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Wyrd (n.

(pronounced like "weird" or "word")
A mysterious force in the arcane plane of existence from which chaos and magic spring
forth constantly. Harnessed by creatures in tune with its energies, known as "wyrlocks".

Wyrlocks! is a roleplaying game designed for 2-4 players to enjoy as they take the role of
the titular wyrlocks. One player is the Wyrdmaster, who fills the world with stories and
NPCs to interact with, but most importantly judges the magic and describes its effects. This
game is played using 10-sided dice known as "d10 's" that the players and Wyrdmaster use
to see if an attack hits, a wyrlock makes a jump, or a spell is cast properly.
When a roll is called for, a player rolls a d10 and checks its result
against the Difficulty Check (DC), a number between
2-10 that the Wyrdmaster uses to describe the
difficulty of an action taken. If the result matches
or exceeds the DC, the action is a success and the
player describes what happens afterward.
On a failure, the action doesn't succeed and the
Wyrdmaster describes it, instead. A rolled 1 is
almost always a failure, except in the case of
especially capable wyrlocks.
This book is released under the Creative Commons 4.0.
You may alter, re-release and use this book for any
non-profit use as long as you credit the original author.

World ofthe Game
In Wyrlocks!, the material world is becoming slightly more civilized than the arcane planes
would like them to be. As the world was tamed by modern convenience and comfort, magic
dwindled in the face of legality and social norms, and fantastic creatures were pushed into
the wilds. This has caused an imbalance of chaotic energy in the other planes, and so
wyrlocks have been brought in to remind people how delicate their convenient lives are.

Technology ofthe World

The level of technology is largely up to the Wyrdmaster, but
Wyrlocks! is meant to take place in a growing modern world.
Guns and bombs take place of attack spells, equalizing the
playing field for those without magic, vehicles make
traveling easier than ever, and worst of all, air
conditioning makes it more desirable than
ever to not leave your home! Magic suffers
without utility in the lives of men, and
technology is to blame. For the purposes
of adding antiquity to the setting, the
early 20th century can be used as a
recommended reference point for the
setting of the game, but going into
more contemporary settings is
easily done without needing
any changes to gameplay.

Wyrlocks in Society
Though magic has largely been ignored and prohibited by society, it still exists and is just as
powerful as its heyday; wyrlocks are to remind the world of this fact by causing trouble and
upheaving the peace of daily life. They're not malicious in doing so, they're rather jolly in
fact. But peace in ignorance of the world's real nature isn't a peace worth protecting, and so
their mischief has a purpose. Wyrlocks are rebels and outlaws, but most people don't hate
them; wizards who still practice the art in their gentlemans' clubs find them to be a welcome
presence, as it allows them to keep their art alive in the public eye. But government officials,
policemen and rich tycoons have a great resentment for them and will fight to keep control.
Playing the Game
At the start of every session, the Wyrdmaster quickly describes current events in a setting of
their choice. Continuity between sessions isn't important as long as events are wrapped up;
wyrlocks can appear at any time, in any city or town without need to travel, but once they're
let out they're on their own until their job is done.

Tone & Physicality

Wyrlocks! is a light-hearted game about goofy mages causing trouble. While they may get
into a pinch here and there, serious bodily harm shouldn't come into it. If a wyrlock casts
Hurl Person strong enough to propel a man over the horizon, he'll be fine, just highly
inconvenienced and out of the fight. Keep it light both as the players and the Wyrdmaster.

Combat takes place in abstract, with players and enemies facing off against each other.
Each side has a Front and a Back row. At the Front, a character becomes a target to attacks,
but can target enemies, as well. At the Back, a character is safe from being targeted but
cannot target enemies. One character must be active in the front row for the back row to
exist; if all allies in the Front are unconscious, the Back is pushed forward.
Wyrlocks can cast spells regardless of positions.
During Combat, players have one move they can use to take the following actions:
•Change Places: Change to Front or Back position.
• Attack: Make an attack toward an enemy vs. their Dodge Value to hit.
• Cast a Spell: See Wyrlock Spellcasting .
• Create a Spell: Once per fight.
• Flee: Player makes a check (DC= number ofenemies) to leave
the battle. On success, they can't be targeted or take turns in fight.
• Interacting with Objects/Environment.

