) or extended close up and
. {odifiers: -1 difficulty if ritual is known personal srudy d the subject (dus is usually only appropriate for
T a:ne: Default is one day per levd ofeffect. For each dot of sn.rlentsofAdvancedCh~tryandmaystillrequireti.sruesamples).
knowledge the alchemist has that exceeds the level Such concocttons often have nasty side effects as wdl (the more
c:1 the effect, reduce this by oneday (Soanalchemist powerful the Gut or Discipline, the more prooounced the side
with four dots of Alchemy can do a Level Two effects).
operation m a few hours). Rarely less than an hour. • • • • • • The pmnacle of alchemical tradition; trans·
Duration: Varies, bur normally one scene mutauon of matenals from one form to another, immortality
Each dot in this Path represents an overall knowledge of regimens, the Philosopher's Stone. In theory an alchemtst of
e chosen specialization (Advanced Chemistry, Alchemy this level might even be able to concoct a potion that causes
r Herbal ism); more dots indicate that the sorcerer can make Awakening, transformation mto a vampire, mummification
'"TIOre advanced or difficult compounds with greater effects. or true immortality.
The rituals are examples and can be undertaken by anyone
'lth the appropriate knowledge (most rituals have a coun-
terpart in the other branches ofstudy; an alchemist's Dust of • A powder that, when mixed with alcohol, induces
Revealing the Unseen is a technosoccerer's Radioactive slumber almost immediately. The target must roll Stamina
Tracking Powder or Etheric Interference Detection Gas). (difficulty 8) or spend a point ofWillpower to stay consciouSi
he must remake this attempt (at a · 1 to Difficulty each time)
An alchemist may spend one experience point (or one
every round until he succumbs or the drug no Longer has a
freebie point during character creation) to master a particu·
chance of success. Unconsciousness Lasts for ( 10 • Stamina)
lar ritual. This gives the caster· l difficulty on all rolls for that
hours, during which they cannot be roused. Vampires are
ritual, and lets him use it as if he had one more level of
almost immune to this drug ( + 2 to Stamina, add Fortitude,
Alchemy when determining the brewing/casting time.
and effects, if they succumb, last 10 · (Stamina +Fortitude)
€fFEcrs minutes), but werewolves in their "normal" form (Homid or
Lupus) are susceptible ( +2 to the roll).
Note that Alchemy does not have "aspects" as such.
The caster need only score basic success to make a given • A pill that removes all stde effects from a minor cold
elixir as listed below. However, the elixir may lose its or flu for 24 hours when taken and reduces the recovery time
potency or work with only partial strength if the player does for the illness to one half.
not score three or more successes. • • A form of prophecy-bearing super-LSD. When in·
• The alchemist can create compounds and substances gested, the user will be able co see things that were not
that are simply more advanced and potent versions ofchemi· previously obvious to him or wtll be granted a vision of the
cals that already exist. These compoundsdon'tappear magical future. These messages will always be cloaked in symbolism
in any way. Painktllers, soporifics, poisons and glues are and analogy, but will be correct ... to the limits of the user's
common examples. understanding.
• • More advanced versions of what is available already • • A potion that doubles the user's running speed for one
with one dot. Some of these substances might allow the scene. After using this potion, the user must make a Stamina
imbiber to exceed his normal physical limits or to gain access check (difficulty 6) or be totally out of breath and shaky (·2 on
to more mystical senses, in dreams or hallucinations. You all physical die rolls) for the next hour.
can raise one attribute by one dot (up to the normal maxi· • • • A metal alloy that is lighter and stronger chan
mum of five dots) for up to a scene. titanium (but easier to work), retains an edge almost forever
• • • You can make substances that enhance their target to and stays more resilient than the frnest blade. Armor pro-
superhuman levels or create materials that exceed normal duced with this alloy gets an extra dot of bashing and lethal
limitations (supernaturally strong alloys, et.c). Some of these soak, and melee weapons made of it do one more die of
substances can temporarily invest their imbiber with some low· damage and are -1 difficulty to hit with (due to their light
level psychic ab.lity (see Chapter Five) for a limited period of weight and fine balance).
time (no more than one hour or so). • • • A fine metallic dust that reveals hidden, disguised
• • • • You can create substances that will enhance At· or invisible thmgs for what they truly are or disrupts illusions.
tributes by up to two dots for a scene (one dot if affecting • • • • A chemical compound that raises the user's
multiple Attributes), even beyond normal human maxi- Physical Attributes for (Stamina +3) hours. During this
mums, or minor 1tems with some potent effect. time, the user will be very hungry, due to the excess strain
• • • • • With this level ciknowledge, you can duplicate the being placed on her metabolism. This chemical may raise
powers of supernatural creatures, inclooing Gifts, Disciplines and user Attributes to 6 dots or higher.
other abilities d up to the third Level. You can also duplicate the • • • • A regimen of drugs and potions that extends the
innate powers ofthose creatures (the powers of the fue, wraiths and user's life (though not indefinitely). While on the regimen,
the irnboed, cannot be duplicated). These potions will normally the user ages at the rate of one month for every year. If the
require some sample from the being in question (Vitae, powdered reg1men is halted, these years come back upon the user at the
rate of one month per day, until the regimen is started back A willing subject, properly prepared (which usually involves at
up or the user dies of old age. least a low level of mesmerism) can be the subject ofa conjura-
• • • • • A compound that werewolves find anathema. tion, but the least resistance renders the effectalmost impossible.
When spread on the skin, no werewolf (or other Changing With enough luck (and Willpower), a sorcerer might be able to
Breed) can approach within striking range of the user; they can conjure a weapon out of the hands ofan opponent, but attempts
throw things or use ranged weapons but will not willingly get at this are dreadfully prone to failure.
within 10 feet of the wearer. Ofcourse, the substance smells so
bad that most humans won't want to either.... SYSTem
• • • • • A potion that gives the user the Stamina, Roll: Dexterity+ Occult
Strength and speed of a vampire for a single scene. The user Modifiers: + 1 for working against an object in the hands
has one extra action per tum, one automatic Strength of someone who is resisting
success and one extra soak die versus all attacks for the scene -1 for an object that is well known to the caster
following ingestion. The user will also have an unnaturally (Storyteller's discretion).
high temper and a thirst for blood. + 2 to work against a resisting, living, target
Cost: None for prepared object, one Willpower for
CESST $F fAILURE object that has not been prepared
Beyond the inevitable ruined glassware and loss of Duration: Instantaneous. For lasting effects (a set of pup-
ingredients, a simple failure also normally means a nasty, pets dancing without strings, a whirling dervish
smelly and hard to clean up mess in the lab. Botches can be of knives, etc.) pay one Willpowerforeverytum
much more severe; the substance may look okay but really you want it to last.
have very different effects (and a simple toxin is the best that
can be hoped for, in many cases), the substance may catch AsP€CTS
fire and explode, or something totally different from what Weight
was expected or anticipated may happen, which is almost
always a bad thing. • Less than an ounce. A coin, business card,
penknife, etc.
CE9NJURATIE9N •• A few pounds, a hardcover book. At this level, very
small orsimple lifeforms (insects, snails, etc.) can be
The master conjuror can move items (though not him· manipulated as well.
self) through space; scientists call this ability apportation or
telekinesis (depending on whether or not the item passes
••• A largish object (computer monitor, telephone)
weighing up to 100 pounds. Living beings can be
through the intervening space between where it is and where moved as well, although the conjurer cannot
the conjuror wishes it to be), while those knowledgeable in manipulate humans.
Sphere magics claim that this is a limited application of the
Sphere of Correspondence. •••• Something as large as an armoire, weighing 1,000
pounds or so can be moved. Humans can be
Many sorcerers who choose to practice their Arts openly,
manipulated, so long as they are willing, uncon-
or somewhat openly, master Conjuration, if only to earn a
scious or hypnotized.
living from their studies. With it, all manner of parlor tricks
and stage magics can be emulated - of course, when a ••••• At this level, the conjuror can move a car or an
elephant around. An unwilling human subject
conjuror claims that there's nothing up her sleeves, there
really isn't! could also be moved, although this is very
For the best effect, an object must be prepared ahead of
time, in a ritual designed to bond the item to the caster, •••••• The height of Conjuration allows you to move
thingsaslargeasacitybusoraloaded 18-wheeler.
making it easy for her to latch onto and command later on.
Feats of this magnitude must be carefully ar-
This doesn't mean that the Conjuror has to do this; theoreti·
ranged and prepared for ahead of time, and the
cally, a conjuror can take control of anything that she can
cost of failure is exceptionally high.
see, although in practice this is very difficult to do and much
more draining. Distance
The more experienced the conjuror is, the more she is • No more than a couple of feet
able to move and the farther and more precisely she can •• Objects can be moved 20 feet or so.
move it; an experienced conjuror can thread needles, sum- ••• The conjuror can summon an object from over
mon a rabbit into a hat from miles away or move an elephant 100 feet away.
across a room. The skilled conjuror can also manipulate •••• The object being manipulated can be sum
multiple objects. moned forth from (or sent away to) a I o •
It is very difficult to use conjuration offensively (even cation up to a half mile away.
beyond the length of time it normally takes to effect a change). ••••• Summoned objects can be made to appear
from five miles away.

I 66 SeR.C€RfR
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• ' P ~ ~ ~ -~•
11 •"J 6 t •
!. .,.. a .. ._ . I•t • .J •1 • t ] I' • , • • .. 1
.. a • - •••
••••• • The conjuror can bring forth ttems from al·
most anywhere wimin the ctty ltmtts and even
farmer; maximum range ts about 50 miles.
• Almost none; the objects qutver m ways you want.
•• Rough motor control, about equal to be i o g
shoved around wim an elbow or fist. Things
pretty much go where you want mem to but
without much ftnesse.
••• Some fine control; equivalent to an object in
hands but slow and unwieldy. Clumsy attacks
( +1 difficulty) can be made with this level of
•••• Fine motor control. Equivalent to a nor m a I
pairofhands, able to perform fine tasks (open·
ing locks, slowly threading a needle, etc.).
••••• Extreme control. The item(s) will do
whatever you ask, quickly and efficiently.
••••• • Objects do things you don't ask them to but
in keeping with what you want done.
• One item
•• Two items
••• Three items
•••• A small group (under 10) of near-identic a I
items, or three items that aren't closely r e •
lated to each other.
••••• 10-20 ttems of similar nature, or a lesser
number of non·stmilar items.
••••• • Up to 100 stmilar items, or 25 or so unre
lated objects.

