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Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45 (2012) 429–446

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An ontology-based personalization of health-care knowledge to support

clinical decisions for chronically ill patients
David Riaño a, Francis Real a, Joan Albert López-Vallverdú a,⇑, Fabio Campana b, Sara Ercolani c,
Patrizia Mecocci c, Roberta Annicchiarico d, Carlo Caltagirone d,e
Research Group on Artificial Intelligence, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain
Centro di Assistenza Domiciliare, ASL RM B, Roma, Italy
University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy
IRCCS Fondazione S. Lucia, Roma, Italy
University Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Chronically ill patients are complex health care cases that require the coordinated interaction of multiple
Received 12 January 2011 professionals. A correct intervention of these sort of patients entails the accurate analysis of the condi-
Accepted 25 December 2011 tions of each concrete patient and the adaptation of evidence-based standard intervention plans to these
Available online 18 January 2012
conditions. There are some other clinical circumstances such as wrong diagnoses, unobserved comorbid-
ities, missing information, unobserved related diseases or prevention, whose detection depends on the
Keywords: capacities of deduction of the professionals involved.
In this paper, we introduce an ontology for the care of chronically ill patients and implement two
Medical decision support systems
Health care personalization
personalization processes and a decision support tool. The first personalization process adapts the con-
tents of the ontology to the particularities observed in the health-care record of a given concrete patient,
automatically providing a personalized ontology containing only the clinical information that is relevant
for health-care professionals to manage that patient. The second personalization process uses the person-
alized ontology of a patient to automatically transform intervention plans describing health-care general
treatments into individual intervention plans. For comorbid patients, this process concludes with the
semi-automatic integration of several individual plans into a single personalized plan. Finally, the ontol-
ogy is also used as the knowledge base of a decision support tool that helps health-care professionals to
detect anomalous circumstances such as wrong diagnoses, unobserved comorbidities, missing informa-
tion, unobserved related diseases, or preventive actions.
Seven health-care centers participating in the K4CARE project, together with the group SAGESA and the
Local Health System in the town of Pollenza have served as the validation platform for these two pro-
cesses and tool. Health-care professionals participating in the evaluation agree about the average quality
84% (5.9/7.0) and utility 90% (6.3/7.0) of the tools and also about the correct reasoning of the decision
support tool, according to clinical standards.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ill patients [7], who are a kind of patients that deserve long term
and simultaneous assistance provided by several sorts of profes-
Ontologies are one of the most successful ways of representing sionals, as for example family doctors, specialists, nurses, or social
actionable knowledge in biomedicine [1–5]. Two of the reasons for workers.
this success are their ability to capture biomedical knowledge in a In order to deal with this highly variable kind of patients, we
formal but simple, powerful and incremental manner, and their need mechanisms to personalize the knowledge describing both
easy application in the reasoning processes [6] performed by the condition of these patients (each individual patient is a poten-
medical decision support systems. tial different case with specific diseases, syndromes, social needs,
In health care, the most common, complex and resource- signs and symptoms), and the intervention plan for these patients
consuming clinical cases to deal with correspond to chronically (the actions to be followed for different patients are eventually
very varied). But we also need mechanisms to assess whether the
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Av. Paı¨sos Catalans, 26, 43007 Tarragona, Spain. decisions and recommendations on these patients are correct or
Fax: +34 977559710. not in part because the possibilities of over- and under-treat these
E-mail address: (J.A. López-Vallverdú). kind of patients can be very high.

1532-0464/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
430 D. Riaño et al. / Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45 (2012) 429–446

In this context, we developed a health-care ontology to organize are used by another personalization procedure to provide a unified
the terms used to describe chronically ill patients. This is called the intervention plan for that patient (see Section 5.2).
case profile ontology and it is used as a knowledge base for So, in our system, the information about how to deal with
the personalization of patient conditions and intervention plans, comorbid patients is not necessarily scattered across several inter-
and also as the core of a medical decision support tool that helps vention whose application has to be synchronized [8], but de-
health-care professionals to detect feasible medical and social scribed with a single unified intervention plan whose application
inconsistencies in the available data of chronically ill patients is much easier, medically intuitive, and controllable.
under treatment. The third and last application of the case profile ontology is in a
The ontology is described in Section 3. cyclic on-line decision support tool (see Section 5.3) whose main
A wrapper system integrating these two personalizations and purpose is to help professionals in health-care processes as
the decision support tool was also implemented (see Fig. 1). With prevention, diagnosis and therapy planning. Starting with a patient
this system, the ontology can be directly maintained (and ex- condition which is represented by a subset of the terms in the
tended) by health-care professionals without any intervention of ontology, this tool explores the ontology to find possible additional
information technology specialists. As the ontology grows up with or alternative diagnoses, feasible signs and symptoms that are not
new medical concepts and properties, the diversity of patients that observed in the patient condition, additional tests to check and to
our system is able to deal with increases, the possible intervention assess these signs and symptoms, and the available interventions
plans can be more detailed and accurate, and the decision support to deal with the new medical and social problems observed for
system automatically becomes more powerful. Therefore, the the patient. As the user of the decision support tool (e.g., a physi-
health-care utility of the system is exclusively dependent on the cian, nurse or social worker) confirms or performs some of these
incorporation of new knowledge in the case profile ontology. recommendations, the information about the patient and the treat-
In this work, a patient condition is considered to be all the past and ment may change and this new information can cause the decision
current medical and social information about the patient that may tool to continue providing new suggestions to the health-care pro-
affect the professional immediate and short term management of fessional. This loop stops either when the tool is not able to provide
that patient. This information is mainly composed of the patient new suggestions or when the health-care professional considers
signs, symptoms and diagnoses, but it also may include family ante- that the current condition of the patient is perfectly represented
cedents and social conditions and limitations. A formal intervention by the accepted diagnoses, signs and symptoms, assessments,
plan is a computer-interpretable structure representing the heath and interventions. At any point, the decision about what the
care procedures to assist patients suffering from one particular patient has and does not have is left to the professional who is
disease, syndrome, or social issue. It contains indications to all the using the tool.
actors involved in the care process (i.e., health-care professionals, Both the personalized ontology and the unified intervention
care givers, etc.) in order to provide the best coordinated action plan plan of a patient may evolve as the patient condition changes
possible. Both the ontology and the formal intervention plans are (i.e., when the information about the patient changes in the
mutually related and they define the knowledge base on which health-care record of that patient) or as a result of the application
two knowledge personalization procedures and one decision sup- of the decision support tool to find out new medical knowledge
port tool are implemented. about the analyzed patient. These evolved ontologies and unified
Given the condition of a chronically ill patient (or a patient intervention plans can be successively stored as part of the
type), the ontology is used to personalize the medical and social health-care record of that patient, in Fig. 1.
knowledge available for that patient, discarding all the knowledge Notice that these ontologies are not aimed to contain the clini-
that is not related to that patient condition. This personalization cal information about the patient, but the subset of general clinical
process (see Section 5.1) concludes with a patient-oriented information that is relevant to the patient in a concrete moment.
ontology that contains the medical concepts and the relationships The information of the patient remains in the health-care record
confirmed by the patient condition (i.e., confirmed knowledge), but of the patient.
also those other concepts and relationships that are not observed The two personalization procedures and the decision support
in the patient condition but that should have been observed or that tool are detailed in Section 6. These components, together with
are feasible to be observed, according to the knowledge contained the case profile ontology and the formal intervention plans of 19
in the case profile ontology (i.e., unconfirmed knowledge). of the most common diseases of chronically ill patients, are inte-
At the same time, the patient condition, the formal intervention grated in a computer application to help general practitioners in
plans related to the diseases, syndromes, and social issues of that their daily tasks of visiting patients, follow-up, diagnosis, planning
comorbid patient (or patient type) and the case profile ontology of treatments and foreseeing evolutions. Concretely, it allows users
(1) to provide a detailed and sound description of the medical
and social condition of a single patient or a patient type, (2) to
isolate the health-care knowledge related to a patient condition
from the case profile ontology, (3) to automatically obtain an inter-
vention plan adjusted to the patient health-care requirements, (4)
to help physicians in the processes of disease prevention and
detection, and (5) to facilitate the task of finding the most accurate
intervention in each particular moment.
The integration of these technologies in the system depicted in
Fig. 1 aims at providing health-care professionals dealing with
chronically ill patients with an integrated tool that helps them in
decision and analysis tasks. The decision tasks at the point and
time of care are to determine the condition of new arriving
patients, and to refine predefined standard evidence-based treat-
ments in order to obtain and validate a unified intervention plan
adapted to the health-care and social needs of the patient during
Fig. 1. The wrapper system. the first and the follow-up visits. The analysis task is to help the
D. Riaño et al. / Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45 (2012) 429–446 431

