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Cottontail awhiskers Ox , w cottontai Swichers Santa Doorstop Santa Doorstop - v50 ©2023 Copyright Copyright © 2023 Cottontail & Whiskers. All rights reserved. This pattern document and all associated images are the intellectual property of Cottontail & Whiskers, No part of this document may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, Printing this document By purchasing this document from Cottontail & Whiskers, you are given our permission to print private copies for personal use. These copies, either whole or in part, remain the intellectual property of the copyright owner. Items made from this pattern Items made using any part of Cottontail & Whiskers pattems are subject to our copyright. Items produced using our intellectual property, either whole or in part, may be freely gifted. They may only be sold with prior written permission of the copyright owner, which we've never refused yet. Contact us at: Thank you We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for purchasing a Cottontail & Whiskers crochet pattern. Many hours of work are involved in its design, test, presentation, publication and release. Your support is why we can continue creating designs which are hoped to give hours of enjoyment. We value you greatly and apologise for problems caused by encryption and watermarking on this PDF We know our patterns are illegally distributed online and in private. We take our intellectual property very seriously, but it is impossible to monitor or stap all these acts of petty thefi. If you have not purchased this pattern directly from Cottontail & Whiskers, you are in part destroying our passion, belief in people and ability to continue producing designs you obviously enjoy. The next time you feel like offering a ‘bounty’, paying ‘gold coins’, clicking ‘likes' or giving a social ‘thank you’ to the person who shared our hard work for what you might think is free, consider how litle we ask and what it took to produce. Be one of the good guys and support us. Buy your own copy with our thanks, appreciation and full support. Fate willing, we'll be here to assist. www. m1 ker: Table of Contents Copyright Table of Contents Pattern Details Finished size Materials Skills required Equipment The Pattern Body Base Weight Eyes Eyelid Nose Jacket Buckle Beard Bobble Stitch Hat Hands & arms Measuring tape Abbreviations & Conversions Print Friendly - Text Only Revisions Love what you do we OCIANDAWVAR RKO WO WHe Pattern Details Written in English with US American terminology Finished size 28 x 20 x 20 cm 11 x 8x 8 inches Skills required Rows Chain (ch) Rounds (md) Single crochet (sc) Increase (inc) Decrease (dec) Back loops only (BLO) Bobble stitch (BOB) explained in pattern Slip stitch (slst) Fasten off (fo) Materials Pink aran yarn - 100 g Red aran yarn - 35 g White aran yarn - 35 g Black aran yarn - 10 ¢ Green aran yarn - 10 ¢ Yellow aran yarn - scraps White DK yarn - scraps Black safety eyes - 6 mm Stocking or tights Beads / rice / grain - 500 g Black Sharpie/marker Toy stuffing Equipment Hook size - 3.00 mm Hook size - 4.00 mm Tapestry needle Scissors Stitch marker The Pattern Body With the pink aran yarn and the 4.00 mm hook, Make 6sc into a magic cirele Rnd 1: inc in every