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There are a few key things to keep in mind when managing vendor lead times:

1. First, you need to identify which vendors are critical to your business and which products they provide
that are critical to your operations. This will help you prioritize which vendor lead times need to be
closely monitored.

2. Once you have identified the critical vendors and products, you need to establish realistic expectations
for their lead times. This can be done by looking at historical data, if available, or by asking the vendor
for their current lead time estimates.

3. Once you have realistic expectations for vendor lead times, you need to put systems and processes in
place to track and monitor those lead times. This includes setting up alerts or notifications so that you
can take action if a vendor's lead time starts to slip.

4. Finally, you need to regularly communicate with your critical vendors about their lead times and work
with them to find ways to improve their performance. This may include things like streamlining their
production process or working with them to develop better forecasting models.”


“There are a few different ways to handle customer backorders, depending on the situation. If the
backordered item is something that the customer needs urgently, we may prioritize their order and ship
it out as soon as possible. If the backordered item is not time-sensitive, we may wait until we have more
stock before shipping the order. In some cases, we may offer the customer a substitute product if we do
not expect to restock the backordered item in a timely manner.”

How do you manage perishable goods?

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