physician to study the available information about the patient in suggests a distinction between ontologies about health-care manage-
order to detect anomalous circumstances such as wrong diagnoses, ment (i.e., ontologies about the concepts involved in the organization
unobserved comorbidities, missing information, unobserved re- of health-care activities), and ontologies about biomedical subdo-
lated diseases, or preventive actions. The system works automati- mains (i.e., ontologies about biomedical concepts). Some representa-
cally for the first and the last tasks and semi-automatically for the tive examples of health-care management ontologies are the Actor
second one. The interface allows graphical representation and Profile Ontology [5], an ontology to structure organizational health-
refinement of intervention plans and provides dialogs for the rest care knowledge for home care, and the ontology in [3] which is
of the tasks. In Section 6 we explain several experiences with the conceived to describe adaptive medical workflows. On the contrary,
system. the Gene Ontology [18], the Foundational Model of Anatomy
Ontology [19], and the Ontology for General Medical Science [20]
are examples of biomedical domain ontologies.
2. Background
In this work we have used Protégé to develop an ontology for
the domain of chronically ill patients requiring home care: the Case
The health-care condition of a patient is defined as all the past
Profile Ontology.
and current medical and social information about the patient that
This ontology that after validation was tested in a real health-
may affect the professional immediate and short term manage-
care settings in the K4CARE project8 [53] is not aimed to contain
ment of that patient. In this work, this information corresponds
information about concrete patients (i.e., instances), but the clinical
to all the diseases, syndromes and social issues that are diagnosed
concepts, relationships, and constraints that are relevant to manage
for the patient, the signs and symptoms (including family anteced-
chronically ill patients. For this reason, the uses of this ontology that
ents and anamnesis), the problem assessments performed (i.e.,
are described in this paper are not implemented with an OWL-DL
medical, social, cognitive, and mobility tests), and the current
reasoner but with a functional interface implemented in Jena9 that
interventions, either pharmacological, rehabilitative, nurse care,
allows efficient and sound navigation through the ontology classes
social care, counseling, and special medical services.
and properties.
In order to describe patient conditions, several national and
international encoding systems have been proposed [9] for dis-
eases and procedures: International Classification of Diseases 2.2. Formal intervention plans
(ICD9-CM1, ICD102), and International Classification of Primary Care
(ICPC3); signs and symptoms: parts of ICD9-CM and ICD10, and Formal intervention plan is the name we use to refer to a
pharmacological treatments: Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical computer-interpretable structure representing the heath care
classification system (ATC4). procedures to assist patients suffering from a particular disease,
SNOMED [10] is also a well known health-care terminology syndrome, or social issue. There are several computer-oriented lan-
system that does not only provide a semantic classification of guages and systems to represent and execute these plans, as for
terms, but also the possibility of combining terms to describe or example Asbru [21], Proforma [22], GLIF3 [23], SAGE [24], and
refine new health-care information. In a third group, UMLS [11] SDA [25]. Despite their differences, there are some features that
represents a different approach that unifies several biomedical any language or system to represent formal intervention plans
terminologies to define cross relationships and equivalences should comply with [27,28]. These can be summarized as (1) the
between the terms in these terminologies. capability of representing patient states, (2) the availability of
Terminology and coding systems are cornerstones of any primitives to allow medical procedures to contain sequences,
computer-based medical system and also the basis for semantic concurrencies, alternatives, and loops, (3) the incorporation of
interoperability. In this work we use ICD10-CM and ATC. nesting as a means of describing medical procedures at different
levels of abstraction and granularity, and (4) the integration with
electronic health-care records. All the above languages satisfy
2.1. Health-care ontologies
these features to a large extent.
Clinical practice guidelines are documents gathering all the
An ontology is a knowledge model that represents a set of con-
available medical evidence with regard to a particular disease.
cepts within a domain and the relationships among these concepts.
Some clinical practice guidelines contain clinical algorithms
Ontologies facilitate not only representation but also concept
as a means to provide a simplified schematic model of some
instantiation and instance-based reasoning within a domain.
specific medical and clinical pathways. Clinical algorithms are
OWL is a semantic markup language for publishing and sharing
formal structures starting with a clinical state box that defines
ontologies on the World Wide Web. Among the tree versions of
the problem addressed by the clinical algorithm, and followed
the OWL language, OWL DL [12] reaches the maximal expressive-
by a combination of decision and action boxes [29,30]. Decision
ness as maintaining computational completeness (all the entail-
boxes are branching elements that lead the application of the
ments are guaranteed to be computed) and decidability (all the
clinical algorithms in one direction or another depending on
reasoning processes finish).
the response to a yes–no question (e.g., is the patient diabetic?).
Ontologies have been widely applied in biomedicine [13–16]
Action boxes contain medical orders or recommendations, either
and made available in multiple on line ontology libraries [17] such
diagnostic or therapeutic (e.g., drug prescription or professional
as Bioportal5, Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies Foundry6,
or Protege library7. Several ontology editors as Protégé (protege.
Several of the above mentioned languages and systems to have also contributed to the development of
represent formal intervention plans include the possibility of
biomedical ontologies. A review of published biomedical ontologies
defining clinical algorithms. In this work, we use the SDA modeling
language in order to represent the formal intervention plans
corresponding to 19 diseases, two syndromes, and six social issues
that affect chronically ill patients.
6 8
7 9
432 D. Riaño et al. / Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45 (2012) 429–446