stitch (12 sts) Rnd 2: (Isc, ine) x 6 (18 sts) Rnd 3: (2sc, ine) x 6 (24 sts) Rad 4: (3sc, ine) x 6 (30 sts) Rad 5-16: 30sc Rnd 17: (2se, ine) x 10 (40 sts) Rnd 18: (3se, ine) x 10 (50 sts) Rnd 19: 2sc, inc, (dsc, ine) x 9, 2se (60 sts) Rnd 20: (9sc, inc) x 6 (66 sts) Rnd 21: 5sc, ine, (10se, ine) x 5, Sse (72 sts) Rnd 22: 72se Rnd 23: (Ise, ine) x 6 (78 sts) Rnd 24-25: 78sc Rnd 26: 6se, ine, (12se, ine) x 5, 6s¢ (84 sts) Rnd 27-43: 84sec Change to the red aran yam, Rad 44: 84s¢ Rnd 45: (Sse, dec) x 12 (72 sts) Change to the black aran yarn Rnd 46-47: 72sc Rnd 48: (10se, dec) x 6 (66 sts) Change to the red aran yam, Rnd 49-50: 66sc Rnd 51: (9sc, dec) x 6 (60 sts) Rnd $2: dsc, dee, (8sc, dec) x 5, dsc (54 sts) Rnd $3: (7se, dec) x 6 (48 sts) Fasten off and leave a tail for stitching. ©2023 Santa Doorstop - v5 Base With the red aran yarn and the 4.00 mm hook, Make 6sc into a magic circle Rad 1: inc in every stitch (12 sts) Rnd 2: (Isc, inc) x 6 (18 sts) Rnd 3: (2sc, inc) x 6 (24 sts) Rnd 4: (3sc, inc) x 6 (30 sts) Rnd 5: (4sc, inc) x 6 (36 sts) Rnd 6: (5sc, inc) x 6 (42 sts) Rnd 7: (6sc, inc) x 6 (48 sts) Fasten off and leave a tail for stitching. Stuff the body and leave a cavity in the middle to put the weight in. Weight To make the weight, fill a stocking with poly beads. Rice, dried lentils or peas can be used instead. Make it big enough to fit in your hand and tie a knot in the stocking, Trim and fold over the excess. Insert the weight into the cavity you made and begin to stitch on the base. Match the bottom of the body and the base stitch for stitch. Tt will look as though it’s way too small but trust me it comes good! Add some more stuffing around the edge as you go to give it a nice shape. Santa Doorstop - v50 ©2023 You should end up with something that looks like this. Eyes With the white DK yarn and the 3.00 mm hook, Make 6sc into a magic circle Rnd 1: inc in every stitch (12 sts) Rnd 2: (Isc, ine) x 6 (18 sts) Rnd 3-4: 18sc Rnd 5: (Isc, dec) x 6 (12 sts) Fasten off and leave a tail for stitching. Place the safety eyes where you're happy with them and put the backs on. Stuff and pin to the face (see pieture for placement). Once you're happy with the placement, stitch in place. Santa Doorstop - v50 ©2023 Eyelid With the pink aran yarn and the 4.00 mm hook, ch19 Row I: starting in the 2nd chain from the hook, 18sc back down the chain (18 sts) chl and turn your work, do this after every row. Row 2: dec, 14sc, dec (16 sts) Row 3: dec, 12sc, dec (14 sts) Row 4: 14sc Fasten off and leave a tail for stitching. Pin around the eyes with the longer side at the front. Stitch down along the back edge and sides. Nose With the pink aran yarn and the 4.00 mm hook, Make 6sc into a magic cirele Rad 1: inc in every stitch (12 sts) Rnd 2-3; 12sc Santa Doorstop - v50 ©2023 Rnd 4: (2se, dec) x 3 (9 sts) Fasten off and leave a tail for stitching. Pop in some stuffing then pin and stitch under the eyes. Jacket With the red aran yarn and the 4.00 mm hook, ch29 Row I: starting in the 3rd chain from the hook, 27hde back down the chain (27 sts) ch2 and turn your work, do this after every row. Row 2: 8hde, (hdcine, 4hdc) x 2, hdcine, Shde (30 sts) Row 3: Ihde, (hdeine, 8hde) x 3, hdeine, Ihde (34 sts) Row 4: Ihde, hdeine, 6hde, hdcine, 3hde, hdeine, 