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Hair Follicle Immune Privilege Revisited:

The Key to Alopecia Areata Management
Ralf Paus1, Silvia Bulfone-Paus1 and Marta Bertolini2
The collapse of the immune privilege (IP) of the ana- state established by complex tissue-specific mechanisms that
gen hair bulb is now accepted as a key element in AA suppress inflammation and promote immune tolerance
pathogenesis, and hair bulb IP restoration lies at the (Engelhardt et al., 2017). Although the few tissues that enjoy
core of AA therapy. Here, we briefly review the es- IP differ in their IP state and characteristics, the most crucial
sentials of hair bulb IP and recent progress in under- common mechanisms shared by them are (i) low or absent
standing its complexity. We discuss open questions expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class
and why the systematic dissection of hair bulb IP and Ia/b2 microglobulin expression, thus rendering self-peptide
its pharmacological manipulation (including the clin- presentation ineffective or impossible, and (ii) the creation of
ical testing of FK506 and a-melanocyte-stimulating an immunoinhibitory milieu by the generation of secreted
immunosuppressants (Engelhardt et al., 2017; Joyce and
hormone analogs) promise to extend the range of
Fearon, 2015; Kinori et al., 2011; Nasr et al., 2005; Noso
future therapeutic options in AA and other IP collapse-
et al., 2015; Paus et al., 2005; Taylor, 2016). Also, IP tissues
related autoimmune diseases.
can induce a state of tolerance against antigens that manage to
Journal of Investigative Dermatology Symposium Proceedings (2018) 19, escape immune sequestration (Taylor, 2016) and down-
S12eS17; doi:10.1016/j.jisp.2017.10.014
regulate T-cell activation and proliferation (Eleftheriadis
et al., 2016; Ma et al., 2017; Tan and Bharath, 2009).
All of these mechanisms are established in the hair bulge IP
HAIR FOLLICLE IMMUNE PRIVILEGE: INCEPTION AND and hair bulb IP of murine and human HFs (Christoph et al.,
BASICS 2000; Harrist et al., 1983; Meyer et al., 2008; Paus et al.,
Rupert Billingham recognized in the skin of guinea pigs that 2005), with the bulb IP being the one that is relevant to AA
transplanted heterologous epidermal melanocytes can pathogenesis. Although the functions of HF IP remain spec-
escape immune elimination when they migrate to the anagen ulative, current evidence suggests that the main function of
hair bulb epithelium of genetically incompatible host hair the anagen hair bulb IP may be to sequester immunogenic,
follicles (HFs) (Billingham and Silvers, 1971). This striking melanogenesis-associated, and/or other HF antigens pro-
finding was largely ignored until Gill Westgate recalled duced in the anagen hair bulb from immune recognition
attention to the concept of HF immune privilege (IP) (Paus et al., 1993, 2005). With increasing insights into the
(Westgate et al., 1991). This encouraged the proposal that immunological features of the HF over the past decade, the
hair bulb IP collapse constitutes a crucial element in HF understanding of HF IP has attained new layers of complexity
pathobiology, namely in alopecia areata (AA) (Paus et al., (Bertolini et al., 2016; Breitkopf et al., 2013; Ito and Tokura,
1993) and triggered a series of studies to better define HF 2014; Kang et al., 2010; Kinori et al., 2012; Paus et al., 2005;
immunology (e.g., Christoph et al., 2000; Hoffman et al., Wang et al., 2014). These, and potential mechanisms for how
1996; Paus et al., 1994a, 1994b, 1994c, 1998, 2005; Wang hair bulb IP is actively maintained, is threatened, collapses,
et al., 2014). and may best be repaired during AA management are dis-
The central role of IP collapse in AA pathobiology has now cussed below.
become widely accepted in the field (Gilhar et al., 1998;
Gilhar et al., 2012, 2016; Kang et al., 2010; McElwee AA AS A STEREOTYPIC HAIR FOLLICLE RESPONSE
et al., 2013; Pratt et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2014), and PATTERN
formal functional proof that anagen HFs do exhibit a relative AA typically begins with focal hair loss in uninflamed skin,
IP has been provided in mouse models (Alli et al., 2012; Gao which in some individuals progresses to universal hair loss.
et al., 2017; Giangreco et al., 2012). Histologically, AA lesions show a dense inflammatory infil-
Since its first inception by Peter Medawar (1948) the term trate around the hair bulb of melanogenically active anagen
IP has been extended to reflect a dynamic immunoinhibitory HFs (Miteva et al., 2012). This autoaggressive infiltrate causes
both premature termination of anagen, forcing the HF into
1 catagen (Oh et al., 2016), and major HF dystrophy (Gilhar
Centre for Dermatology Research, University of Manchester, NIHR
Manchester Biomedical Research Centre and MAHSC, Manchester, UK; et al., 2012). Therefore, AA represents both an HF cycling
and 2Department of Dermatology, University of Münster, Münster, and a hair growth disorder.
Germany The preference of AA for fully pigmented anagen VI HFs
Correspondence: Ralf Paus, Centre for Dermatology Research, University of has been used to explain the sparing of white HFs and has
Manchester, NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre and MAHSC,
Stopford Building, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PR, UK. E-mail: ralf.
invited the hypothesis that melanogenesis-associated auto- antigens are the chief targets in AA (Paus et al., 1993). In AA,
Abbreviations: AA, alopecia areata; HF, hair follicle; IP, immune privilege; these autoantigens are most likely to be presented by
MHC, major histocompatibility complex; NK, natural killer MHC class Iaþ cells in the anagen hair bulb epithelium