2.3. Medical decision support systems and decision problems of chronically ill patients [7], health-care personalization is
particularly relevant since the potential variability of the cases is
Since the early 1970s, medical decision support systems have very high in terms of the patient condition (i.e., what is the
evolved to support health-care professionals in decision making available patient information that is relevant to make decisions?),
[31–37] and it is expected that they will continue evolving in the interventions (i.e., what is the unified intervention plan defining
future [38]. the treatment of this patient?), and quality assessment (i.e., is
In the last years, several systematic reviews have arrived to the set of measures taken for the patient correct and complete?).
similar conclusions about the success of medical decision support These facts define health-care personalization at two levels: (1)
systems. Namely, these systems may reach a significant impact identification of the medical knowledge that is relevant and that
in the performance of health-care professionals [39,40] in impor- affects the patient (i.e., definition of the patient condition and
tant tasks such as diagnosis, preventive care, disease management, the medical semantics of this condition) and (2) description of
and drug dosing and managing. However, the use of these systems the treatment that the patient has to follow (i.e., construction of
as normal tools in clinical practice and the analysis of the impact of a unified intervention plan). The personalization of a treatment
these systems in the patient outcomes [39,41] remain as open can also be used for the retrospective analysis of past actions in
challenges for the future. terms of medical correctness (i.e., are all the already performed
As far as the care of chronically ill patients is concerned, actions justified from both the patient condition and the corre-
INTERNIST-I [43] was a pioneer of these systems to diagnose multi- sponding intervention plan?) and medical completeness (i.e., are
ple diseases in internal medicine. It contained a knowledge base there some required actions not performed?).
of about 500 diseases described in terms of more than 4100 In the last years, health-care personalization has become syno-
manifestations and each manifestation was associated with a nym of both pharmacogenomics, or the use of genetic information
property list encoding information about interdependencies be- about one patient to design a pharmacological treatment
tween manifestations. All this knowledge was involved in a rea- specific for that patient [47], and personal health systems, or the
soning process that ranked the feasible diseases affecting a individualization of interventions aimed to prevent or treat dis-
concrete case and provided a final diagnose in a way that was eases via technological tools that are made available as part of a
similar to differential diagnosis. INTERNIST-I (and the later CADUCEUS health-care environment [48].
[44]) received several critiques as their ad hoc knowledge struc- Here, our approach to health-care personalization concerns
ture that made maintenance and validation processes very diffi- with the adaptation of the standard medical knowledge available
cult, and their lack of therapeutic interest in contrast to other (i.e., ontology and formal intervention plans) by omitting all the
systems as MYCIN [45] that dealt not only with patient diagnosis parts that are irrelevant for the current patient, and providing as
but also with therapeutic actions. While the first critique was much detail as possible to those other parts that affect the patient.
addressed with the possibility of converting the INTERNIST-I knowl- Combining all the personalized intervention plans into a single
edge structures into an ontology [46], the problem of making unified intervention plan (see Section 5.2) is also part of the
decision support systems that integrate patient diagnosis and personalization offered by our system.
treatment was also addressed in later systems [34–37].
According to [42], the design and function of medical decision
3. The case profile ontology
support systems can be classified with the use of 24 features that
are grouped into five categories: context (i.e., clinical setting,
The Case Profile Ontology [50] is an OWL-DL compliant ontol-
clinical task, unit of optimization, relation to point of care, and
ogy developed in the K4CARE project ( in
potential completion barriers), knowledge and data source (i.e.,
order to provide a formal representation of all the health-care con-
clinical knowledge source, data source, data source intermediary,
cepts related to the care of chronically ill patients at home (i.e.,
data coding, degree of customization, and update mechanism),
syndromes, diseases, social issues, signs and symptoms, problem
decision support (i.e., reasoning method, clinical urgency, recom-
assessments, and interventions) and the relationships and
mendation explicitness, and logistical complexity), information
constraints between these concepts.
delivery (i.e., delivery format, delivery mode, action integration,
All the classes, class relationships and constraints, where man-
and delivery interactivity/explanation availability), and workflow
ually introduced and doubly validated by a team of health-care
(i.e., system user, target decision maker, output intermediary,
professionals from five different countries: Czech Republic,
and workflow integration). Please, see [42] for a complete descrip-
Hungary, Italy, Romania, and UK.
tion of these features.
In order to obtain all the domain knowledge contained in the
Here, we introduce a new knowledge-based medical decision
ontology, this team selected some of the most representative
support system whose knowledge structures (i.e., ontology and
diseases, syndromes and social issues related to chronically ill
formal intervention plans) are maintainable whilst they are used
patients [7]. These were:
to support physicians in multiple tasks as diagnosis, therapy
critiquing, therapy planning, and pharmacological treatment. For
 Nineteen diseases: anaemia, arthritis, cerebrovascular disease,
diagnosis assistance, our system implements a ranking process
chronic ischaemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary
which is similar to the one of INTERNIST-I. Our system is designed
disease, decubit ulcer, delirium, six sorts of dementia (vascular,
to provide a patient-centered support in a way that the available
secondary, mixed, Alzheimer, unspecified, and other degenera-
knowledge is continuously personalized to the condition of the
tive dementia), depression, diabetes, heart failure, hyperten-
chronically ill patient under consideration.
sion, iatrogenic cognitive impairment, Parkinson disease and
Parkinsonism (see Fig. 2).
2.4. Personalization
 Two syndromes: immobility and cognitive impairment.
 Five social issues: serious mental illness, bad environment, low
Clinical assistance deals with the professional adaptation of
income, lack of family support, and lack of social network.
general health-care practices to the particularities of the assisted
patient. Patient-centered health-care lies on the personalization For each disease, several clinical practice guidelines and scien-
of care as local, national and international evidence-based tific papers [49] were considered to identify the corresponding
standards of good medical practice are maintained. In the case signs and symptoms, interventions, problem assessments, and also
D. Riaño et al. / Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45 (2012) 429–446 433

Fig. 2. OWL ontology defined with Protégé.

the related syndromes. For syndromes and social issues only heart failure (e.g., asthenia) was restricted to all the diseases in
scientific papers were used [49]. All the information extracted from the ontology with that symptom, including but not necessarily
these documents together with the professional experience of only chronic heart failure.
the physicians in the work team were manually incorporated Only allValuesFrom and the cardinality restrictions of OWL DL
to the ontology as classes, properties, and property constraints. were used to describe the property constraints in each class. This
Protégé was the tool used to construct the case profile ontology captures, for example, the relationship between each disease and
(see Fig. 2). all the possible signs and symptoms of that disease [50]. So,
The main concepts and relationships in the ontology are shown Fig. 3 shows a constraint of all the signs and symptoms that can
in Fig. 4. Solid arrows represent subclass relationships (e.g., be observed in a patient with chronic heart failure. Not all of them
Chronic Heart Failure is a Disease), while dashed arrows represent are required, but as new signs and symptoms in the constraint are
properties (and their inverse properties) between medical con- confirmed for a concrete patient, more evidence shall exist that
cepts. For example, diseases are related to signs and symptoms this patient may have heart failure. In our decision system in
with property hasSignAndSymptom, and viceversa with the inverse Section 5.3, this evidence will help practitioners either to diagnose
property isSignOf. the disease or to seek new evidences.
The necessary conditions of all the classes in the ontology were In this ontology, a disease is a physiological or psychological
manually refined in terms of the properties of that class to reflect dysfunction, a syndrome is a complex health situation in which a
the medical knowledge provided by the team of health-care combination of signs and symptoms occurs more frequently than
professionals in the K4CARE project. So, for example, the property it would be expected on the basis of chance alone and it generates
hasSignAndSymptom in the class chronic heart failure was a functional decline, and a social issue is a sociological matter that
restricted to contain the possible signs and symptoms of this dis- can become a problem during the treatment of the patient. Social
ease, and the inverse property isSignOf in a symptom of chronic issues are considered to be factors outside the control of the

Fig. 3. Constraint on the possible signs and symptoms of heart failure.