8hde, hdeine, 3hde, hdeine, 6hde, hdcine, Ihde (40 sts) Row 5: Ihde, (hdeine, 4hde) x 2, hdeine, 3hde, hdeine, Shde, hdeine, 3hde, (hdeine, hdc) x 2, hdeine, Ihde (48 sts) Row 6: 48hdc Row 7: Ihde, hdeine, 7hde, hdeine, 3hde, (hdeine, 6hde) x 3, hdeine, 3hde, hdcine, Thde, hdeine, Ihde (56 sts) Row 8: 56hdc Row 9: Ihde, hdcine, 4hde, hdeine, 6hde, hdeine, 8hde, hdcine, 10hde, hdeine, 8hde, hdeine, 6hde, hdeine, 4hde, hdeine, Ihde (64 sts) Change to the white yarn, ch! and turn. Work along the bottom edge in sc until you reach the end, then make 3sc into the last stitch Work up the side picking up stitches as you go, there is no wrong or right way to do this just try and make it neat. Make 3sc into the last stitch of the side then make your way along the top with se. Once you reach the end make 3sc into the last stitch. Work down the side picking up stitches as you go, then make 2sc into the first stitch at the bottom. Go around the entire piece twice more making 3sc into the comers as before. qi = ae Fasten off and leave a tail for stitching. Weave in the other ends and pin the jacket to the body. Santa Doorstop - v50 ©2023 Use the tail to make a couple of stitches either side of the jacket to hold it in place. Use the black aran yarn to embroider 3 French knots down one side. Buckle With the yellow aran yarn and the 4.00 mm hook, ch19 Row L: starting in the 2nd chain from the hook, 3sc, 3sc into the same stitch, 4s, 3se into the same stitch, 3se, 3s¢ into the same stitch, 4sc, 3se into the same stitch (26 sts) Fasten off and leave a tail for stitching. Pin over the black belt section at the front. Stitch around both the inner and outer edges. Beard For this you’ll need the Bobble stitch. Bobble Stitch This is a demonstration of a Sde BOB, it is not part of the pattern. Start to make a de in the next stitch but only make the first part of the de (1). DON’T yarn over again, leave the extra stitch on the hook. 10 Santa Doorstop - v50 ©2023 You will have 2 loops on the hook (2) Make another de into the same stitch (as above) and you will now have 3 loops on the hook (3), Do this three times more until you have 6 loops left on the hook (4). aS SPE PS ea Oy Lae ‘Ge ©2023 Santa Doorstop - v5 Carry on with the pattern. With the white aran yarn and the 4.00 mm hook, ch19 Row I: starting in the 2nd chain from the hook, 18sc back down the chain (18 sts) chl and turn your work, do this after every row. Row 2: (Ise, Sde BOB) x 9 (18 sts) Row 3: ine, 16sc, inc (20 sts) Row 4: (Ise, 5de BOB) x 10 (20 sts) Row 5: 3slst, 14sc, leave the rest of the stitches unworked (17 sts) Row 6: (Isc, 5de BOB) x 7, leave the rest of the stitches unworked (14 sts) Row 7: inc, 12se, ine (16 sts) Row 8: (Isc, 5de BOB) x 8 (16 sts) Row 9: ine, 14sc, inc (18 sts) Row 10: (Isc, Sde BOB) x 9 (8 sts) Row II: Isc, dee, 3sc, inc, 4sc, inc, 3se, dec, Isc (18 sts) Row 12: (Ise, Sde BOB) x 9 (18 sts) Row 13: Ise, dee x 2, 2se, ine, 2se, ine, 2se, dee x 2, Ise (16 sts) Row 14: (Isc, Sde BOB) x 8 (16 sts) Row I5: Isc, dee x 2, 6se, dee x 2, Ise (12 sts) Row 16: (Isc, 5de BOB) x 6 (12 sts) Row 17: Isc, dec x 2, 2se, dec x 2, Ise (8 sts) Row 18: (Isc, Sde BOB) x 4 (8 sts) Row 19: dec x 4 (4 sts) Row 20: (so, bob) x 2 (4 sts) Fasten off and leave a tail for stitching. Pin under the nose