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CERTIFICAT DE CONFORMITATE CU STANDARDELE DE COMERCIALIZARE ALE UNIUNII EUROPENE PENTRU FRUCTELE $I LEGUMELE PROASPETE MENTIONATE LA ARTICOLELE 12, 13 si 14 CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY TO THE EUROPEAN UNION MARKETING STANDARDS FOR FRUIT AND VEGETABLES REFERRED TO IN ARTICLES 12, 13 and 14 1. Comerciant 1 Trader PRIORITAR IMPEX SRL. 2. Ambalator idetificat pe ambalaj(daca este altul decat comerciantul) 2. Packer idetified on the packaging (if different from the retailer) GPO ZELSAD $P 200° 6. Identificarea mijloacelor de transport 6. Identification of means of transport AUTO: PH6BROP/TSA PW 26 8. Ambalaje(numsr 5 tip) 8. Packaging (number and type) 1140 cut carton 420 cutii carton Certificat de conformitate cu standardele de comercializare comunitare aplicabile fructelor §i legumelor proaspete Certificate of conformity with the community marketing standards applicable to fresh fruit and vegetables Ne. 00001 | (Prezentul cerifcat este destinat exclusi organismelor de control) (his certiicate is intended for inspection bodies only) 3. Organism de control (Inspection body): 1S.C.T.P.V.L.F HUNEDOARA 4. Locul in care se efectueazs controlul/tara de origine(’) 4. Place of inspection/country of origin(’) CALAN 5. Regiunea sau tara de destinatie: 5. Region or country of destination Romania 7. Program in scoli 9. Tipul de produslsoiul, daca se 10. Categoria 11, Greutatea neti precizeaza in standard) decalitate totals, inkg 9. Type of produce (vatety, if 10, Quality 11, Total net specified inthe standard) category weight, in kg Mere-Golden KC fint 2 1 14820 Mere-IDARED \ 5460 22. Transportul mentionat mai sus este, la momentuleliberdril, conform standardelor de comercializare in igoare ale Uniunii Europene- Da 12, The above transport is, a the time of release, in accordance Union «Yes Biroul vamal prevazut: Nu este cazul Customs office provided: Not applicable Valabil pind la (data): Valid until (date) 15.02.2024 Semnatar{aumele cu majuscule): Signatory (name in capitals) 13. Observatii(Comments): with the marketing standards in in force of the European Locul si data eliberdril Place and date of issue) CALAN CALAN HUNEDOARA / 08,02,2024 Stampiia autoritaticompetente __ Semnturs Stamp of the competent authority (signature) Digitally signed by Pantile Simona-Mihaela Date: 2024.02.08 10:41:12 +02:00 NYE 12.02 Lory VALABILITATE PANA IN 27.02.2024; FACTURA FW/61/2024 CERTIFICAT DE CONFORMITATE CU STANDARDELE DE COMERCIALIZARE ALE UNIUNII EUROPENE PENTRU FRUCTELE SI LEGUMELE PROASPETE MENTIONATE LA ARTICOLELE 12, 13 si 14 CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY TO THE EUROPEAN UNION MARKETING STANDARDS. FOR FRUIT AND VEGETABLES REFERRED TO IN ARTICLES 12, 13 and 14 1. Comerciant 1 Trader PRIORITAR IMPEX SRL 2. Ambalator idetificat pe ambalaj(daca este altul decat comerciantul) 2. Packer idetified on the packaging (if different from the retailer) GPO ZELSAD SP 200 6. Identificarea mijloacelor de transport 6. Identification of means of transport ‘AUTO: PHEBROP/TSA PW 26 8, Ambalaje(numar 5 tip) 8, Packaging (number and type) 700 cuti carton Certificat de conformitate cu standardele de comercializare comunitare aplicabile fructelor s! egumelor proaspete Certificate of conformity with the community marketing standards applicable to fresh fruit and vegetables Ne. 00002 (Prezentul certificat este destinat exclusiv