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THANH LOAN READING CAM 13 Hil How can we help you? hod IELTS online: htps:/elts-thanhloan. com/courses/khoa-hoc-ielts-online-4-ky-nang-academic 4 sich IELTS Thanh Loan bién soan: hitps/ Dich vu chita bai TELTS Writing: https:/ THANH LOAN TEST 1 PASSAGE 1 Case Study: Tourism Zealand Website Neghién cttu dién hinh: Trang web nganh du lich Zealand A New Zealand is a small country of four million inhabitants, a long-haul flight from all the major tourist-generating markets of the world. Tourism currently makes up 9% of the country’s gross domestic product, and is the country’s largest export sector. Unlike other export sectors, which make products and then sell them overseas, tourism brings its customers to New Zealand. The product is the country itself the people, the places and the experiences. In 1999, Tourism New Zealand launched a campaign to communicate ‘a new brand position to the world. The campaign focused on New Zealand's scenic beauty, exhilarating outdoor activities and authentic Maori culture, and it made New Zealand one of the strongest national brands in the world. long-haul (adj) /‘Ivg ho:l/: each xa ENG: involving the transport of goods or passengers aver long distances ©) make up (verb): chiém ENG: to form something # Iaunch a campaign (verb phrase) /lo:ntf): phét dng mot chién dich ENG: to start a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular social, commercial or political aim © exhilarating (adj) /1g’zrlarertmy/: hap dan, thit vi ENG: very exciting and great fun. authentic (adj) /o:'@entik/: chinh théng ENG: known to be real and what somebody claims it is and not a copy New Zealand la m6t qude gia nhé c6 4 trigu dan, edch xa tat cd ede thi truéng du lich 1am trén thé gidi. Gan dy du lich chiém 9% tng san pham quée n6i vé ld lich ve xudt khdu lon nhdt qude gia. Khong gidng nhw ede linh vie xudt khdu Khée ma san xudt sn pham vé ban ra muce ngodi, du lich mang khach hang dén New Zealand. San pham chinh 1a dit medic néy — con ngudi. cée dia danh va trai nghiém. Véo nam 1999, nganh Du lich New Zealand phat dng mét chién dich dé gioi thiéu mét vi tri theong higu moi voi thé git. Chién dich tap trung vio vé dep canh quan & New Zealand, céc hoat ding ngoai wei hdp dan va vin héa Maori chink théng, va diéu nay dé lam cho New Zealand tré thanh mét trong nhimg throng hiéu quée gia manh nhat thé gic Hil How can we help you? Xthoa IELTS online: https/ 5 dich IELTS Thanh Loan bién soan: https:/ielts-tha Dich vu chtta bai TELTS Writing: htips:/ THANH LOAN B A key feature of the campaign was the website, which provided potential visitors to New Zealand with a single gateway to everything the destination had to offer. The heart of the website was a database of tourism services operators, both those based in New Zealand and those based abroad which offered tourism services to the country. Anytourism-related business could be listed by filling in a simple form. This meant that even the smallest bed and breakfast address or specialist activity provider could gain a web presence with access to an audience of long-haul visitors. (QU) In addition. because participating businesses were able to update the details th ave On A regular basis, the information provided remained accurate. And to maintain and improve standards, Tourism New Zealand organised a scheme whereby organisations appearing on the website underwent an independent evaluation against a set of agreed national standards of quality. (Q2) As part of this, the effect of each business on the environment was considered. Mét yéu t6 chi chét trong chién dich a website, noi cung edp cho nhitng khach hang tiém nang dén New Zealand mét ctta ngé dén tat ed moi thie ma noi néy cé thé phue vu. Trung tam ctia website 1a ngudn dit ligu ciia cde nha Khai thie dich ‘vu du lich, ca hai déu cé tru s6 6 New Zealand va mrde ngodi va déu cung cap dich vu du lich cho dat meée nay. Bat ct mét céng viée kinh doanh nao lién quan dén du lich déu dugc ligt ké ra bing cach hodn thanh mét ban mau don gian. Dién nay cé nghia rang thm chi m6t chiée gitréng ngti hay bita sing nho nhdt hay cde nha cung edp hoat déng dic biét déu 06 thé hién dién trén web vai cach tip can véi khach du lich phueong xa Thém vao @é, b6i cdc doanh nghigp tham gia déu cé thé cdp nhét cae chi tiét ho a@ cung edp mot céich thuéng xuyén nén théng tin duge cung edp vin chinh xdc. Va dé duy tri cling nhu edi thién ed tiéu chudn, ngénh Du lich New Zealand t6 chite mgt chong trinh theo a6 cée 16 chite xudt hién trén website trai qua sw danh gid déc ldp dua trén cdc tiéu chudn chat heong quac gia da duoc ding thuén truéc dé, Va niue mét phan cia cheong irinh nay, anh Incéng ctia mai doanh nghigp dén méi trudng cling dregie xem xét c To communicate the New Zealand experience, the site also carried features relating to famous people and places. (Q3) One of the most popular was an interview with former New Zealand All Blacks rugby captain Tana Umaga. Another feature that attracted a lot of attention was (4) an interactive journey through a number of the locations chosen for blockbuster films which had made use of New Zealand’s stunning scenery as a backdrop. As the site developed, additional features were