and pull it up at the sides. Stitch only at the two top comers and at the point of the beard. Hat With the white aran yarn and the 4.00 mm hook, Make 6sc into a magic circle Rad 1: inc in every stitch (12 sts) Rnd 2: (Isc, inc) x 6 (18 sts) Rnd 3-5: 18sc Rnd 6: (Isc, dec) x 6 (12 sts) Pop in a little bit of stuffing. Rnd 7: dec x 6 (6 sts) Change to the red aran yam. Rad 8-9: 6sc Rand 10: ine, Sse (7 sts) Rnd 11-12: 7sc Rnd 13: ine, 6sc (8 sts) Rnd 14-15: 8sc Rnd 16: inc, 7sc, (9 sts) Rnd 17: 9c Rnd 18: inc, 8se (10 sts) Rnd 19: 10sc Rnd 20; (ine, 4sc) x 2 (12 sts) Rnd 21: 12se Rnd 22: (3se, ine) x 3 (15 sts) Rnd 23: 15sc Rad 24: (4sc, ine) x 3 (18 sts) Rnd 25: 18s¢ Rnd 26: (5sc, inc) x 3 (21 sts) Rnd 27-28; 21sc Rnd 29: (6sc, ine) x 3 (24 sts) Rnd 30-31; 24s¢ Rnd 32: (7se, inc) x 3 (27 sts) Rnd 33-34: 27sc Rnd 35: (8sc, inc) x 3 (30 sts) Santa De ©2023 Rnd 36-37: 30sc Rnd 38: (9sc, inc) x 3 (33 sts) Rnd 39-40: 33sc Change to the white aran yarn. Rnd 41-42; 33sc Ch] and turn your work to work from the inside, again in a continuous spiral. Fasten off and leave a tail for stitching. Fold up the white flap and pin to the head, once you're happy with the position, stitch the hat down with 3 or 4 stitches at the base. Use the black yarn to give him some surprised eyebrows on the hat fold. 14 Santa Doorstop - v50 ©2023 Then push up the eyelid away from the eyes. Hands & arms With the black aran yam and the 4.00 mm hook, Make 6s¢ into a magi circle Rnd 1: inc in every stitch (12 sts) Rnd 2-6: 12sc Rnd 7; Sde bob, Ise (12 sc) Rnd 8: 12s¢ Rnd 9; (2sc, dec) x 3 (9 sts) Rnd 10: 9s¢ Change to the white aran yarn. Do not stuff the hand or the arm. Rad 11-15: 9se Change to the red aran yam, Rnd 16; 9sc BLO Rnd 17-25; 9sc Rnd 26: (Isc, dec) x 3 (6 sts) Fasten off and leave a tail for stitching. Cuff Go back to the exposed loops from Rnd 16 of the arm, we will be picking these up as stitches. 15 Santa Doorstop - v50 ©2023 Join the white aran yarn in the first loop with a slst, make the first stitch of Rnd 1 in the same loop (demonstrated below in green), Rnd 1: (2sc, inc) x 3 (12 sts) Rnd 2: (3sc, inc) x 3 (15 sts) Rnd 3-8: 15se Fasten off and weave in all the ends Pin and stitch the arms either side of the body, make sure the thumbs are pointing in the right direction, Measuring tape With the green aran yarn and the 4.00 mm hook, ch120 Row 1; starting in the 2nd chain from the hook, 119s¢ back down the chain (119 sts) ch and turn your work, do this after every row. Row 2-3: 119sc Fasten off and weave in the ends. Use the black Sharpie to draw long and short lines with numbers to resemble a measuring tape. 16 Santa Doorstop - v50 ©2023 Pin around the body, there is io need to stiteh it. Bend the arms and position the gloves over the tape to make it look as though they are holding the tape. Use the black yarn to stitch the gloves to the tape and right through to the body. Hide your working under the gloves. Santa Doorstop - v50 ©2023 And you're finished! conor Sunitos catia Santa Doorstop - v50 ©2023 Abbreviations & Conversions chain single crochet half double crochet double crochet 2sc in the same stitch se 2 stitches together treble crochet stitch(es) slip stitch fasten off bobble stitch (see pattern) work through the back loops only work through the