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Paimú Rodríguez García

First draft

December 14, 2023

The most (exciting) experience

The most exciting experience was when almost I crossed three countries.

The first time I went with my cat Nino and the second time just me, Nino had already died by then.
It all started when someone invited me to visit Montreal, Quebec, Canada, leaving from
Tarimbaro, Michoacan, Mexico to reach Canada, it included was my Tourist Visa, and my American
Social Security, they were lost on the trip. I will have to request a replacement for both; they also
got lost in other things during the trip such as the closure of some companies that I had in the US.
My plan was also to see if I could get a job, and reside in Montreal, I had many plans. Now, I do not
have a cent for any because I had saved a lot for a long time. Although I think that, nothing lasts




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