434 D. Riaño et al. / Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45 (2012) 429–446

patient and the patient’s immediate social environment, and they among a hierarchy of 293 signs and symptoms (only the first
may affect many individuals or a society [50]. level of this hierarchy is shown in Fig. 4), and the property
Property hasICD10Code was used to contain the ICD10 code of hasIntervention to indicate their health-care interventions in a hier-
each disease in the ontology, as Fig. 2 indicates. archy of 108 different types of interventions (among which 94
Diseases, syndromes and social issues use the property are pharmacological). Note that the way that these interventions
hasSignAndSymptom to determine their signs and symptoms are combined to provide a proper treatment is not represented in

Fig. 4. Case profile ontology.

D. Riaño et al. / Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45 (2012) 429–446 435

the ontology but in the formal intervention plans of the correspond- required depending on whether there are or not symptoms of
ing disease, syndrome or social issue. In the ontology, interventions breathless or ankle edema. Consultation with a specialist is also
are classified into pharmacological treatments, non-pharmacological recommended in some cases.
treatments, rehabilitation, nursing care, social care, counseling and The SDA in Fig. 6 is more detailed and it includes pharmacolog-
special medical services. ical treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. It also involves some nested
Pharmacological treatments are codified with the Anatomical actions such as clinical assessment that is common to several inter-
Therapeutic Chemical classification system (see hasATCCode prop- vention plans and performed several times in this concrete plan,
erty in Fig. 4), they have the property hasAdministrationRoute to and dosage reduction10 as a procedure that requires a different level
determine their route of administration among 24 possible of granularity.
alternative routes, and they have data properties to describe their Formal intervention plans expressed as SDA diagrams can be as
dosage, number of times, periodicity, and preparation. specific as the terms in the case profile ontology permit. In order to
Finally, property isAssessedBy determines the means of assess- make an intervention plan consistent with the ontology, the states
ing each sign and symptom of the ontology, making a distinction and the decision points in the SDA must be expressed with terms in
between comprehensive assessments, consultations, diagnostic the ontology (i.e., diseases, syndromes, special issues, interven-
examinations and laboratory analyses (see Fig. 4). In the ontology, tions, signs and symptoms, and problem assessments), but the ac-
there are 176 different types of problem assessments to evaluate tion blocks in the SDA can only be expressed with the terms of the
the condition of the patient during the first encounter and when- sort intervention in the ontology that are related to the disease
ever a re-evaluation is required. whose treatment that plan represents.
All the above properties have their corresponding inverse proper- SDAs representing intervention plans can also include time con-
ties evaluatesSignOrSymptom, isSignOrSymptomOf, isInterventionOf, straints and restrictions on the sort of actors that are allowed to or-
canBeCauseOf, and isRouteOfAdministration, respectively. All these der and to perform the corresponding interventions in the plan.
properties appear in Fig. 4. The most frequent time constraints are of the sort [min,max]. These
A complete description of the case profile ontology can be found are related to the connectors leaving some action blocks in the SDA
in the K4CARE technical report [50]. diagram and they represent stops of the treatment between min
It is important to notice that, for all the uses of the case profile and max time. For example, some parts of the treatment in Fig. 6
ontology in this work (including personalization and decision describe delays of one month (i.e., [1 M, 1 M]) after a follow-up
support), we did not use an OWL-DL reasoner but a functional encounter.
interface for the case profile ontology navigation that was imple- On the other hand, each intervention in an action block can be
mented on Jena. related to the sort of actors that are allowed to order that interven-
tion, and also to the sort of actors that are allowed to perform that
intervention (e.g., physician, nurse, care giver, etc.). So, for exam-
4. Formal intervention plans ple, we can indicate that some care intervention can be ordered
either by nurses or physicians, but only performed by care givers.
Each disease, syndrome and social issue in the ontology is re- All these constraints together with the information in the elec-
lated to a formal intervention plan that represents the correspond- tronic health-care record are used for the personalization of formal
ing treatment as a state-decision–action (or SDA) diagram [25]. intervention plans into individual intervention plans, as it is
These diagrams provide a correct health-care combination of all detailed in Section 5.2, before the knowledge in the formal
the interventions in the ontology that are related to that disease, intervention plan can be applied to a concrete patient. Individual
syndrome or social issue. For example, the SDAs in Figs. 5 and 6 intervention plans are also represented as SDA diagrams.
represent the formal intervention plans for patients with heart
failure and Alzheimer’s disease as they were described in the
5. The knowledge-based system
K4CARE project, respectively.
Similar to clinical algorithms, these sort of diagrams [25]
The case profile ontology and the formal intervention plans
connect states, decision points, and action blocks represented as
developed during the K4CARE project define the knowledge base
circles, diamonds and rectangles, respectively. SDA notation com-
of our system, in Fig. 1. Restricted to 19 diseases, two syndromes,
ply with all the features required for languages to represent formal
and five social issues, the ontology conceptualizes the knowledge
intervention plans (see Section 2.2): representation of patient
related to the care of chronically ill patients at home, whereas
states with state elements (circles) describing patient conditions;
the formal intervention plans describe general evidence-based
incorporation of sequences, alternatives and loops with SDA con-
treatment plans for these diseases, syndromes and social issues.
nectors (arrows) and decision points (diamonds); concurrency
The context in which a concrete patient is assisted depends on
with the incorporation of several simultaneous interventions in
the actors participating in the care of this patient (i.e., family doc-
the same action block (rectangle); introduction of nested parts
tor, nurses, caregiver, etc.), but also on the information contained
with the incorporation of calls to other SDAs inside the action
in the health-care record of that patient. Therefore, the knowledge
blocks (rectangles); and the integration with electronic health-care
in the ontology and the knowledge in all the intervention plans
records which is accomplished by the system executing the SDAs.
that affect a target patient must be complemented with the
So, the SDA diagram in Fig. 5 describes the general treatment of
information about the context of this patient; i.e., the actors
heart failure in chronically ill patients who are in one of two
involved and the health-care record of the patient. This individual
possible states: START and patient monitoring. ‘‘START’’ represents
information transforms the general evidence-based knowledge
patients with a pharmacological treatment who start home care
of the ontology and the intervention plans related to this
(HC), and ‘‘patient monitoring’’ the regular follow-up of heart fail-
patient into a personalized knowledge that is represented by a
ure patients at home. Note that the SDA is complemented with two
ending states, one to continue with the home care of the patient,
and another one to consider admission of the patient to a hospital. In our work, dosage modifications are achieved by replacing one of the
pharmacological treatments contained in the case profile ontology by another
When a patient arrives in a condition that satisfies the state about pharmacological treatment in the ontology. This is possible because the last level of
monitoring, the SDA suggests that if an increase of the patient the hierarchy of drugs contains specific products (e.g., Enalapril Merck 20 mg 80 tablets
weight is observed, a dietetic or pharmacological change is EFG and Enalapril Merck 5 mg 60 tablets EFG) with concrete dosages [26].
436 D. Riaño et al. / Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45 (2012) 429–446