front loops only chain double crochet Half treble crochet treble 2de in the same stitch de 2 stitches together treble crochet stitch(es) slip stiteh fasten off bobble stitch (see pattern) work through the back loops only work through the front loops only We hope you enjoy this pattem and would love to see your finished piece with a photo review and rating when you bring them to life. Don’t forget to check back to catch up with our latest original patterns in the Shop. There’s also our Facebook page if you'd like a sneaky peek at Bea’s latest designs. 19 Print Friendly - Text Only Santa Doorstop by Cottontail & Whiskers Body With the pink aran yarn and the 4.00 mm hook, Make 6s¢ into a magie circle Rad 1: inc in every stitch (12 sts) Rnd 2: (Isc, inc) x 6 (18 sts) Rnd 3: (2sc, ine) x 6 (24 sts) Rnd 4: (3s, inc) x 6 (30 sts) Rnd 5-16: 30sc Rnd 17: (2se, inc) x 10 (40 sts) Rad 18: (3se, ine) x 10 (50 sts) Rad 19: 2sc, ine, (se, ine) x 9, 2se (60 sts) Rnd 20: (9se, inc) x 6 (66 sts) Rnd 21: 5sc, ine, (10sec, ine) x 5, Sse (72 sts) Rnd 22: 72s¢ Rnd 23: (Isc, inc) x 6 (78 sts) Rnd 24-25: 78s¢ Rnd 26: 6sc, ine, (12se, ine) x 5, 6se (84 sts) Rnd 27-43: 84sc Change to the red aran yam. Rnd 44; 84s¢ Rnd 45: (Sse, dec) x 12 (72 sts) Change to the black aran yarn, Rad 46-47: 72s¢ Rnd 48: (10se, dee) x 6 (66 sts) Change to the red aran yam. Rnd 49-50: 66s¢ Rnd $1: (9sc, dec) x 6 (60 sts) Rnd 52: dsc, dec, (8s¢, dee) x 5, Ase (54 sts) Rnd 53: (7sc, dec) x 6 (48 sts) 20 Fasten off and leave a tail for stitching, Base With the red aran yarn and the 4.00 mm hook, Make 6sc into a magic circle Rnd 1: inc in every stitch (12 sts) Rnd 2: (Isc, ine) x 6 (18 sts) Rnd 3: (280, ine) x 6 (24 sts) Rnd 4: (3sc, inc) x 6 (30 sts) Rnd 5: (4sc, inc) x 6 (36 sts) Rad 6: (5sc, inc) x 6 (42 sts) Rad 7: (6sc, inc) x 6 (48 sts) Fasten off and leave a tail for stitching. Stuff the body and leave a cavity in the middle to put the weight in. Weight To make the weight, fill a stocking with poly beads. Rice, dried lentils or peas can be used instead. Make it big enough to fit in your hand and tie a knot in the stocking. Trim and fold over the excess. Insert the weight into the cavity you made and begin to stitch on the base. Match the bottom of the body and the base stitch for stitch. It will look as though it’s way too small but trust me it comes good! Add some more stuffing around the edge as you go to give it a nice shape. Eyes With the white DK yarn and the 3.00 mm hook, Make 6sc into a magic circle Rad 1: inc in every stitch (12 sts) Rnd 2: (Isc, inc) x 6 (18 sts) Rnd 3-4: 18sc Rnd 5: (Isc, dec) x 6 (12 sts) 21 Fasten off and leave a tail for stitching. Place the safety eyes where you're happy with them and put the backs on Stuff and pin to the face. Once you're happy with the placement, stitch in place. Eyelid With the pink aran yarn and the 4.00 mm hook, ch19 Row I: starting in the 2nd chain from the hook, 18s¢ back down the chain (18 sts) chi and turn your work, do this after every row. Row 2: dee, 14se, dec (16 sts) Row 3: dec, 12sc, dec (14 sts) Row 4: 14sc Fasten off and leave a tail for stitching. Pin around the eyes with the longer side at the front. Stitch down along the back edge and sides. Nose With the pink aran yarn and the 4.00 mm hook, Make 6sc into a magic