ª 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier, Inc. on behalf of the

S12 Journal of Investigative Dermatology Symposium Proceedings (2018), Volume 19 Society for Investigative Dermatology.
R Paus et al.
Immune Privilege in Alopecia Areata

(Bertolini et al., 2014, 2016, 2017; Christoph et al., 2000; Ito differences in susceptibility to AA, in course of the hair loss
et al., 2004; Kinori et al., 2012). phenotype, in response to AA therapy, and in likelihood of
It has long been recognized that AA reflects a wide spec- spontaneous remission (Gilhar et al., 2012) may very well
trum of hair loss phenotypes (Gilhar et al., 2012; Ikeda, 1965; reflect constitutive, genetically determined differences in
Tosti et al., 2006). Moreover, AA clinical subtypes show some how easily the hair bulb IP collapses and how effectively HFs
shared gene associations, fitting the model of AA as a poly- manage to repair their IP.
genic disease with different presentations arising from a
combination of genetic and environmental factors (Betz HF IP RESTORATION AS THE CORNERSTONE OF
et al., 2015; Fischer et al., 2016; Petukhova et al., 2010). SUCCESSFUL AA MANAGEMENT
However, a phenocopy of AA lesions can be experimentally Thus, if one manages to protect and restore HF IP more
induced in healthy human scalp skin xenotransplants onto effectively, AA progression can be stopped, and spontaneous
SCID mice under conditions where an antigen-specific hair regrowth is predicted to occur, because the HF damage
autoimmune attack on the anagen HF and a genetic predis- associated with AA remains fully reversible.
position to AA are quite unlikely (Gilhar et al., 2013, 2016). However, the current standard therapy for AA (Kassira
Therefore, we have argued that AA should be considered et al., 2017) may do little to restore HF IP. Although un-
as a stereotypic response pattern that any anagen HFs will equivocal placebo-controlled evidence that JAK/STAT in-
show, irrespective of the genetic predisposition and the pre- hibitors are effective in AA therapy is not yet available, one
existence of autoreactive CD8þ T cells, provided that HF IP main reason why these therapeutics promote hair regrowth in
collapses and that excessive IFN-g signaling causes cytotoxic many, though not all, AA patients (Alves de Medeiros et al.,
HF damage (Paus, in: McElwee et al., 2013). According to 2016; Jabbari et al., 2015; Kennedy Crispin et al., 2016;
this concept, only a certain percentage of AA patients reflects Liu et al., 2017; Mackay-Wiggan et al., 2016) may be
the presence of an (auto)antigen-specific and CD8/NKG2D- because they block IFN-gemediated signaling (Xing et al.,
dependent autoimmune disease, which is best termed auto- 2014) and thus the promotion of HF IP collapse, besides
immune AA (AAA). Instead, other AA patients—perhaps affecting HF cycling (Harel et al., 2015).
those with the greatest likelihood of spontaneous remission— The relapse of hair loss often seen after AA patients have
may mainly exhibit the hair loss-triggering consequences of discontinued therapy with these promising new therapeutics
nonspecific, IFN-geinduced HF IP collapse, dystrophy, and and the development of refractoriness to this therapy in some
premature catagen (Ito et al., 2005); therefore, AA patients patients over time (Kennedy Crispin et al., 2016; Mackay-
may require personalized medicine management strategies Wiggan et al., 2016) underscore the ultimate goal of any
(Paus, in: McElwee et al., 2013). successful AA therapy, that is, to help the HF restore its IP—
the most effective safeguarding mechanism against AA
HF IP COLLAPSE AS THE CENTRAL PREREQUISITE OF THE relapse. Moreover, long-term therapy with potent JAK/STAT
AA HAIR LOSS PHENOTYPE inhibitors, which block T- and natural killer (NK)-cell func-
Regardless of whether or not AA is only a stereotypic HF tions (Xing et al., 2014), must be expected to severely
response pattern, AA cannot develop without the following compromise intracutaneous tumor immunosurveillance and
(Gilhar et al., 2012): the defense against viral infection—concerns that are not
circumvented by topical drug application (Kostovic et al.,
 the occurrence of a perifollicular inflammation around the 2017). Therefore, caution is still advised regarding the long-
anagen hair bulb; term administration of JAK/STAT inhibitors to AA patients.
 the induction of HF dystrophy, which leads to hair shaft From a drug safety and IP restoration efficiency perspec-
breakage or shedding and/or production of a dysfunctional tive, well-documented “IP guardians” such as synthetic
hair shaft; and, most important, a-MSH analogs (melanotan, alfamelanotide) need to be tested
 hair bulb IP collapse. clinically in AA. These not only potently down-regulate MHC
class Ia/b2 microglobulin expression in human anagen HFs
The bulb IP exists only in anagen, because most of the (Ito et al., 2004), but they may also stimulate production of
MHC class Ia/b2 microglobulin-negative HF keratinocytes other HF IP guardians, besides exerting direct immunoinhibi-
are deleted via apoptosis during catagen (Paus et al., 1994a, tory effects themselves (Brzoska et al., 2008; Chang et al.,
2005). Therefore, once an inflammation-damaged anagen HF 2008). Although this strategy has long been advocated
(Ito et al., 2004, 2005; Peters et al., 2007; Zarbo et al., 2017) (Gilhar et al., 2012; Ito et al., 2004) and despite the intro-
has entered into catagen and has resided in telogen (Oh duction of a-MSH analogs into clinical dermatology, industry
et al., 2016), it has the chance to completely reconstruct its has not yet advanced these agents for clinical testing in AA.
bulb IP with entry into the next anagen phase—unless the Although glucocorticoids suppress T-cell functions, MHC
newly developing anagen HF is attacked again. class II expression, and many proinflammatory signaling
Circumstantial evidence suggests that spontaneous resto- pathways, they are much less effective in down-regulating
ration of HF IP is promoted by the intrafollicular production MHC class Ia/b2 microglobulin expression (Truckenmiller
of endogenous IP guardians by outer root sheath keratino- et al., 2005) and stimulating the production of HF IP guard-
cytes (Breitkopf et al., 2013; Ito et al., 2004; Paus et al., 2005) ians, possibly explaining why glucocorticoids often disap-
and the release of immunoinhibitory neuropeptides from point in AA management.
perifollicular sensory nerve fibers (Bertolini et al., 2016; Instead, FK506 (tacrolimus), ideally in a topical prepara-
Kinori et al., 2012). Therefore, the interindividual tion that facilitates penetration and drug accumulation S13
R Paus et al.
Immune Privilege in Alopecia Areata

