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Income inequality refers to the unequal distribution of income among individuals or

households within a society. It's a pressing political issue because it often leads to social
unrest, undermines economic stability, and affects overall societal well-being.

At its core, income inequality means that some people earn significantly more than
others, resulting in disparities in living standards, access to education, healthcare, and
opportunities for social mobility. This can create a sense of injustice and resentment, leading
to tensions between different socio-economic groups.

Politically, addressing income inequality involves implementing policies that aim to

redistribute wealth more equitably and create opportunities for those at the lower end of the
income spectrum. This can include progressive taxation, minimum wage laws, investment in
education and skills training, and social welfare programs.

However, tackling income inequality is complex and often met with resistance from
those who benefit from the status quo. There are also ideological debates about the role of
government intervention in the economy and the balance between promoting economic
growth and ensuring social justice.

Overall, addressing income inequality requires a multifaceted approach involving

political will, social awareness, and collaboration between various stakeholders to create a
more just and inclusive society.

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