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What is lgbtq
2. Discrimination experience
a) Family
b)College student
c) workplace
3. Lack of acceptance
4. Psychological disorder
a) Dep.
c) Lack of self esteem
d)Repress ones emotions
f) Not being able to adjust
5. Treatment or help
6. Counseling psy.
7. Increasing awareness and acceptance
8. Lgbtq Groups

Acceptance among the therapist along with their affirmative

response tends to improve the well being of the queer
community as they feel more safe and confident in confiding
their distress to the therapist thus reducing the psychological
distress. Along with this strong therapeutic relationship
between the therapist and client acts like an underlying
factor in the above situation.[7]
Alessi, E. J., Dillon, F. R., & Van Der Horn, R. (2019). The therapeutic relationship mediates the association between
affirmative practice and psychological well-being among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer clients. Psychotherapy, 56(2),

8 sep 2018 abolition of sec 377

What is expected from the counselors

To be sensitive and empathetic

To acknowledge their difference and help them to accept and
make them understand that it is okay
To not promise that they would change them
To not assume and use terms that my offend someone
To not generalize and to be open minded and accepting
Understand the challenge and the bias the client face
Include all the aspects of their life so that they can
understand the condition better.
Group therapy- supportive environment, not alone, coping
strategies must also include heterosexual ind. So they can
understand each others perspective thus have a higher
chance to accept the lgbt.
Social interactions can be stressing as many times a response
given by an LBGT individual tends to be interpreted in
different manner as compared to a heterosexual individual
who gives a similar response[smith]
Follow the client and see the world from the clients
perspective and try to be in their shoes to understand the

Extra material
It needs to be brought into awareness that we Indians have
always been very specific towards our god thus assigning
different names for different religious god. So my question is
can’t we acknowledge the LGBTQIA+ community just like we
acknowledge our gods or any other smallest organism for
that? Smallest of smallest matter has a name and an
individual identity so how can we neglect the queer
community which compose a significant part of our

A great sense of awareness and acceptance has been shown

in today’s gen Z towards LGBTQIA+ community . However,
even today the queer community could not overcome the
inequality and the discrimination that they suffer in today’s
world. LGBTQ community as being part of a heterosexual
community continues to face the lack of respect and
freedom. They are not recognized as normal individuals by
the society. In earlier times when this concept was budding,
the person was seen as being possessed by an evil spirit. Acts
like exorcism was performed on the queer community
members. Even today many people and sometimes even
counselors make statements of “curing” LGBTQIA+
community treating it like a disorder or a disease. However,
many counselors who are accepting and understanding
towards LGBTQIA+ are trying to help them overcome their
psychological distress.

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