Fig. 5. Formal intervention plan for the treatment of chronic heart failure.

patient-oriented ontology and a unified intervention plan. After about the target patient, and the unified intervention plan to
that, the personalized ontology is used by our decision support tool automate the care processes to be performed on the target patient
to help health-care professionals to detect new medical knowledge [51].
D. Riaño et al. / Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45 (2012) 429–446 437

Fig. 6. Formal intervention plan for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

These two personalization procedures and the decision support description of the patient condition, to determine as much as
tool are the basic components of our system (see Fig. 1). They are possible the actors directly involved in the care of the patient, to
detailed in the next subsections. incorporate the personalized ontology in the health record of the
patient, and to produce a knowledge structure that could be
5.1. Personalizing Patient Knowledge incorporated in a decision support tool in order to analyze the
patient condition. In subSection 5.2, the personalization of inter-
The knowledge about each single patient is personalized after a vention plans complements these four purposes with a last one
process of filtering and restructuring the case profile ontology with which is to provide an integrated description of the patient
four main purposes: to provide an evidence-based integrated treatment for automating some care aspects as coordination.
438 D. Riaño et al. / Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45 (2012) 429–446

5.1.1. Personalizing the patient condition subclasses of the Background class in the personalized ontology.
The personalized ontology has two main classes: Background The signs and symptoms are used to determine their related
and PatientCase. The Background class will contain all the concepts problem assessments, according to the property isAssessedBy.
in the case profile ontology that can be confirmed in the health re- These problem assessments are introduced in the subclass
cord of the patient, together with the other concepts in the case ProblemAssessment of the personalized ontology. All the above
profile ontology that should also be observed for the current mentioned findings are searched in the health-care record of the
patient, but which are not confirmed in the health record (i.e., patient, and the ones that are found, incorporated to the class
evidence-based knowledge). On the contrary, the PatientCase class PatientCase as confirmed information.
will only contain the ontological concepts that are found in the The concepts that have to be incorporated to the class Patient-
record of the patient (i.e., confirmed knowledge). Case are included as direct subclasses of that class. However, the
Background knowledge will be used by the decision support tool concepts to be incorporated in the Background class follow a two
in subSection 5.3 to help physicians to define a more accurate step process that, firstly, removes all the concepts in the case pro-
profile of the patient condition, and therefore to improve the file ontology except the ones that have to be incorporated in the
PatientCase knowledge. personalized ontology, including their subclasses, and the ones
As Fig. 7 shows, the Background class has four subclasses: that are ancestor classes of those concepts. Secondly, the resulting
Diagnostic, SignAndSymptom, Intervention, and ProblemAssessment. hierarchies of classes are modified in order to have an explicit
Diagnostic class is also structured in three subclasses: Disease, representation of only those concepts that are describing the
Syndrome, and SocialIssue. This is the basic structure on which condition of the current patient.
the case profile ontology is personalized to a patient. If one patient condition is described with several concepts
The personalization process depends on whether the diagnostic among which there is one that subsumes some other (i.e.,
of the patient is already confirmed in the health-care record of the c1  c2), our system interprets that ’’the patient has c2, which is a
patient or not. If it is not, the set of current signs and symptoms in c1, but also some other c1 different to c2 which is not specified.
the record are incorporated as subclasses of both the SignAndSymptom So, a new concept (c1  c2) representing the cases in c1 that are
and the PatientCase classes. The property isSignOf is then used to not of the sort c2 is introduced in the personalized ontology, as sub-
determine the feasible diseases, syndromes, and social issues that are concept of c1, and with c2 as sibling. This process was extended to
related in the case profile ontology to the observed signs and symp- the case that we have multiple concepts subsumed by the same
toms. All of them are incorporated to the respective subclasses of concept. The purpose of this process is to retain in the personalized
Diagnostic in the personalized ontology as diagnostic hypotheses, but ontology of one patient all the concepts describing this patient
not to the PatientCase class as confirmed diagnoses. Similarly, the condition and to have these concepts as accurately represented
property isAssessedBy provides the problem assessments related to as possible.
the patient signs and symptoms. Once obtained, they are incorporated For example, if a patient has chest pain, dyspnea and another
to the class ProblemAssessment. The property hasIntervention is used to unspecified pulmonary problem that requires a radiography before
obtain all the interventions (i.e., single health-care actions) to the dis- it can be determined, the first two signs are in the case profile
eases, syndromes, and social issues found in the previous steps. They ontology and therefore incorporated to the personalized ontology.
are incorporated to class Intervention. All these problem assessments However, the last vague symptom pulmonary problem has to be
and interventions are also sought in the health-care record of the represented with the general ontology class pulmonary, but since
patient and incorporated to the PatientCase class if they are found. dyspnea is a kind of pulmonary symptom, a new class representing
Alternatively, if the patient is already diagnosed (i.e., the cur- all the pulmonary symptoms in the case profile ontology but dysp-
rent condition of the patient in the health-care record contains nea is created in the personalized ontology.
one or more active diseases, syndromes or social issues), the pro- This example is depicted in Fig. 8, where part of the SignAnd-
cess of constructing the personalized ontology is the following. Symptom class hierarchy of the case profile ontology, in Fig. 8a, is
Starting with the patient diseases, syndromes and social issues transformed into the SignAndSymptom class hierarchy of the
that are found in the case profile ontology, the properties personalized ontology, in Fig. 8b.
hasSignAndSymptom, canBeCauseOf, and hasIntervention are used Observe in the personalized ontology in Fig. 8b how the pul-
to determine feasible signs and symptoms, syndromes, and monary signs and symptoms of the patient are organized in two
interventions. Once found, they are introduced in the respective subclasses, Dyspnea and Pulmonary-X001, the last one being any
pulmonary sign except dyspnea. ChestPain is the only general sign
and symptom maintained.
This transformation is not conceived to detect or correct the
medical mistakes that could be retrospectively found in the
health-care record of the patient, but just to represent the knowl-
edge about the current patient condition introduced in the record,
as an ontology. This ontology is the knowledge base that the
decision support tool described in Section 5.3 will use to help
health-care professionals to detect medical errors and omissions,
but also to obtain a more precise clinical description of the patient
under study and to provide recommendations.

