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Juan Manuel Vargas

Cali, Colombia

Dear paradise hotel manager

I am writing to express my interest in the vacant position of publie accountant at paradise

hotel. I have five years of experienes as an accountant, I believe that my discipline and
knowledge an how to erats financial reports and analyze updated balanez sheets can
successfully optimize the efficiency of your company. As an accountant specialized in
developing my work properly, I feel that working for such a recognized entity can bring me
benefits in my profession and give me a valuable opportunity to develop my knowledge and
skills while working to increase the efficiener of the financial area of your hotel company. I
have experience in several nationally recognized companies. I created a web page that
allows me to review and analyze the financial statements for the company called global
systems in a faster and safer way. This page made it possible to draw up income and
expense balances so that companies covid make the right decisions about their budgets. I
was also recognized as public accountant of the real for the successes achieved with the
application of the web page I created. I have been observing your company’s commitment to
follow through with the strategy and practice that your prestigious company emrries out
timely. TF I have the opportunity to work for your distinguished company paradise hotel to
handle the company’s financial reecres and balance sheets updated to date.

I am excited to hear from you to learn more about this unemney, and set up an appointment
for an interview or phone call. I am pleased to be able to continue to learn about my
evaluation process for this asem and to be the successful candidate for this position.
Thank you for your attention and kindness in this matter.


Juan Manuel Vargas.

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