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Listening Ques Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD ANDIOR A NUMBER for each answer. VVVAVVVAV AVA EE PE Eg eae ee ns 1-5 eens ase or) Example: Social Organiser _. Answer: Weekend trips June Name of trip to Bath: July London visit to: Name of London day-trip: and Shopping’ The National Gallery 2 "Shopping and Cost Weekend trip: 3 around £ Day-trip: £30 Time: departisre A return — around 5.30 pm To reserve a seat: Sign notice in 5 a week in advance Questions 6-10 Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS ANDIOR A NUMBER for each answer Trip to Bath 6 Take and good footwear. 7 A good place to have lunch is in the in Bath, held outdoors in Bath during the weekend. for a couple of hours. 8 There is a 9 Maybe hire a 40 Don't forget to pack Listening Questions 1-5 Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS ANDIOR A NUMBER for each answer. Coppersmith Engineering Was foUNdED iM .ucnennnnn Ithas recently developed engines for certain types of Since starting a joint venture, there has been an increase in .. ‘The building that is under construction is to be a new... oneness ‘The company recently won an award as the in the city. Questions 6-10 Which activity will each trainee learn about? Choose your answers from the box and write the letters A-H next to questions 6~10. domestic sales export sales marketing purchasing recruitment salaries and wages training warehouse ZoOrmoow> 6 Carol 7 Frank 8 Philip 9 Stephanie 10 Minh Reading Although the central region of Mexico's high plateau has been inhabited for at least 20,000 years, Mexico City only dates back to the 14th century. The Aztecs, or Mexica, had reached this area in the previous century, eventually settling on an island in Lake Texcoco. Here, in 1325, the city of Tenochtitlan began to take shape ‘The lake was shallow, and during the nearly 200 years until 1519, the Aztecs expanded the inhabited area by land refill and the creation of artifical islands. Canals were dug for the transportation of goods and people. Aqueducts were constructed to bring drinking water from natural springs outside the city, dams to protect it against floods, and causeways and bridges to connect the city with the shore. There were many houses, vo palaces, temples, squares, markets and even a 200. Pethaps the most striking construction of this period is the Templo Mayor, a double pyramid which stil survives. As the capital of an empire stretching from Texas to Honduras, Tenochtitlan was a magnificent and important city. When the Spanish arrived, they called it the ‘Venice of the New World’. The Spanish began their conquest of Mexico in 1519 and came close to Tenochtitlan the 1s same year. In 1521, they took control of it, after fierce fighting that destroyed most of the city, A new capital, with @ new name, was built on the ruins, using Spanish architectural styles. One part ofthe lake was filled in to join the island to the shore, end Mexico City became the capital of the wealthiest colony in the Americas, the centre of trade between Spain and China By the beginning of the 17th century, it was a busy, lively city, with some residents leading a splendid and luxurious way of life. Not everything went wel, though: heavy rain in 1629 caused a great deal of destruction, in which many people died, and thousands lost their homes. 4 large part of the city had to be rebuilt. For much of the century, the residents suffered from social and economic pressures, including serious food shortages, which erupted in riots in 1682 In the 18th century, too, many new buildings were constructed. It was a prosperous period, when the new aristocracy paid for splendid buildings, banquets and balls, not to mention the latest fashions from Europe. ‘The rise of Napoleon in the early 19th century led to political changes throughout ‘© Europe. An uprising took place in Mexico in 1810, with the aim of ending rule from Spain, This goal was finally achieved in 1821, when Mexico City briefly became the capital Of the Mexican Empire. Since 1823, it has been the capital of the Republic of Mexico, apart from a short period, from 1863 to 1867, when the country was again an empire. In the first few decades of the 20th century, plans were drawn up for the urbanisation of + Mexico City; slum-clearance and housing development programmes were introduced, and factories spread through the city. During the 20th century, the population grew fast, and the city is now one of the largest in the world. It has changed a great deal since it was founded nearly 700 years ago. ‘OBTECHIVE THES INTERMEDIATE THIS PAGE NAY BE FHOTOOOMIED ‘© Cambridge Univesity PROGRESS TEST 1 Questions 1-10 10 the following statements agree withthe information inthe reading passage? Write TRUE ifthe statement agroos withthe information FALSE if the statement contradicts the information NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this 41 Mexico City andthe contral region ofthe high plateau have been inhabited forthe same length of time 2 The Aztecs generally preferred to live on islands. 3 The area where people lved was arifcialy increased between 1325 and 1519. 