around affected anagen hair bulbs, is more attractive than even be transplanted into other tissues to create an immune
glucocorticoids. FK506 not only is a potent T- and NK-cell rejection-preventive milieu (Wang et al., 2015).
immunosuppressant and promotes regulatory T cell activ- Several immunocyte populations are now known to
ities (Arroyo Hornero et al., 2017; Shoughy, 2017), but it also actively participate in hair growth regulation, namely regu-
down-regulates MHC class Ia/b2 microglobulin expression in latory T cells (Ali et al., 2017; Bae et al., 2017; Castela et al.,
human anagen hair bulbs, protects human HFs from IFN- 2014; Conteduca et al., 2014; Han et al., 2015; Petukhova
geinduced IP collapse, and can even restore the latter et al., 2010), gd T-cells (Kloepper et al., 2013), macro-
ex vivo (Ito et al., 2004). Moreover, FK506 inhibits catagen phages (Castellana et al., 2014), and mast cells (Bertolini
development and promotes anagen in mice (Maurer et al, et al., 2014; Maurer et al., 1997a; Paus et al., 1994c;
1997b; Paus et al., 1996). A recent case report further en- Zhang et al., 2015). One important open question is
courages pursuit of this avenue of clinical investigation whether and how these immunocytes also affect HF IP. For
(Kanameishi et al., 2016). example, perifollicular mast cells may help to maintain
physiological HF IP (Bertolini et al., 2014) but may switch to
RECENT DEVELOPMENTS AND MAJOR OPEN a proinflammatory phenotype in AA that could both activate
QUESTIONS IN HF IP RESEARCH pathogenic CD8þ T cells and present autoantigens to them
The IP hair bulb epithelium must avoid constant attack by NK (Stelekati et al., 2009), thus contributing to triggering HF IP
cells, which recognize and eliminate MHC class Ia-negative collapse in AA. Indeed, antihistamines can reduce T-cell
cells. Therefore, one key HF IP characteristic is that chemotaxis in AA patients (Ito et al., 2013a). Furthermore,
NKG2D-activating ligands, such as MICA or ULBP3 (Elsner the role of resident, perifollicular memory T cells (Nasr et al.,
et al., 2010), are expressed at low levels in healthy HFs, 2005) and innate lymphoid cells (Klose and Artis, 2016) in
while these are greatly up-regulated in lesional AA HFs (Ito HF IP maintenance and collapse remains an important, as yet
et al., 2008a; Ito et al., 2008b; Petukhova et al., 2010; Xing unexplored AA research frontier.
et al., 2014). Recent evidence supports that overexpression Another crucial, but to our knowledge entirely unexplored
of both MICA and ULBP3 plays a role in AA pathobiology in research area, is how the microbiome of human HFs
different patient cohorts (Li et al., 2016; Moftah et al., 2016) (Scharschmidt et al., 2017) affects the HF IP. For example,
and therefore greatly increases the risk of HF IP collapse (Ito interindividual differences in the composition of the HF
et al., 2008a; Ito et al., 2008b). Most recently, we have found microbiome may modulate the balance between chemokine
that stressed human scalp HFs that overexpress MICA also and IP guardian secretion by HF keratinocytes and therefore
attract, activate, and induce IFN-g release from dermal play a significant role in determining the personal risk of
Vd1þT cells, leading to AA-like HF dystrophy and premature developing AA and response to therapy.
