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PART 2 - A01

7. (M-Au) How often are your language classes?

(W-Am) (A) Three times a week.
(B) Spanish and French.
(C) Yes, that’s fine.

8. (W-Br) What time are you giving your presentation?

(M-Cn) (A) No, but I think they will.
(B) It’s scheduled for three P.M.
(C) Preparing a slide show.

9. (W-Br) Should we use red or orange paint?

(M-Au) (A) At least two cans.
(B) We’ve read it before.
(C) Wouldn’t orange be too bright?

10. (M-Cn) When can I get my employee ID badge?

(W-Am) (A) At the Human Resources office.
(B) Anytime after lunch.
(C) It displays your name and department.

11. (W-Am) Would you like to see an afternoon or evening performance?

(M-Cn) (A) I know the words to this song.
(B) There are a few tickets.
(C) A weekday evening one, please.

12. (M-Au) Where’s the hotel dining room?

(W-Br) (A) Mostly Japanese food.
(B) I’m hoping it will.
(C) Dinner service has ended.

13. (W-Am) Why have all the chairs been placed on the tables?
(M-Cn) (A) Thanks, but I have a seat over there.
(B) Did you find a replacement?
(C) We’re going to clean the carpets.

14. (M-Cn) When did you send me the signed documents?

(W-Br) (A) By overnight mail.
(B) You should have received them yesterday.
(C) Sorry, I didn’t see the sign.

15. (W-Am) Could you move those boxes into the storage room?
(M-Au) (A) The hotel is all booked now.
(B) Sure, I’ll take care of that.
(C) A store that sells packing materials.

16. (W-Br) Do you have a patient ID number here?

(W-Am) (A) The cost of a check-up.
(B) Copies of my records, please.
(C) No, this is my first appointment.
17. (M-Cn) Who’s in charge of billing?
(W-Br) (A) Janice oversees that section now.
(B) On the fifth and twenty-fifth of every month.
(C) You can charge it on our company card.

18. (M-Cn) When is Kotomi going to the bank?

(M-Au) (A) As soon as his meeting finishes.
(B) To deposit his paycheck.
(C) The Madison Street branch.

19. (W-Br) Would you be willing to plan the office party?

(M-Au) (A) An expensive buffet.
(B) The guests are starting to arrive.
(C) Yes, I’d love to.

20. (M-Cn) Aren’t you attending the opening of the new art gallery?
(W-Am) (A) I have to work late tonight.
(B) It’s almost never locked.
(C) Great—be sure to take lots of pictures.

21. (M-Au) The packages shouldn’t weigh more than five kilograms each, should they?
(W-Am) (A) I’m looking for a faster way.
(B) Yes, that’s the right address.
(C) No, they should be pretty light.

22. (W-Br) Do you want to take a walk around the building?

(M-Cn) (A) It was very enjoyable.
(B) I have a deadline coming up.
(C) They’re on the construction crew.

23. (W-Br) I made a few changes to your press release.

(M-Au) (A) The clerk gave me the correct change.
(B) Try pressing zero.
(C) You checked it already?

24. (M-Au) Who can I contact about supplying photographs for your Web site?
(W-Am) (A) One of them was featured on the main page.
(B) I’ll e-mail the instructions to you.
(C) Some beautiful mountains.

25. (W-Am) Where did we conduct the market research survey?

(M-Cn) (A) At shopping centers across the city.
(B) Probably later in the week.
(C) There’s a vending machine downstairs.

26. (M-Cn) How many people will be assigned to the renovation project?
(W-Br) (A) By the end of the month.
(B) I’d recommend new floors in the lobby.
(C) Jin-Hwan already put together a team.

27. (W-Am) Which company manufactures these sunglasses?

(M-Au) (A) The one based in France.
(B) In January, I believe.
(C) Yes, I have an eye examination.

28. (M-Au) Don’t you think these sales projections are too high?
(W-Br) (A) Well, business has been quite good lately.
(B) No, that projector screen is fully automatic.
(C) I’ll ask Maintenance to bring up a ladder.

29. (M-Cn) I usually exercise outdoors.

(W-Am) (A) Yes, we offer that size.
(B) I prefer using a fitness center.
(C) On the notice by the door.

30. (M-Au) You’re taking the express train to London, right?

(W-Br) (A) Take some of these.
(B) No, it was sold out.
(C) A family vacation.

31. (W-Am) We need to gather the staff for an important announcement.

(M-Cn) (A) But Nick’s out of the office right now.
(B) It was mainly good news.
(C) Around fifteen technicians.
A01: 7 (A) 8 (B) 9 (C) 10 (B)
11 (C) 12 (C) 13 (C) 14 (B) 15 (B)
16 (C) 17 (A) 18 (A) 19 (C) 20 (A)
21 (C) 22 (B) 23 (C) 24 (B) 25 (A)
26 (C) 27 (A) 28 (A) 29 (B) 30 (B)
31 (A)

Part 2 – A02

7. (M-Au) How many people will be attending the banquet?