Dealing Damage
Damage is dealt in flat numbers based on the Size of the creature dealing it with a penalty
of -1 unless they have a weapon on hand. A creature's damage is their size score; ifthe
target is smaller than it by 2 or 3 sizes, the damage is doubled or tripled. So a wyrlock
will take a hit from an ogre's club at 4x3 damage, meaning 12 damage total. Ouch!
This applies to attacks made using spells, as well. If you hurl a boulder at an
enemy, you determine its damage as if the boulder is making the attack with a weapon.

Size Scores Size Score Reference
Every creature and object has a size score
according to the reference table here. Size 0 Tiny - Anything below 3 ft. on
any side; birds, rocks, etc.
Small - Between 3. ft. and 5 ft. on
scores, as previously mentioned, determine
damage dealt and taken in conjunction with 1 any side; dogs, wyrlocks, etc.
your attacker. Anything larger than size 4 is
a problem or creature that the wyrlocks 2 Medium - Between 5 ft. and 8 ft.
on any side; humans, tigers, etc.
shouldn't worry about.
Lastly, a creature can only wield 3 Large - Between 8 ft. and 12 ft. on
any side; cars, horses, walls, etc.
weapons that are its size or smaller, with a Huge - Between 12 ft. and 20 ft. on
-2 penalty for weapons of the same size. 4 any side; ogres, cottages, trees, etc.
Weapons in Wyrlocks! have their damage listed in different ways depending on their type.
Humanoids and wyrlocks alike both have a -1 penalty to unarmed attacks, so weapons help
pick up the slack in a fight. Melee weapons such as knives and clubs add to your size score
and usually just negate the penalty. But ranged weaponry from cannons to handguns deal
static damage regardless of size. You can choose to re-make a melee attack once per turn on
a miss, but can only use a ranged weapon once per turn.
Tiny Melee Small Melee Medium Melee
(Knives, clubs, bricks) (Swords, maces, spears) (Greatswords, halberds)
+1 Damage +2 Damage +3 Damage
Handguns (Ranged) Long Guns (Ranged) Artillery (Ranged)
3 Damage 4 Damage 6 Damage
From bombs to Blast spells, explosions may
come in handy for wyrlocks. A non-magical
explosion deals damage equal to a Blast spell
(3) but multiplied by the explosion's Size
instead of Efficacy Rating. But whether it's Size
or ER, an explosion will launch any objects or
creatures by 15 x Size/ER. So a Huge explosion
will send you flying by 60 feet! Useful for
leaping a wall if you can make it.

Wyrlocks & You
Wyrlocks are quasi-elemental beings from the planes of magic who enjoy manifesting in the
realms of men. They appear as dusky little humanoids about half the size of humans with
shadows for skin and colorful lights for eyes. The sun doesn't agree with their nature, so
they're often seen wearing heavy, loose clothes that obscure their forms. Though physically
weak, they have great power in magic, and are unable to die in the normal sense. They often
borrow names from particular sounds or words that they like when speaking to humans.

Creating a Wyrlock
With all that in mind, you can create a wyrlock simply by adding your Specialties and
choosing a Talent to the following statistics and abilities; you gain levels to increase your
abilities between adventures as determined by the Wyrdmaster.

4 Hit Points (HP) measure your physical form's health. When it reaches
zero, you are banished until another Wyrlock re-summons you out of
HP combat. You gain +2 more HP every time you reach another level.
Your Dodge Value (DV) represents the difficulty of hitting you.
4 Enemies roll vs. your DV to succeed on an attack. If you're successfully
hit with an attack, however, you can choose to teleport out of harm's
DV way, instead. However, doing so temporarily lowers your DV by -1 each
time until combat ends, so use it sparingly.
Your Size is used to determine how hard attacks hit you and how hard
Size 1 you can hit, yourself. Basic physical attacks without a weapon are
(Small) equal to (Size - 1), so you do zero unarmed damage as a Small being.

4 A Specialty Point increases your ability to use spells made from

certain words of power by +1, and can be invested in up to +2; a spell
Specialty combined from words you invested SP in has its bonuses combined to
Points (SP) create your total bonus. You gain 1 more SP with every level you gain.
A Spell Slot is used for holding a spell you create. To create another
2 spell, you must first expend it or forget it over a night's rest. You gain
Spell Slots one more spell slot when you reach 3rd and 5th level.
Talents are small abilites that help determine what kind of wyrlock
1 you are. You start out with one talent of your choice at 1st level and
Talent then choose another at 3rd and 5th. They're found on the Talents page.

