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Created by Team: GOAT scientists, In Tbilisi, Georgia.

Business Plan

Goat scientists: Nia Dvalidze, Lizi Arkania, Keti Gogishvili,

Tamar Peiqrishvili, Lizi Nanava

Executive Summary

FitAbility is a mobile application designed to cater to the physical and mental exercise
needs of individuals with disabilities. The app not only presents exercise routines but also
serves as a guide for parents and relatives to identify symptoms and get tips on how to help
their loved ones. The app also features maps of equipped environments and special centers
where individuals with disabilities can go for support. It provides a platform for people with
disabilities to get involved in their community and connect with others via a special forum. The
app also provides interested individuals with comprehensive information about specific
conditions such as Down syndrome or Autism. Additionally, it suggests various ways in which
people can donate or assist others in need.

Company Description
Mission statement: Fitting abilities, proving there is no disability.?

Legal Structure
FitAbility is a nonprofit organization, which is thoroughly devoted to provide equal
opportunities and abilities for all people in the world. Our team aims to raise awareness in
society about mental and physical disabilities, their symptoms and ways of treatment. We want
to help parents deal with obstacles, which are inseparable part of bringing up a kid with
Target Costumers
Our target customers include people with various disabilities, their parents, relatives and in
addition everyone who is interested in that topic. The main goal is to contribute to release the
burden which disabled people and their relatives have to carry and sort out diverse
information, hence our organization is nonprofit. FitAbility is completely free app which
provides parents of disabled kids with necessary information and tips, allow them to exchange
experience with other parents, while getting people interested in this issue.
Origin of the Product
The idea of that project arose within the framework of the Technovation Girls program. Upon learning
about this program, our team was thrilled as we all share a deep interest in the 17 sustainable
development goals, we recognized it as an excellent opportunity to turn our passion into action. On
account of problems related to disabled people will be relevant as long as the word exists we decided to
create an app to make a change in their life. As a first step we started doing research about common
disabilities and what was already created for disabled people. Our research team has concluded that
there is a need to create a tool or resource to support parents who are navigating the complex journey
of raising a child with disabilities and provide kids with mental and physical exercises. Initially we came
up with the idea to design an app which will provide parents with right methods to take care of their
kid’s health, but subsequently we wanted to make a convenient space for as many people as possible
according to their interests and needs, therefore we decided to add several features which we believe
will be innovative and helpful. FitAbility users will have access to symptoms of every disability, rich
information and diverse videos about every stage of growth, maps for appropriate facilities, forum
where parents and relatives of disabled people can ask for advices and links for donation.

Detailed product review

FitAbility can offer various benefits to its users, including:

 Improved Understanding: FitAbility can provide individuals with a deeper understanding of

different disabilities and their associated symptoms, allowing them to better empathize and
support those with disabilities.

 Enhanced Quality of Life: The app's practical recommendations and customized exercises can
help individuals with Down syndrome and autism enhance their physical and mental health,
leading to an overall better quality of life.

 Mental Stimulation: The range of mentally stimulating activities offered by FitAbility can aid in
the cognitive development of children with disabilities, providing them with a fun and engaging
way to learn and grow.

 Support Network: The app's designated forum for parents allows for ongoing communication
and the sharing of experiences, providing a sense of community and support.

 Accessibility Information: The map displaying locations equipped for disabled children and
specialized centers can make it easier for users to find accessible facilities and resources in their

 Charitable Contributions: FitAbility's information on how users can make donations and
contribute to relevant organizations allows them to support important causes and make a
positive impact in the lives of those with disabilities.

Our app offers a significant advantage of providing a centralized platform that encompasses all
necessary information. With our app, users can easily access information without having to navigate
through multiple sources, as everything is conveniently accessible in one place. We have taken the
initiative to compile all essential information to create a comprehensive experience for everyone using

Currently, FitAbility is fully functional sorted exercise routines, written mental riddle codes, accessible
donation sites, forums, and maps. Users can sign up, log in an in case of forgotten passwords, they are
able to renew it. Application provides general information, tips, and symptoms related to Down
syndrome, Autism and dyslexia and we have plans to extend our services to include individuals with
ADHD, physical disabilities, spine disorders, and other forms of disabilities. Our team is actively
collecting information to enhance our app's features and expand its reach. We are also committed to
create a safe and respectful environment for all users. Hence we are filtering hate language in English,
Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and German, and we are planning to control it in Georgian as well.