(W-Am) (A) Usually after 7 p.m.
(B) At least 20.
(C) At the Fairview Inn.

8. (M-Cn) Where do we usually keep the office supplies?

(W-Br) (A) Yes, you can borrow it.
(B) Well, that’s not surprising.
(C) They’re in the main storage closet.

9. (W-Am) Which department does Lisa work in?

(W-Br) (A) She’s right over there in customer service.
(B) That’s near my apartment too.
(C) I usually don’t walk to work.

10. (W-Am) Do you know when the report is due?

(M-Cn) (A) You did an excellent job.
(B) Next Friday, I believe.
(C) On Mr. Park’s desk.

11. (M-Au) Let’s try that Taiwanese seafood restaurant for lunch.
(W-Am) (A) He saw me last week.
(B) Great—I’ll make a reservation.
(C) I enjoyed myself too.

12. (W-Br) Are all the new computers installed?

(M-Au) (A) No, it’s an older software program.
(B) I’ll check with the technician.
(C) He may be in the research room.

13. (W-Am) How often does the express train run?

(M-Au) (A) Every hour on the weekends.
(B) Twenty dollars for adults.
(C) On Platform Two.

14. (M-Au) Haven’t we gotten an estimate for the remodeling to the lobby?
(W-Br) (A) The contractors are coming today to discuss it.
(B) He usually waits in the lobby.
(C) Computer models helped our design team.

15. (W-Am) When is the rain expected to start?

(M-Cn) (A) The trains don’t stop there anymore.
(B) The forecaster said around 4 to 5 p.m.
(C) No, we don’t expect them to come.

16. (M-Au) Would you like me to make you some coffee?

(W-Am) (A) No, we have enough copies already.
(B) Oh, I have my tea right here, thanks.
(C) They all made a profit.

17. (M-Cn) Who is in charge of training the new interns?

(M-Au) (A) Yes, I enjoyed learning from them.
(B) The train left on time.
(C) Jinho in Human Resources.
18. (M-Au) We can order toner online, can’t we?
(W-Am) (A) I can’t install it either.
(B) Sure, Meetsoo handles that.
(C) No, he printed those already.

19. (W-Br) When will the next shipment arrive?

(M-Au) (A) At least five kilograms.
(B) Probably this afternoon.
(C) In the mailroom.

20. (W-Am) I heard sales for our products are quite strong in this region.
(M-Au) (A) I feel a little weak too.
(B) No, it’s less than an hour away.
(C) That’s terrific news for us.

21. (W-Br) What topics will our workshop cover?

(M-Cn) (A) He ran last month’s workshop too.
(B) Sure, I’ll cover that topic in detail.
(C) We’ll discuss the results of the customer surveys.

22. (W-Am) Are you ready to order, or do you need more time to decide?
(M-Cn) (A) The copy machine is out of order.
(B) We’re still trying to choose, thanks.
(C) They need more time to process it.

23. (M-Au) What is the best way to reach the international airport?
(W-Br) (A) Most of the flights are nonstop.
(B) I’d take First Avenue all the way there.
(C) They were delayed yesterday.

24. (M-Cn) How long is the warranty period for this product?
(W-Am) (A) It’s valid for one year.
(B) Press the power button and wait.
(C) Yes, it’s quite popular these days.

25. (W-Br) Would you mind if I bring food to the meeting?

(M-Au) (A) I’ll order a light lunch for all of us.
(B) No, medium rare is better.
(C) He brings us gifts each time.

26. (W-Br) Who gave us these samples?

(M-Cn) (A) By 2 o’clock, if possible.
(B) You’re welcome—anytime.
(C) Central Street Textiles, I think.

27. (M-Cn) I think this cell phone needs to be recharged.

(W-Am) (A) They’re selling better now.
(B) No problem—here’s the charger.
(C) No, can I take a message?

28. (W-Br) Will we have question-and-answer sessions at the meeting?

(M-Au) (A) Thank you for answering my questions.
(B) I don’t know where they got those peaches.
(C) Yes, but they’ll be limited to just a few minutes.

29. (M-Cn) We still subscribe to that newsletter for small-business owners, don’t we?
(W-Br) (A) They’ve never owned any real estate.
(B) We only get the online version.
(C) No, he’s only a reporter, not an editor.

30. (M-Au) Do you think there are any foods our banquet participants can’t eat?
(W-Br) (A) Oh, you can order more if you’d like.
(B) I agree—the banquet chef did a great job.
(C) I’m not sure, but some attendees may be vegetarians.

31. (W-Am) Isn’t it strange that our packages haven’t arrived yet?
(M-Au) (A) Sure, I can drive you to the airport if you want.
(B) Deliveries are delayed because of the holiday.
(C) We’ll mail our invoices later today.
7 (B) 8 (C) 9 (A) 10 (B)
11 (B) 12 (B) 13 (A) 14 (A) 15 (B)
16 (B) 17 (C) 18 (B) 19 (B) 20 (C)
21 (C) 22 (B) 23 (B) 24 (A) 25 (A)
26 (C) 27 (B) 28 (C) 29 (B) 30 (C)
31 (B)

PART 2 – A03

7. (M-Au) Who’s working on the sales report?