Wyrlock Spellcasting
Wyrlocks are magicians who create Spells out of thin air by tapping into a font of chaotic
energy known as the Wyrd. There are 100 spells combined from known words of power that
wyrlocks are capable of casting, and each time of varying power themselves. Spells aren't
strictly limited in their utility; it's up to the Wyrdmaster to determine what one is capable of.
A spell can be created at any time once per day for each slot; in combat, it
occupies your turn to do so. A spell is created by rolling a d10 on once on each word of power
table, and then rolling a 3rd time to determine its Casting , Potency and Uses ("CPU"for
short). A spell can't be forgotten until the wyrlock chooses to do so while they sleep.

d10 Action d10 Target

1 Hurl 1 Stone
2 Lift 2 Fauna
3 Diminish 3 Flora
4 Conjure 4 Object
5 Animate 5 Terrain
6 Banish 6 Structure
7 Transform 7 Vehicle
8 Enhance 8 Weapon
9 Restore 9 Wyrlock
10 Blast 10 Person
Casting, Potency & Uses
Your CPU numbers are all derived from the third and final d10 roll. Casting is the spell's DC
you have to beat to cast the spell successfully. Potency is the spell's raw power before you
choose your targets with it and how many targets it can affect. Uses is how many times you
can cast the spell, but you determine its value by subtracting your Potency from 10 and
taking the result (minimum 1). Uses are only expended by successful casts; you can try as
many times as you like until it works. The CPU scores can only go up to 10 at maximum.

How Casting Works
Casting is done by deciding what you'd like to cast, choosing a target that you can see, and
rolling a d10 + your specialty bonus to make it happen. The spell's defined target is the only
kind of thing you can use it on, and the target's Size determines how much you can do with it
with the Potency you have left. This is referred to as a spell's Efficacy Rating (ER) which is
determined from target to target. A spell's ER is determined by the spell's Potency
subtracted by the target's size. If the Potency is below the target's size, the spell will fail to
do anything meaningful and shouldn't be cast on it.
So if you have a Hurl Stone spell with 6 Potency and target a boulder with a Size
of 3 (Large), you have an ER of 3 to work with. ER determines how powerful the spell's
intended effect is, which you describe when you successfully cast it, and an ER of 3 is very
effective. While it's up to the Wyrdmaster to act as a spell's final judge, the ER system works
on a scale from 0-5 as described below. In combat, it acts as a damage multiplier.
Efficacy Rating Spell Duration
0 Completely ineffective Most spells are instantaneous in their effects when
cast. Some action words, such as Transform or
1 Only slightly effective Animate, have time intervals of hours or minutes
listed in their general descriptions on the next page.
2 Adequately effective
These are only suggestions; an overwhelmingly
3 Very effective effective spell can last for days if the Wyrdmaster
chooses it to be so, but they come in handy if it's
4 Overwhelmingly effective
better to have a tangible duration.
5 Absolute
Chaos Spell
In addition to normal rules of casting,
wyrlocks have one more option; the Chaos
Spell. How it works is simple; when you
choose to cast the chaos spell, you roll to
create a spell like you normally would, but
without a target; the target will match
whatever you're aiming at. The spell is
immediately cast successfully and then
forgotten. Each time you cast the chaos
spell, your HP is reduced by -1.
You gain one talent of your choice at 1st level, and gain one more at 3rd and 5th level.
Do-Over - Every time you create a spell, Dodgy - You have +2 DV.
you can choose to re-attempt it once and
must pick the second result. Forgetful - You can forget spells at will
and create new ones three times per day for
Bonded Spell - One of your spell slots is each spell slot, but all of your spells have
permanently filled by a spell of your choice. their Uses halved (minimum 1).
Whenever it runs out of uses, you re-roll to
determine its CPU. Obsession - You can increase one target
word's specialty bonus by +1, up to +3. You
Jack ofAll Trades - You have 1 SP have a -1 penalty for casting any spells that
invested in every word of power. You don't don't use that target. This talent cannot be
gain SP at later levels, and any higher chosen if you have "Jack ofAll Trades".
specialty bonuses you had before choosing
this are reduced to 1. This talent cannot be Capable - You have a +2 to all checks
chosen if you have "Obsession". that don't have to do with magic, such as
climbing or making attacks. This allows you
Wyrd Nudge - When you roll to create a to succeed vs. a 2 or 3 DC even if you roll a 1
new spell, you can select a word with your on the check.
specialty bonus if it's 1 result away (such as
bylanding on 8, you'd be able to choose from 7 Metal Wyrlock - You have a suit of
or 9 iftheyhave a specialtybonus). armor you were trained to wear. You gain
+4 HP when you choose this talent and are
Resentful - You add +1 damage to all considered a Medium-sized wyrlock.
attacks and spells you cast toward creatures
that are bigger than you. Unstable Hex - Every time you roll a 1
on a spell's casting (regardless ofbonus), roll
Magi-Bolt - You have a small spell you to choose a new Action word for the spell's
can cast at any time that doesn't take up one target. The spell with the new action word is
of your spell slots. It deals 3 damage and cast successfully, but is then forgotten
counts as a ranged weapon attack. immediately afterward. You regain your
spell's former Action word and lose 1 Use.