organismelor de control) (This certificate is intended for inspection bodies only) 3. Organism de control (Inspection body]: .S.C.7-P.V.LF HUNEDOARA cs 4, Locul in care se efectueazs ccontrolul/tara de origine(’) 4. Place of inspection/country of origin(’) CALAN 5. Regiunea sau tara de destinatie 5, Region or country of destination Romania 7. Program in seoli 9. Tipul de produs(soiul, dacase | 10. Categoria 11, Greutatea net precizeaza in standard) decalitate —_totalé, inkg 9. Type of produce (variety, if 10.Quality 11. Total net specified in the standard) category weight, in kg Mere-GOLDEN LOT 2 1 7000 22. Transportul mentionat mai sus este, la momentuleliberarii, conform standardelor de comercializare in vigoare ale Uniunii Europene - Da 12. The above transports, at the time of release, in accordance with the marketing standards in in force of the European Union - Yes Biroul vamal prevézut: Nu este cazul Customs office provided: Not applicable Valabil pana la (data} Valid until (date) 29.02.2024 Semnatar{numele cu majuscule} Signatory (name in capitals) 13. Observatii(Comments): Stampila autoritatii competente Stamp of the competent authority Locul si data eliber&ril{ Place and date of issue) CALAN CALAN HUNEDOARA / 23.02,2024 Semndturs (Signature) Digitally signed by Pantile Simona-Mihaela Date: 2024.02.23 11:04:06 +02:00 ‘Stoc ramas conform facturii nr. FW/61/2024 DIN 06.02.2024, emisa de GRUPA PRODUCENTOW OWOCOW ZELSAD SPOLKA 2 OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZIALNOSCIA;NIP PL 734-326-84-73, AUTO: MMISLSL; MMI6LSL; MMI9LSL; MM36LSL; MM3BLSL; MIM39LSL; MIMAOLSL; HD14FMC/HD12NJG; BLS1ALT; B281ALT; B286ALT; AR13MGY; ARI3MKC; ARI2AYO PENTRU JUDETUL BIHOR, CERTIFICAT DE CONFORMITATE CU STANDARDELE DE COMERCIALIZARE ALE UNIUNII EUROPENE PENTRU FRUCTELE $I LEGUMELE PROASPETE MENTIONATE LA ARTICOLELE 12, 13 si 14, CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY TO THE EUROPEAN UNION MARKETING STANDARDS FOR FRUIT AND VEGETABLES REFERRED TO IN ARTICLES 12, 13 and 14 Certificat de conformitate cu standardele de comercializare comunitare aplicabile fructelor si legumelor proaspete Certificate of conformity with the community marketing standards 1. Comerciant applicable to fresh fruit and vegetables 1. Trader Saree PRIORITAR IMPEX SRL Nr. HD00003 | (Prezentul certificat este destinat exclusiv organismelor de control) (This certificate is intended for inspection bodies only) 2. Ambalator idetificat pe ambalaj(daca este 3+ 9rBanism de control (Inspection body): 15.C.T.P.V.L.F HUNEDOARA altul decat comerciantul) 2. Packer idetified on the packaging (if 4, Locul in care se efectueazs different from the retailer) controlul/tara de origine(’) 4. Place of inspection/country of origin(’) 5, Regiunea sau tara de destinatie 5. Region or country of destination SC PRIORITAR IMPEX SRL A Romania 6. Identificarea mijloacelar de transport 6. Identification of means of transport AUTO: AUTO: MMISLSL; MMI6LSL; MMI9LSL; MMB6LSL; MM38LSL; MMaaisL; 7 Pragram in scolt MMAOLSL; HD14FMC/HD12NIG; BISIALT; B281ALT; B286ALT; AR13MGY; ARIIMKC; ARI2AYO 9. Tipul de produs(soiul, daca se 10. Categoria” 11, Greutatea net’ 8. Ambalaje(numar si tip) recizeaza in standard) decalitate total, inkg 8, Packaging (number and type} 9. Type of produce (variety, if 10. Quality 11. Total net specified in the standard) category weight, in kg 240 cutii carton Mere-lot 3 sol Golden 1 3120 140 cutii carton Mere-lot 