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Living un Tokio


The purpose of this report is to show the Tokio’s lifestyle. It gives information about
technological development and some features and facilities.


Tokyo captivates you with its futuristic side, its technological attractions and streets that look
like an urban fashion show, or from its more traditional side, with its gardens, palaces and
vestiges. Tokio is especially well known for Meiji-Jingu Shinto shrine and for Senso-ji which is
the oldest temple.


Tokyo is one of the world’s most prominent technology and innovation hubs. Bullet trains,
robot waiters, space age toilets, 3D manufacturing, bank- backed cryptocurrency exchange and
even self- driving cars are all part of day-to-day life.


In terms of food, it is one of the healthiest and most varied in the world, presents specialties
according to local dishes and to the time of year. You can try sushi or sashimi or opt for good
ramen, the typical yakitori or order a dish based on the famous Kobe beef.


In conclusion Tokio is a city where you can find the most technological innovations but also
you can find the oldest traditional culture.

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