Market Research
Comparisons to competitors
Maps Physical Mental Forum Donation
exercises exercises resources



Access Now


Detailed Description of Customers
FitAbility is customized for people with disabilities, their parents and relatives, as well as for anyone who
is curious about this issue, wants to receive information or donate to charitable institutions. The survey
among Georgian people of different ages showed that a majority of 200 respondents do not have
information about disabilities, institutions for the disabled, which is mostly caused by the lack of
Georgian-language sources, although 78% of the respondents gave a positive answer to the question
whether they want to be more knowledgeable in this field.

Furthermore we interviewed foreign people, from which 92.1% are passionate to raise their knowledge
about disabilities. More than 50% of them do not even have access to reliable sources and do not have
information about properly equipped facilities or charities for disabilities.

Would you like to know more about disabilities? Do you have access to reliable sources?


Marketing Plan

Reaching Target Users

FitAbility has its Facebook page, where we advertise product. Furthermore, we maintain a YouTube
channel where individuals can view videos that elucidate our app's purpose and provide information
about the resources that are available to FitAbility users. We have also searched for various social media
groups made for disabled people and presented our app to their community. Our team also plans to
create social media for an app on Instagram, twitter and etc.

While working on the app our team has paid significant attention to colors we used, since some colors
are very irritating for people with disabilities and mental problems. Our team has also put great effort in
creating a logo. We chose puzzles on account of the dazzle effect.

Financial plan & projections
While the development of our app did not incur any financial costs, its ongoing maintenance and upkeep
certainly will. As a result, we have developed several funding plans to support it.

 In order to ensure that our app has sufficient storage capacity to accommodate the anticipated
number of users, we have opted for the Plus version of cloud storage for the initial two-year
period. Following that, we plan to upgrade to the advanced version for the subsequent two
years. Finally, we intend to explore the option of an Enterprise offer priced at 4K by reaching out
to the company.

 For the first three years, we will require a Pro account for Thunkable premium. Following that,
we intend to upgrade to a Business Pro account.

 Advertisement: We have conducted an assessment to determine our annual advertising budget,

which aligns with our projected financial resources.

 Regarding salaries, our current plan involves the core team working on the app. However, our
long-term goal is to expand and establish ourselves as a full-fledged company with a workforce
of at least 15 employees by the end of the fifth year of our operations.


 Based on our research, we discovered that the value of 1000 Interstitial Ad Impressions
fluctuates between $1.0 and $5.0, primarily depending on the location. After calculating the
average, we determined that we can earn $3.0 from every 1000 customers who view our
interstitial ad.

 Our premium account subscription will cost $5 per year, and we anticipate that 5% of users will
opt to purchase it. The accompanying graph depicts the projected revenue from premium
account subscriptions.

1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 year

Starting Capital 1K 6K 29.5K 158K 1.4M

Target customer Population 50K 100K 300K 600K 1M
In-app purchase 0 300k 900K 1.8M 3M
Ad-income 85k 170K 510K 1.1M 1.8M

Revenue 85k 470K 1.41M 2.9M 4.8M

Thunkable 450 450 450 2K 2K
Airtable 250 450 650 1K 2K

workers 5 7 9 12 15
Salary 36K 126K 220K 360K 900K

Office spaces, computers, internet access 0 14.5K 10 k 10K 10K

App or online store fees 115 100 100 100 100

Marketing and advertising 0 100k 150K 200K 250K

Donation/Gifts 43K 205K 900K 1.27M 3.34M
Operation costs 80K 446,5K 1282K 2M 4.5M

Profit 6K 29.5K 158K 1.4M 1.7M


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