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<div class="header">

<h1 style="border:2px solid chartreuse;">Priyanka Mahesh Rustumpure</h1>

<p><b>Roll No. 2011256</b></p>


<div class="navbar">

<a href="#" class="active">Home</a>


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<div class="side">

<h2 align="center" style=color:darkblue;>About Me</h2>

<h4 align="center">Photo of me:</h4>

<center><img src="C:\Users\piyub\Downloads\Pic of myself31491274798.jpg"



<div class="main">

<h2 align="center" style=color:darkblue;>About Myself</h2>

<p align="center" style=color:Tomato;>My name is Priyanka. I am from Belgavi, Karnataka

currently residing in Bahrain.

I am an undergraduate student studying BCom Honours at Christ University, Bangalore.

I can speak in English, Hindi and Kannada.

I am a person who is very optimistic about every aspect of life. I stay away from all sorts of

I am a highly organised person who likes to keep a clean workspace.

I am a responsible person who can handle things very well especially when it comes to

I am looking forward to making a career in finance and accounting.</p>

<p align="center" style=color:Tomato;>When I'm not working, I spend my time in a variety of
interests and hobbies which include reading thriller suspense novels, art, dance and music.

I cannot call it a day until I have read something good. I like playing badminton with my dad in the

I enjoy spending time with my friends and family. I enjoy travelling as well.

I usually like watching movies and series which have genres of mystery and comedy.

I enjoy watching korean dramas and Kpop.

I also love being out in nature. It helps me feel relaxed and peaceful.</p>


<h2 align="center" style=color:darkblue;>My College</h2>

<center><img src="C:\Users\piyub\OneDrive\Documents\christ-uni-1594812346.jpg"



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<h2><font color="white">Thank you</font></h2>




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