2 soi Prince ' 1400 12. Transportul mentionat mai sus este, fa momentul eliberarii, conform standardelor de comerclalizare in vigoare ale Uniunii Europene - Da 22, The above transport is, at the time of release, in accordance with the marketing standards in in force of the European Union - Yes Biroul vamal prevazut: Nu este cazul Locul si data eliberdri Place and date of issue} Customs office provided: Not applicable CALAN CALAN HUNEDOARA / 23.02.2024 Valabil pan’ fa (datal tampila autoritatii competente _Semnatura Valid until (date) Stamp of the competent authority (Signature) 29.02.2024 Digitally signed by Pantile ‘Simona-Mihaela Semnatar(numele cu majuscule) Date: 2024.02.23 11:19:20 Signatory (name in capitals} +02:00 vie 26 202. W 13, Observatii(Comments): FACTURA VAT NR. EU/23/02/2024 din DATA DE 15.02.2024; SANGROW SP. Z 0.0.:NIP: PL864-193-77-85 AUTO: MMISISL; MMIUGLSL; MMISLSL; MM3GLSL; MM3BLSL; MMB9LSL; MMA0LSL; HD14FMC/HO12NIG; BISIALT; 8281ALT; B286ALT, ARISMGY; AR13MIKC; ARI2AYO PENTRU JUDETUL BIHOR CERTIFICAT DE CONFORMITATE CU STANDARDELE DE COMERCIALIZARE ALE UNIUNII EUROPENE PENTRU FRUCTELE $I LEGUMELE PROASPETE MENTIONATE LA ARTICOLELE 12, 13 si 14 CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY TO THE EUROPEAN UNION MARKETING STANDARDS FOR FRUIT AND VEGETABLES REFERRED TO IN ARTICLES 12, 13 and 14 Certificat de conformitate cu standardele de comercializare comunitare aplicabile fructelor si legumelor proaspete Certificate of conformity with the community marketing standards 1. Comerciant applicable to fresh fruit and vegetables 1. Trader — PRIORITAR IMPEX SRL (Prezentul certficat este destinat exclusiv organismelor de control) (This certificate is intended for inspection bodies only) 2. Ambalator idetificat pe ambalaj(daca este _ 2 OfBanism de contro! (Inspection body): LS.C.7.P.V.LF HUNEDOARA altul decat comerciantul) 2, Packer idetified on the packaging (if 4, Locul in care se efectueazs different from the retailer) controlul/tara de origine(’) 4. Place of inspection/country of 5, Regiunea sau tara de destinatie: 5, Region ot country of destination: SC PRIORITAR IMPEX SRL origin’) on Romania 6. dentificarea mijloacelor de transport 6. Identification of means of transport AUTO: AUTO: MMI5USL; MML6LSL; MMISLSL; MMB6LSL; MMBLSL; MMBaLsL; 7: ProBram in scot Mivid0LSL; HO14FMiC/HOL2NIG; 8151.7; B2S1ALT; B286ALT; ARL3MGY; ARIBMKC; ARIZAYO 9. Tipul de produs(soiul, dacase | 10. Categoria. 11, Greutatea nets 8. Ambalaje(numar stip) precizeaza in standard) decalitate —_ totala, inke 8. Packaging (number and type) 9. Type of produce (variety, if 30.Quality 11. Total net specified inthe standard) category weight, in kg 240 cuti earton Mere-it 1 s0i Golden 1 3120 140 cutii carton Mere-lot 2 soi Prince 1 1400 12. Transportul mentionat mai sus este, la momentuleliberSrii, conform standardelor de comercializare in vigoare ale Uniunii Europene - Da U2, The above transports, atthe time of release, in accordance with the marketing standards in in force of the European Union - Yes Biroul vamal prevazut: Nu este cazul Locul si data eliberéril(Piace and date of issue) Customs office provided: Not applicable CALAN CALAN HUNEDOARA / 23.02.2024 Valabil pana ta (data) Stampila autoritatii competente __Semnatur’ Valid until (date): Stamp of the competent authority (Signature) 29.02.2024 Digitally signed by Pantile ‘Simona-Minaela Semnatar{numele cu majuscule): Date: 2024.02.23 