Sword Summoning ( • • • )
Although more often used to draw forth loaded shot·
guns man long swords in these modem times, many T emplars
are taught this ritual so that, in extremis, they are never
without a weapon. This ritual is almost always hung- me
Templar ritually prepares the weapon before entering some
situation where he thinks it may be necessary, and keeps it
always in his mind as he works. When he needs the weapon,
he finishes me ritual and draws me weapon forth from some
convenient shadow or out from underneath a trenchcoat.
The difficulty is 7 (6 if the weapon or tool is well known to
the user), and me device must normally be within a mile or
so of the user and no larger than a shotgun or long sword. No
summoning light mach me guns with mis ritual! If attempted
in plain sight of unbelievers, this ritual will almost always fail
(difficulty 9).
Shitstorm ( • • • • )
This ntual allows the sorcerer to take a large number of
small objects and spin them about himself in a deadly
whirlwind of flying debris. The difficulty of mis ritualts 7 (8
if cast under duress). Each success gained increases the -
. }. ....
~ i··::' . .
number of items in the cloud; the base whirlwind is rwoyards

OWT€R fE9uR: PA11iS AND RITUALS 67 "-If ~

. , ,.
' II • •• •,
~IJ tl' •t' ,\ l'.J 1 ll"''
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4,.,., .
I I ;rr. ~·
l".. 1 1 l' "
11 ' • • f 1•
• ~ 1 J'l. • ! ,rr • ' 1. 1 1~

) J. • ri .1\. • :1 ( •
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' • - r \ • 'fl l )• •.
l ' v l •)~-I
' , •• •1
• ,,
':l" - ;: . l
ltl. t 'L

l '• ·
.... ( I I
.l , I ... t ~I
I, • ll 1
c .:

. .1. .• .•
in diameter (usually centered on the caster), plus one yard Duration: The length of time it takes to pass from point
for each success gained. Anyone caught in the whirlwind A to point B
takes (successes) dice in bashing damage; in some cases this
might be lethal damage (if the caster is in a room filled wtth AsPOCTS
glass breakables or cutlery or other small sharp objects ... ). Traveling to a place you have never been to adds one
success to the total. T eleporting requires two additional
PRIC€ $f f AILURE successes. (Teleporta.tion is not necessarily instantaneous;
A simple failure means the object fails to move at all, you must still assign a rating to Speed.) Crossing through
disappears never to be seen again or drops to the ground at barriers in your way requires one success per barrier (and it
an embarrassing or dangerous moment (like the keys falling must be something that you could actually find a way around;
right behind the lecturing guard ... ). Botches can summon a hermetically sealed chamber is safe from your powers).
the wrong object (or person ... ), put it in the wrong place or Range
destroy it in some particularly messy fashion. Botches with
living targets are general very bad; stories tell of magicians
• 10 feet or less (across a room)
assistants that disappear never to be seen again or, worse, •• 100 feet (across a warehouse)
show up in the disappearing booth days later, hideously ••• about a mile
mutilated. And few want to consider the fates of those •••• up to five miles
magicians who have failed some tremendous feat of Conju- ••••• approximately lO miles (across the city)
ration, only to disappear themselves ... • ••••• 100 miles
These ranges are guidelines and assume a relatively
CEBNV€YANC€ inhabited environment; passing through deserted prairies or
Seven league boots, flying carpets, witches brooms, arctic wildernesses is much easier, and ranges might be
demonic chariots pulled by skeletal fire-breathing steeds, doubled or even trebled in such terrains.
teleportation gateways; myth and legend are full of stories of Speed
those who could bypass the hazards and annoyances of long • About three times what you could manage on
journeys, spanning the lengths of countries in hours or foot
seconds. At least some of these stories can be laid at the feet •• You get there about as fast as you would if
ofsorcerers practicing the Path ofConveyance, avoiding the you had driven, red lights and all
hassles of the road by flying over it, riding it at speeds no
other could manage or bypassing it altogether.
••• As above, but you ignore speed limits and
red lights and traffic; about 45 seconds per
"Conventional" Conveyance requires some sort ofsteed; mile of distance traveled.
this may be a broom, four-poster bed, bicycle, Oriental rug,
giant cauldron or a fiery coach-and-four. More technologi·
•••• You can cover miles in seconds .
cally oriented sorcerers use jet packs or impossibly fast
•••• • Instantaneously
Lamborghinis and Prowlers (the deluxe version has stealth •••••• You can, when you have to, get there
capabilities, to avoid police radar, bur this is superfluous in before you left ... or that's the way It seems.
general; few troopers will believe that they saw a Ferrari Number
doing over 500 kph down a busy thruway ... especially when • Yourself, and if you're lucky, your clothes come
it looks like the car isn't actually touching the ground). with you...
With enough understanding of this Path, the sorcerer •• Yourself, some clothes and up to 20 pounds of
need not bother with a vehicle at all, merely willing herself stuff
to be where she wants to be without actually crossing the ••• Yourself and one other person or a couple
intervening distance. Technosorcerers may refer to this as hundred pounds
teleportation, using some kind of booth, apparatus or even •••• Two passengers
phone lines, while a more classical sorcerer may summon up
a friendly spirit to do the work for him.
••••• Three passengers

Conveyance can be used on other people, although only

•••••• Up to fLve people can come with you
teleportation effects can be used offensively and only with RITuALS
very great difficulty. Teleport Ward ( • • )
SYST€ITI Even a novice student of the Path of Conveyance can
create wards against unwanted intrusion by others using this
Roll: Stamina + Occult
Path. To ward a room or building against teleporting intrud-
Modifiers: + 2 for working against a resisting object/target, - ers, the sorcerer must first mark the limits of the ward he is
1 for a location that is well known to the caster going to place. ( cecbnosorcerers, for example, will set up
(Storyteller's discretion).+ 1-2 if traveling some- electromagnetic interference waveguides, subspace harmonic
where while being observed. oscillators and other equipment, while a sorcerer trained in
One Willpower
the Hermetic Arts would scribe sigils of protection on the who knows the opening phrase or command to travel swiftly
walls, doors, windows, floor and ceiling of each room he from one end of the passage to the other. This ritual takes
wanted to protect). Once this is done, the sorcerer rolls daysofpreparation,someofwhichmustbespentatbothsites
Stamina + Occult against a difficulty of 7. Each success (making this unsuitable for stealthy infiltration of a loca-
rolled is an additional success needed by someone trying to tion ... most of the time). Once these preparations are done,
teleport into the warded area without knowing how to the sorcerer makes an extended Stamina + Occult roll
bypass the ward. This protection degrades by one success per against a difficulty of 8; each success adds either 10 miles to
month; it can be maintained, however, with the expenditure the range (the total distance between the two gateways of
of a point of Willpower and a single success on a Stamina+ the portal must be gathered before the ritual can be com-
Occult roll (difficulty 6). pleted), five uses to the portal or some kind of specification
Get Me T he Heck Outta here! ( . . • ) to the gateway (at ei theror both ends; for example, a gateway
Often cast as a hanging ritual by those more interested could bedesignatedasone-way, could be restricted to women
in avoiding fights than finishing them, this ritual carries the only, only the sorcerer who created the gate or only those
user back to a home location (this can be any location the who have a special code word or amulet). Assistants can
caster knows well but must be specified when the ritual is (and should) be used for this ritual. A Teleportal costs one
performed) instantaneously, as long as the locale is within . permanent point of Willpower to create.
range (no more than 50 miles~. This ritual costs one Will- PRI:C€ $f PAILURf
power, and the user must achieve at least 4 successes on a
Stamina + Occult (difficulty 8) roll; additional successes The Path of Conveyance is fraught with peril. Beyond
scored can aid in the necessary range (20 miles per additional any risks of being noticed and the problems inherent to a
success).lf the home location is out of reach, a Wits+ Occult particular mode of travel (flying brooms are uncomfortable,
roll (difficulty 6) will allow the caster to retarget the ritual to especially at high speeds, flying carpets are fragile, flying
another, closer point. ointments are a hassle to apply and usually smell funny,
T eleportal ( • • • • • ) Teleportals often bring with them nausea and dizziness),
those who travel in this fashion can draw the attention of...
Master sorcerers can build permanent gateways be-
beings in the realms they travel through. Any journey of more
tween locations. These gateways through space allow anyone


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than a mile or so wiU bring with it the risk ofan accident or
misstep. Storytellers should feel to ask for a check midway
through the journey to make sure that it is without mcident TeESLS ffif THe DMNER.
(typically, a single additional success will be sufficient to Oifferentsorcerersusediiferentpathsofknowledgeand
avert any kind of disaster). tools to see the future. Mostsettleononeset oftools that suit
Normal failures simply mean that the spell does not go off them best, while a small few willselect the tOOls tbataremost
at aLl; a botch, however, can range from calamitous to disastrous, suitable for a given situation or a given client. Few use more
depending on the method of travel and the distances involved; than a handful of techniques, however.
flying brooms may end up plummeting out of the sky, while Ingame terms, the tOOls the sorcerer uses are irrelevant.
teleportation botches give the Storyteller a perfect opportunity In the story, they are vital; you probably won't find a
torecreatetheirfavoriteStarTrektransportermishaporperhaps technosorcererusingthe entrailsofa goat to tell the future or
some choice scenes from The Fly. About the best the sorcerer a neo-pagan using powerful probability analysis software.
can hope for is to be stranded in the middle of nowhere with no The tools you use can be a great jumpingoffpoint for stories;
idea what has happened. justpossessing, for instance, an advanced laptop for statistical
analysis could get you in troUble in some parts of the world.
DIVINATIEBN (NEB RITuALS) for example, and fiShing about in the guts ofa goat you just
Lucky numbers for the lottery, whether happiness will slaughtered would be a great way to get yourself imprisoned
be found in marriage, the outcome of a crucial battle - for insomeparcsofthe UnitedStaces (and possibly killed in other
parts of the world).
as long as their has been a concept of "tomorrow," people
have wanted to know what would happen in the future. Astrology Predicting the future
Rulers, merchants, generals and wizards have all said they through the interaction of
wanted to know their fate, although they have just as often the scars and the planets
rejected that fate when apprised of it; Cassandra's fate is one and their positions in the sky.
that no seer worthy of the title easily forgets. Despite the Augury Prediction by observing the
perils involved, this Path is a well-traveled one. actions and flight of bitds
Bibliomancy Drawing the future from
SYST€Ill randompage-tuminginbooks
Roll: Perception + Fortune TeLLing Cartomancy Using a deck ofcards to
Modifiers: + 1 if using extraordinary science style (but the predict the future (e.g.
answers will be more precise) the tarot)
Cost: None Casting Using carved stones or sticks
Duration: Irrelevant to srudy the patterns they
Note: The Storyteller makes aU rolls for divinations. A make (nmes, joss sticks)
sorcerer rarely knows how accurate her forecasts are. Dowsing Searching for water, miner
als, etc. using a forked stick
AsPKTS or wire.
Time Period Haruspication Reading the future in the
• One week entrails ofa sacrifice
•• One month Oneiroroancy Interpreting the symbolism
••• One year ofdreams
•••• 10 years Palmistry Reading the future in the
lines and structure of the
••••• 20 years forward, up to 100 years backward
palm of another.
••••• • Almost unlimited, in either direction
Probability Analysis Using chaos math, statisti
Accuracy cal analysis and probability
• Incredibly vague at best to determine what may hap
•• Generally accurate, but deeply cloaked in pen in the future.
symbolism Scrying Looking for the future in
••• Accurate, but not always explicit pools of water, crystal balls,
•••• While still cloaked in symbolism, the truth is in mirrors, etc.
there, and digging it out shouldn't be too hard Other tools include reading tea leaves, numerology, ex-
••••• Your results are almost always accurate and aminingtheshoulderblade(scapulimancy)andahoscofothers
usually easy to understand -some wouJd say that there are as many means ofdivination
•• • • • • You know what will happen, when it will as there are diviners, although that might be a bit pedantic.
happen and who it will happen to, without
question ... unless you're wrong, of course
- •• A specific question that can be answered
quickly: "Is thts bridge safe?" is okay. "How are
the bad guys are going to attack us?" is not.
IiiANAGING DIVINATI$N ••• A query that is somewhat detailed but could
Ofall the Paths presented in this book, Divination be answered using publicly available knowl-
can be the hardest to keep track ofand cope with because edge, if you knew where and how co look and
no other Path has the ability to so totally derail what you had the time.
have planned or what has been building up. It also brings •••• A detailed question that requires information
up annoying questions about predestination, whether or details that have been hidden by time,
your players can flaunt fate and other tricky problems. distance or deliberate obfuscation but can still
One way to deal with this is to simply disallow the be unearthed with effort.
Path of Divination to player characters. This is perfectly ••••• A very detailed question or one chat would
within your rights as a Storyteller (see Messing with the need access to information that has been lost
Variables). It allows you to keep a fl!tll grip on the to time, is very distant or has been actively
divinations, handing them out when you want to, not guarded and hidden.
when yourplayerscan'tdecide which bus to take, so they
throw the joss sticks! •••••• No question is too complex, no informacion
too obscure.
t Ifyou do decide to allow players' characters to have
Divination, it should be kept in mind that Divination PRrc€ $F f AILURE
works in symbolism and signs, not direct answers. (Even Prophecies are fraught with mischance. A failed roll
extraordinary scientists get only vague predictions and could mean something as simple as "Future cloudy, try again
probabilities, rather than exact percentages and accu- later" or a false reading. A botched roll indicates an omen
rate images of the future - and their predictions are that is dangerously flawed or inaccurate in some fashion. For
more prone to being upset by small changes and modi- example, telling someone that the guards are unwary and
fications than your average augury is). This means that, slothful when, in fact they are an elite force of highly trained
unless the sorcerer rolls exceedingly well (or you really professionals.
wanttodropaclue in their lap), youcan,andshould, be
incrediblyvague in your answers. ''You'll die at the hands
of a bllnd man" is a lot easier to fulftll (and a lot harder
for your players to avoid) than, "You'll be run over by a (RITuAL E9NLY)
bus driven by a really near-sighted bus driver who lost a Enchantment is the art of creating (minor) magical
contact lens at 8:30 in the evening on a Tuesday." Talismans. An enchanter imbues·each of her creations with
One thing to do, when working with a character a small part of her essence and spends much of her time
who has Divination, is to keep the question "And what locked up in a workshop crafting each new piece, tracking
l happens if he casts a Divination about <x>?" in your down esoteric and mundane ingredients, putting out fires,
I head. Even if you don't actually write anything down, researching new procedures and figuring out why the copper
asking the question gives you an idea of what the wire in the iron mixture didn't help the blade's temper. For
responses might be. Knowing this can also allow you to those with the time and patience, though, Enchantment
work divinations into your chronicle ahead of time .... provides the ability to forge useful magical cools - most
Once a prediction has been handed down, you will especially, devices that store magical energy for later use or
have to decide ifit is absolute or if the players will be able empowered to function on their own, usable by anyone.
to avoid it or twist it in some fashion. In general, you may Creating a Talisman first takes talent; an enchanter
want to allow them to slip out from the noose ofdoom; must usually handcraft the object to be enchanted, whether
predestination makes for great stories but can be hard on it is a blade, a ring, a pair of shoes or a book. (This is not
both the players and their characters. If you do decide it always the case, especially with items that have a close
is an absolute, then the prediction should come to personal attachment to the enchanter.) Many enchanters
pass... in some fashion. Just because the players think a choose one field of study and specialize in it, creating pieces
prediction is cemered on their characters doesn't mean of art for sale when they aren't working on pieces co be
it has to be; a prediction of death doesn't necessarily enchanted (after all, a sorcerer has to earn a living some-
mean that one of the player characters is going to die, for how). Others develop enough skill to create serviceable
example.lfit isn't absolute, the characters will be able co tools that can be enchanted in a number of different Crafts,
duck it. . . if they figure out the prediction in time and relying on their magical abilities to suffice where their
how to avoid it. -. _..1 craftsmanship does not. Every ritual, therefore, starts with a
Crafts roll to determine the quality of the item being en-
Question chanted; an exceptional result on this test may make the
• A very simple question (can be answered w1ch acrual Enchantment easier. Depending on what is being -., · ...,
Yes or No ... but don't expect to get that sunple made, thts may take anywhere from a day or so, to months of ( :
___L. • ...
an answer!). careful crciiUOg. : , • , #



