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Translation Presentation (10%)


Event 1, 2 and 3 each :

French Tense /3
English Tense /3
Conjugation /3
Auxiliary /3
Modal/Grammatical /3
Meaning /3
State/action /1
Simple/progressive /1

Background info /10

Total : /70

In groups of one or two students, find a book originally written in English and its French
translated version. Observe the translation of three different sentences (events), each
containing one different English verb tense. Give a brief description of the background of the
book for an additional three points.

- Event: identify the verb.

- French tense: identify the verb tense in French.
- English tense: identify the verb tense in English (past, present future, etc…).
- Conjugation: identify how the verb is conjugated (base form, preterit, past participle or
present participle (drink,drank,drunk, drinking)).
- Auxiliary: all verb tenses in English have an auxiliary, some do not appear in the
indicative but still exist. Name the auxiliary.
- Even if there is no auxiliary, name the one associated with that tense anyway. (the one
that woud be used in the negative or interrogative form of the sentence)
- Modal/Grammatical: make the distinction between modal and grammatical auxiliaries,
check unit 5 (Avenues 3 Grammar) for a list of modal auxiliaries, all others are
- Meaning: explain the meaning of the auxiliary (if there is one)
- State/action: explain if the event chosen is state-like or action-like and justify.
- Simple/progressive: explain if the verb is conjugated in the progressive form or not
- Present the book for ten points, include:
o Author, publication date, part of a collection?, summary, why you chose it.

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