5.1.2. Personalizing the involved actors

When we combine the knowledge in the personalized ontology
both with the health-care organizational knowledge available in
other ontologies such as the Agent Profile Ontology [5] or the
one in [3], and also with the information available in the health-
care record of a concrete patient, we can determine the people that
Fig. 7. Structure of the personalized ontologies. are allowed to perform each single intervention and problem
D. Riaño et al. / Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45 (2012) 429–446 439

Fig. 8. Example of ontology personalization.

assessment, and reflect this knowledge in the personalized to assess the patient and to make decisions. Patient assessment
ontology of that patient. is directly performed as a navigation process within the classes
So in the Agent Profile Ontology [5], interventions and problem of the personalized ontology that describe the patient current con-
assessments belong to the class action, and the property hasSubject dition. However, more complex decisions as determining wrong
provides the sorts of actors performing the action. In [3], interven- diagnoses, detecting comorbidities or preventing the development
tions and problem assessments are under the class task and of new diseases, require the combined use of both the personalized
property isPerformedBy provides the roles of the people who can ontology of the patient and the case profile ontology described in
perform a given task. Here, we have used the Agent Profile Section 3. In order to help health-care professionals in these tasks,
Ontology to determine which roles are allowed to perform the we developed the decision support tool that is described in Section
different sort of interventions in the case profile ontology. This 5.3.
was possible after a synchronization of the teams that developed
the two ontologies in the K4CARE project. 5.2. Personalizing intervention plans
Once we have the sort of actors (or roles) that can perform a
concrete intervention or problem assessment in a personalized Formal Intervention Plans are designed to describe general
ontology, the electronic health-care record of the patient is used treatments for concrete diseases. They bring a lot of interesting
to retrieve the professionals that are the current actors in the knowledge, but at the same time their application to a particular
care of that patient. For example, if a patient requires ECG, and patient has two obstacles: the first one is the isolation of the parts
hasSubject informs that ECGs can only be done by family doctors, of the general treatment that are relevant to the current patient
cardiologists, or nurses. Then, the record of that patient is searched (e.g., which parts of the intervention in Fig. 6 are relevant for a
to find the current family doctor, cardiologist and nurse of the patient with moderate Alzheimer’s), and the second one is the
patient. If, for example, there is not a cardiologist assigned to the management of comorbidities in a single treatment (e.g., what is
patient, then the ECG of this patient will be performed either by the result of combining the two formal intervention plans in Figs.
the retrieved family doctor or nurse. 5 and 6 to treat a patient with both a concrete breathless and a
This identification of the actors participating in the care of one moderate Alzheimer’s). The way we address these two obstacles
patient is stored in the personalized ontology of that patient. We is explained in the next two sections.
use property hasSubject of the Intervention and the ProblemAssess-
ment classes in Fig. 7 to store such information. After that, the 5.2.1. Generating individual intervention plans
personalized ontology can be stored in the electronic health-care The knowledge contained in the personalized ontology of a
record of the patient as a description of the current condition of patient is used to customize each one of the formal intervention
this patient. From that moment on, the ontology can be retrieved plans corresponding to the diseases of that patient. The process
440 D. Riaño et al. / Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45 (2012) 429–446

starts with the identification of the patient diseases in PatientCase in the personalized ontology, until an already visited element of
class of the personalized ontology. The intervention plans corre- the plan is reached. For example, if a patient with moderate
sponding to these diseases are recovered from the case profile Alzheimer’s presents acetyl-cholinesterase-inhibitor (AchEI) con-
ontology (property hasFIP), an each one of them adapted according traindications, only the fifth branch in the first decision of the
to the information about the patient which is available in the intervention plan in Fig. 6 remains in the individual intervention
PatientCase class of the personalized ontology. An intervention plan plan of this patient, in Fig. 9.
that has been adapted to a concrete patient is called an Individual When a state of the plan is reached that is not satisfied by
Intervention Plan, and it represents the personalized treatment of the knowledge about the patient condition in the personalized
one of the diseases, syndromes and social issues of that patient. ontology, it is considered a feasible future state of the patient,
The adaptation process of an intervention plan starts with the and the treatment derived from this state in the plan is maintained
identification of the states in the plan that the patient satisfies in the individual plan without changes. The same is done if a
(i.e., the terms describing the state are found in the personalized branch with a [min, max] time delay is reached because this
ontology). For each one of these states, the process recursively indicates that the current treatment stops there, and the next
follows the outgoing paths of the intervention plan, trying to solve steps in the formal intervention plan describe feasible future
all the decisions that are found in the path by removing the treatments that do not depend on the current patient condition
decision branches which are labeled with terms that are not found but on the future evolution of the patient.

Fig. 9. Example of Alzheimer’s individual intervention plan.

D. Riaño et al. / Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45 (2012) 429–446 441

Fig. 10. Tool to integrate several individual intervention plans into a unified intervention plan.

5.2.2. Integrating unified intervention plans a patient, and to integrate them in a single unified intervention plan.
If a patient is diagnosed with several simultaneous diseases, our In Fig. 10, the SDA Lab tool is used to define the unified intervention
system generates an individual intervention plan for each disease. plan for the treatment of a patient with both moderate Alzheimer’s
All these plans represent personalized interventions that coexist in with AchEI contraindications and stable chronic heart failure.
the treatment of the patient. Coordinating the simultaneous Once validated by a physician, the unified intervention plan is
actions of several plans can be inefficient and difficult because of stored in the electronic health-care record of the corresponding
several reasons as, for example, redundancy of actions or interac- chronically ill patient, and it can be used to automate the coordina-
tions between treatments. Redundancies occur when the same tion of the actors participating in the treatment of this patient [51].
action (e.g., blood analysis) is required by several plans of the same
patient, but it should be performed only once [8]. Interactions are 5.3. Decision Support Tool
harder to detect, and they occur when the actions of one plan (e.g.,
drug prescription) interferes with the actions of another interven- The case profile ontology and the personalized ontology that is
tion plan of the same patient. stored in the health-care record of a patient can help health-care
Our approach to avoid redundancies and interactions is to inte- professionals to make decisions and also to analyze and detect
grate all the individual intervention plans affecting the treatment lacks of precision in the description of the patient condition. These
of a patient into a single plan that is called the Unified Intervention imprecisions may reduce the quality of the treatment that the
Plan. This integration has been achieved with the incorporation of patient is currently receiving. In order to help minimizing such
the SDA Lab tool11 to the system in Fig. 1. This tool provides a graph- imprecisions, our system integrates a decision support tool that
ical interface to the edition and merging of SDA diagrams that is helps physicians to detect wrong diagnoses, unobserved comorbid-
based on the terms in the case profile ontology, and it helps ities, incomplete descriptions of the patient condition, related
health-care professionals to import and to combine the states, diseases and prevention.
decisions and action blocks in the individual intervention plans of The automatic process followed by this tool is summarized in
Fig. 11 as a loop that starts with the information contained in the
SDA Lab software and user’s manual: personalized ontology about the target patient. If the patient is
sdalab1.4.rar already diagnosed, the diseases, syndromes and social issues in
442 D. Riaño et al. / Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45 (2012) 429–446