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The next part of the process is the Enchantment itself. • Minor items that have a very limited utility and very
This normally takes one to three days per level of the item, limited effects that will never be seen as magical by any who
depending on the Tradition of the enchanter and the par· don't know what to look for. They might add one (or, less
ticulars of the Enchantment (the more complex the frequently, two) dots to an Attribute or Ability, grant a
Enchantment, in terms of who can use it, how many times it bonus to an attack or skill (never more than a + 1) or some
can be used, and when it can be used, the longer the initial other boon.
work). At the end of this period, make an Intelligence + -An army surplus jacket that adds two dots to Arcane
Occult roll (difficulty 4 + level of the Enchantment), spend whenever the character is in a crowd.
a point of Willpower and the Enchantment is completed. - A custom made handgun that subtracts 1 from the
Enchantments are never a matter of numbers and cre· difficulty of all aimed shots made with the weapon (or,
ation systems; they should flow from the story and roleplaying, alternatively, subtracts 1from the difficulty of all wild shots
not die rolls. While we've given some examples, a smart made with it).
enchantress can come up with many more.
- A small stuffed animal that brings restful sleep, no
matter the recipient's state of mind or state of intoxication;
anyone sleeping in the same bed as the toy will sleep like a baby.
-A small medallion with a chrysoprase in the middle
Roll: lnteiHgence +Occult (lmelligence +Science of it, carved in the shape of a hawk's eye, carried on a fme
forTechnosorcerer:;) silver chain. Once a day, when rubbed, it will give the wearer
Cost: I Willpower the vision of a hawk for the space of one scene. (This adds 2
Modifiers: -1 Difficulty for Enchantments that have been d tce to Perception, for purposes of seeing things at long
mastered dtstance or noucmg movement).
Time: 1-3 days per level of the Enchantment, plus the • • A more powerful version ofaTalisman that could be
ume to crah the item prevtously made (addmg + 2 to an Ability or Attribute or+ 2
Duration: See following to some task), or a Talisman capable of changing reality in
some subtle but more nouceable or magical f~hion.
maximums, dupltcace low-level supernatural abilities (no
T€CHNEaSEBR.CERER.S AND fNcHANmTENT more than the second dot of Disciplmes, Gifts, etc.) and
otherwise work wonders.
Perhaps more than any other Path (savmg only
Advanced Chemistry), Enchantment (which - The fabled Heart.~eker- a stiletto that aims unerr-
technosorcerers know by a whole host of other names: ingly for the heart when drawn and used in rage. This inflicts
material sciences, advanced ballistics, applied high-en- Strength + 5 dace of lethal damage, and the dagger may be
ergy physics, etc.) is the fone of the cechnosorcerer.
thrown. It muse be bathed m the blood of those it has killed
after each combat or lose its potency.
~Working as it does with physical obJects and definable
effects, Enchantment isa Path that many cechnosorcerers -A solid silver tore that, when worn, grants the wearer
will have at lease a basic understanding of. Technology superhuman Strength. The wearer's Strength rises to 5 when
based Enchantments work sltghcly differently; many the core as worn. In addition, a number of times per day equal
simple. enchanted items can be used by anyone who to the successes rolled on the Enchantment, the wearer may
knows how to use a normal version of the device (an boost his Strength past normal, gaining 3 automatic sue·
unnarurallyaccuratehandgundoesn'tnormallycarewho cesses on all task rolls involving Strength (these successes
are added directly to damage rolled, etc.). The tore must be
~wields it). Given time, almost anyone can be trained in
the use of even the most advanced technology based kept in view of the moon whenever it is not worn, if the
moon is visible.
Talisman (called a Device).
- The skull of a long-dead wizard, which can be used to
Powerful Devices are almost as likely to fail in the
contact him for assistance. The sorcerer using this Talisman
public view as the most powerful of Talismans based on
must donate a pint of blood and can ask the wizard as many
mystical principals are, for reasons that are stiU unknown. questions as successes rolled on the Enchantment. The:;e do
T echnosorcery is something that works best when it ~
not have to be yes/no questions, and follow up questions on
works in the shadows, just as it's counterpan is. the same immediate topic are allowed without using up a
question (the Storyteller is the final arbiter of what is or isn't
-A liquor flask that, when carried in a breast pocket, a question). This Tahsman can only be used during the new
will unerringly attract the first bullet that would hit the moon, and the sorcerer must make a Willpower test (diffi-
carrier to itself. This provides three dice of lethal soak. culty equal to the number of times the Talisman has been
After', the flask is useless. (Apparently this Enchantment used + 4} or the skull crumbles to pieces after the ftnal
was very popular with Allied sorcerers during World War II). question is asked.
- A handful of bullets ( 1 per success rolled on the -A bymae of silvered mail that converts up to 4 dice
Enchantment) that do an additional 2 dice of damage co of lethal damage taken in a tum of combat into bashing
whatever they hie. damage. Each time this ability is used, a few more links fall
-:-A silver ankle bracelet, with many hanging baubles, out of the coat, until, eventually, it falls apart, unusable. The
that gaves the wearer an additional two levels in Dancing mail can never be cleaned or repaired, or it automatically
whenever it is worn, if it is plainly visible. loses its abilities .
.• • • These items perform functions that are obviously
magacal to those looking for such things and that will be
considered very weird by those who aren't.
- A pair of running shoes that doubles the running
speed of the wearer. This ability only works when the wearer On the surface, Alchemy and Enchantment would
is trying to evade pursuit. appear to be almost the same Art, and in fact, many whosrudy
-An amulet inscribed with arcane symbols, on a leather oneArthaveatleastsomeknowledgeincheotherPathaswell.
thong. When grasped, it will act as a personal ward against At a fundamental level, however, they are very different.
~ Alchemacal elixirs can be used by anyone have a definite
sorcery, up to three times a day (number of dice subrracted
equals the successes rolled on the Enchantment}. This amulet lifespan; usually, this is measured inmonchsoreven years,
eventually most alchemical subitances (other tban mystical
must be kept in a jewelry box carved out ofa single crystal when
not worn or the Enchantment will fade (one success per night} alloys or some ocher materials made through Alchemy) will
until it becomes a simple ptece of jewelry. decay into u:.elessness. Talismans created wim the Path of
Enchantmentretatn theirpowerfordecades,orevencenruries
- A sword with a core of liqutd mercury that does
~-some cases, and, even once me power has left them, still ·l
aggravated damage against the Risen and lethal damage co retain some level of inherent mystic "othemess" that chose
wraiths (if they can be seen; it provides no inherent abihty knowledgeable m the Am will be able to detect. With some
to see the Restless Dead}. A priest must bless the sword every
research, almost all Tahsmans can be ttaced back to chetr
fortnight, or the magic fails.
li aeators. Where a long-dead is known only by me
• • • • Talismans of this power can defy reality to a large
degree, as long as they work within cercam restrictions. They
~'t~Y ~research he ~eaves behind (if any), an enchanter's"i
legacy LS "''I"Clwecf up m every Talisman he ever created.
can increase Attributes and Abilities past normal human ~-
Eldritch Mark ( • )
T AUSI11ANS vs. TAUSillANS The sorcerer scribes a symbol or mark into an object or
The difference between a Talisman created by a onto the forehead of an individual. This mark then fades
sorcerer using the Path of Enchantment and one created from view, but any student of the mystic Arts who looks at
by a mage using Sphere magic isn't always as clear as one the object or individual will be able to discern the mark and
~ might think. Both will detect as magical to those capable will know the name of the sorcerer who marked it. This ritual
ofsensing such things, and both may well have similar or takes five minutes co cast and has no cost in Willpower.
even identical effects. To a lay person, there really is no Enhance Craftsmanship ( • • )
difference; even some mages and experienced sorcerers The enchanter uses his power to enhance the craftsman-
may be unable to tell the difference. ship of an object he is making (something enhanced in this
~ There are, however, a couple ofdifferences. Sorcery fashion can not thereafter be further enchanted). Thus, he can
t based Talismansare almostalwayssingle-function items; forge a blade thatwill never break, knit a sweater that wi 11 never
they do one thing and one thing only. Wonders based on unravel or ensorcel a mirror so that it will never crack.
Sphere magic are more likely to be multi-purpose (al- ~ An object made in this fashion is not inherently magical in
though many are not). any way, but an alchemist or another enchanter can discern the
methods used to enhance it with a Perception + Occult task
• • • • • Items made with this level of skill are almost (difficulry6). This ritual rakes as long to cast as it rakes to make
mythic; their powers are sometimes subtle, sometimes bla- the object ( 15 ro 20 minutes for something that is being
tant and always unpredictable. When they work, they can ensorceled after the fact) and costs no Willpower.
perform minor miracles.
- A money pouch that will always have five dollars in PRIC€ EDt= fAILUR£:
quarters (or 6 Canadian loonies or three pounds sterling or The best a sorcerer can hope for on a failure is that his time
whatever- always in small, but not annoying, sums) in it, as and effort will be wasted. It is more likely that the sorcerer will
long as at least one quarter is left in the pouch. lt can only be end up with a cursed item, one that has some side effect that was
drawn from four times a day, or it will lose its power forever. not anticipated, an accident that blows the workshop to bits or
-An amulet that, when worn, renders the user almost worse. Botching a creation roll is never a good idea: Enchanters
immune to any kind ofphysical harm (granting the user five dice have been engulfed in conflagrations or have simply disap-
of lethal soak that is also usable against aggravated damage). peared, along with their workshops.
Every time this abiliry is used, it subtracts five years from the
user's life. The user evinces no outward change, but when he fASCINATIE9N
finally expires, he wiU appear to be an old man internally. Call it bewitching, call it wiUbinding, speak of love
- An amulet that wards the user against all magical philters and glamours, speak of presence and awe. In the end,
detection. The amulet adds 4 successes to the number what you are talking about is a sorcerer's ability to fascinate
required to find the user with any kind of magical ability -to compel a subject to listen to what she says, to force an
(Auspex, Divination, Sphere magic, etc.). The sorcerer will attraction that would not otherwise be there. A master of
be presented with a different riddle, puzzle or other enigma this Path can instill loyalty, lust, confidence, faith and love
she must solve before the amulet will activate. Once acti- in those she comes in contact with- in some cases, so much
vated, the amulet will be effective for a number of weeks so that the sorcerer is bedeviled with followers so fanatical
equal to the number ofsuccesses rolled on the Enchantment. that they are willing to kill for the object of their affection.
- An animated servant. This might be the classical Sometimes utter Fascination is not at all what the
golem from jewish mythology, a homunculus or some kind of sorcerer wants. Stories abound ofsorcerer and victim tied up
robot. A servant like this is created like a character, but has in a web of conflicting loyalties and obsessions, with tragedy
only 10 points to spend on Attributes and 7 to spend on the nigh-inevitable result. Even worse is when a third party
Abilities. It has human senses, Health levels equal to a is brought into the mixture; some seek out sorcerers skilled
normal human (but does not suffer wound penalties) and in this Path, hoping to gain assistance in attracting the eye
does not need to eat or sleep, though technologically based of some desired paramour.
servants will usually need recharging. But not aU tales of this Path end in tragedy. Many
• • • • • • Talismans of this potency are more rumor and sorcerers, careful to use only enough power to get what they
myth than they are quantifiable fact. If items of this power want and no more, make a decent living in the media, as
still exist or anyone can stilt make them, they would be entertainers, as sales representatives and in almost any other
capable of feats that would be impressive even to the most job that requires constant contact with people.
powerful sorcerer. Fascination works with the Social Traits; exactly which
one depends on the circumstances. Normally, the client's
RITUALS most impressive Attribute will be enhanced; a good looking
Although this entire Path is composed of various rituals, there woman will appear stunning (Appearance), a smooth opera-
are some that are more standardized than others. These include: torwill become impossibly slick (Manipulation), and someone
with a powerful personality will become posttively magnetic A$PEeTS
(Charisma). A sorcerer can choose to enhance any of the Level of Influence
Social Attributes, however; an already charismatic wtzard
might choose to use Fascination to shore up his Appearance. • Minor: In a crowd, you are noticed, and individu-
als will fmd you interesting. Add Ldie to your
A sorcerer can inspire more than simple attraction or Social dice pools.
interest with Fascination; although it is more difficult, she
can inspire loyalty, crust, camaraderie, faith, confidence or •• Stirring: You aren't the center of the party, but
you are being listened to. An individual will
some other (generally positive) emotional link.
make it a point to hang out with you. Add 2 dice
Asubjecthas no real resistance to this ability, althoughsubjects to your Social dice pools.
with a high Willpowerare less likely to be affected. Some people are
immune to Fascinarionaltogether, however; anyone with Iron Will ••• Life of the Party: Of course you threw this party,
didn't you? A subject will go out of his way for
orsimilaradvantagescan ignore a Fascination (exceptfrom a master
you. Add 3 dice.
of the Path, at the Storyteller's discretion).
Any attempt to on.ler a subject to do something that he would ••••
Major: You are throwing a party, aren't you?
not normally do (kill that mart over there, jump offa bridge) aUows
What you do, others pay attention to. individuals
him a Willpower check (difficulty 4 +Path level). Each success he
will sacrifice quite a bit to earn your approval.
scores reduces thesorcerer'sholdonhim byone level. How often the
subjectmakesthesechecksdepends,inla.rgeparr,onhispersonality; ••••• Trendsetter: lf you jumped off a bridge, more
astrong-willed,confidentpersonmightmakethemratherregularly, than a few people would follow. Your influence is
while a weak-willed person with Low self-esteem would be willing to unmistakable. An individual will do almost any-
put up with quite a bit When a Fascination ends, it may taper off thing you ask him to, even kill or die. Add 5 dice.
(allowing emotions and bonds built up in the intervening time to •••••• Your influence is legendary, when you want it to
take hold), or it may snap, leaving the subject confused and be. An individual is utterly besmitten of you, a
bewildered virtual (and possibly literal) slave, and willing co
Those who possesssimilarmind-influencingpowers (vampiric do anything you command. Add 6 dice to your
lliminate and Presence, psychic abilities, the Sphere ofMind, etc.) Social dice pools.
can also cypicaUy ignore attempts to influence them with this Path. Number
Innately mystical creatures (shapeshifters, the fae, etc.) can counter • One person
a spell with their own power if they choo;e to (spending their •• Two people
mystical powersources as appropriate; each point spent reduces the ••• A small group (less than 10)
level ofeffect by one). The blood bondofvampires is not sufficient, •••• A party of up to SO people or so
in and of itself, to counter Fascination, but the bond remains in
effect; any demands that nm counter to the bond will automatically •••••
A crowd of people: hundreds
caU for a Willpower check. •••••• A stadium full of people: thousands
Students of this Path can sometimes recognize its nicks being Duration
used by others: Often times, they even have a small measure of • A shon while; a few minutes or so.
resistance to its effects. When someone uses this Path, or a similar •• Onescene
power (vampiric Dominate and Presence, certain Mind effects, ••• A day or two
etc.), the willbinder can make a Wits + Fascination roll (difficulty • • • • A couple of weeks
7-9, at the Storyteller's discretion). He must score at Least as many • • • • • Several months
successes as the caster to detect anything is amiss. gives the • • • • • • indefinitely
willbinder a +1 on aU Willpower checks to resist any effects aimed
ar him (knowing is half the battle ...) and an additional+ 1 to resist PRICt EDF f AILURf
for every 2 successes scored over and above those needed to detect A simple failure means, at worst, having a bit ofegg on your
the use in the first place. face, in most cases. Botches can be big trouble, however (as is
SYST€111 often the case with sorcery). A spell could backfire making you
as unattractive and unimpressive as it was supposed to make you
Roll: (Social Attribute) + Occult impressive and attractive (reverse the adds to Social dice pools
Cost: None to penalties). Your meddling with other peoples emotions can
Modifiers: +1 difficulty for emotions other than attrac- haveawfulconsequences;overuseofthisabilitycanresultinthe
tion or interest emotional equivalent ofa lobotomy, fierce fits ofjealousy or just
+ 1 difficulty ifsubject's Willpower isS or greater. as fierce protective urges. And in extreme versions of the latter
Time: One tum per level of effect rwoproblems,thesubjectwilldoanythingtokeepyousafe/keep
Duration: See following others from having you•.. anything.