(W-Br) (A) Thanks for doing that.
(B) Ms. Daley, I believe.
(C) They’re down from last quarter.

8. (M-Au) Why were so many people late this morning?

(W-Am) (A) No, he got up earlier than usual.
(B) There was a big delay on the subway.
(C) Yes, lately it’s been crowded.

9. (W-Br) What do you think about Mr. Lee’s sales plan?

(M-Au) (A) I’ve never gone sailing with him.
(B) They always plan things in advance.
(C) It seems like a very good strategy.

10. (M-Cn) Are you still working on the Tilton Contract?

(W-Am) (A) No, Jane is handling that now.
(B) Yes, he contacted them this morning.
(C) That’s my favorite walking path, too.

11. (M-Au) Who has the key to the supply room?

(W-Br) (A) That surprised me, too.
(B) It’s next to the employee lounge.
(C) I can open it up for you.

12. (W-Am) Wouldn’t it be cheaper to travel to Europe?

(M-Cn) (A) Their lines are busy.
(B) Low prices in Brazil.
(C) That would be more economical.

13. (M-Au) Stephanie was promoted, wasn’t she?

(W-Br) (A) Actually, I’m not sure.
(B) You did a great job!
(C) I liked that advertisement.

14. (M-Au) How did you like the morning presentations?

(W-Am) (A) We can practice it again if you want.
(B) No, but I’ll give one after lunch.
(C) They were very informative.

15. (M-Cn) Can we make labels with this printer?

(W-Br) (A) Sure, you just need label paper.
(B) Just stick the label here.
(C) I don’t know how to connect it, either.
16. (M-Cn) Don’t we have any envelopes showing our new logo?
(W-Am) (A) Yes, I like their logo a lot.
(B) No, but we’ll have some made soon.
(C) They prefer photos to videos.
17. (M-Au) I like the new carpet in the break room.
(W-Br) (A) Yes, it goes nicely with the furniture.
(B) My car is quite old, and I want a new one.
(C) They fixed it right after it broke down.

18. (W-Am) Is the shipment expected to arrive tomorrow or Thursday?

(M-Cn) (A) My company has an account at the hotel.
(B) Oh, it’ll be here this afternoon.
(C) He met all our expectations.

19. (W-Br) When will you tour the production facility?

(M-Au) (A) They surpassed their production target.
(B) You can call the airline directly.
(C) We haven’t set a date yet.

20. (M-Cn) Would you measure the room before we order the furniture?
(W-Am) (A) Try order number three-three-seven.
(B) Sure, I can handle that.
(C) Because the sofa is outdated.

21. (W-Am) Where do you want to put the new plants?

(M-Au) (A) Yes, I love working in my garden.
(B) They should go near the window.
(C) Every factory reached its production goals.

22. (W-Br) Do you want to take a rest, or do you want to explore the city some more?
(M-Cn) (A) Have server bring another one, then.
(B) They took the rest of them yesterday.
(C) Let’s look around a bit longer.

23. (M-Cn) The service technician is coming this afternoon, isn’t he?
(W-Br) (A) I agree that the service was excellent.
(B) Right. He’ll be here between three and five.
(C) Just thank him for the invitation.

24. (M-Au) Would you demonstrate how to set up the equipment?

(W-Am) (A) It’s a brand-new scanner.
(B) I set it on Ms. Miller’s desk.
(C) Certainly, I’ve got time now.

25. (M-Cn) You were lucky to take part in the product launch.
(W-Br) (A) Just remind me, and I’ll bring it.
(B) I usually don’t have lunch with them.
(C) Yes, it was a very memorable event.

26. (M-Au) We’re using the latest version of the software, aren’t we?
(W-Am) (A) Oh, I’m not sure which version it is.
(B) I’m not sure why he arrived late.
(C) I bought mine online, too.

27. (M-Cn) Let’s move all these old reports to the storage area.
(W-Br) (A) Yes, the movers did a great job.
(B) Sure, I can do that later today.
(C) They went to the store already.

28. (W-Am) We won’t be able to meet the deadline, will we?

(M-Cn) (A) The red line is an express train, I think.
(B) I met him during the conference.
(C) No, we’re going to need more time.

29. (W-Br) How can I expedite our order?

(M-Au) (A) He already canceled it for me.
(B) Just pay extra for express shipping service.
(C) Sure, what would you like to order?

30. (M-Au) Could you pick up some copy paper for me from the stationery store?
(W-Am) (A) Just press the “print” key to make copies.
(B) Yes, thank you for picking it up for me.
(C) Sure, I’ll get some of that when I go.

31. (M-Au) Did you know that Linella Consulting is conducting an energy audit?
(M-Cn) (A) Yes, she’s an energetic worker.
(B) I’m looking forward to their recommendations.
(C) No, the conductors are in a meeting.

