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Name: _____________________________________ Challenge #2

What's the Word?

Level A: Simple
1. eight-legged bug S ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

2. round map of the world G ____ ____ ____ ____

3. red fruit A ____ ____ ____ ____

4. nail-pounding tool ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ R

Level B: So-So
5. space explorer ____ S ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

6. underwater boat ____ ____ B ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

7. sport ____ ____ ___ K ____ ____

8. month ____ ____ ____ R ____ ____ ____ ____

Level C: Some Stumpers

9. horned animal ____ H ____ ____ ____

10. Spanish-speaking country ____ ____ ____ ____ C ____

11. polygon ____ ____ T ____ ____ ____ ____

12. amphibian ____ ____ L ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

Level D: Insanely Tough

13. school subject ____ ____ ____ ____ L ____ ____ ____

14. color ____ ____ O ____ ____ ____

15. one of the fifty states in the USA ____ ____ ____ H ____

16. unit of measurement ____ ____ ____ ____ P ____ ____ ____

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