) }.
• 4 • ,
~ .._ • !1 \ - ... • • ,.I
i i
1 \ .' • : 2 ,
-:~:;.. - .,.:.. "I. I
- r _~ : ::.. 1· t , ~
This is how long the effect will last; whether it coils, strikes
Fortuna, both Buona and Mala, flows from the hands of the
and disappears or hangs about to discomfit the recipient for
sorcerer who studies this path. By his will, probabilities alter,
months or even years. At their most powerful, effects can lasrfor
events realign themselves, and his target's future is changed.
generations, striking at a specific target in each generation (first
The superstitious ascribed this power to all witches (untrue),
born son, for example).
and call it the Evil Eye, scientists speak ofaltering probabilities
and chaos math, and priests calls it the Hand of God, but in • One shot. The effect waits for an
every case, in the end, the effects are only partly in the hands of opportune moment, wreaks its vengeance (or
the sorcerer. Some mages look on this as being a set of inteue· benefits) and then dissipates.
Iated effects linked closely with a rudimentary understanding of •• The effect lasts a day, inconveniencing the
the Entropy Sphere. Sorcerers gifted in the Path just smile, nod target whenever possible.
and continue on their lucky way. ••• The effect lasts for a week or more (up to
Supernatural beings can be cursed but get to resist the three), helping the target when appropriate.
effect, if they are aware of it, with a Willpower check (difficulty •••• The blessing (or curse) lasts for several months.
= 4 + the magician's Path rating). Most curses will need only a ••••• The curse affects the target for years,
single success, but very powerful or long-lasting curses can blighting his very existence.
require more in order to be removed completely. Short curses ••••• • " ... And unto the seventh generation shallt h e
normally won't be discovered unless they are announced ahead family of Hedley-Smythe be cursed with mad-
of time; a skilled user of Entropy or Prime might detect a curse ness, and terror shall follow them all their days!"
looming over someone, or someone withAuspex might see it in Severity
their aura, however. A character's Arcane rating subtracts from The severity of a Fortune effect depends in large part on
the total successes scored on a one for one ratio (and could well what the sorcerer wants to do, but the specifics of the effect
cause the curse to fail utterly).
are never completely under the control of the sorcerer; the
SYST811 caster can suggest, but in the end, every curse or blessing
takes its own way.
Roll: Manipulation + Intimidation (Manipulation +
• A brief inconvenience, or a minor weal; d r o p p i n g
Mathematics forTechnosorcerers)
something, saying something utterly stupid (or perfectly bril·
Cost: One Willpower
liant), smashing your shin into the table, catch ingabusatjust
Modifiers: ·1 Difficulty if some sorcerer has some item the right moment.
closely linked with the target
• • Something that results in a lasting inconvenience or
Duration: See below injury or some minor advantage. Sprains, bad cases of the flu (or
other annoying, but not life threatening, diseases), breaking
something difficult to replace and committing some major faux
Target pas are all possible curses, while blessings might convey
In general, the target must be some specific individual or some minor advantage in battle, render the target im·
group of individuals but does not need to be specifically named mune to some sickness or misfortune or prevent some difficulty
(So, for example, the target might be"] immy Smith, who stole that might hinder her path.
my essay" or "that son of a bitch who just cut me off," but not • • • A serious, but not normally life-threatening injury or
"everyone who hates me"). The more dots in this aspect of the illness, or some permanent social setback. This kind of curse
curse, the more people it can affect, and the less specific the should be a major setback for the short-term goals of the target.
targeting needs to be. As a blessing, this level conveys some major advantage. An
• One specific, named, target additional die in combat dice pools, continuing minor luck with
•• Two targets, or one poorly defmed one. dice (or women) or the good fortune to always get the person at
••• A small group (no more than four) of closely the DMV who actually wants to help (and always getting there
linked individuals (a clique or family) when there aren't many people in line) are all possible effects.
•••• A midsize group of people with some kind • • • • A permanent, debilitating injury or illness, or a
of relationship (an extended family, a football major cum of events socially or fmancially. Bankruptcy, spinal
team, etc.) injuries, psychosis, blindness, an accountant taking off for
••••• A large group of people (no more than 100): all Barbados with all of your savings and indictment on tax evasion
of the patrons of a particular bar, a small com· are all possibilities. Blessings of this magnitude include things
pany, etc. like winning the lottery, excellence in battle in some critical
fight or overcoming incredible odds against some major social
•••••• An entire town or corporation or military unit
(like a battalion).