7 (B) 8 (B) 9 (C) 10 (A)

11 (C) 12 (C) 13 (A) 14 (C) 15 (A)
16 (B) 17 (A) 18 (B) 19 (C) 20 (B)
21 (B) 22 (C) 23 (B) 24 (C) 25 (C)
26 (A) 27 (B) 28 (C) 29 (B) 30 (C)
31 (B)

PART 2 – A04

7. (M-Cn) Where will we meet the client?

(W-Am) (A) Around five this afternoon.
(B) Just the management team.
(C) At Harvey’s Steakhouse.

8. (W-Br) How do you commute to the office in the morning?

(M-Au) (A) Because of a project.
(B) This is my stop.
(C) I take the subway.

9. (M-Cn) What should we work on first?

(W-Br) (A) Let’s finish up the flyers.
(B) No, they arrived before us.
(C) That’s a great idea.

10. (M-Au) Why did Zack leave early?

(M-Cn) (A) On the first bus.
(B) He’s attending a workshop.
(C) Sure, just let your supervisor know.

11. (W-Br) When will the conference take place?

(M-Au) (A) No, not this time.
(B) At Lakeside Convention Center.
(C) April tenth to thirteenth, I believe.

12. (W-Am) Are you finished with the copy machine?

(M-Cn) (A) The coffee was excellent.
(B) Yes, you can use it now.
(C) It took an hour by taxi.

13. (W-Br) Who do I talk to about booking the conference room?

(M-Au) (A) Yes, it’s a local hotel.
(B) I haven’t read it yet.
(C) I can help you with that.

14. (M-Au) Nancy starts work in our department today, doesn’t she?
(W-Br) (A) Actually, she’ll begin on Monday.
(B) A desk and a computer.
(C) I’ll miss him a lot.

15. (M-Cn) Shouldn’t we make a shopping list for the stationery store?
(W-Am) (A) OK, we can do that together.
(B) Either station is fine.
(C) It was shipped by air.

16. (W-Am) How do you turn on this fax machine?

(M-Au) (A) Only when we’re expecting a message.
(B) Our researcher has those facts.
(C) It looks like it’s on already.

17. (W-Br) Who’s in charge of the customer service center?

(M-Cn) (A) Ms. Chae is the manager there now.
(B) Answering questions over the phone.
(C) That’s a popular service plan.

18. (W-Am) Did you go to the trade fair last week?

(M-Au) (A) Well, they don’t think it’s fair either.
(B) I was too busy.
(C) Junior employees.

19. (M-Au) Do you like the blue or green logo better?

(W-Br) (A) Yes, I feel much better.
(B) For staff business cards.
(C) I’d really prefer a design in red.

20. (W-Br) I heard you’re transferring to the marketing team.

(M-Cn) (A) The market for our products.
(B) Congratulations on the new position.
(C) Yes, I’m looking forward to the move.

21. (M-Cn) Where are they holding this year’s music festival?
(W-Am) (A) Thank you for holding that for me.
(B) It hasn’t been decided yet.
(C) A talented group of musicians.

22. (W-Am) That was quite a long meeting, wasn’t it?

(W-Br) (A) No, we’re in the right place.
(B) At least fifty feet.
(C) Right, usually they’re much shorter.

23. (M-Au) When are we supposed to turn in our travel expense reports?
(W-Br) (A) By the second Friday of each month.
(B) Give them to Julie in Accounting.
(C) The train departs at six-fifteen.

24. (W-Am) Does this display case come with lighting?

(M-Cn) (A) Racks of baked goods.
(B) We can add some for a small fee.
(C) Would you like to try it on?

25. (W-Br) Who’s the woman by the reception desk?

(M-Au) (A) She’s the new intern.
(B) I see your point.
(C) To greet visitors.

26. (W-Am) What is the fastest way to get to the stadium?

(M-Au) (A) For the baseball game.
(B) At this time, probably Jackson Street.
(C) I agree—it’s the best way.
27. (M-Cn) Should we pay in cash, or use the company credit card?
(W-Am) (A) The company car isn’t available.
(B) Is there a discount for cash purchases?
(C) We get paid every other Friday.

28. (M-Au) Why is the traffic so heavy on Broadway?

(W-Br) (A) I can lift it for you.
(B) Turn right and you’ll see him.
(C) A new store just opened there.

29. (W-Br) Don’t you think we’re spending too much on advertising?
(M-Cn) (A) No, we have a bigger budget this year.
(B) Actually, I enjoy spending time there.
(C) We’ll send it to you by express mail.

30. (M-Cn) Let’s paint the cafeteria walls in brighter colors.

(W-Am) (A) What do you have in mind?
(B) Sorry, I brought lunch from home today.
(C) The electronic menu boards.

31. (M-Au) This memo says last quarter’s sales were higher than expected.
(W-Am) (A) A fifty-percent-off sale.
(B) We should be proud of those results.
(C) Atomu handles hiring issues.
7 (C) 8 (C) 9 (A) 10 (B)
11 (C) 12 (B) 13 (C) 14 (A) 15 (A)
16 (C) 17 (A) 18 (B) 19 (C) 20 (C)
21 (B) 22 (C) 23 (A) 24 (B) 25 (A)
26 (B) 27 (B) 28 (C) 29 (A) 30 (A)
31 (B)

PART 2 – A05

7. (M-Au) Can you change the letterhead on this stationery?

