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|AIRAM PUBLIC SCHOOL, SALEM-8 (CBSE-Senior Secondary) Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi Affln No.1930411 7900-55555 English ALS Portfolio SubCode:301 2023-2024 This is to certify that S.AAKAASH of class XII-A2 has completed his project file under my supervision. He has taken proper care and shown utmost sincerity in completion of this project, I certify that his project is up to my expectation and as per guidelines issued by CBSE. Internal Examiner —_ External Examiner Principal Signature Acknowledgement Lexpress my gratitude to Mr. R. GOKUL, MA (English)., B.Ed. P.G.T in English, my English Teacher and Guide, who guided me throughout the project and also gave me valuable suggestions and guidance for completing the project . He helped me to understand the intricate issues involved in making the project, besides effectively presenting it. These intricacies would have been lost otherwise. My project has been success only because of his guidance. Name of the Student: S.A.AKAASH Roll No: .. (Signature) Certificate by Guide This is to certify that AKAASHLS.A of class XII-A2 of Jairam Public School, Salem-8 has completed his project file under my guidance. He has taken proper care and shown utmost sincerity in completing this project. I certify that his project this project is up to my expectations and as per the guidelines issued by CBSE. Mr. R. Gokul (PGT ENGLISH / Head of the Department) (Signature) Certificate from Student I S.AAkaash Roll No. ..... ... Student of Class XII — A2 of Jairam Public School — 8 certify that the project was undertaken by me as a part of CBSE Curriculum. The context used in the project has been referred and analyzed by me from the distinguish websites and therefore, | take it to be authentic and reliable Name of the Student: S.AAAKAASH Roll No.: (Signature) Action Plan For The Project: Selection of the topic. Approval of the topic by the teacher in charge. Research work on the given topic. Exploring the content with multiple resources. Analyzing the literary work properly which is given by guide. Preparation of a detailed report. Objectives of the ALS Proje 1. Aims to the check the listening capacity. 2. To encourage the abilities. 3. To stimulate the inter and intrapersonal skills. 4. To determine the innovation and creativity. Cover page Acknowledgement Certificate by guide Certificate from student ‘Action plan Objective of the ALS project About the poet Beauty of nature Benefits of nature Prologue of the poem Title justification Theme of the poem Message of the poem Literary devices used in the poem Overall view of the poem Bibliography Report A THING OF BEAUTY John Keats (31 October 1795 — 23 February 1821) was an English poet. He is often ranked as one of the five most important poets of the Romantic movement in English literature; the other four are William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Lord Byron, and Perey Bysshe Shelley. Though Keats was the youngest of these poets, he also died before the others: he suffered from tuberculosis and died in Rome at the age of 25. Keats was the son of an inn-keeper Thomas Keats, who died when Keats was nine years old and Frances Keats; and his mother died of tuberculosis in 1810. The young, Keats began studying to be a surgeon, though his interest in literature grew stronger than his interest in medicine. He became a friend and follower of the poet and editor James Henry Leigh Hunt, and made his first attempts to write his own poetry. Keats's active writing life lasted only about six years, from the spring of 1814 through 1819, His short life meant that he wrote less than many other poets. His longest poems, Endymion and Hyperion, tell stories from ancient Greek mythology. Many of his shorter poems are among the best known in English literature, including the ballad "La Belle Dame sans Merci" and his sonnets and odes. Keats was an active letter-writer throughout his life, like many people of his time Hundreds of his letters to friends and relatives have survived, and Keats is often called one of the great letter writers in the English language. -cret, his power to sway and delight the readers, lies primarily in his gift for iving the world and living his moods and aspirations in terms of language. "A Thing of Beauty” is an excerpt from his poem ‘Endymion : A Poetic Romance’. The poem is based on a Greek legend, in which Endymion , a beautiful young shepherd and poet who lived on Mount Latmos, had a vision of Cynthia, the Moon Goddess, The enchanted youth resolved to seek her out and so wandered away through the forest and down under the sea. BEAUTY OF NATURE: “Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better” Nature is a storehouse of joy and pleasure. It is an ever flowing fountain of divine beauty. It is a friend, guide to human, It has a healing touch of its own, A ruined body or a broken mind finds a bit of comfort and consolation