••••• NormaUy,adeathcurse(andusuallynotapleasant
death; decapitation, wasting diseases, mangling car accidents
and worse), although some incredible rum of events might
fulfill a curse of this magnitude. Blessings at this level of power
involve cheating some inescapable death or misfortune: a last
minute reprieve from the governor, landing in the only pond
deep enough to cushion your fall after a parachute failure or
to lower you into the boiling lava are aU possibilities.
• • • • • • If there is a fate worse than death or a way to
cheat death forever, it would take a curse or blessing of this
power to do it.
Example: Rachel stares daggers at that stupid jock that t.umed
her down. Who does he rNnk he is, anyway? What, isn'cshe pretty
enough? Fine. She' Ushow him, dammit! Muttering a quick enchant,
mentshe learned ina book found in the back ofthe library, she finishes
it with a curse and savagely srnbs her athame into his footprint in the
dirt near the stadium. She is Lucky enough to be watching later that day
when, showingoff, he backflips offthe bedofhis friend's pickup truck,
sUps and smashes his knee into the pavement, crackingit. So much for
the rest of the football season.
Rachel has 3 dots in the Path of Fortune, her Manipulation
is 3, and she has an Intimidation of 2. She sets up her spell as
follows- Target: level one (she knows the name of the "dumb"
jock in question) , Duration: basic (she isn't quite bitter enough ro
wane him seriously put out for any length of rime) and Set~erity:
level three (she is bitter enough to want him hurt, howet~e:r). Since
she's assigning each aspect, she needs three successes (one for each
aspect). If she'd wanted to push the severity even higher, she'd
have needed additional successes.
The Path of Fortune benefits from teamwork in a fashion
unlike any other Path; each assistant who is successful in a skill
check not only reduces the difficulty for the lead sorcerer by 1,
but also adds a single success to the total pool for paying for
aspects. In addition, every three assistants increases the effec-
tive knowledge of the Path by one, allowing the group to cast
more powerful curses or blessings.
Example: A curse performed by five members, allofwhom hat~e
the Path ofFort.une (with the leader havinga rating of3) would hat~e
an effectit~e Path knowledge of 4 to determine what let~el of aspect
could be used, and would gain up to 4 extra successes to spend on
aspects, in addition to reducing the difficul.ty by up to -4.
Death Curse ( • )
A magician skilled in the Path of Fortune may invoke a
Death's Curse. The magician spends all of her permanent
Willpower, adds it to her dots and then spends them as she likes
in a final curse {or blessing, although this is much less common),
just as if they were automatic successes. For the purposes of this
spell alone, the magician can buy aspects two dots higher than
they would normally have access to; while a lesser magician
might only be able to inconvenience a single person, a powerful
one could lay waste to an entire family or wither an entire small
town! Once this effect is cast, the character then falters and
. . ... .

quickly dies, burned out by her rage or taken by her weal.

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OiA.P'rffi. feUR: PAlliS AND RITuALS

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PR!Cf $f fAIL.UR€ eries from fatal illnesses. Even the most experienced healer can
Messing with destiny and the future is never sometlung co only force the body co do so much; a healer nonnally works by
be undertaken lightly. A failure on the dice roll results in accelerating the body's natural processes, by helping it do what
nothing happening (of course, if the target is unlucky enough, it would normally do anyway, only faster and better. Worse, use
the caster may not be able to tell if the curse took effect arnot!). of this Path saps the user; overuse can lead to burnout and even
A botched curse might boomerang back onto the caster, as the death. A master of the Path can bring someone back even from
hatred-fueled powerfeeds back into the source ofthe bile, rather death's door... but the cost is often more than he can bear.
than the target. Alternatively, it may twist itself into a perverse Although not absolutely necessary for the use of this Path,
sort of blessing, something that at ftrSt appears to be a curse but most healers have at least some knowledge of medicine, al-
is, instead, beneficial to the target in a strange sort of way. (This though this may not be traditional Western medicine:
is especially appropriate if the caster's hatred of the target is not Acupuncture, homeopathy, herbalism or knowledge of which
pure and savage enough - half-hearted curses are better left spirits to propitiate and which to exorcise can all be effective to
alone, especially powerful ones.) a healer who believes.
Botched blessings can be just as bad, if not worse. A The Path of Healing can relieve pain, cure diseases, speed
botched blessing might twist itself into a curse (especially with recovery from injuries (and healsome injuriesoutright), even restore
very powerful blessings), targeted either on the caster or on the sight to the blind. It cannot, however, do anything co alleviate
target (once again, blessings where the motives of the caster are aggravated injuries ... fire, Pattern magic and acid all do things so
not pure are most likely to do this). More commonly, however, heinous to the human (or inhuman) body that it cannot be healed
the blessing takes effect but in such a way that it might as well in this fashion. For reasons that should be obvious, the Path of
be a curse. This kind of monkey's paw can be particularly Healing cannot be used on the dead (or undead).
devastating. A blessing for long life might twist itself into A sorcerer may attempt to heal any given in jury, disease or
immortality itself... but immortality without vitality is a prison condition once; ifshefailsorachievesonlyalimitedsuccess (due
suitable only for the most evil. to skill), she may not go back and attempt ro improve the
A sorcerer can use the Path of Fortune upon herself if she situation later.
wishes but runs a terrible risk. Any Botched roll means that the
sorcerer will suffer the full effects of the worst kinds of backfrre
that she might accidentally inflict upon others. Worse, while Roll: Manipulation + Intuition
the sorcerer can try and unweave even a botched curse or Cost: One Willpower per injury or disease
blessing upon another, she is totally incapable of lifting or Modifiers: -1 Difficulty if Medicine, or appropriate Lore is
unweaving an effect that she casts upon herself. Since a sorcerer equal to or higher than rating in Path.
may not know the full impact of her casting for some time, the Duration: Pennanent
Storytellershould roll the dice for any use of this Path she works
upon herself. PAIN
You can relieve the pain of an injury, even if you cannot
H€AUNG heal the injury itself. With 4 successes, you can reduce the task
Since the earliest days, those whose touch could heal have penalties from injuries by -2; with 5 successes, the patient can
been held in highest regard. The laying on of hands by a saint, ignore most penalties that don't involve actual amputations-
the witch's poultice, the intercession of a houngan with Legba and even then, the penalties are because ofthe missing limb, not
and the caring touch ofa general practitioner have all been seen because it hurts.
as a kind of miracle. When practitioners of this Path are
involved, this appellation it is not far from the truth. TEBXINS AND DIS€AS€S
The Path of Healing takes time; there are no miraculous With a single success, you can virtually guarantee that a
cures, no instant regeneration of wounds and no sudden recov- patient wUI not suffer from secondary infections or problems as

You may spend as many successes as needed (including none) on any or all of the following aspects:
Success Pain Toxins Bashing Lethal Other
0 none none none none none
minor (headache) antiseptic minor bruises none none
moderate (migraine) rating 1 1 level fixed stabilize none
•• major (groin kick) Rating 2 heal 25% none
extreme (gut stab) Rating 3 2 levels fixed heal 50%
incredible (amputation) Rating 4-5 hea190% eyesight, hearing
NA Rating 6-7 3 levels fixed heal instantly