(W-Am) (A) It’s probably at the station.
(B) Sorry that I was late.
(C) Yes, I’ll work on it now. *

8. (W-Br) Who is in charge of arranging transportation for the staff?

(M-Au) (A) Lindsey volunteered to do it. *
(B) The city’s subway system.
(C) Around half an hour.

9. (W-Br) Does the sale apply to all furniture?

(M-Cn) (A) Great! I’ll order one.
(B) Yes, except for custom items. *
(C) This sofa is comfortable.

10. (W-Am) Why can’t I use the microscope?

(M-Au) (A) I use a software program.
(B) In the main laboratory.
(C) Because it’s broken. *

11. (W-Am) Should I purchase seats in the balcony or near the stage?
(M-Cn) (A) Some talented actors.
(B) The balcony seats are cheaper. *
(C) It will arrive very soon.

12. (M-Cn) Which auditorium is the lecture in?

(W-Am) (A) At two thirty.
(B) I have a few extras.
(C) The one on the left. *

13. (W-Br) When will the city council members have a debate?
(M-Au) (A) At the community center.
(B) Ms. Kennedy could tell you. *
(C) I hope you get the job.

14. (W-Am) The welcome package will arrive this afternoon.

(M-Au) (A) I’ll let the receptionist know. *
(B) Our new product samples.
(C) She’s packing her luggage.

15. (M-Cn) Who designs the invitations for our bi-monthly events?
(W-Br) (A) In about an hour.
(B) Sure, I can attend it.
(C) Angelica designs them. *

16. (W-Br) Where are the closest elevators?

(M-Cn) (A) In the metal file cabinet.
(B) The nearest ones are down this hallway. *
(C) Our landlord is Jake Wilson.

17. (M-Au) How often are the fire extinguishers checked?

(W-Br) (A) By the local fire department.
(B) That’s good news for us.
(C) Every Monday morning. *

18. (M-Cn) What else must be added to the pamphlet?

(W-Am) (A) The business’s contact information. *
(B) A new one every quarter.
(C) Yes, the customers are very interested.

19. (W-Am) Would you like to carpool to the employee party?

(M-Au) (A) I’ve had my lunch break already.
(B) Of course, here’s a copy.
(C) Yes, I think that’s a good idea. *

20. (M-Cn) Would you prefer to sit outdoors or indoors?

(W-Br) (A) I think it’s about to rain. *
(B) A table for five people.
(C) Yes, my seat is comfortable.

21. (W-Br) Why is Andrew absent today?

(M-Au) (A) There was an emergency at the factory. *
(B) Just complete this form, please.
(C) Most of the afternoon.

22. (W-Am) Could you unlock the storage closet?

(M-Au) (A) How many stores were open?
(B) Yes, I can sort the résumés.
(C) Koshi has the key. *

23. (W-Am) Is the heater broken again?

(M-Cn) (A) Sure, the food can be reheated.
(B) Please pay the water bill.
(C) I’ll try a different setting. *

24. (M-Au) How should we improve the magazine cover?

(W-Br) (A) The home improvement industry.
(B) No, I just read it online.
(C) We should add brighter colors. *
25. (M-Au) The assembly instructions were straightforward, weren’t they?
(W-Am) (A) No, you need to turn right.
(B) That’s what I thought. *
(C) Why—did it arrive late?

26. (M-Au) Has the maintenance team fixed the cracked window?
(W-Br) (A) Close the curtains, please.
(B) Yes, get your card at the front desk.
(C) No one has stopped by yet. *

27. (W-Am) Who is our new chief editor?

(M-Cn) (A) A monthly publication.
(B) At the beginning of next month.
(C) Interviews are still taking place. *

28. (W-Br) Wouldn’t it be great if we had another part-time worker?

(M-Cn) (A) I’ve worked here for three years.
(B) They shared a few great ideas.
(C) There’s some room in the budget. *

29. (W-Br) What will you add to the employee handbook?

(M-Au) (A) That’s up to the Human Resources department. *
(B) I can give you a hand.
(C) Thanks, I’ll read it carefully.

30. (M-Cn) Have you tried the pharmacy’s delivery service?

(W-Br) (A) I don’t need any medication. *
(B) That’s wonderful news.
(C) Some bandages.

31. (M-Au) When will the equipment in the lab be sterilized?

(W-Br) (A) No, they took the test yesterday.
(B) She’s in the warehouse.
(C) Haven’t you spoken to the manager? *
7. (C)
8. (A)
9. (B)
10. (C)
11. (B)
12. (C)
13. (B)
14. (A)
15. (C)
16. (B)
17. (C)
18. (A)
19. (C)
20. (A)
21. (A)
22. (C)
23. (C)
24. (C)
25. (B)
26. (C)
27. (C)
28. (C)
29. (A)
30. (A)
31. (C)
PART 2 – A06
7. (M-Au) Who waters the plants in the waiting room?
(W-Br) (A) The receptionist on duty.
(B) It offers good sunlight.
(C) Oh, I’m not thirsty right now.

