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Class : 4th CG English text After world war II, the number of restaurants specializing in fast food grew

tremendously, and each needed a special feature to survive in the competitive marketplace. No
matter where fast food restaurants are located or what type of food they sell, their most fundamental
operating principle is standardization. A hamburger from New York must taste the same as the one
prepared in London, or in Kinshasa or Lubumbashi. To succeed with this formula of selling the exact
same food everywhere, fast food industries must offer a standardized menu that limits the number of
food choices. Slogans as « we love you to smile », « what you want is what you get » have been used
as advertisements by fast food companies over years. With commercials featuring cheerful music and
catchy jingles broadcast on radio and television.


I. the title which suits the above text is

1. Companies 2. Slogans

3. Restaurants 4. War II

5. New York and Kinshasa

II. The number of restaurants specializing in fast food grew tremendously :

1. In the period of world War II

2. Before world War II
3. After World War I
4. After World War II
5. Before world War II

III. I’ll be writing my teacher a long letter at 7 o’clock. Tick the correct tense

1. Past simple

2. Present continuous

3. Future simple

4. Future perfect

5. Future continuous


Cloth Merchant

25, Q. des Ambassadeurs Kinshasa – DRC

Mr Yvor Evans Manufacturer of finest cloth

June 15th, 2016 Dubai

Dear sir, I refer to your offer of the 9th of this month and have pleasure in enclosing a request N°
1250. As the goods are urgently required, I would ask you to arrange for immediate delivery. This
pattern book, which you kindly submitted together with your offer, will be sent back to you

Yours faithfully, (5)

John Bradley Manager


I. The one who writes an application or submits for application is known as :

1. Account 2. Computer scientist 3. Manager 4. Applicant 5. Teacher


II The numbered part 5 stands for the :

1. Consignor 2.Complimentary close 3. Inside address 4. Salutation 5. Enclosure

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