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Literature - It is a written record of man’s best thought, feeling and emotions.

Philippine literature where “struggles of language” persist in phase during the occupation of
the American colony.
3rd phase in the Philippine literary background according to Mr. Abad- This period marks the
emergence of political and nationalistic literature in the Philippines.
Shannon, a young writer always tends to make short stories discussing the government system
and different controversies against the current situation of Duterte administration.
Theme: Political Activism.
Students from UPHSL have watched a theatrical play depicting the story of women who fought
discrimination and inequality.
Theme: Universal Human Rights
Literature and history has always been interconnected and that without one, the other may be
questionable. For example, the two novels of Dr. Jose Rizal, Noli Me Tangere and El
Ybraim, a Filipino writer uses English as a medium in his works. It was said that his works
incorporate different traditions and cultures of the Philippine tapestry and that they reflect his
Implication: Philippine literature has been greatly affected by cultures of the colonizers.
“The only way to begin looking at the world – through literature – is to begin looking from
within ourselves, as Filipinos.”
Explanation: It is said that, for someone to grasp a broader perspective about something –
through literature – one must be in search of his/her own roots for national and cultural
The Marcos Era seen as one of the most oppressive periods in the Philippine history because
for reasons of putting an end to sources of intel and information and by controlling how
should the country thinks.
Before a writer is recognized as canonical, consider when the society views the writer and his
works as having significance and is valuable to the society.

Poetic lines are examples of allegory:

ALLEGORY- is a narration or description in which events, actions, characters, settings or objects
represent specific abstractions or ideas. Allegory generally operates on two levels as a literary
device. The overt or surface narrative/description is meant to have enough literary elements to
be a standalone work that is interesting and/or entertaining by itself. However, the emphasis of
allegory is typically placed on the abstract ideals represented or symbolized by the work’s
literary elements. In other words, the meaning behind the surface narrative has even greater
value as a literary work. Though many allegories are intended to be didactic in providing a
moral, ethical, or religious lesson, not all allegories set out to achieve this goal.

“that photo of Apo on the wall was already looking at me while I moved around” – Apo on the
“A country without miracles sits heavy on the map, thinking of banana trees rotting in the
sunlight.” – Third World Geography
“and that is why the Haiyan dead will walk among us endlessly sleepless” – The Haiyan Dead
Details about the character has relevant corresponding conclusion in the poem Apo on the
Wall by Bj Patino
Father snapped at me once, caught me
sneaking around his office at home
looking at the stuff on his wall – handguns,
plaques, a sword, medals, a rifle –
told me that was no place for a boy,
only men, when he didn’t really
have to tell me because, you know,
that photo of Apo on the wall was already
looking at me while I moved around,
his eyes following me like he was
that scary Jesus in the hallway, saying
I know, I know what you’re doing.
Persona: Apo;
Detail: As if the eyes were moving;
Conclusion: Apo has a reserved and serious expression

Using Marxist criticism approach, the questions should use in questioning the societal issue in
the poem “Apo on the wall” of Bj Patino.
-What is the economic background of Bj Patino?
- Were obedience forcefully implied by the father of the “boy’s” persona?

Using Feminist criticism approach, the phrases/ statements may be used in making your
analysis of the essay “One Mother, Five Brothers” of Exie Ebola.
- “It was a loft or an attic, my mother insisted, which is why the stairs had such narrow steps.”
- “The principle owes probably more to my mother than my father.”

Metaphor- figure of speech is used to make a direct comparison between the tenor, as the
subject, and the vehicle, as the object.
- The use of metaphor in a text creates a deeper connection and empathy between
the author and reader.
- By using metaphor, the depiction creates a new perspective, particularly for the
tenor, which is ascribed with the vehicle’s characteristics.
- The author’s use of metaphor helps through showing, not just telling, an image of
- Metaphors make the reading experience of the reader memorable.
Example: The world is a stage.

Simile- comparing two unlike things,ideas by using the words “like” or “as”.
Example: She was as smart as an owl.

Difference between Simile and Metaphor

- A metaphor compares two things directly; whereas, simile qualifies a comparison thru the use
of connective words. The uses of this figurative language alter our experience by turning our
attention to similarities.

Sandra Nicole Roldan’s “Safe House” is all about a narration about life of a child and her family
inside a house that turned as meeting place of an undercover society hiding from the
Literal dramatic situation unfolding into a figurative articulation in The Haiyan Dead of Merlie
Alunan- the connotation “among us/ endlessly sleepless”, tells us a lot of things about their not
being “laid to rest” properly, since many were buried in common graves or never found about
the severe storm surge.

Poem entitled “Justice” was written by Ralph Semino Galan.

Sociocultural Context discussed intimate relationship between surroundings and labor –

society, condition, culture and history.

Antonio Enriques
- A novelist from Manila.
- He studied Medicine in Manila.
- He later had a degree in creative writing and became a university teacher.

Feminism is an approach in literature wherein women empowerment and gender equality

between men and women are discussed. This action implies a huge impact to the society to
address major issues that a beloved Filipina encounter. Particular scenario demonstrates the
power of women justice.
- Uitangcoy signed and presented the petition to Governor General Weyler, asking
for his permission to have equal rights in academic in which became the
inspiration of Dr. Jose Rizal in writing the “Young Women of Malolos”.

“In one film, Fernando Poe Jr., the Golden Boy of action pictures, with automatic machine gun,
mowed down hundreds of Moros on a slope. Upon seeing this massacre on the picture screen,
Datu Mantel stood up from his wooden bench, drew his .45-calibre gun, and promptly
perforated the picture screen. “There!” he said to no one in particular, “you are now dead!”
Everyone scampered for safety, and the movie house owner stopped showing such films again
in Pikit; thereafter, they said, he showed only American war movies. When the fans of Fernando
Poe Jr. demanded to see their movie idol, the owner of the movie house said they all knew he
was shot dead by Datu Mantel and now lay in the hills of Pulanggi.”

Culture shown: They are submissive to the one who holds power whether it’s official or not.

Pun- is a literary device that is also known as a “play on words.” Puns involve words with similar
or identical sounds but with different meanings. Their play on words also relies on a word or
phrase having more than one meaning. Puns are generally intended to be humorous, but they
often have a serious purpose as well in literary works.
“Suite but nothing sweet about it.”

Analysis in Promdi @ Manila, the following terms described the Radical Urbanization:

- Internet and Cellular Phone

- Brand Names

- The movement from region to another.
- It includes the movement within the urban environment.

The post-colonial criticism approach is concerned with literature produced by colonial powers
and works produced by those who were colonized.The following literary piece depicts the said
- The Revolution of Raymundo Mata by Gina Apostol
- Home of the Ash Fall by John Jack Wigley
- Green Sanctuary by Antonio Enriquez

Biographical criticism approach focuses on understanding the writer’s preoccupation by

studying the way they apply and modify their own life experiences in their works. The following
literary piece depicts the said approach:
- Promdi @ Manila by Genevieve Asenjo
- Home of the Ash Fall by John Jack Wigley
- The Love of Magdalena Jalandoni by Winton Lou Ynion

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