8. (W-Am) When do you have to return your rental car?

(M-Au) (A) The store doesn’t accept returns.
(B) To the lot at the airport.
(C) By five P.M. tomorrow.

9. (M-Cn) Where should I put this completed expense sheet?

(W-Am) (A) I can take it.
(B) Yes, for purchases over fifty dollars.
(C) Let me get you a pen.

10. (W-Br) How do I turn off the lights for this section of the office?
(M-Cn) (A) That would be great, thanks.
(B) The switch is over by the door.
(C) So that we can replace a light bulb.

11. (W-Br) Have you ever worked in a restaurant before?

(M-Au) (A) It’s too far away to walk to.
(B) Thai food sounds good.
(C) I was a server for two years.

12. (W-Am) Why are you looking for a new apartment?

(M-Au) (A) I’d like to live closer to the university.
(B) Around the Riverside District.
(C) There were no used parts available.

13. (M-Cn) Which credit card design do you prefer?

(W-Am) (A) No, it’s a bit plain.
(B) The shiny blue one.
(C) I brought cash.

14. (W-Br) Could I post this flyer on your store’s wall?

(M-Cn) (A) His flight was cancelled.
(B) What is it advertising?
(C) A stapler or some tape.

15. (M-Au) Didn’t Katsumi get transferred to another branch?

(W-Br) (A) He just came back to visit.
(B) You can transfer money from any branch.
(C) The trip to Melbourne.

16. (M-Au) The summer interns are starting on Monday, aren’t they?
(M-Cn) (A) I took my vacation in the winter.
(B) A research report on our competition.
(C) Yes, but their first week is for orientation.

17. (W-Am) How long has the fax machine been out of order?
(M-Cn) (A) As long as you require.
(B) Oh, I never use it.
(C) Some of the ink leaked.

18. (W-Am) I wonder if Ms. Alvarez liked the product samples we provided.
(W-Br) (A) Our range of aluminum cans.
(B) When do you need them?
(C) She placed an order this morning.

19. (M-Cn) Who brought in this box of muffins?

(W-Br) (A) Empty boxes must be recycled.
(B) For the accounting team meeting.
(C) It was here when I arrived.

20. (M-Au) Are all of these people here for the history lecture?
(W-Am) (A) I told you these events were popular.
(B) No, in the museum’s auditorium.
(C) This handout gives an overview.

21. (M-Au) Can we take our bags to the hotel, or should we go straight to the
(W-Br) (A) Go straight until Crocker Street.
(B) We have time to stop by the hotel.
(C) The spacious rooms.

22. (W-Am) Where do you think that movie was filmed?

(M-Cn) (A) They probably used high-quality film.
(B) About a decade ago.
(C) The setting was beautiful, wasn’t it?

23. (W-Br) Don’t you usually wear glasses?

(M-Cn) (A) Yes, I prefer coffee.
(B) Only when I read.
(C) We’re using paper cups now.

24. (W-Br) Would you mind checking my presentation slides for errors?
(M-Au) (A) That presentation was held at the clients’ office.
(B) The list of answers in the back of the book.
(C) Hmm… you spelled the word “accommodate” wrong.

25. (M-Cn) Are we going to run a booth at the farmer’s market again next year?
(W-Am) (A) No—our sales there were disappointing.
(B) To get some fresh fruits and vegetables.
(C) How about running at the park instead?

26. (M-Cn) When did Phoebe win the “Employee of the Year” award?
(W-Br) (A) Her hard work on the Beijing project.
(B) She was only nominated.
(C) I have wonderful news!

27. (W-Am) Is it better to call you on your mobile phone or your desk phone?
(M-Au) (A) Yes, much better.
(B) They’re in the company directory.
(C) I’m hardly ever at my desk these days.

28. (W-Br) Mr. Joo will be unable to attend the grand opening celebration.
(M-Cn) (A) Another executive will have to take his place.
(B) It’s open on weekends, too.
(C) At our newest department store location.

29. (M-Au) The lobby renovation process will be noisy, won’t it?
(W-Am) (A) The west side entrance is really beautiful.
(B) We should have staff work from home.
(C) Sorry, I’ll turn the volume down.

30. (M-Cn) What’s the fee for expediting a passport renewal?

(W-Am) (A) She has some travel scheduled soon.
(B) A few forms and a recent picture.
(C) I’m sure it’s not cheap.

31. (W-Br) Why don’t we change Internet service providers?