Words ofPower
The words of power that make up spells can be interpreted fairly broadly for the purposes of
freedom of play and finding utility. A "Stone" for example can mean anything made of
stone, such as a statue or a chunk of crystal; use the examples below for ideas of use.
Action Words
Hurl - A straightforward word, to Hurl a target is to send it flying in any direction of your
choice, including up or backward. Can be used to deal damage or retrieve and send objects.
Lift - (Minutes) To Lift an object is to gently levitate it in the air at a chosen height, or to be
light enough to hold in the hand. This can be used to excavate earth, carry heavy objects or
suspend enemies in the air. Height and position can be adjusted as a move during your turn.
Diminish - (Minutes) To Diminish a target is simply to make it smaller, weaker or less
effective in some way. This can include shrinking a person or their equipment, making iron
bars weak enough that they can be bent by hand or exhausting an ogre.
Conjure - (Instant/Hours) To Conjure a target is to bring it into nearby existence, either by
fabricating it or summoning one that exists, such as conjuring a fellow wyrlock trapped in a
cell. Can be used to arm yourselves with mighty weapons or summon a tiger to cause havoc.
Conjure doesn't require a visible target, just an area for it to appear in.
Animate - (Days) To Animate a target is to give it life if it had none, or to control the
movements of a living being (or even a dead one). Animated objects often sprout legs to
amble about and follow orders to the best of their ability, being capable of their main utility.
Banish - (Hours) To Banish a target is to cause it to vanish from existence. It will reappear
after the spell's duration, unharmed and vaguely aware of its banishment if it lives.
Transform - (Hours) To Transform an object is to change it entirely into something else.
You can't transform a creature or person into an inanimate object or plant and vice versa.
Enhance - (Minutes) To Enhance a target is to give it power in its use or resilience against
harm. You can make a weapon deal extra damage, cause the target to grow by a Size or
more, or soup up a car for speed and defense.
Restore - To Restore a target is to heal it or return it to a previously known state. It can be
used to heal wounds on an ally or undo damage to houses. Can't bring the dead back to life.
Blast - A word of power meant for pure destructive purpose, to Blast something is to cause
it to erupt into a fiery explosion. Deals 3 damage x ER. Can be used to detonate houses,
bombard enemies and generally wreak havoc.
Stone - "Stone" describes objects such as Structure - "Structure" describes man-
statues made of stone, rocks off the ground, made structures such as cottages, platforms
boulders and even crystals and gems. Has and stationary machines like drill presses.
no bearing on refined metals. Can be used on specific parts or areas of
structures for less powerful spells.
Fauna - "Fauna" describes natural living
creatures such as dogs, cats, wolves or even Vehicle - "Vehicle" naturally describes
drakes and monsters, with the caveat that things like automobiles, planes and
they aren't sentient beings. construction equipment like steam shovels
and pile drivers, and carts and bicycles.
Flora - "Flora" describes living, but
inanimate plants from trees, flowers, vines Weapon - "Weapon" describes anything
or bushes. Doesn't describe vegetables that created to inflict harm, from knives, swords
have been picked and made into food. and axes to guns and cannons.

Object - "Object" describes a large array of Wyrlock - "Wyrlock" naturally describes

everyday items such as books, ladders, wyrlocks. It can be used to cast spells both
tables or chests, with the caveat that it can on other wyrlocks or on oneself.
only be one object or collection of objects.
"Object" excludes things described by more Person - "Person" describes any creature
specific words such as "Weapon". that has a thinking mind and is native to the
material world. It not only describes
Terrain - "Terrain" describes any area of humans, but ogres, goblins and centaurs if
ground, dirt or mountainous features, and they should reveal themselves.
also includes roads and pavement.