4 The Spanish had heard of Tenochtttn before they eached Mexico. 5 The Aztec inhabitants of Tenochitén lft when the city was conquered. 6 Rain destroyed the whole of Mexico City in 1629, 7 In the 18th century, some residents of Mexico City bought European goods. 8 Spanish rule of Mexico ended in 1810, 9 Since 1623, Mexico has always been a republic. 10 Industrialisation of Mexico City took place in the early part of the 20th century. The c A. Advertisers have known for a long time that half the money they spent was wasted: thelr problem was ‘that they didn’t know which halt. But now they're facing bigger challenges than ever before, and as 2 result, they're probably wasting even more of their advertising budget. BB For years, the main mecia used for advertising in the USA were newspapers ~ now affected by a fal in the number of readers ~ magazines, television, radio, chema and outdoor (that s, posters on bilboards in the street). These have now been joined by the Internet. The most effective rediurn was television: when there were only two or three channels in each country, TV commercials were seen by maybe 90% of consumers, and advertisers from banks to airlines to car manufacturers spent vast amounts on television advertising is in advertising ‘Cow, though, with the growth of satelite and cable T, the number of channels has multiplied, so audiences are much smaller than in the past. Because ofthis, and the popularity of the internet, advertisers may find they are reaching no more than a third of the public Another problem for advertisers is a change in attitudes. As the average American sees around 3,000 ‘advertisements of various sorts every day, the Findings of some recent surveys are hardly surprising: two ‘thirds of Americans would like to avoid advertising altogether ~ particularly on TV. Consumers are buying personal vdeo recorders, not least because they make it possible to see TV programmes without ‘watching the commercials E To deal with these challenges, companies are changing their approach to marketing. Procter & Gamble, ‘manufacturer of many of the household goods found in milions of homes, is the world’s biggest advertiser, spending $4 billon a year. n the 1990s, 90 per cent of that was spent on TV commercals, but now the percentage is much lower, and sales remain strong In 2003, the company launched a non= Prescription medicine, Prilosec. Only about a quarter of the marketing budget was spent on TV, while the Fest went to other forms of marketing, and many in the advertising industry expected the launch to fail asa result, Instead, the product sold very well F Some companies are experimenting with different ways of reaching consumers, such as ‘viral’ marketing, {an electronic version of word-of-mouth advertising. Procter & Gamble ~ which helped to launch TV soap operas as a new way to market goods in the 1940s ~ is once again looking for fresh approaches to advertising. In 2001, it started an ambitious programme involving several hundred thousand US teenagers It uses them to discuss ideas about new products and to encourage ther friends to buy the Items. in retur, the teenagers get to hear about and use new things before mast other people. G shard to predict what advertising will be ike ina few years' time, but it's sure to be far more varied ‘than it was in the last century. It has always been the job of the advertising industry to be inventive. Now icisn't just a question of inverting new ads ~ advertisers are having fo invent new ways of persuading ‘consumers to buy. Reading Questions 1-7 The reading passage has seven paragraphs A-G. Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below. Write the correct number i-x by each question. List of Headings i How advertising reached the majority of consumers ‘An uncertain future Not everyone wants to see advertisements iv. Changing preferences in television programmes | v_ The rising cost of television advertising | vi Advertisers’ difficulties are nothing new — but they're getting worse i vii Using consumers to do the advertising More television stations, but fewer people watch each one ix How advertisers plan their spending x Strong sales don't require most of the spending on advertising to go to TV Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D sn. Paragraph E Paragraph F Paragraph G Youn ons Questions 8-13 Do the following statements reflect the claims of the writer in the reading passage? Write YES if the statement reflects the claims of the writer No if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer NOT GIVEN jf it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this 8 The percentage of spending on advertising that is wasted is falling. 9 Internet advertising leads to higher sales than newspaper advertising, 10 Changes in the number of television stations available has affected advertisers 11 Most people believe that the quality of advertising has become worse. 42 Anumber of people were surprised by the level of sales of Prilosec. 413. Advertising is likely to return to what it was in the 20th century.

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