Fig. 13. Adjusting a patient condition: ranking the diseases.

the medical knowledge available in the case profile ontology. As

Fig. 13 shows, the ranking relates each disease with a percentage
representing the evidence provided by the ontology that the pa-
tient has that disease, according to the current description of the
Fig. 11. Medical decision support tool reasoning loop. patient condition. This evidence value is calculated as a weighted
proportion of the signs and symptoms related to the disease in
the case profile ontology that have been observed in the patient.
the personalized ontology determine the signs and symptoms this During differential diagnostic, a sign (or symptom) that discards
patient should have, and the interventions this patient should be few diseases is of less help than another sign that discards many
receiving. A distinction is made between signs, symptoms and diseases. Therefore, in order to rank the patient feasible diseases
interventions that are confirmed (they are in the PatientCase class we calculate the weight of each sign as the proportion of diseases
of the personalized ontology of the patient) and those others that that are not related to that sign in the case profile ontology (i.e.,
the properties hasSignAndSymptom and hasIntevention in the case sign s is weighted ((d  ds)/(d  1))2 with d the total number of dis-
profile ontology provides as feasible for this patient. As Fig. 12 eases in the ontology and ds the number of diseases that property
depicts, all this information is delivered to the physician who is isSignOf relates to s).
allowed to confirm some of the facts (i.e., moving elements from We square this value to penalize signs with low weights in front
the left to the right hand side columns in Fig. 12) or to cancel the of signs with high weights [52], and use the values obtained to cal-
confirmation of some facts (i.e., moving elements from right to culate the percentages in Fig. 13 that rank the diseases.
left). Once the new sets of signs and symptoms and interventions For each disease d in the case profile ontology, this percentage is
are confirmed, this new information is used to search in the calculated as the addition of the weights of all the signs and
case profile ontology other possible diagnoses (property IsSignOf) symptoms of d that the patient has, over the addition of the
and also the expected problem assessments that should have weights of all the signs and symptoms related to d (i.e.,
been made to confirm the new signs and symptoms (property ð s2ðS\PatientCaseÞws = s2S ws Þ  100, where S = {s:isSignOf(s, d)}).
IsAssessedBy). This ranking can help the physician to decide modifications of
As INTERNIST-I [43] does, our decision support tool provides a the diagnosis of the patient in Fig. 11. These modifications, and also
ranking of the most feasible diseases, syndromes and social issues the possible changes about problem assessments, can be confirmed
the patient may have. In our system this ranking is conditioned to by the physician by means of a choice screen equivalent to the one

Fig. 12. Adjusting a patient condition: signs, symptoms, and interventions.

D. Riaño et al. / Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45 (2012) 429–446 443

Table 1
Classification of the decision support system with the features in [42].

Feature Value Explanation (the system . . .)

Clinical setting Outpatient . . . Is addressed to home care of chronically ill patients
Clinical task Prevention, diagnosis and treatment . . . Provides support in these clinical tasks
Cnit of optimization Patient outcomes . . . Allows a most accurate knowledge about the patient condition
Relation to point of care Synchronous and asynchronous . . . Is prepared to provide on line and off line supports
Clinical knowledge source Clinical practice guideline based . . . Uses evidence-based clinical knowledge
Data source Health-care record and patient . . . Combines data from the electronic health-care record and form the direct
observation observation of the patient
Data source intermediary None . . . Incorporates the data directly from the sources
Data coding ICD10-CM, ATC, others . . . Uses the coding systems of the K4CARE project
Degree of customization Patient condition and requirements . . . Obtains and exploits the personalized ontology and the unified intervention plan of
the patient
Updated mechanism None Not considered in this work
Reasoning method Ontology-based . . . Reasons though ontology navigation (see Fig. 11)
Clinical urgency Non-urgent . . . Is aimed to general practice medicine and geriatrics
Recommendation explicitness Explicit . . . Provides explicit recommendations (see Figs. 12 and 13)
Logical complexity or recommended One-step actions . . . Reasoner iterates steps in the loop depicted in Fig. 11
Response requirement Decision maker acknowledged . . . Provides recommendations that are acknowledged by the health-care professional
Delivery format Stand alone software . . . Provides direct access through a user’s interface (see Fig. 1)
Delivery mode Pull . . . Provides recommendations upon requirement
Action integration Intuitive . . . Allows interaction by means of interface menus and buttons
Delivery interactivity/explanation None There is not an explanation module, but the ontology contains explanatory comments
availability (see Fig. 2)
System user Health-care professionals . . . Is designed for professionals in direct contact with patients
Target decision maker Physician . . . Helps physicians to make decisions
Output intermediary None . . . Allows direct interaction of health-care professionals with the system
Degree of workflow integration None . . . Keeps the reasoner and the intervention plans separated (see Fig. 1)

in Fig. 12. The new changes in the patient diagnosis cause a new the personalization of the ontology, and also to evaluate the perfor-
loop of the whole process. This reasoning loop continues till the mance of the decision support tool.
physician confirms that the current description of the patient con-
dition is correct. Then, the system allows the user to construct the 6.1. The experience of generating unified intervention plans
personalized ontology from the information gathered (see Section
5.1.1), and store this ontology in the electronic health-care record After a technological and a medical verification of the processes
of the patient as his current condition. and tools to transform formal intervention plans into individual
The decision support loop can also be started for undiagnosed intervention plans, and these into unified intervention plans, the
patients. In this case, the signs and symptoms of the target patient town of Pollenza (Italy) was selected to perform a ground test with
are taken as the starting point of the loop in Fig. 11. local health-care professionals and patients. These professionals
In Table 1, this decision support tool is described in terms of the were alien to and therefore independent of the K4CARE project.
features and possible values proposed in [42] to classify medical There were four general practitioners (GPs), four nurses, one
decision support systems. A column with brief explanations is also geriatrician, and one social worker. The GPs selected 23 voluntary
provided. patients out of a population of 400 assisted chronically ill patients
over 65 years in town. All of the patients were home-care patients
with ages above 70, defining a target population of mainly geriatric
6. The K4CARE experience users with a high resource consumption, mostly of nursing ser-
vices, and suffering from several of the diseases, syndromes and
All the personalization procedures and the decision support tool social issues contained in the case profile ontology. Mainly, coro-
described in the previous sections have been tested in the context nary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, arthritis, diabetes,
of the K4CARE project. K4CARE ( is an hypertension, cognitive impairment, and immobility. Some of
information and communication technology project that was sup- them with low family support and many of them with low income,
ported by the European Commission and which counted on the as affecting social issues.
participation of the Centro di Assistenza Domiciliare ASL RM B After a short training of 2 days, the health-care professionals
(Italy), IRCCS Fondazione S. Lucia (Italy), the Department of Clinical were asked to perform their usual care activities on this population
and Experimental Medicine at the University of Perugia (Italy), the with the system in Fig. 1 and, simultaneously, with their normal
Ana Aslan International Foundation (Romania), the Research Insti- means, in order to promote the comparison between usual proce-
tute for the Care of Elder People (UK), Szent János Kórház (Hungry), dures and the ones proposed in this paper. The activities lasted for
and the General University Hospital in Prague (Czech Republic). 1 week and these were about the management of the data of
All these health-care centers provided the knowledge to con- the patients (i.e., health-care record), the construction of unified
struct the case profile ontology and the formal intervention plans intervention plans for the management of these patients, and the
described in the previous sections, but they also contributed to the automatic execution of these plans by the system.
validation of the process of generating unified intervention plans. For the construction of unified intervention plans, the data in
Another health-care center, namely SAGESSA (www.grupsagessa. the health-care record of each patient was used to determine the
com), provided data about clinical cases for the diseases chronic respective diagnosis. These diagnoses were used to identify the
obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension, diabetes, and chronic formal intervention plans affecting each one of the patients. These
heart failure. A total number of 916 patients, among which 187 plans were personalized into the respective individual intervention
suffered of more than one of these diseases, were used to analyze plans and, finally, integrated with the clinical management of the
444 D. Riaño et al. / Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45 (2012) 429–446

