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Spoofer downloads: Download

Extra downloads: Download

[Tournaments] - Pc reset is required with an usb stick!

If you have usb stick keep reading, If you don't have a usb stick watch this: video

1. Right click on your usb-stick, click Format and then choose File System: FAT32 (if
you don’t have FAT32 watch the video above!)

Run the “MAC Changer” file as admin.

Download the Spoofer Files, and put them on your usb stick or partition created (must look
like on the picture below)

If the files are like this on your usb stick then all you have to do is go into your bios.

Once in your bios do the following:

Secure boot: off
csm boot mode: other os
csm enabled

Navigate to Boot Options/Boot Section.

You will see Boot Option #1, Boot Option #2 and a few more all you have to do is,
make Boot Option #1: UEFI USB Stick, Boot Option #2 Windows Boot Manager.
After this save changes and restart the pc, when restarting pc you should see a lot of text
going really fast for a few seconds, and after this booting up into the normal windows

Use the serial checker in the Extra Downloads provided to check serials, and make sure
serials have changed.

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