• •
a result of disease. With greater numbers of successes, you can Mike's Cure-All ( • • )
cure diseases or counteract exposure to poiSOns of a Toxin Although the exact version referenced here appears to date
Racing equal to or below the rating listed and alleviate the from the Chicago speakeasies of the 1920s, versions ofthis ritual
symptoms ofdiseases one level higher (the disease is stili present have been around for centuries. When castona patient who has
and could still kill the patient, but the patient gets + 1 on all been drugged, poisoned or merely over-indulged, the patient
survival rolls and at least won't be miserable as he dies... ). immediately begins to flush any toxins in their system; depend-
Recovery time is dependent on the virulence of the disease or ing on the length of time it's been since the toxins were
poison, how massive the exposure was and how long the patient introduced and the method of introduction, they might be
has already been afflicted. expelled through sweat, vomiting or diarrhea, tears or some
combination. This is rarely pleasant for the patient, but in the
BAsHING DAITIAG€ end, the toxins are removed, and any effects they may have on
The healer can close up minor contusions, scrapes, etc. the patient are negated (already existing damage will not be
with but a single success; the injuries fade over the course of 10- healed, but any side effects or further damage will cease). The
15 minutes or so. For every 2 successes spent on dealing with difficulty of this ritual is 6, and the healer must score more
bashingdamage, the healer can reduce the damage taken by one successes than the Toxin Rating of the drug or poison that the
level (from Wounded to Injured, for example). Bashingdamage patient has in their system (or the highest Toxin Rating, in case
that has been converted to lethal damage cannot be cured in of multiple drugs or poisons). This ritual can be cast as an
this fashion. extended task, and while it will flush our even alchemical
concoctions and poisons, it does not affect vitae in any way; a
LflliAL DAITIAG€ ghoul will not have the vitae in his bloodstream forcibly
Two successes lets the healer stabilize even a critically removed, nor does it remove a blood bond.
wounded patient; the patient will not regain any levels of Wakey,Wakey ( .. )
Health but will be safe to tranSport and may even be able to With this ritual, a Sorcerer can revive anyone from even
move about under her own power, at least a little (dependent on the deepest sleep. Even magically induced slumber can be
injuries).Moresuccessesdonotactuallyremovehealthlevelsof broken with this ritual, although the caster must generate more
damage but do cause the patient co heal at an accelerated rate; successes than the originator of the sleeping spell did. The base
this is in addition to any benefits gained by regular medical care difficulty of this ritual is 6; normally only a single success is
(so an Incapacitated patient who is being treated in a hospital needed, although someone who is drugged, is a naturally deep
by a doctor who also happens to be a healer who scores 4 sleeper or is incredibly exhausted may require more successes.
successes on healing lethal damage would recover completely This ritual costs one Willpower to cast.
from her injuries in 51 days, instead of 102 (or the almost a year
Revive (••• ••• )
that it would take with no medical attention or healer
intervention). The pinnacle of understanding in the Path ofHealing is the
ability to bring back one that has traveled beyond Death's Door.
E9THER INJURIES EBR DeBfUTIES Even masters of the Path can on 1ycall back those who have very
With great effort (a minimum of 4 successes needed), a recently died, and survival is never assured; more than once, a
healer can correct congenital defects or problems incurred after patient has been revived, only to succumb once again co his
birth. Many problems are beyond the ability ofeven the greatest injuries. The healer burns two permanent Willpower and rolls
healers to cure (they cannot regenerate limbs, etc.), but they against a difficulty o£9; she must achieve at! east 3 successes, plus
can cure bad vision ortone deafness (with 5 successes) and even ladditionalsuccessforeverythreeminutesthepatienthasbeen
some neurological conditions (6 successes). Exactly how many dead (not counting the length of time the ritual takes to cast).
successes are needed, and what is beyond the scopeofthe healer, Ifsuccessful, the healer loses any remaining Willpower they may
is up to the Storyteller. have (these points, unlike the initial two, can be regained over
time), is physically exhausted and at -2 dice on all dice pools for
RITUALS the next week. The patient, while revived, still suffers from
Healing Sleep ( • ) whatever ills killed him in the fLTSt place; if immediate medical
The healer can place a patient in a deep, restful sleep that attention is not forthcoming, he will quickly die once again.
relaxes and revitalizes. ThF patient wakes from even a few hours PRIC€ EW f AILURf
of sleep refreshed and alert, with a clarity of thought and
A simple failure merely means that the healer has no effect;
purpose. [n game terms, the player rolls Manipulation + mtu- she cannot work on this injury or disease for whatever reason.
ition versus a difficulty of 6; if more than one success is rolled,
A botch, however, can be particularly horrifying in the case of
the (willing) patient falls into a deep slumber. This ritual
this Path; stories tell of rissue surrounding a wound going
nocmally results in 9 hours of sleep; subttact one hour for each
hypercancerous, orifices like the mouth, nostrils, etc. suddenly
additional success. At the end of thatsleep, the patient awakens
"healing'' themselves over, diseases going berserk and worse.
revitalized; aU bashing damage is healed, and the patient regains
The healer can also backlash the injuries of the patient onto
a point of Willpower.
herselforsubjectherselfto thepoisonsordiseasesshe was trying
to cure.
H€LLAR€ •••••• Approximately 50 square feet
Special Effects
Thought by many to be at least tainted by darkness, ifnot
outrightofevilorigms,thePathofHellfiretapsimothedeepest, All special effects are optional and, in fact, must be
most primal, and destructive of forces. Legends ascribe the purchased (using freebie or expenence points; cost is equal to
begmnings of dus power to the mfemal realms, pacts With the cost in successes + 1), as each is a separate study in destruc·
malevolent elemental spirits, and bargams with beings better tion. Each could be considered a separate destructive Path, of
left alone. The master of the path ofhellf~re can demand, and which Hellfire IS simply a genenc sampling.
receive respect; he will also rece1ve suspicion and fear, whether • • Eanhquake: The ground cracks open, engulfs the target
he demands them or not. and crushes him before subs1ding. The target will then have to
A student of the Path of Hellfire learns to summon and dig his way free (Strength roll against difficulty 6, need as many
control powerful elemental attacks; blasts of lightning, bolts of successes as health levels suffered, extended task). Lethal dam-
fire or mystic energy, clouds of poison gas or other deadly effects. ageonly.
Unsubtle and direct, these powers, utilized properly, can oblit· • • Lighming: A bolt of electricity fries the target. If the
erate even the most deadly of foes, in the hands of a master. target is touching any conductive material (water, asuitof plate
Students of this Path should remember that a little knowledge armor, wires, etc.) and anyone else is touching that material,
can be a dangerous thing; they are not immune to the effects of they suffer the same damage the target did. Can be aggravated.
their own powers, and using th1s power in combat normally • Decay: Does no damage to living targets, but anything
requires planning beforehand. they are wearing or carrying begins to rust, decay, warp and
Hitting a target with a blastofHellfire requires a successful generally fall apart at a high rate. Within 2-3 rums, anything
Dexterity+ Melee roll (difficulty 7). Striking at an area lowers they are wearing or holding will be junk. This effect destroys
the difficulty to 5 but allows those in the area a chance to escape three pounds of material per point of damage that would be
(see Dodg1ng and Resistance in Mage Revised, p. 152). scored (some substances and anything that has been enchanted,
will be resistant to this effect).
SYSTfiTl • Dust Storm: A bl indmg, stinging cloud offinedust whirls
Roll: Manipulation + Occult through the area, scouring everyone in the area. Must be bought
Cost: One Willpower with at least three dots wonh of area. All beings in the path of
Duration: Instant this cloud are blinded for the duration of the cloud (one rum per
health level of damage inf!tcted).
AsPECTS • Sleet: A blast of freezmg water and ice cuts across the
Damage target. Not only does this inflict damage, but it can also obscure
Two dice oflethal damage per success spent. Although the vision (at least momentarily), and the ground surrounding the
basic form of Hellfire is a gout of flame, Hellfue does not do target is at least wet and may be rather slippery. Lethal damage
aggravated damage by default: for aggravated damage, spend 2 only.
additional successes (some special effects preclude aggravated • Smoke: A thick cloud of poisonous smoke billows fonh
damage). Total number of successes spent on damage (includ- from the caster, enveloping the area. (This effect must be
ing to buy aggravated damage) cannot exceed the dots the caster bought with an Area of at least 3 dots). Everyone within the
has in Hellfire. cloud takes one health level of lethal damage per turn, unless
Range they have some kind of protection (a gas mask buys 2 rums of
exposure but is then rendered useless) or do not need to breath
• Touch only. The sorcerer must make a successful (like vampires). Vision is totally obscured (even advanced
Brawl attack in order to hit his target and deliver
vision, like thermographic or night vision) while within the
damage (which is in addition to normal melee cloud. Can be aggravated.
• • T anglewood: nearby plants lash out, throwing storms of
•• Less than 10 feet splinters, thorns, etc. at the target. A truly lucky magician might
••• Less than 25 feet be able to stake a vampire this way, but don't count on it
•••• About 50 feet (difficulty9, at least 5successes needed). If the target is actually
••••• Any target withm 150 feet standing among any kind of der~Se undergrowth, the plants will
•••••• A target within 200 yards or so / envelop him (extended Strength roU against difficulty 7, need
Area as many successes as health levels suffered to break free). Lethal
• A single target damage only.
•• A small area; 3 square feet or so • • • • DrownmgTtde: This effectrequires a large bodyofwater
to work (an Olympic SIZe swunming jXX>I is sufficient). A sudden
••• No more than a couple of square yards or so
wave or undercurrent reaches up and drags the taiget under the
•••• 10 square feet (which can be arranged as a wall, swfac.e,smashmg her lxxly and causingdrowning damage. (See the
circle or whatever). rules on drowrung in Mage Revised, p. 249). To escape, the target
••••• 20 square feet will have to get to"shore" anddraghimselfoutofthewater(Strength

roU, difficulty 8, number ofsuccesses needed depends on how long .."r'
he is in the water and howfarbeisfromsafety, butatleast2succ.esses I: DARK. PATIIS
necessary). Thiscontinues until the taxgetescapesordies. Drowning 1::
damage only. Mostsocieties ofsorcerers consider certain Paths
to be dark knowledge, Paths whose understanding
RrruALS brings with it certain costS of insanity, corruption or
Fire's Weal (.. ) damnation. Depending on the society, these Paths
This ritual allows the user (or whomever they cast the ritual may be forbidden, taught only to those already as-
upon) to resist natural flames, and provides at least some sumed to be free ofcorruption or forgotten altogether,
protection against even mystical flames. Roll (Manipulation + known of only in legend and myth.
Occult) against a difficulty of 7; if you score more than 2 Exactly which Paths are considered Dark Paths
successes, you can soak ftre damage as if it were bashing damage, depends on the teachings of the society in question.
instead of aggravated; more successes reduce the soak number Most Western societies consider Paths such as Hellfire,
needed (so 5 successes on this check would result in the • Shadowcasting, the cursing aspectS of the Path of
recipienc being able to soak fire damage as bashing, with a-3 on Fortune and Daimonic Summoning to be Dark Paths,
the soak difficulty). This ritual costs one Willpower and lasts but in other cultures or societies, these powers may be
one scene. considered totally nonnal, or even sacrosanct, while
HeUblade ( • •) others are considered utterly profane.
This simple ritual auunes a weapon (normally some kind
of bladed weapon, often a dagger or sword) to the powers of this
Path. By spending one Willpower, you may engulf the blade in Many, though not all, societies have a tradition
mystical fires; while burning, the weapon does aggravated that states in brief that what magic is used for comes
damage and does 2 additional dice ofdamage. These fires last for back to the user. "As ye reap so shall ye sow," and
up to one scene, unless the magician tries to hand the weapon "what you send out, you get back threefold" are but
to another user, at which point the flames die out. Requires a two examples of this philosophy.
Manipulation+ Occult roll, difficulty 7,with at Least 2 successes
rolled to take effect. fl. Although not universal, this belief seems to
phave some grounding in fact; those who use sorcery
PRIC€ EWfAILURf for evil often come to evil ends. Whether or not
The price of failure ought to be obvious... the powers you sorcery has a conscience is up to the Storyteller to
are rrying to wield rise up and engulf you! A simple failure just decide; it should be kept in mind, however, that
indicates that nothing happened, but a botch typically means sorcery does not seem to mind being used for profit or
that the attack backlashes onto the caster, inflicting whatever even for justified retribution or self-defense. It is only
fate was intended for the target back on the attacker. when sorcery is used to needlessly harm others or to
gain wealth or power at another's expense that the
rT1ANA IT1ANIPVLATIEBN law of retribution comes into effect.
The law is also not universal. .. far from it. Many ~
Nearly every sorcerer recognizes the flow of some sort of
power: mana, sekhem, chi, vis or some other representation of evil sorcerers live out their lives without any prob-
magical potential. Most magicians learn to feel or describe the lems, comfortable in their villainy.
energies that course through them during the casting of spells.
Some, however, learn to direct these power sources in order to
reshape the fundamental mystic energyabout them. Geomancy, Modifiers: - 1 for areas ofstrong Mana (Nodes and the like)
ley line channeling, feng shui -all of these sense and redirect Time: One tum per effect level
the power of raw magic energy into new directions and shapes.
Duration: Varies
Mana Manipulation is an esoteric Path, and few sorcerers
Instead ofaspects, this Path offers certain feats that may be
would describe it in such abstract terms- rather, most see it as
performed at each level.
an exercise described by their specific magical style. A magician
used to feng shui and chi kung, for instance, will channel chi • The sorcerer can sense Mana energies. In simple terms,
energies with special mil:rors or moxa burning. A sorcerer who
relies on incantations and wands wiU use those tools to direct
a quick
mine if
meditation or invocation allows the sorcerer to deter-
an area or item is charged with power (Quintessence,
Mana and store it. Spirit-talkers and shamans may rely on Mana, vampire blood, what have you). With three or more
t.I J. I
elaborate designs to trap and hold energy or paintings that ward successes, the sorcerer can tell if it has a specific Resonance-
off negative energies. recognizing a sacred grove as a place holy to nature and growth
ordetermining thatsomesortofstored Mana is actually flavored .: ~~~
SYST€ITI with a destructive, poisonous Resonance, for instance. •. ~!.

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Manipulation + Occult
1 WiUpower