11:19:20 Signatory (name in capitals}: +02:00 13. Observati(Comments) FACTURA VAT NR. EU/23/02/2024 din DATA DE 15.02.2024; SANGROW SP. 2 0.0.;NIP: PLBG4-193-77-85 AUTO: MMISLSL; MMS6LSL MIM29LSL; MIV6LSL; MIM38LSL; NIMBELSL; MMA0LSL; HD14FMC/HD12NIG; BISIALT; B2B1ALT; B286ALTs ‘ARI3MGY; ARIBMKC; ARIZAYO PENTRU JUDETUL BIHOR aor ISO 9001-ISO 22000-ISO 14001-OHSAS 18001 S.C. SIMULTAN S.R.L. RC: J35/4103/1994 CIF: RO6723660 (2X DECLARATIE DE CONFORMITATE Nr. 772 din data 09.02.2024 Nol, SC SIMULTAN SRL, cu sediul in Sanandrei,Jud, Timis, inregistrata la Registrul Comertului sub 1r/36/410311994, declaram pe propria réspundere c& produsele fabricate si Ivrate catre SIMULTAN - JUDET BIHOR cu aviz 05970 , sunt tn conformitate cu standardele in vigoare, cu legislatia pentru siguranta alimentelor apicabila si in Vigoare si cu standardele de firma, cu condita respectarii prescripilor de transport, manipulare si depozitare Corespunzatoare PRODUSUL | Standard | Cantitate Lot Data Data limita de Conditii de | de firma uc. fabricatiei consum, depozitare si transport Lapte de 5670 | 462 | 14.11.23 | 12.05.24 somidegresat 56700 463 15.11.23 | 13.05.24 UHT 1.8% SFO Max, 25°C grasime, 200 mi /buc Responsabil siguranta alimentulu, Director, Ing. Alina Toba Furdea Emil of ; eee PUNCT DE LUCRU: com. Ontsoara,n, 280, ud. Tims, ROMANIA TelFax: +4 02665238 207, mal: lboraiordbsmultan S.C. SIMULTAN S.R.L. RC: J35/4103/1994 CIF: RO6723660 ISO 9001-ISO 22000-ISO 14001-OHSAS 18001 DECLARATIE DE CONFORMITATE Nr. 1325 din data 22.02.202 Nol, SC SIMULTAN SRL, cu sediul in Sanandrei,Jud Timis, inregistrata la Registrul Comerfului sub 1r.J13814103/1994, decaram pe propria rAspundere cai produsele fabricate si lvrate catre SIMULTAN - JUDET BIHOR cu Aviz 06393, sunt in conformitate cu standardele In vigoare, cu legslafa pentru siguran(a alimentelor apicabia sin Vigoare si cu standardele de firma, cu conditja respectaril prescripilor de transport, manipulare si depozitare corespunzatoare PRODUSUL | Standard | Cantitate | Lot Data Data limita de de firma bue fabricatici ‘consum depozitare si transport laurt 18% grasime, 125 | SF3 28°C grame 411232 1 21.02.24 | 24.03.24 Responsabilsiguranta alimentului, Director punct de lucru, Ing. Alina Toba Ing. Dreghiciu Petru A Oe aA & PUNCT DE LUCRU: com. Orizoara, nr. 260, ud, Tims, ROMANIA TeliFax: +40286.235 207 e-mail lnboriareemulan so Peamy os { CER 1SO 9001-ISO 22000-ISO 14001-OHSAS 18001 S.C. SIMULTAN S.R.L. RC: J35/4103/1994 CIF RO6723660 DECLARATIE DE CONFORMITATE. Nr. 1318 din data 09.02.202 Nol, SC SIMULTAN SRL, cu sediul In Sanandrei.Jud Timis, inregistrata la Registrul Comertului sub 1nr.J/35/4103/1994, declardm pe propria rAspundere c produsete fabricate si vate catre SIMULTAN — JUDET BIHOR cu Aviz 05966, sunt in conformitate cu standardele in vigoare, cu legislatia pentru siguranta alimentelor aplicabia si in vigoare si cu standardele de firma, cu condita respectéiri prescrpflor de transport, manipulare si depozitare ‘corespunzatoare. PRODUSUL | Standard | Cantitate Lot Data Data limita de Conditii de de firma buc ‘consum depozitare si transport laurt 1,8% grasime, 125 | SF3 28°C grame 11508 1 08.02.24 11.03.24 | Responsabil siguranta alimentulul, Director punct de lucru, Ing. Alina Toba Ing. Dreghiciu Petru he a PUNCT DE LUGRU: com. Orisoara, ar. 260, ud. Tris, ROMANIA TevFax: 2400258 283 207 ermal: leborsior@smulan0

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