circle Rnd 1: ine in every stitch (12 sts) Rnd 2-3; 12sec Rnd 4: (2sc, dec) x 3 (9 sts) Fasten off and leave a tail for stitching. Pop in some stuffing then pin and stitch under the eyes. Jacket With the red aran yarn and the 4.00 mm hook, ch29 Row L: starting in the 3rd chain from the hook, 27hde back down the chain (27 sts) ch2 and turn your work, do this after every row. Row 2: 8hde, (hdeine, 4hde) x 2, hdeine, 8hde (30 sts) Row 3: Ihde, (hdeine, 8hde) x 3, hdeine, Ihde (34 sts) 22 Santa op - v50 2 Row 4: Ihde, hdcine, 6hde, hdeine, 3hde, hdeine, 8hde, hdcine, 3hde, hdeine, 6hde, hdcinc, Ihde (40 sts) Row 5: Ihde, (hdeine, 4hde) x 2, hdeine, 3hde, hdcine, Shde, hdeine, 3hde, (hdeine, 4hde) x 2, hdeine, Ihde (48 sts) Row 6: 48hdce Row 7: Ihde, hdeine, 7hde, hdeine, 3hde, (hdeine, 6hde) x 3, hdeine, 3hde, hdeine, Thde, hdeine, Ihde (56 sts) Row 8: 56hdc Row 9: Ihde, hdcine, dhdc, hdcine, 6hde, hdeine, Shdc, hdeinc, 1 Ohde, hdceine, hdc, hdeine, 6hde, hdeine, 4hde, hdeine, Ihde (64 sts) Change to the white yarn, chl and turn. Work along the bottom edge in sc until you reach the end, then make 3sc into the last stitch. Work up the side picking up stitches as you go, there is no wrong or right way to do this just try and make it neat. Make 3sc into the last stitch of the side then make your way along the top with sc. Once you reach the end make 3sc into the last stiteh. Work down the side picking up stitches as you go, then make 2sc into the first stitch at the bottom. Go around the entire piece twice more making 3sc into the comers as before. Fasten off and leave a tail for stitching. Weave in the other ends and pin the jacket to the body. Use the tail to make a couple of stitches either side of the jacket to hold it in place. Use the black aran yarn to embroider 3 French knots down one side. Buckle With the yellow aran yarn and the 4.00 mm hook, ch19 Row I: starting in the 2nd chain from the hook, 3sc, 3sc into the same stitch, 4sc, 3s into the same stitch, 3sc, 3se into the same stitch, 4sc, 3sc into the same stitch (26 sts) Fasten off and leave a tail for stitching. Pin over the black belt section at the front. Stitch around both the inner and outer edges. 23 Beard With the white aran yarn and the 4.00 mm hook, ch19 Row L: starting in the 2nd chain from the hook, 18sc back down the chain (18 sts) chl and turn your work, do this after every row. Row 2: (Isc, 5de BOB) x 9 (18 sts) Row 3: inc, 16sc, inc (20 sts) Row 4: (Isc, 5de BOB) x 10 (20 sts) Row 5: 3slst, 148c, leave the rest of the stitches unworked (17 sts) Row 6: (Ise, 5de BOB) x 7, leave the rest of the stitches unworked (14 sts) Row 7: ine, 12se, inc (16 sts) Row 8: (Ise, Sde BOB) x 8 (16 sts) Row 9: ine, 14sc, ine (18 sts) Row 10: (Ise, Sde BOB) x 9 (18 sts) Row II: Isc, dec, 3s¢, ine, 4s¢, ine, 3se, dec, Ise (18 sts) Row 12: (Isc, Sde BOB) x 9 (18 sts) Row 13: Isc, dec x 2, 2se, ine, 2s0, ine, 2se, dec x 2, Isc (16 sts) Row 14: (Isc, 5de BOB) x 8 (16 sts) Row I5: Isc, dec x 2, 6se, dee x 2, Ise (12 sts) Row 16: (Isc, 5de BOB) x 6 (12 sts) Row 17: lsc, dec x 2, 2sc, dec x 2, Isc (8 sts) Row 18: (Isc, 5de BOB) x 4 (8 sts) Row 19: dec x 4 (4 sts) Row 20: (Isc, bob) x 2 (4 sts) Fasten off and leave a tail for stitching. Pin under the nose and pull it up at the sides. Stitch