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1. Baker - a person who makes bread and works in a bakery.

2. Bus driver - a person who drives buses.
3. Butcher - a person who works with meat. They cut the meat and sell it in their
4. Chef/Cook - a person who prepares food in a restaurant.
5. Cleaner - a person who cleans an area or place
6. Dentist - a person who can fix problems you have with your teeth.
7. Doctor - a person you go to see when you are ill or have some type of health
8. Dustman - a person who collects trash/rubbish from bins in the street.
9. Electrician - a person who works with electric circuits.
10. Farmer - a person who works on a farm, usually with animals.
11. Fireman/Fire fighter - a person who puts out fires.
12. Gardener - a person who keeps gardens clean and tidy. They take care of the
plants in the garden.
13. Hairdresser - they cut your hair or give it a new style.
14. Lawyer - a person who defends people in court and gives legal advice.
15. Lifeguard - a person who saves lives where people swim (at a beach or
swimming pool).
16. Mechanic - a person who repairs machines, especially car motors.
17. Nurse - a person who helps sick or injured people.
18. Pharmacist - a person who sells medicine.
19. Pilot - a person who flies a plane.
20. Plumber - a person who repairs water pipes.
21. Policeman/Policewoman - a person who catches criminals.
22. Postman - a person who delivers mail to your house.
23. Scientist - a person who makes experiments.
24. Shop assistant - a person who works in a shop and sell products.
25. Soldier - a person who works for the army.
26. Taxi driver - a person who drives a taxi.
27. Teacher - a person who teaches students at school.
28. Veterinary doctor (Vet) - a person who looks after sick animals.
29. Waiter/Waitress - a person who works in a restaurant, looking after customers
and serving food.
30. Window cleaner - a person who cleans windows, normally the windows of big

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