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American university of Madaba

Faculty of engineering

Lath Al-Slahat
ID: - 2010332

Assignment (1)
Carbon capture technologies have a lot of potential for reducing greenhouse gas
emissions and combating climate change. These technologies are designed to
capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from a number of sources, such as industrial
processes, power plants, and the environment, and then store it in subterranean
geological formations, deep ocean waters, or use it in industrial processes.
Afforestation is a natural carbon capture process that involves planting trees to
gather carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. However,
afforestation alone will not be sufficient to meet many countries' aspirational net-
zero emissions targets. As a result, greater carbon capture technology development
and deployment is vital for achieving a cleaner future.

Carbon capture technologies are being actively researched and tested. For example,
direct air capture (DAC) technology aims to extract CO2 straight from the air and
store it in subsurface geological formations utilizing specialized materials. Another
possibility is carbon capture, use, and storage (CCUS), which entails capturing
CO2 emissions from industrial processes and then using the captured CO2 to
improve oil recovery or other industrial activities.

While carbon capture technologies have the potential to drastically reduce CO2
emissions and prevent climate change, several challenges remain. These
technologies remain prohibitively expensive, and there are concerns about their
energy efficiency and long-term environmental impact. Furthermore, others worry
that these technologies will be used to justify the continued use of fossil fuels
rather than the transition to cleaner, more sustainable energy sources.

Finally, carbon capture technologies have the potential to drastically cut

greenhouse gas emissions and aid in climate change mitigation. They should,
however, be seen as a supplement to other measures such as energy efficiency,
renewable energy, and sustainable land use practices It is vital to keep investing.

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