Creatures & Enemies
These creatures are examples of what your wyrlocks might face on an adventure.
Many have unique traits that allow them to become more of a situational threat. A target's
Dodge Value, like the player's, is the DC you roll against to attack them.

Civilian Constable Royal Guard

Size: 2 (Med.) / 5 HP Size: 2 (Med.) / 5 HP Size: 2 (Med.) / 6 HP
Dodge Value: 3 Dodge Value: 3 Dodge Value: 5
Pistol: 3 damage Rifle: 4 damage
Sword: +2 damage

Wizard Witch Wolf

Size: 2 (Med.) / 5 HP Size: 2 (Med.) / 5 HP Size: 2 (Med.) / 4 HP
Dodge Value: 4 Dodge Value: 4 Dodge Value: 4
Caster: Can cast Hurl Caster: Can cast Blast Teeth: +2 damage
Object and Restore Person Structure and Transform Pack Hunter: Adds +1 to
at Potency 5 without limit. Person at Potency 5 attacks as long as one
without limit. other ally wolf is nearby.

Animated Car Animated Sword Tiger

Size: 3 (Lrg.) / 12 HP Size: 1 (Sml.) / 3 HP Size: 3 (Lrg.) / 8 HP
Dodge Value: 6 Dodge Value: 4 Dodge Value: 5
Charge: Can rev engine Wielding: Acts as if it's Claws:+2 damage
for one turn to count as being wielded by Medium Ambusher: Deals 2x
Huge object for one creature. Can be used as damage on its first attack.
attack on next turn. weapon for +1 to attacks.

Centaur Ogre Enemy Wyrlock

Size: 3 (Lrg.) / 9 HP Size: 4 (Huge) / 15 HP Size: 2 (Sml.) / 4 HP
Dodge Value: 6 Dodge Value: 5 Dodge Value: 4
Bow: 3 damage Club: +1 damage Magi-Bolt: 3 damage
Spear: +2 damage Wyrlock: Can cast any
Mount: Can carry load or two spells pre-determined
rider without using hands. by the Wyrdmaster.

Jester Animated Statue Rogue
Size: 2 (Med.) / 3 HP Size: 3 (Lrg.) / 16 HP Size: 2 (Med.) / 5 HP
Dodge Value: 8 Dodge Value: 4 Dodge Value: 4
Trickster: Can cast Fists: +2 damage Pistol: 3 damage
Diminish , Transform or Magic Defense: All Back-Attacker: Can
Lift spells on itself at attacks deal -1 damage to attack enemies in Back
Potency 4 without limit. the golem, and all spells row with -2 to hit, but
against it have -1 Potency. deals 2x damage on hit.

Goblin Giant Bird Giant Fish

Size: 1 (Sml.) / 4 HP Size: 4 (Huge) / 20 HP Size: 4 (Huge) / 20 HP
Dodge Value: 4 Dodge Value: 7 Dodge Value: 8
Club: +1 damage Claws: +2 damage, grabs Teeth: +2 damage
Skirmisher: Can make an Size 2 or smaller targets. Tail Slap: +2 damage. On
extra attack as long as one Air Superiority: Immune a hit, target's To-Hit DC is
other ally goblin is nearby. to Lift spells. lowered by -1 until the end
of the battle.

Tank Wyrdwyrm Unicorn

Size: 4 (Huge) / 24 HP Size: 3 (Lrg.) / 18 HP Size: 3 (Lrg.) / 15 HP
Dodge Value: 4 Dodge Value: 5 Dodge Value: 7
Cannon: 6 damage Fire Blast: 5 damage Null Horn: +1 damage,
Heavy Metal: All attacks Wyrdbeast: The wyrm ends spells cast upon or by
deal -4 damage to the cannot be directly a target on a hit.
tank on a hit. targeted by a spell's effect. Mount: Can carry load or
rider on its back.

Huge Jelly Mimic Zombie

Size: 4 (Huge) / 18 HP Size: 2 (Med.) / 9 HP Size: 2 (Med.) / 6 HP
Dodge Value: 3 Dodge Value: 7 Dodge Value: 6
Pseudoslap: +2 damage Bite: +3 damage Cursed Bite: +1 damage,
Splitter: When hit with an Seeming: Looks exactly target can't heal back HP
attack, the jelly splits its like any pre-determined until zombie is defeated.
remaining HP and size in object. If interacted with,
half to make two jellies. it instantly kills a target.


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