(M-Au) (A) The options are pretty limited in this area.
(B) There’s an extra one in the storage cabinet.
(C) Once we noticed how high the bills were.
7 (A) 8 (C) 9 (A) 10 (B)
11 (C) 12 (A) 13 (B) 14 (B) 15 (A)
16 (C) 17 (B) 18 (C) 19 (C) 20 (A)
21 (B) 22 (C) 23 (B) 24 (C) 25 (A)
26 (B) 27 (C) 28 (A) 29 (B) 30 (C)
31 (A)

PART 2 – A07
7. (W-Am) Where will our trade fair booth be located?
(M-Cn) (A) I found some great products.
(B) That’s fine with me.
(C) Near the south entrance. *

8. (M-Cn) Did anyone find my lost briefcase?

(W-Br) (A) No, it’s still missing. *
(B) Print the documents right away.
(C) Samuel’s speech was brief.

9. (M-Au) Could you make the photos on the Web site a bit larger?
(W-Am) (A) It has been shipped.
(B) Sure, I’ll do that now. *
(C) In the graphics department.

10. (W-Am) How was the leadership workshop?

(M-Au) (A) Yes, I teach workshops.
(B) I really enjoyed it. *
(C) How many do you need?

11. (M-Au) Where is the nearest wastewater management facility?

(W-Br) (A) I’ve packaged everything carefully.
(B) We’re trying not to waste it.
(C) It’s right next to the movie theater. *

12. (M-Cn) Why did Gregory miss the meeting?

(M-Au) (A) In the main conference room.
(B) Because he’s out of town. *
(C) We’ll be meeting you at five.

13. (M-Cn) Would you please give the opening speech at the conference?
(W-Br) (A) I need to attend a different event. *
(B) In the ballroom.
(C) It was held every year.

14. (M-Au) Should we stop for a break now or finish these reports?
(W-Am) (A) Let’s finish these reports. *
(B) As soon as possible.
(C) I’m sorry I broke it.

15. (W-Am) We need to find qualified candidates for the sales role.
(M-Au) (A) There’s a group interview on Wednesday. *
(B) About three years of experience.
(C) The main storage closet.

16. (W-Am) Don’t you need to go to your dental appointment?

(W-Br) (A) For your general health.
(B) I’ve postponed it. *
(C) On Harbor Street, I think.

17. (W-Br) Shouldn’t you print copies of the agenda?

(M-Au) (A) The city council was in agreement.
(B) Yes, I’m looking for paper now. *
(C) The new 3D printer.

18. (M-Cn) Why has the company picnic been canceled?

(W-Am) (A) At Sherwood Park.
(B) Yes, they canceled it, too.
(C) Didn’t you read Ms. Wilson’s memo? *

19. (W-Am) Do we need another day for the orientation session?

(W-Br) (A) No, we’ve covered all the topics. *
(B) The finance department.
(C) Another cup of coffee, please.

20. (M-Cn) When should I pay the deposit for the electrical repairs?
(W-Br) (A) I’ll ask the head of the crew. *
(B) They’re a major safety issue.
(C) This one runs on batteries.

21. (W-Br) Which fitness center do you usually use?

(M-Cn) (A) No, it doesn’t fit well.
(B) Upgrading the exercise equipment.
(C) I just work out at home. *

22. (W-Am) When is the event planning committee meeting?

(M-Au) (A) Yes, thanks for the invitation.
(B) They’ve already finalized the arrangements. *
(C) The weather was nice yesterday.

23. (W-Br)The solar panels will save us money in the long run, right?
(M-Au) (A) A run across the field.
(B) They’ll cut our energy expenses. *
(C) She opened a savings account.

24. (M-Au) Can you train the new assistant the week of the ninth?
(W-Am) (A) Actually, I’ll be on a business trip to London. *
(B) Well, she’s a hard worker.
(C) Eight would be enough.

25. (M-Cn) How much did your department spend on recruitment?

(W-Am) (A) Our newest recruits.
(B) Please spend it wisely.
(C) I haven’t reviewed the report yet. *

26. (W-Br) I’d like to see your new art exhibit.

(M-Au) (A) How about this Saturday? *
(B) No, the contents weren’t labeled.
(C) In a newspaper article.

27. (M-Cn) Aren’t you joining us for the team lunch?

(W-Am) (A) On the second floor.
(B) I just need to send an e-mail. *
(C) Large portions of pasta.
28. (M-Cn) Who’s setting up the sound equipment for the presentations?
(W-Br) (A) A microphone and a few speakers.
(B) I’ve just e-mailed everyone’s assignments. *
(C) Yes, in the main auditorium.

29. (W-Br) How long should I wait to see if the stain remover is working?
(M-Cn) (A) I’ll search for it at the supermarket.
(B) It does take some time to work. *
(C) I can carry them for you.

30. (W-Br) Did you enjoy Mandy’s cooking demonstration at the event?
(M-Au) (A) Oh, that was today? *
(B) Some pasta dishes.
(C) Sure, I’d be happy to.
31. (W-Am) Can you help design the cover layout, or are you busy with something else?
(M-Cn) (A) Yes, it’s a popular magazine.
(B) My schedule is open. *
(C) That’s not where I left it.

PART 2 – A08
7. (M-Cn) When did you submit the expense report?
(W-Br) (A) In your inbox.
(B) No, the prices weren’t expensive.
(C) Shortly before five yesterday.

