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THI: Trắc nghiệm máy

Bài tập nhóm: Case study
Chapter 1: Fundamental of Logistics
1.1. The concept of Logistics
- Logistics Management is thast part of Supply chian Management that plans.
Implememnts and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and
storage of goods, services and related in4 between the point of origin and the point
of consumption in order to meet customers reqirements.
- The 7Rs (7 RIGHTS): product, customer, place, time, quantity, quality,
 The concept of Logistics: The magic formula
+ Energy = Mass X (C) Speed of light 2
+ Efficient = Movement X Speed of communications 2
 Logistics question: Location
- Location of resource inputs (Where?)
+ Where to find mterial needed
+ Where to find labour and parts supply, etc.
- A decision on location includes also what product to produce and which
plants to produce them in
- When resource are found, another question is where to put them together to
transform raw materials into WIP or finished products
 Logistics question: Movement and storage
- Movement and storage of resource and products frm the prigin pf resource to
the final destination of finished products
+ How to transport from A to B, by air, sea, road or combination of them.
+ When should the trnasport start, which route should be chosen
+ Should storage be needed, is packing needed and if so, when and how, etc.
- The two groups of logistics questions are logically interalated
- Logistics concerns space and time, and is about to answer the question of
location, movement and storage of economic resources.
1.3. Value added role of logistics
- Most commonly referred to in terms of economics utilities:
+ Form ultility (Thay đổi dạng của sản phẩm theo nhu cầu của KH)
+ Place ultility
+ Time ultility
+ Possession ultility (Chuyển quyề sở hữu)
1.4. Important Logistics concepts (C)
- Total cots: the essence of logistics is to minimise total costs of logistics rather
than cost of an individual activity
- Costs of trade-offs: a usedful analysis tool aiming at minimising itegratics
logistics costs ( CP đánh đổi)
- At the stage of planning and assessing integrated logistics system, different
combinations of element should be sought, analysed and compared to identify an
optimal portfolio
- Reducing a cost element may incur another, so a total cost saving must be sought.
1.5. Logistics anf production interface
- Coordinates through scheduling and strategy make – to – order (Chỉ Sản Xuất
khi có đơn đặt hàng) or make – to – stock (sx đều đặn, lưu kho)
- An integral part of the supply chain
+ Afects total réponse time for customerss
+ Shares activities such as inventory palnning
- Costs are in trade – off
+ Production lot quantities affect inventory levels ad transportation efficiency
+ Production response affects transportation costs and customers service
+ Production and warehouse locations are interrelated
- If the task of marketing is to create customers demand, then the objective of
physical distribution os to satisfy them
- Logistics Interface with Marketing
+ Price: since the larger the shipment, the cheaper the transportaion rate,
shipment sizes should be tailored to the carriers vehicle capacity where
+ Product: since the size, shape, weight and other physical chracteristics of
the products , transportaion and handling, the logisctics managers should be
included in any decidions regarding these product traits.
+ Promotion: Pull versus push strategy
+ Place: Wholesaler versus retailers:
+) Wholeslaer (Bán buôn)
+) Retailer (Bán lẻ)
+ Competitive relationship: Price and Customer service
 Factors affecting the costs and improtance of Logistics
- Product relationships

Chapter 2: Logistics Customer service management

2.1. The concept of Customer service
* Cost of loosing a customer
- Current dollars
- Jobs
- Loss of reputation
- Loss of future business
=> So, what is the link between exceptional customer service (making
customer satisfied) and your company’s bottom line??
* A good customer service
- Loyalty
- Word of mouth
- Price premiums
- Reduce operating costs
2.2. Customer service overview
- If the basis of customer srevice are not in place, nothing else matters
- Customers may define service differently
- All customers accounts are not the same
- Relationship are not one dmentional
- Partnership and added value can “look up” customers
2.3. Defining customer service quality

- Quality is therefore customer’s perveived value: Customer believe value for

money is a decifing factor for the attractiveness of the transaction.
- Value, in customer’s perception, is “overrall” perception of what is received
and what is excepted
- Satisfaction results from the match between the perception and experience/
- So, customer service quality is the “discreoany between customers’
ecpectation and perception”
- Factor that shape cutomer expectations are:
+ Word of mouth communication
+ Personal needs
+ Past experience
+ External communications (advertising,etc…)
2.4. Barriers to Good customer service
- Some causes of poor customer service
+ Inadequate trained personnel
+ Goals and objectives not made known to employees
+ Poor communication, horizontally and vertically
+ No/Poor system of customer feedback
+ Not understanding customer needs
+ Poor leadership
+ Dissatisfied employees ..
2.5. Logistics products
- Logistics is a part of the fatest growing sector of world trade- service.
- Fundamental different between goods and service present challenges and
opportunities to management of organizations that offer these services
2.6. Customer service in Logistics
2.7. Importance of Logistics Customer Service
- Service affects slaes
- Service affects customer patronage
Chapter 3: Forecasting and Order management
3.1. Customer order processing
 Demand-side Logistics – Outbound systerm
- Elements of demand side logistics:
+ To increase levels of customer service, significant emphasis is placed on
outbound logistics systerm
+ Understanding customer demand
+ Estimating demand
+ Meeting the demad with a high level of customer service
+ Efficient with respect to cost management
+ Forecasting demand and logistics management
 Order cycle and Order processing
1. Main concerns:
- How do we know ưhat the customer want?
- How do we satisfy our customers?
- ...
2. Lack of communication between departments results in little or no coordinated
response to demand in4
3. Too much emphasis is often placed on forecasts of demand with little
attention ...
4. Demand in logistics are two types:
- Push type: Sản Xuất dựa trên dữ liệu trong QK của DN, đẩy hàng hóa từ quá
khứ vào hiện tại
- Pull type: Market demand là yếu tố kéo hệ thống sản xuất.
 Order cycle
- Traditionally includes…..
- …..
 Order management systerm
- Order management systerm represent the principal means by which buyers
and sellers communicate in4 relating to individual product orders
- Effective order management is key to operational efficieny and customer
 Factors affecting order processing time:
- Processing priorities
- Parallel versus sequential processing
- Order-filling accuracy
- Order batching
- Lot sizing
- Shipment consolidation
3.3. Logistics-needs Forecasting
Chapter 4: Procurement management (Inbound Logistics)
4.3. The role of Procurement in the Value Chain
Chapter 7: Warehousing decisions and Management

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