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The Great Lakes

The area of the great lakes is a little less than 3 times the size of hungary. The biggest and cleanest
lake is Lake Superior which is almost as big as Hungary. Lake Superior is also the deepest of the lakes.
Lake Huron is the second biggest, Lake Michigan which is responsible for around 45% of the Great
Lakes drownings is the third, and Lake Erie is the fourth. The smallest lake is Lake Orntario.

The deepest point of the Great Lakes is about 13 times the size of a ten-story building. The áoliiGreat
Lakes contain enough water to flood the rest of the United States to a depth of 5 feet.

The Great Lakes were formed about 2000 years ago when glaciers started melting and the water
filled the basins. Probably it was formed within the last 7000 to 32000 years.

There are many things to do at the Great Lakes including beach resorts where you can relax and
enjoy the beach after a long day of exploring waterfalls , national parks , art galleries, and also water
sports like swimming , boating , canoing. You can also enjoy scuba -diving where people get to see
the the colorful and lively wildlife of the lakes. There are outdoor activities too like cycling and

The Great Lakes have an estimated 10000 shipwrecks. The most famous accident of the Great Lakes
is the accident of a ship named Edmund Fitzgerald . The Edmund Fitzgerald carrying a load of iron
ore went down in Lake Superior and became the most famous shipwreck of the Great Lakes. Lake
Erie has a monster called Bessie who from time to time tries to tip and sink boats.

Some mammals that live at the Great Lakes are gray wolf , moose , beaver , Canada lynx , little brown
bat , river otter and coyote .The Great Lakes are important for many bird species too like the bald
eagle , northern harrier and common loon . The 15 most common animals that live in the Great Lakes
are fish , ducks , beavers , frogs , swans , turtles , herons , snails , mink , bats , crayfish , geese ,
salamanders , otters and loons .

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