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• • While an initiate can sense magical energy m place:. or Infusion ( • • )
objects, a sorcerer with this level of Mana Manipulanon can see The sorcerer takes an otherwise normal potion or other
the magical energy in and around creatures. The sorcerer's consumable object and places some of his own Mana into it for
perceptions let him determme tf someone IS usmg magic and later use. The successes scored determine how much Mana can
allow him to see obstructed or occluded magical flows (Like go into the item. Energy usually "leaks" during this process;
blocked cht energtes or curses). The sorcerer can also make a every two points of Mana spent by the sorcerer charmel one
rough estimate of the potencial magical energy held by an point mto the storage receptacle.
individual, though this does not guarantee separating a super· Shape Mana ( • • • )
natural creature from an otherwise normal human. With spectal mirrors, diagrams, carvings or the Like, the
• • • Skilled sorcerers can displace or alter the flow of sorcerer rums the flow of Mana in an area so that it changes
Mana around an area. The sorcerer can briefly block a Mana dtreetion and intent. The sorcerer could cause "bad" energies to
flow (each success causes a Node or other wellspring of Mana to become wholesome, alter a spell effect or tum a ley line so that
become dormant for a tum) or push it in a different direction it runs through his residence. The level ofsuccess guides the feat:
(again, for one rum per success). The sorcerer can cause Mana With one success, the sorcerer could dissipate some unlucky
to become trapped in a simple object, though a given object can energies so that a place does not attract evil spirits or ill fortune.
only hold a single pointofMana through a briefspell of this sort. With three successes, the sorcerer can charmel joss so that a
• • • • Manipulation of personal Mana energies allows a Location has good fortune (lowering by one the difficulty of all
sorcerer to store additional Mana (temporarily), draw from a commerce or practices of the area - a store would facilitate
place of power to fuel his magic or even disrupt a person's Mana business, a hospital would encourage healing, and so on). With
flow to cause injury. The sorcerer can draw Mana out ofa place five successes, the sorcerer can reshape a magic effect already in
of power; each success allows the sorcerer to charmel one point the area to the limits of his own knowledge (turning, say, a ward
of Mana (to the limit of the area's power), which must be used so that it wards against a different creature type) or even cause
in the next rum. Striking at a person codestroy Mana allows the a Node or other source of power to charmel its energy to a
sorcerer to strip Mana from the individual's pool at a one· location of his choosing. Mana reshaped in this form typically
success-for-one-point rate; this can also discharge the power in lasts until some force "snaps" it back to normal, though some
other magical pools (like Gnosis) on a two-successes-per-point places may require specific maintenance {yearly for simple
ratio. Mana Mantpulatton at this level can cause injury or effects hkegood luck, perhapsdailyrirualsforbending ley lines).
healing by altermg the flow of life energy through a subject,
essenually promoting health or disease. (This has no immediate E9N€IRE9111ANCY
effect, but over ttme may cause degeneration or better health; It is a frequent theme in tales of the fantastic and the
long-term or powerful alterations are better performed with the magical that odd things often happen m dreams. Omens of the
Healing Path.) furure are someumes seen, messages from gods or wizards are
• • • • • The master of Mana can not only sense and passed on. There are tales of lovers who have not yet met,
redirect Mana, but can use Mana to infuse oountermagic desttned for each other, dreaming of their first meeting. The
(creattng a magical"shteld" that allows him co add Mana to a Dream Realm is infinitely malleable, responsive to the con·
countermagic dice pool), block another sorcerer's use of Mana scious and subconscious of the dreamer. A skilled dreamer can
(each success stops an opponent's point of Mana from empow· impose his will upon the Dream Realm, creating new images
ering an effect) or even change the Resonance ofMana (turning and altering the behavior of old, banishing nightmares or
poisoned Mana into neutral, "clean" energy that could be used crafting new horrors with which to terrorize other dreamers. lt
with helpful spells or bending otherwise passive Mana to a more is said, too, that there are world and beings that exist wholly
active, fiery Resonance for use with destructive magic), with within the world of dreams and nightmares, from the realms of
successes dictating the level of change - one success would the fae to the strange worlds described in the writings of
alter the Resonance slightly, three would cancel out a charac· Burroughs, Lovecraft and Poe.
teristic and five would reverse it. Nearly everyone dreams. The oneiromancer walks among
• • • • • • A legendary sorcerer can briefly cause an area to those dreams. Like the dreamweavers of horror movie fame, she
become a nexus of Mana energy. With a spell of this level, the can craft images so realistic that it is hard to tell the difference
sorcerer creates a flow of Mana for a few moments, turning between them and reality. Still, they are "only" dreams. Or are
hirrtSelf mto a sort of magical magnet. Successes garnered on they? An overly imaginative subconscious can quite literally
such a spell are split berween duration (in rums) and power (m dream ttself to death, though this is rare. More common are the
Mana per tum). The sorcerer or others present may charmel this tales of wicked men who dreamed of their ultimate fate and
Mana normally. Domg so, however, can be very debilitating; heeded the warning to reform their ways. Such messages are a
such magic often has side effects or bums out the caster {score fine and subtle weapon of those who walk the dreaming nighL
one level of bashing damage for each success rolled). And sometimes, dreams can walk amongst men....
Mana Manipulation rituals allow a sorcerer to extend his Roll: Wits + Occult.
power over Mana to cover wide areas or long durations. Cot: None
bring one person into the dream for each success on the casting
Distance roll). Of course, she has no control over the dreamers' actions,
and the initial environment will be a mi.x of their subconscious
In order to affect a dreamer, the oneiromancer must have
influences, but careful nudges can send the group into a suitable
some sort ofcontact with her target. Physical contact is the best,
dream with a bit of effort.
obviously, but the principles ofSympathy and Contagion allow
the use of other means. • • • • • • The greatest and most legendary power of
Oneiromancy is the ability to make the dream real: physical
• Direct physical contact
entry into the Dream Realm. One who accomplishes this
•• True Name incredibly difficult feat can walk from dream to dream almost at
••• Body part/secretion* will and may even be able to bring items (or even living things)
• • • • Prized possession out of the dream into the real world - for a time.
• • • • • Other possession**
* Blood, hair, nail clippings, saliva, urine, etc. It must PRIC€ $F fAILUR€:
be unmixed with other materials. A botched dreamweaving typically casts the sorcerer into
aN ightrnare Realm as his own subconscious takes control of the
** Any item that is in frequent contact with or use by dream. Storytellers are encouraged to reach deep into their bags
the target, such as clothing.
of tricks. Use the character's fears and memory of past disasters
€FFEcrs: against him. The descriptions ofHarrowings in Wraith: The
• The first step the dreamwalker must master is the ability Oblivion can be quite useful in this. Note also thatstepping into
to reach out and touch the dreams of others. They come to her the dreams ofa person who suffers the effects of theN ightrnares
as do most dreams, in flashes of imagery, often highly distorted Aaw can be a disaster all by itself, their dream images are
by the subconscious. The dreamwalker can, with considerable powerful and frequently painful.
thought, interpret parts of these shattered fragments, perhaps
giving her some insight into her target's nature or history. SHAJ:)EDWCASTING
• • Working out the methodology to enter and take part in With mastery of this Path, the shadows become your tools,
a dream is the next step. Entering the dream renders you the darkness your ally, and the night your friend. Despite the
temporarily a part of it; the oneiromancer's dream-self takes on accusations of those who claim that the Path is, if not actively
an appearance and initial role in the dream provided by the infernal, at least tinged with an ineffable darkness that can
dreamer's subconscious (and the StoryteUer's feel for what is corrupt the unwary, the Path ofShadows is no more inherently
appropriate). It is not hard to make small changes in the dream evil than most other Paths. Whateverevil a sorcerer finds on the
(conjuringasmaU itemfrom nowhere, say), a Wits+ Dreamcraft Path of Shadows, he brought himself.
roll at difficulty 6 suffices. Larger changes are very difficult, and Ashadowcaster learns to manipulate and conjure shadowsruff
the basic theme of the dream sequence is unalterable. Any -at firSt, mere simple shade but, with experience, near-tangible
change which violates it will be at a minimum difficultyof8 and blackness or total nightfall. Color and light are absorbed and
require multiple successes- and wi II tend to undo itself unless extinguished by these shadows, which dance and caper at the
the dreamer pays constant attention to maintaining it. sorcerers beck and call. Needless to say, such displays can be quite
• • • Eventually, the dedicated dreamwalker will learn to unnerving; even a novi.ce sorcerer can conjure effects that will
isolate himself from his subject's dreams. This allows observa- frighten the wits out of most nonnal humans.
tion of the dream images without being drawn into (possibly
quite dangerous) direct participation. A greater degree of con- SYsT€111
trol over the dream is also possible now, the dreamwalker Roll: Manipulation + Occult
banishing or creating nightmares and fantasies. It is possible, for Cost: 1 Willpower
example, to guide a dream to images supporting the self- Modifiers: None
confidence and surety of the dreamer, helping him to regain a Time: One turn per level of effect
point of temporary Willpower or to cast horrible terrors that Duration: Varies
mimic the effect of the Nightmares Aaw.
This Path does not have aspects per se; rather, its effects are
• • • • Once she has achieved sufficient control over the Limited by raw level.
dream, the next step is to master dream sendings. The
• The caster can deepen and darken shadows and darkness
oneiromancer can craft a specific, detailed dream sequence and
send it off to the target, to be repeated as many times as the caster in a room or area. The overall lighting doesn't alter, but those
shadows that do exist will be much darker than they ought to be.
gains successes on his casting rolL The prudent dreamwalker
If you desire, those shadows can carry with them a feeling of
keeps these to one or two repetitions a night; any more and the
unease and spookiness. Exact effects depend on the situation
subject may grow suspicious.
(using this ability in a brightly lit office will have little effect,
• • • • • A master of the Dream Realm is a powerful while doing it in a shadowy warehouse would give a sorcerer
individual; she walks freely in the dreams of others and is (and others) the effect of an extra dot of Stealth. -~·
capable of melding the dreams ofseveral folk into one (she can
• • By shaping the shadows in his area and muffling the PRic-e $F fAILURE
sounds he makes, the sorcerer can become almost imposstble to The shadows are cruel servants ... or are they masters? In
discover. He can make hiS appearance mdistinct, his \'Oice eerie any case, botches with this Path are certainly undesirable.
and creepy and the shadows deep and dark around himself. Add Sorcerers can end up befuddlmg themselves as much (or more)
2dtce to dice pools mvolvmg Arcane, Disguise (for purposes of than their opponents, drawing the shadows they intended to
hiding your appearance, not for taking on the appearance of tnflict on others upon themselves. Rumors speak of shadowy
others), Intimidation or Stealth. If the sorcerer casts the shad- forms coming out ofshadows that dtdn't exist... couldn't exist,
ows on another, the victim will begin to see things out of the in broad daylight, to draw a sorcerer who has badly botched into
comer of his eyes, horrible shadowy forms that dissolve when the darkness, never to be seen again. Others speak of things
the head rums. Strange creaks, ominous footsteps and hollow drawn forth that have forever pursued students of this Path ...
laughter will inhabtt hts hearing, and a rising sense ofdread will and those caught by them are never quite the same again.
occupy every spare thought. A Willpower roll (difficulty equal
to the number ofsuccesses rolled) is necessary to avoid fumbling
and hesitation; whtle not enough to cause penalties, this will
cause someone to reconsider whether or not they should be While the World of Darkness is indeed home to some
here, instead of safe at home in his well-Itt living room.... shapeshifting monsters, a few sorcerers learn to alter their bodies
through magical practice rather than inborn heritage. Perhaps
• • • The shadows rile and coil about the shadowcaster.
it's a spoken word that calls to the primal animal within or the
Color fades from the area, and sounds become mere whispers
intervention ofan animal-spiritoreven a little judicious genetic
and murmurs ... or sudden piercing laughs, screarriS and other
engineering. This Path is very elemental, often calling upon
sounds of terror. Pantc rises in all but the most stout hearted
instinctive knowledge, and many sorcerers have lost their
(Willpower roll, difficulty equal to the successes rolled + 2;
personalities to the beast-side conjured up. Others lose their
failure indicates either a sudden, near irresistible urge to be
identity in malleability. For a few, shapeshift:ing is Less an art
elsewhere or a -l to all casks). You may add 3 dice to your
than a natural talent, but one unchanneled by the callings of the
attempts to conceal your character (or another).
true Changing Breeds. It seems that Shapeshifting comes in as
• • • • The shadows are the sorcerer's allies in aU ways. many forms as its practitioners.
Those who oppose htm must make a Willpower roll (difficulty
8) or be struck down m near-terror ( -2 on aU casks- fear this SYsTfiTl
great may dnve some to frenzy). Add 4 dice to your dice pools Roll: Stamina+ Animal Ken (mythic sorcery)
for lntimtdatton, Arcane and Stealth. Cameras and other
Intelligence+ Science (extraordinary science)
electrontc recordang devtces wall fail unless the operators sue·
ceed at an Intelligence + (appropriate skill: Computers, Cost: One Willpower per use
lnvesttgatton, Photography, Scaence) roll (difficulty 8, gener- Modifiers: None
ally, although very simple equapment mtght need only a 6). Duration: One scene
• • • • • The shadows reach out and engulf the caster's
opponents; what they see there is enough to reduce even the ASPECTS
greatest to shivering wrecks. Used offensively, the opponent Shih Scale
must make a WiUpower check (difficulty 8,3 successes needed) • A minor cosmetic change: The sorcerer can
or be reduced to uselessness for several turriS; a victim that was change eye colors, grow hair, etc.
already afraid of the dark or enclosed spaces will probably •• Noticeable change: The sorcerer grows small
require psychiatric attention before recovering. Thoseshrouded claws, sprouts scales on the hands or the like.
in the darkness will be totally invisible to those outside it (and ••• Significant change: The sorcerer replaces some
to each other). Naturally, thecastercansee in his own darkness. body part with an animal feature- a full clawed
Any recording device brought into the darkness fails immedi- paw, a nasty shark jaw or an externalized diges-
ately (no roll allowed); any pointed at the darkness see only tive system.
roiling masses of... nothing. Inky blackness. Shadows. •••• Half-shift: The sorcerer can shift half ofhis body
• • • • • • The legendary sorcerer can give the shadows a into another form or fmd some halfway point
physical form, shaping them into chains or tentacles to grab and between human and animal with sigmficant
hold those he wants stopped. The number of successes scored traits of each. The sorcerer might resemble a
represents the total amount of Strength that can be brought to bipedal wolf (ofsize somewhere between human
bear against opponents; you can divide these points up as you and woLO or could have bird wmgs and a beak
want. Bright laght wall weaken these shadows; sunlight will wath human legs.
destroythem.Altemattvely,thecastercanusethispowertodirn ••••• Full shifting: The sorcerer can change com-
even the bnghtest ltghts; even the sun will dim, although only pletely into animal forms.
temporarily, and only ina small, well-defined area (an alleyway ••••• • Mythac shifting: Not only can the sorcerer take
or courtyard, for example). on animal forms, he may tum into forms that he
only imagines.

