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Follow our tips to ensure success!

Ten Top Tips

1 Social Media Cleansing – delete all pictures and posts you don’t believe are conducive for a prospective
employer to see – they will all Facebook stalk you!

2 Create a detailed and professional LinkedIn page – a CV is only a summary of your work experience, but
LinkedIn allows you post much more detailed information about you in the world of work including publications,
videos, CSI projects, achievements etc.

3 Contact all your previous References to ensure you have their correct contact details and give them the heads
up they might be receiving calls to verify your brilliance.

4 Define your personal brand – dress, talk and behave like a typical person in your desired role would.

5 Select the Recruiters (not recruitment agencies) best suited to represent you – you can base this on tenure in
the recruitment industry, qualifications, and references – view their LinkedIn page!

6 Update your CV and get someone to proof read it, format is critical.

7 Make sure you are entering the job market for the right reasons, I suggest you meet with your current boss to
ensure your current employer can’t meet all your desired expectations prior to putting your CV out– I am not a
believer in counter offers.

8 Draft a three year career path including a personal development plan so you are clear what you want to achieve
and how you are going to achieve it and therefore what company can help you achieve it.

9 Know your values, ideal environment and culture requirements so you can find a company you are aligned to
and don’t compromise.

10 Go for interview coaching, or download interview tips and practice your answers so that you are ready to win
the interview for your dream job. | 082 561 73335 |

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