only at the two top comers and at the point of the beard. Hat With the white aran yarn and the 4.00 mm hook, Make 6sc into a magic circle Rad 1: ine in every stitch (12 sts) Rnd 2: (Isc, ine) x 6 (18 sts) 24 Rnd 3-5: 18s¢ Rnd 6: (Isc, dec) x 6 (12 sts) Pop in a little bit of stuffing. Rnd 7: dec x 6 (6 sts) Change to the red aran yam. Rnd 8-9; 6sc Rnd 10: ine, 5s¢ (7 sts) Rad 11-12; 7s¢ Rad 13: ine, 6se (8 sts) Rad 14-15: 8s¢ Rnd 16: ine, 7sc, (9 sts) Rnd 17: 9sc Rnd 18: inc, 8sc (10 sts) Rad 19: 10se Rnd 20: (ine, dsc) x 2 (12 sts) Rnd 21: 12se Rnd 22: (3se, inc) x 3 (15 sts) Rnd 23: 15se Rnd 24: (4se, inc) x 3 (18 sts) Rnd 25: 18s¢ Rnd 26: (5sc, inc) x 3 (21 sts) Rnd 27-28: 21s Rad 29: (6se, inc) x 3 (24 sts) Rnd 30-31: 24sc Rnd 32: (7sc, inc) x 3 (27 sts) Rnd 33-34; 27s¢ Rnd 35: (8sc, inc) x 3 (30 sts) Rnd 36-37: 30sc Rnd 38: (9sc, inc) x 3 (33 sts) Rnd 39-40; 33sc Change to the white aran yarn. Rnd 41-42: 33sc Chl and turn your work to work from the inside, again in a continuous spiral. 25 Rnd 43-46: 33sc Fasten off and leave a tail for stitching. Fold up the white flap and pin to the head, once you're happy with the position, stitch the hat down with 3 or 4 stitches at the base. Use the black yarn to give him some surprised eyebrows on the hat fold. Then push up the eyelid away from the eyes. Hands & arms With the black aran yarn and the 4.00 mm hook, Make 6sc into a magic circle Rad 1: inc in every stitch (12 sts) Rnd 2-6: 12sc Rnd 7: Sde bob, Ise (12 se) Rnd 8: 12sc Rnd 9: (2sc, dec) x 3 (9 sts) Rnd 10; 9sc Change to the white aran yarn. Do not stuff the hand or the arm. Rad 11-15: 9sc Change to the red aran yarn. Rad 16: 9sc BLO Rnd 17-25: 9sc Rnd 26: (Isc, dec) x 3 (6 sts) Fasten off and leave a tail for stitching. Cuff Go back to the exposed loops from Rnd 16 of the arm, we will be picking these up as stitches. Join the white aran yarn in the first loop with a slst, make the first stitch of Rnd 1 in the same loop. Rnd 1: (2sc, inc) x 3 (12 sts) Rnd 2: (3sc, inc) x 3 (15 sts) Rnd 3-8: 15sc 26 ta Doorstop - v50 023 Fasten off and weave in all the ends Pin and stitch the arms either side of the body, make sure the thumbs are pointing in the right direction Angle the arms towards the back slightly, Measuring tape With the green aran yarn and the 4.00 mm hook, ch120 Row I: starting in the 2nd chain from the hook, 119sc back down the chain (119 sts) ch1 and turn your work, do this after every row. Row 2-3: 119sc Fasten off and weave in the ends. Use the black Sharpie to draw long and short lines with numbers to resemble a measuring tape. Pin around the body, there is no need to stitch it. Bend the arms and position the gloves over the tape to make it look as though they are holding the tape. Use the black yarn to stitch the gloves to the tape and right through to the body. Hide your working under the gloves. And you're finished! 27 Santa Doorstop - v50 ©2023 Revisions Date Version Revisions 31/10/2023 | v50 Pattern release. 28 Santa Doorstop - v50 ©2023 Cottontail 4SWhiskers € Etsy ravelry Love what you do Cottonil & Whiskers is the trading name of Cottontail & Whiskers Ltd, ‘Registered in Scotland; UK. Company number: $C724146, 7 Bumett Street, Stuarfield, Aberdeenshire, AB42 SDN

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