catagen induction ex vivo (Uchida et al., 2016). Finally, it has recently been hypothesized that HF IP may
Therefore, once the HF IP fails to avoid the stimulation of have been established as a mechanism to promote the de
NKG2Dþ immunocytes, massive influx of IFN-gesecreting novo induction of peripheral tolerance to neo-antigens
T cells may suffice to trigger the AA damage response occurring outside of the thymus that have thus escaped
pattern—perhaps even in the absence of antigen-dependent central tolerance (Oelert et al., 2016). If confirmed, proper
autoimmunity. Thus, it has become a central AA research functioning of the HF IP would be of fundamental importance
challenge to search for pharmacological strategies to down- for the maintenance of self-tolerance.
regulate the HF expression of activating NKG2D ligands
and to inhibit excessive activities of perifollicular NKG2Dþ IP-CENTERED FUTURE AA MANAGEMENT
cells (Ito et al., 2008a; Xing et al., 2014). Although therapy with JAK/STAT inhibitors has become a
If the location of the AA inflammatory infiltrate is linked to booming field of translational AA research (Jabbari et al.,
the presence of melanogenesis-associated (auto-)antigens in 2015; Kennedy Crispin et al., 2016; Mackay-Wiggan et al.,
the hair bulb (Paus et al., 1993), it is important to understand 2016), this must not detract from exploring other promising
whether interindividual differences in the robustness of the agents for AA management, namely candidate HF IP pro-
bulb IP (e.g., different constitutive expression levels of MHC tectants and restorers, which present an attractive cost-
class Ia/b2 microglobulin, “IP guardian,” MICA, and che- benefit-risk ratio.
mokine and chemokine receptors [Dai et al., 2016; Ito et al., Besides synthetic a-MSH analogs and FK506, these include
2013b, 2013c; Nagao et al., 2012], and intrafollicular ac- Kv1.3 channel inhibitors (Gilhar et al., 2013), PDE4
tivity of AIRE-regulated signaling [Kumar et al., 2011; inhibitors (Keren et al., 2015), substance P receptor antago-
Wengraf et al., 2008]) determine one’s personal risk of nists (Lindström et al., 2007), and VIP receptor (Bertolini
developing the AA response pattern once HF IP comes under et al., 2016) and CGRP receptor agonists (Kinori et al.,
threat, for example, after skin or HF trauma, viral infection, or 2012). Mono- or combination therapy with these agents
psychoemotional stress. may enhance the efficacy of HF IP restoration, thus sup-
Another important open question is whether and how the porting hair regrowth, and/or may protect the HF IP from
HF mesenchyme is involved in HF IP, besides harboring collapse, thus blocking AA progression.
immunoinhibitory immunocytes like mast cells that may More systematic research is also needed to clarify whether
contribute to the maintenance of HF IP (Bertolini et al., contact sensitizers (Lamb et al., 2016) restore HF IP, given
2014). Although the HF mesenchyme is clearly MHC class that hair regrowth after diphenylcyclopropenone therapy is
Ia/b2 microglobulin-positive, allotransplants of human HF associated with increased expression of the HF IP guardian
mesenchyme are not rejected (Reynolds et al., 1999) and can IL-10 (Hoffmann et al., 1994; Ito et al., 2004) and an altered

S14 Journal of Investigative Dermatology Symposium Proceedings (2018), Volume 19

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