services required by the patient (e.g., admission, follow-up or care) were more specific than the interventions related to other
re-evaluation actions). These services were also represented with diseases that include concepts at the same level of the Anatomical
the SDA notation [25] in the K4CARE project. The integration of Therapeutic Chemical hierarchy but which are less concrete, as for
individual intervention plans and services with the SDA Lab tool example cardiac therapy, drugs for obstructive airway diseases, or
concluded with unified intervention plans for all the patients, that drugs used in diabetes. This particularity of the hierarchy will be
were validated by the physicians before they were run by the sys- studied in future versions of the case profile ontology, though it
tem in order to automate the coordination of the care activities of does not affect either the personalization algorithms or the
the GPs, specialist, nurses and social worker involved. decision support tool introduced in this paper, which are based
All this activity was performed by a real time connection with on the concepts rather than on how general these concepts are.
the server that hosted the system, accessed by laptops or desktops The personalization of the ontology to comorbid conditions was
operated by participants and located at patients’ homes, GPs’ offi- also analyzed for hypertension plus diabetes, and hypertension
ces and District’s office in Pollenza. The dynamism of the activities plus diabetes plus chronic heart failure conditions. For these
is reflected in the 260 registers that were created in the electronic comorbidities, the personalized knowledge generated was ana-
health-care record of the patients, and the execution of 184 health- lyzed by SAGESSA health-care experts who arrived to the following
care actions of the different unified intervention plans. conclusion: ‘‘the personalized knowledge seems to contain all the
The conclusions of the professionals participating were information required to diagnose and to treat these comorbid
captured in several questionnaires that they were asked to fill in conditions, however final acceptance depends on how the system
at the end of the experience [53]. All the questions had to be scored behaves in front of concrete patients’’.
between 1 (low) and 7 (high). The mean values and (in parenthesis) In order to solve this doubt, the electronic health-care record of
standard deviations of the answers were: 916 chronically ill patients in SAGESSA were used to evaluate the
process of personalizing the ontology to concrete real patients.
 Mean overall score of the evaluation: 5.8 (0.5). According to the physicians supervising the results, the personal-
 Perceived ease of use: 5.8 (0.5). ized ontologies do not only captured the relevant information
 Perceived usefulness: 5.9 (0.7). about each case (in the class PatientCase) but also it extended the
 Attitude toward using: 6.0 (0.8). information about the patient with unobserved but medically
 Need of such systems in health-care: 6.3 (0.9). sound elements of information (in the class Background). When
 Awareness of some similar system: 1.9 (0.8). asked about the difference between these two classes in the
personalized ontology, physicians agreed that the concepts in
6.2. Experiences personalizing the case profile ontology PatientCase provided a description of the case in terms of the avail-
able information about them, whereas the concepts in Background
The personalization of the case profile ontology was analyzed for provided a view of the patient as a medical case which supplies a
four diseases: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension, global perspective that is very interesting in follow-up tasks.
diabetes, and chronic heart failure. Three sorts of evaluations
were performed: personalization of the ontology to a single disease, 6.3. Decision making in K4CARE
personalization of the ontology to comorbid conditions, and
personalization of the ontology to concrete patients. In order to analyze the capabilities of the decision support tool,
With the first test we obtained that the personalized ontologies a senior GP of the SAGESSA group was asked to study the system
contain 8.03%, 5.46%, 9.77%, and 10.84% of the case profile ontology behavior in front of five irregular medical situations: wrong diag-
classes when a patient is constrained to have only one of the above nosis, unobserved comorbidities, missing information about the
mentioned diseases, respectively. If only the classes related to patient condition, discovery of unobserved related diseases, and
signs and symptoms, interventions, and problem assessments are prevention. For each situation, the GP proceeded with the descrip-
considered, the percentage of original classes that remain in the tion of artificial medical cases and studied how useful and fast was
personalized ontology are shown in Table 2. the system to help him to detect these irregularities. For example,
These proportions and the detail of the personalizations were how sensitive was the system to replace a diagnosis from a chronic
analyzed by a senior GP with more than 20 years of experience obstructive pulmonary disease to a cardiac disease (chronic
assisting patients in the SAGESSA group who agreed with the ischaemic heart disease, or chronic heart failure) as new signs
results, except in the proportion of interventions related to hyper- and symptoms are confirmed for the patient, or the ability of the
tension in comparison to the rest of diseases. The main reason for system to detect hypertension in a diabetic patient that presented
this, is that in spite that all the pharmacological interventions headache and dizziness. In this case, the system recommended
of all the diseases in the case profile ontology are defined at the some assessment tests which result into new signs and symptoms
same level of detail of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classi- like epistaxis and palpitation which reinforced the weight of
fication system hierarchy, the interventions that were related to hypertension in the ranking of feasible diseases of the patient.
hypertension (i.e., antihypertensives, diuretics, peripheral vasodila- Other singular analysis performed with the tool was the deter-
tors, beta blocking agents, calcium channel blockers, agents acting mination of chronic ischaemic heart disease for a patient for which
on the renin-angiotensin system, dietetic prescription, and nursing very little information was known. Since the disease was sus-
pected, the introduction of this possibility in the decision support
tool made the system to recommend some problem assessments
Table 2 to detect signs and symptoms that could confirm it. When the phy-
Proportional sizes of the personalized ontologies. sician confirmed these signs and symptoms, chronic ischaemic
Disease s&s Intervention Problem heart disease reached the first position in the ranking of diseases.
(%) (%) assessment (%) One last example of use of the decision support tool was to pre-
Chronic obstructive pulmonary 13.52 4.60 17.67 vent the patient of developing new diseases with the introduction
disease of all the current signs and symptoms of the patient. In one of the
Hypertension 6.92 5.75 12.09 cases studied, the ranking of diseases confirmed anaemia in the
Diabetes 14.47 3.45 26.98
patient (53.94%), but also showed that according to the signs and
Chronic heart failure 16.35 6.32 27.91
symptoms observed the patient was close to suffer from chronic
D. Riaño et al. / Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45 (2012) 429–446 445

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