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- Temperature (n): nhiệt độ => degree Celsius

- Hot (adj) = extremely hot = schorching (adj) = boiling (adj)
- Cold (adj) = freezing (adj) = chilly (adj) = frosty (adj)
- Humid (adj)
- Cool (adj) => Crisp (adj): cool and fresh => Breeze (adj).
- Mild (adj): pleasant, moderate temperate
- Gloomy (adj): feel blue
- Rain (v,n)
- Drizzle (v): mưa phùn
- Pour (v): to rain heavily, intensely
- Drip (v):
- Devastating storm/ flood/ landslide
- Sweeping (adj)
- The floodwater has been receded

1. Do you like rainy days?

Yeah I actually prefer sunny days more bc I have to commute to work everyday => don’t
like rainy days at all.
 I actually prefer sunny days because of the difficulties that the rain brings to me. To
be specific, I find it incovenient wearing the raincoat and experiencing poor visibility
when commuting to work underwater, especially when it’s pouring.

2. Does it rain a lot in your country?

Tropical climate (n)
I suppose that the country of Vietnam is positioned in the tropical climate are, which is often
hot and humid, explaining why there are a great share of rains each year. Of course the
raining season is definitely various among areas, I believe that they receive an equal amount
of rainfall.
3. Does rain ever affect transportation in your hometown?
It depends on the types of the rain. Drizzling or Dripping doesn’t really challenge people
when moving on the street. However, typically in Hue, my hometown, it pours almost every
day during the winter, which makes the road flooded with flood water. Hence, travelling in
the condition could be dangerous for the residents. Even, after the floodwater has receded, the
streets are normally packed with mud which makes the travelling impossible.
4. Dry or wet place?

I think each has its own appeal.

A dry place: - offer abundant sunshine => warmer climate => perfect for outdoor
activities. - consistency of the weather => more predictable => planning
Wet places: - mild temperature (neither too hot nor cold) => comfortable
environment => …. Ideal for….

 Scenery: lush vegetation (thảm thực vật xanh tốt), => beautiful
natural environment.
5. Would you change you schedule if it rained?

I can say it depends on the types of schedule, I mean the level of priority of the

- I would divide them into : “urgent” and “less important”.

- Regardless to the weather/ irrespective of the weather.
- But if it is less important , ________________, I may put it off several days later. /
negotiate a few hours later.
6. What do u usually do when it starts to rain and you are outside?
7. DO you prefer rainy days or sunny days?

Part 2: Describe an occasion when you got lost.

You should say

- Where it was – DA NANG

- What happened - UNIVERSITY for the firs time.
- How you felt => _______________, what did you learn from it, how can you
avoid this situation in the future?

+ normal ppl – frightening => lost several times => normal. => using app….

Captivate the attention => add something fun, interesting.

+ what did you learn from it?

+ Why do you like/ dislike it?

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