8. (W-Am) Which tree would you like us to remove?

(M-Cn) (A) We’d like to move to a suburb.
(B) The one next to that fence.
(C) Tall bushes in the garden.

9. (M-Au) Have you been to the warehouse before?

(W-Am) (A) No, but I looked up the directions online.
(B) Five thousand square feet, actually.
(C) Extra storage for the company.

10. (M-Au) Where did you get these beautiful paintings?

(W-Br) (A) To decorate the reception area.
(B) Sorry, it isn’t for sale.
(C) Let me give you the gallery’s business card.

11. (M-Cn) Could you make sure the computers are turned off?
(W-Br) (A) Yes, I’ll check before I go.
(B) The red light on the monitor.
(C) It’s because of the long weekend.

12. (W-Am) Who left this file folder on my desk?

(M-Au) (A) The filing cabinet is over there.
(B) Matt from Human Resources.
(C) Yes, I need you to look over it.

13. (M-Cn) Ellen is leaving early today for a dental appointment.

(W-Am) (A) No, she’s an eye doctor.
(B) About twenty minutes by bus.
(C) OK, I’ll cover the phones.

14. (W-Br) Why isn’t our business listed on the building directory yet?
(M-Au) (A) It’ll be added this week.
(B) We’re listening to it now.
(C) A meeting with Cobb Associates.

15. (W-Br) Would you like a room facing the ocean or the city?
(M-Cn) (A) Enough room for a four-person family.
(B) I’d love to have an ocean view.
(C) Yes, we’re very pleased with it.

16. (M-Au) How long is the warranty on this coffee machine?

(M-Cn) (A) It’s only one year, I believe.
(B) I haven’t had any coffee today.
(C) Min-Young has measuring tape.

17. (W-Am) Don’t you have any books on Chinese history?

(M-Au) (A) That’s a wonderful story.
(B) A fully-booked tour to Beijing.
(C) Hmm… did you try using our search kiosk?

18. (W-Br) When will our flight start boarding?

(W-Am) (A) Gate 33, in the International Terminal.
(B) I don’t think flying is boring.
(C) We have time to get something to eat.

19. (M-Cn) Where should we hold the interviews?

(W-Br) (A) Himari already reserved a room.
(B) For the marketing position.
(C) I can help you carry them.

20. (W-Am) The menu items on this page are new, aren’t they?
(M-Cn) (A) There are two menus on each table.
(B) Oh, you must come here often!
(C) My special request?

21. (M-Au) Is Ms. Russell coming to tomorrow’s budget meeting?

(W-Am) (A) The assignment from last week.
(B) I know she was invited.
(C) The sales department’s budget.

22. (W-Br) What should I wear to staff our trade show booth?
(M-Au) (A) I’ll show you how to use this device.
(B) At least three people per shift.
(C) You’ll get a company T-shirt.

23. (W-Br) Why don’t we have an intern help us with this project?
(M-Cn) (A) It could be a great learning opportunity.
(B) In the next few weeks.
(C) Reorganizing the client database.

24. (W-Am) Who’s playing the main character in this production?

(M-Au) (A) The radio station played it.
(B) In all the evening performances.
(C) Here’s the theater program.

25. (M-Cn) Why did you change the design of this chart?
(W-Am) (A) This paint right here.
(B) Mr. Perez said it looked confusing.
(C) Not since Wednesday.

26. (W-Br) It seems that the medium size of that jacket is out of stock.
(M-Au) (A) Those interested in investing.
(B) With a white shirt and black pants.
(C) Would your online store have it?

27. (W-Br) Are you going to use the venue’s catering service or hire a separate one?
(M-Cn) (A) Yes, to keep the planning process simple.
(B) I’d hoped to get your opinion on that.
(C) An amazing buffet.

28. (M-Au) You haven’t chosen a photo for the cover yet, have you?
(W-Am) (A) We’ll probably just rent a photocopier.
(B) The November issue.
(C) I’m reviewing the options now.

29. (M-Cn) Should we get quotes from some other suppliers too?
(W-Br) (A) I don’t think we’ll find a better price than this.
(B) There’s an order form in that drawer.
(C) Any words surrounded by quotation marks.

30. (W-Am) Only about half of our employees have filled out the survey.
(M-Cn) (A) You’d better send out a reminder.
(B) The questions about job satisfaction in the middle.
(C) Sure. Could I use your pen?

31. (M-Au) Isn’t personal training included with my gym membership?

(W-Br) (A) I put it in your welcome bag.
(B) Just the first three sessions.
(C) He’s a highly trained engineer.
7 (C) 8 (B) 9 (A) 10 (C)
11 (A) 12 (B) 13 (C) 14 (A) 15 (B)
16 (A) 17 (C) 18 (C) 19 (A) 20 (B)
21 (B) 22 (C) 23 (A) 24 (C) 25 (B)
26 (C) 27 (B) 28 (C) 29 (A) 30 (A)
31 (B)

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