Subject entities. Sorcerers can use therr powers to command ghosts,
••••• The sorcerer can only affect himself. demons, animals- even other people. With protective circles
•••• The sorcerer can affect a different subject instead the sorcerer hedges out enemies, while with summoning spells,
of himself. he calls the subjects to him.
••••• The sorcerer can affect two subjects at once. Summoning, Binding and Warding are perhaps the most
dangerous of spells. Attempts to bind creatures almost inevita·
•••••• The sorcerer can affect up to three subjects at a bly make them hostile. A sorcerer may not know that a ward is
unsuccessful until an enemy attacks! And, of course, many
hapless sorcerers learn to summon creatures long before learn-
•- • • • The sorcerer can only affect himself and must ing to bind and control them. Worsestill, manyextradimensional
take only one animal fearure. beings possess will too strong to be easily bound.
•••• The sorcerer can make two unrelated shifts: All Summoning, Binding and Warding powers are rituals;
having a wolf claw and a raven's head or chang· the sorcerer must properly prepare and incant to make the effect
ing himself to have fangs and an opponent to happen. The aspects determine the sorts of creature that the
have whiskers. sorcerer can summon and for how long. Each type of creature
••••• The sorcerer can make three unrelated shifts. requires a separate ritual: Summon Rats, Bind Rats and Ward
•••••• The sorcerer can freely mix and match shifting Against Vampires are all separate rituals.
traits. Summoning, Binding and Warding covers many different
areas ofstudy. Material Summoning refers to physical creatures,
PRIC€ $F fAJLURf like the summons of rats or bats. Daimonic Summoning affects
Shapeshifters have a tendency to lose control over their angelic or demonic entities. Ephemera refers to the practice of
shifting processes; a sorcerer who botches might trap himself in dealing with spirits in general; Necromancy covers dealings
an animal's body or accidentally give an enemy useful advan- with ghosts of the dead. Coiling or T echnomantic Summoning
tages. The sorcerer could replace his mental acuity with animal refers to the practice of summoning or binding technological
instincts, or his body might start shifting out of control. items - some modem sorcerers might even call their cars to
them or ward their computers against viruses!
WARDING (ALL RITuALS) Roll: Intelligence + Occult
Perhaps the most ubiquitous among legendary sorceries is Cost: One Willpower
the ability to bind and control various natural or supernatural
Modifiers: None •••• The creature performs a taSk for the caster as
Duration: See below directed, following the orders closely.
••••• Thesorcerer may command thecreaturetoperform
AsPECTS one task on behalfofanother person and order it to
Creatures Affected answer any questions put to it by others.
A creature compelled by a Summoning must appear to the ••••• • The creature follows the spirit as well as the letter
sorcerer. Thus, the sorcerer can see spirits or the like that are of the sorcerer's commands.
brought forth, vampires are forced from hiding, etc. Note that Duration
the creature must move under its own power; the spell does not • Onetum
teleport it into the location. Thus, Summoning a toaster does
little good unless it has wheels.
•• Three turns
• Simple creatures: The sorcerer can affect small,
••• One scene
unintelligentanimals,likerats,batsandinsects.This •••• One day
also functions upon simple narure spirits or basic ••••• One story
technological devices. • ••••• Permanent ( ?)
•• Large creatures: The summoner may affect large
animals Like wolves. The summoner may also
r~ct:: er fAILURE
affect ghosts of the dead or larger technical The price offailure should be self-evident for Summoning,
devices like televisions. Binding and Warding. Those who meddle in the affairs of
demons eventuallyget what they deserve. A creature may arrive
••• Humans: The summoner's magic functions
and pretend to be under control; a warding circle might hedge
upon normal humans or upon self-willed natu-
against the sorcerer; a binding may simply enrage the target and
ral spirits. Computers and complex electronics
even make the subject resistant to the sorcerer's spells.
may be affected.
•••• Paranatural: The summoner can affect ghouls,
other sorcerers and similar supernatural entities.
T echnomagical devices may be affected. (NEB RITuALS)
• • • •• Supernatural: The summoner's powers reach Weather witches have always been among the most revered
beyond to affect truly supernatural material be- and feared members of the sorcerer community. In ancient time, a
ings such as vampires, werewolves and the like. witch could doom a community to a slow death by withholding the
The sorcerer could use technosummons against rains the crop; needed... or could wreck it quickly by bringing on
airplanes, wards across entire buildings and so on. storms that flood the fields, destroy homes and kill the unwary. On
••••• • Celestial: The summoner can invoke his powers the seas, th~ who could call the winds were lifesavers in truth, for
against gods, demons and angels. a becalmed vessel was one that would die.
Number Most cultures consider weatherworking to be a woman's art,
Each dot of Summoning allows the sorcerer to summon drawing on the ties between her fertility and the bounty of the land
one creature of the appropriate type or one swarm for small and the elements, but this is far from universal; in some African
animals and insects. tribes, weathermagicwasmen'smagic,forexample.Technosorcerers
Warding Strength make no such distinctions, ofcourse, but then, their mastery of this
Path is thought by most to be limited at best. (Whether this is true
Each dot causes the subject to lose one die from all actions
is a question ofsome debate, however, as there are a few who always
against the sorcerer.
seem to have the wind at their back, cloudyskiesandconvenientfog
With Warding at three or above, the sorcerer may create banks when they need them.)
a Warding Circle; unless the creature scores more successes on
Weather magic can be terribly powerful but is also usually very
a Willpower roll than the sorcerer's player scored on the Ward slow to take effect O!anges in the weather are usually measured in
roll, th~reature cannot pass into or out of the circle. hours or days; you can speed these processes up, but you cannot
Binding Intensity summontidalwavesoutofnothingorstormsfromdearskies.When
Binding levels are cumulative. Note that a creature may giventimetoworl<,however, weatheocmftcancommandforcesthat
expend a point of Willpower to resist a Binding, though the are truly awesome and terrifying to behold, but not without cost
sorcerer may recast it. Even simple changes can leave a sorcerer drained; major workings
• The creature cannot act against the sorcerer. can demand terrible sacrifices or even the death of the caster.
•• The creature must truthfully answer any single
question put to it. SYST€Iil
••• The creature truthfully answers questions and Roll: Manipulation + Willpower
must perform any one service demanded, though Cost: Weatherworking is expensive. An effect costs
it may twist the intent of the service. one Willpower per 2 dots in lntensity, plus one
for every 3 dotsofDuration, Speed and Scale (or •• Minor manipulations of the Local weather occur
fraction thereof). within a few seconds or minutes of your enacting
Moclifiers: none the change. Major changes still take long periods
Duration: see below of time to take effect, depending on the severity
Note: Because of the nature of weathercraft, the sor- of the shift.
cerer does not gain the benefit of Path dots as ••• Small changes take effect within a minute ofyour
freebie successes; almost all weathercraft casting calling them, and larger changes require only a
will be performed as extended task checks. few hours to a day to take effect. The most
extreme of shifts in weather, however, still take
several days to set up.
Intensity •••• Minor changes are almost instantaneous, larger
• You can make small changes in the environment: a changes occur within a few hours, and extreme
sudden cold breeze, a slight drop in room temperature, a changes happen in a day or two.
softening of the light in a room, the sudden flaring of candles. ••••• Minor changes occur when and how you ask
• • Minor changes to the environment are possible; you them to, larger changes happen in an hour or so,
cansummon up a dense fog, ensure that skies are cloudy or create and even extreme changes usually take place
favorable winds. within a day of you asking for them.
• ••Therainsandwindsarearyourcommand.Rainshowers •••••• Even the largestofstormscome within an hour or
come when you call them, and strong winds blow where you two of your calling them. Summoning a storm
will. You can change the local temperature by as much as 30 with this kind of speed is guaranteed to mess up
degrees in either direction and can calm strong seas or currents. local weather patterns and will certainly attract
• • • • Storms move and surge where you will; powerful large amounts ofattention from those who watch
rains, gale force winds, heat waves and cold snaps (changes ofup the skies... not to mention weirding out every
to 40degrees in temperature), and powerful tides and undercur· meteorologist on the same continent as you are.
rents are all at your command. You can also take control of Duration
existing weather patterns; an additional Manipulation+ Occult • Afewsec.onds,nomore,andonlyforminorchanges.
roll (difficulty 7) allows you to direct some phenomenon of the
storm (hailstones, powerful waves, lightning bolts, smashing
•• A minute or so. Major changes cannot last this
short a period of time.
winds, etc.) at a specific target. These attacks do (4 health levels
+ the caster's successes); a new roll must be made for each attack
••• A few minutes, maybe half an hour at most.
. Lightning bolts do lethal damage (aggravated if the subject •••• An hour at most
"botches" the soak roll), otherattacks do either lethal or bashing ••••• Several hours, maybe a day.
damage depending on their exact effects. • ••••• Up to a week.
• • • • • Your control over the thunderstorm is absolute.
Great waves surge and crash when you command, and no man
can stand when you send the winds against him. The blizzard • 50 square feet or so. Minor changes only.
and the drought are your weapons. Elemental attacks sent •• Affects about a half-mi.le area .
against others do 6 health levels + your successes on a Manipu- ••• A mile or two in size. Extreme changes cannot
lation + Occult roll. take place in this small an area.
• • • • • • You can summon the most destructive of weather •••• An area roughly five miles in diameter. All but
patterns: tornadoes, hurricanes and monsoons, killing frosts, dust the most extreme changes are possible.
storms, lethal heat waves and raging thunderstorms. Their elemen- ••••• An area 20 miles in diameter. Any kind of
tal attacks can kill even the most powetful of men; attacks do a base changes are possible.
of 8 health Levels + successes rolled. Storms of this magnitude will •••••• An area nearly 100 miles in diameter.
disrupt lOCal weather patterns for weeks or even months after the
storm itselffades away; the faster the storm is summoned the more PRIC€ $F fAILURE
extreme the aftermath and disruptions. Even a simple failure at Weather O>ntrol will result in weird
Speed shifts and changes in the local weather patterns; a botch can disrupt
• The changes you request will happen ... eventu- the local weather almost beyond recognition (snow on the Sahara,
ally. Depending on the severity of the change, it droughtsintherainforests,etc.)ormuckuptheweatherpanernsfor
might take anywhere from minutes to a week or an entire region to a Lesser degree. A sorcerer could find himself
more for the weather you summon to arrive. summoning up the mother ofall hurricanes when he was crying for
a simple thunderstorm or fried in her own thunderbolts.


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