in the top of nature. It provides a man with fresh energy. Beauties of nature are unlimited. But unfortunately, the modem man is too much unguarded in worldly pursuits. All are too busy to discover the beauties of nature. He has no time to listen to the singing of birds, to watch the clouds moving majestically across the sky. Everything in the nature has their own power and uniqueness provided by the God. thas its many forms which are changing by season to season and even from minute to minute such as sea looks bright blue in the morning but by noon it looks emerald green colour. Sky changes its colour all through the day from pale pink at sunrise, dazzling blue in late morning, bright orange in evening at sunset and purple by twilight. Our mood also gets changed according to the nature such as happy and hopeful at sun shine, rainy season and spring season, We feel heartily happy at moonlight and little bored and tired in high sun light. Nature has some powerful transformative power which changes our mood and behaviour accordingly. Nature has power to recover the patients from their diseases if they are provided with the required and pleasant environment. Nature is very essential for our healthy life so we should keep it clean and conserve it for our future generations. We should cut trees and forests, should not despoil the ocean, rivers, should not make hole in ozone layer, should not increase green house effect, global warming and many more through our selfish activities. We should get fully aware about our nature and try our best to keep it natural so that it can nourish life on the earth forever. 10 BENEFITS OF NATURE: > The Healing Power of Nature Nature is a great healer. It brings peace to our minds and bodies. When we spend time in nature, we feel calm and relaxed. It reduc ss and improves our mood. > Nature and Physical Health Being in nature can also benefit our physical health. It encourages us to exercise and stay active, Walking, running, or playing in green spaces helps us stay fit and healthy. > Learning from Nature Nature is a fantastic teacher. It teaches us about the cycles of life, the importance of diversity, and the need for balance. It inspires creativity and sparks curiosity in young minds. > The Therapeutic Power of Nature The natural world has been a source of solace, inspiration, adventure, and delight for generations. It is a sanctuary for the human spirit, offering a sense of peace and tranquility that is often lacking in our fast-paced, technology-driven lives. Nature offers a plethora of benefits to our physical and mental well-being. It is a powerfull yet underutilized tool for health and happiness. As we move forward in an increasingly urbanized world, it is crucial to reconnect with nature and reap its many benefits. PROLOGUE OF THE POEM: The idea that beauty is eternal and has a timeless lifelong attraction is the central theme of the poem "A Thing of Beauty”. It is a narrative about the relationship between a Goddess and her human lover. The poem is based on the Greek myth of Endymion , the shepherd who falls in love with the moon Goddess, Selene, whom the poet renames ‘Cynthia’. This talks of how beautiful things give us pleasure and alleviate suffering and sorrow. The epic poem, ‘Endymion’ begins famously with the line, A thing of beauty is a joy forever’ (first stanza), The poem talks about how beauty endures and may be found in both created and natural things. The speaker makes the claim that beauty has a transcendent aspect and that it can make people feel happy and amazed. The poem also explores the idea that while beauty may be transient and brief, those who have encountered it are changed forever. The poem also mentions the notion that beauty has the power to unite people and foster a sense of harmony and oneness. TITLE JUSTIFICATION: ‘The poem explains us that there is a lot of negativity around us because of emotions like greed, hatred, loneliness, etc. therefore we humans search for things that can bring happiness for us. But humans search for true happiness in materialistic objects like furniture, statues, expensive omaments, cars etc, and we do find happiness in them. On the other hand, there are natural landscapes, rivers, lush green mountains, flowers, gardens all around us. Beauty is in our eyes. One person finds eternal beauty in material things; on the other hand another person finds beauty in nature. Both are beautiful and lasting. Hence, we can say that, happiness is a natural emotion which evokes in a person's mind as and when he comes across anything beautiful. ‘Thus, the title is quite appropriate. THEME OF THE PO! This poem mainly focuses on motivating the reader and filling them with the hope of living their lives happily. It delivers the message about the presence of the things of beauty in this world, These things of beauty should be seen as a source to feel hopeful and do not hesitate in the sad or gloomy times. Also, this poem has the main motive to provide peace to the readers by referring to the beauty of this nature. Here, the poet also connected the natural resources like sun, moon, rivers, ete as the beauty of nature and stated that they can be seen as a support during the mad days of this life. MESSAGE OF THE POEM: The message of the poem “A THING OF BEAUTY” is that beautiful things are a source of constant joy and inspiration, They give us etemal pleasure and leave an indelible image on our minds and, therefore, every beautiful thing and aspect is worth being treasured. LITERARY DEVICES USED IN THE PO! > Rhyme scheme: ABAB CDCD EFEF GG. The first and second lines of each stanza thyme (ABAB), as do the third and fourth lines (CDCD) and the fifth and sixth lines (EFEF). The final two lines of the poem rhyme with each other (GG). This rhyme scheme is known as a Shakespearean sonnet, which is a 14-Line poem with a specific thyme scheme Alliteration: the repetition of initial consonant sounds, such as in "shade of the boughs” and "sweet dreams.” Assonance: the repetition of vowel sounds, such as in "deep-delyed" and "fostered." Metaphor: a comparison between two unlike things without using the words "like" or "as," such as "beauty is a joy forever" and "beauty is truth." Personification: giving human characteristics to non-human things, such as in "The sun, the moon, the stars, the seas, the hills and the plains" are said to "look upon them with a settled joy." Imagery: the use of sensory details to create a vivid picture in the reader's mind, such as "azure skies" and "tangled green." Simile: a comparison between two things using the words "like" or "as," such as “like the sun and "like a rose. Repetition: the repetition of words or phrases, such as "beauty is" and "joy forever." Hyperbole: exaggeration for effect, such as "A thing of beauty is a joy forever." OVERALL VIEW OF THE POEM: A Thing of Beauty is by the famous poet John Keats. Furthermore, the poet says that a beautiful thing can give us extreme happiness and delight. Moreover, a beautiful thing is eternal that never declines or fades. Also, a beautiful thing resembles a shady shelter which gives us a comfortable sleep comprising of sweet dreams and relaxation, This will ultimately lead to good health. The sight of lovely and beautiful things will live on in our memories for the rest of our lives. Thinking about them makes our bodies and minds healthier, as the ideas give us serenity and mental calm. ‘The author says that individuals have an attachment to Earthly things. This attachment is such that it has the resemblance of a flowery wreath. Furthermore, there are traps that keep people connected to materialistic things. This connection with materialistic things distracts humans from eternal happiness. This is because the focus of such materialistic people will be on acquiring more and more resources rather than on attaining etemal happiness. The world has a lot of negativit ty. hatred, and greed. According to the poet, the cause of gloom and sadness is this negativity. Moreover, one can fade away these negative vibes away with the help of beautiful things that surround us. This is because these beautiful things bring nothing but positivity. Man and nature are strongly intertwined. The beauty of nature is what keeps us connected to this planet. Every morning, we select beautiful fresh flowers and make garlands. They lift our spirits and make us forget about our problems for a while. The poet informs us about some beautiful things that are all around us. Beauty is certainly in the eyes of the one who beholds. This means one can see the beauty in anything. Furthermore, the poet talks about the numerous creations of God which we should admire, One such creation is the Sun which provides energy. Moreover, the poet also talks about the beauty of the moon and the natural beauty of the trees. There are various animals around that make our world lively. Pretty flowers like daffodils enhance the liveliness and greenery of the world. Moreover, the flowing streams of water provide a refreshment and cooling effect to us in the hot summer season. ‘The forests have plenty of pretty musk rose flowers. Such flowers are a beautiful sight and eyes feel the delight due to them. All such things certainly are things of beauty. Also, one must not forget the beautiful and inspiring stories of the brave soldiers. These brave soldiers risked and sacrificed their lives in order to protect others. ‘These beautifull things have a resemblance to the fountain of immortality bestowed upon us by God as a gift and a blessing. Such beautiful things are an inspiration for all of us to continue living. They make life worth living. Also, they also help us in maintaining our Life without these beautiful things would certainly become very hard. BIBLIOGARAPHY: h-flamingo/a-thin; > explanation-summary.html > of-beauty > flamingo-chapter-4-poem REPORT:

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