added to help independent travellers devise their own customised itineraries. To make it easier to plan motoring holidays, (QS) the site catalogued the most popular driving routes in the country. von ress ates according to the season and indicating distances and times. Hil How can we help you? Xthoa IELTS online: https/ 6 dich IELTS Thanh Loan bién soan: itps:// Dich vu chtta bai TELTS Writing: https: /ielts-thanhl THANH LOAN blockbuster (noun) /‘blokbasta(r)/: bom tan, rat thanh céng ENG: something very successful. especially a very successfull book or film ¢ itinerary (noun) /ar'tmareri/: 16 trinh, lich trinh ENG: a plan of a journey, including the route and the places that you visit Dé gid thigu trai nghiém & New Zealand, trang web cing cé nhimg véu té lién quan dén nhimg con nguoi va dia danh néi tiéng, Mot trong nhimg yéu 16 phd bién nhdt Ia cude phéng van vei cyn déi trinimg hing hdn due déi Zew Zealand All Blacks Tana Umaga. M6t yéu t6 khéc thu Init rdt nhiéu sw chti y la mot hanh tinh twong tae qua rat nhiéu dia diém duge hea chon boi nhimg b6 phim bom tan da sir dung phong canh tuy¢t dep & New Zealand dé lim bdi eainh. Bai trang web nay phét trién nén cde yéu 16 khée fing dieoe thém vao dé gitip cho nhiimg ngwei di du lick te the o6 thé dit ra nhieng lich trink theo y ho. Bé gitip nguedi ta c6 thé 06 nhing kj nghi dueoe lén ké hoach di dé dang hon, trang web da lén ké hogch nhieng tuyén ducdng lei xe phd bién nhdt & mode may, him ndi bt len nhing tuyén ducing khée nhau theo thai tiét, cing nhw chi ra khoding céch va thai gian. D Later a Travel Planner feature was added, which allowed visitors to click and ‘bookmark” places or attractions they were interested in, and then view the results on a map. The Travel Planner offered suggested routes and public transport options between the chosen locations. (Q6) There were also links to accommodation in the area. By registering with the website, uscrs could save their Travel Plan and return to it later, or print it out take on the visit. (Q7)_The website also had a *Your Words’ section where anyone could submit a blog of their New Zealand travels for possible inclusion on the website. Sau a6 tinh nding Travel Planner duge thém vaio, cho phép khach du lich truy edp va dénh dau nhieng dja diém hay diém du lich ma ho quan tam, sau dé xem két qua trén ban dé. Travel Planner cung edp ede tuyén dong va cde sic hea chon ede phwong tién céng giita nhing noi da diege chon. Nhimg thit ny cling gan vai noi & ciia tieng khu vue. viée ding ky vao website, nguéi sit dung cé thé leu lai lich trinh du lich ciia ho va xem lai lich trinh hod in ra dé mang theo khi di choi. Website ciing c6 phin “Van ban cia ban” noi bat cir ai co thé viét blog vé chuyén di ciia ho dén New Zealand dé dua vao trang web, E The Tourism New Zealand website won two Webby awards for online achievement and innovation. More importantly perhaps, the growth of tourism to New Zealand was impressive. Overall tourism expenditure increased by an average of 6.9% per year between 1999 and 2004. From Britain, visits to New Zealand grew at an average annual rate of 13% between 2002 and 2006. compared to a rate of 4% overall for British visits ahroad Hil How can we help you? Xthod IELTS online: https/ dich IELTS Thanh Loan bién soan: hitps://ielts-thanhloan,com/danh-mue/sa¢ Dich vy chita bai IELTS Writing: htips:/ielts-thenhloan,comvchua- 7 THANH LOAN Trang web Du Lich New Zealand thing duoc hai gidi thedng Webby cho thanh ten vé sue d6i moi wwe wyén, C6 thé con quan «rong hon dé ta sw phae wrién cha nganh du lich dén New Zealand the swe an tong. Téng quan thi tién chi tiéu cho du lich tang trang Binh 0.9% méi nam guita nam 1999 va 2004. Du Itch tir Anh dén New Zealand tang voi mize dé xép xi hang ndm Id 13% trong cdc nam tie 2002 dén 2006, so séinh véi tp Ie 4% cho cae chuyén du lich meoe ngodi cua nguoi Anh, F (Q8) The website was set up to allow both individuals and travel organisations to create itineraries und wavel packages to suit their own needs and interests. On the website, visitors can search for activities not solely by geographical location, but also by the particular nature of the activity. This is important as research shows that activities are the key driver of visitor satisfaction, contributing 74% to visitor satisfaction, (QUO) while transport and accommodation account tor the remaming 26%, [he more activities that visitors undertake, the more satisfied they will be. (QL1) It has also been found that visitors enjoy cultural activities most when they are interactive, such as visiting a marae (meeting ground) to learn about traditional Maori life. Many long-haul travellers enjoy such earning experiences, whieh provide them with stories to take home to their friends and family. In addition, it appears that visitors to New Zealand don’t want to be ‘one of ties that involve only a few people more special and the crowd’ and find acti meaningful. Trang web dege thanh lap cho phép cé cd nhan Idn cdc 16 chite du lich 6 thé tao nén lich trinh cfing nue cdc géi du lich dé phit hop v6i niu cdi va sé thich ctia ho. Trén web, Khach du lich c6 thé tim kiém céc hoat déng khdng chi bang vi tri dja ly ma con bai ban chat dae thi cita cae hogt déng. Diéu nay rat quan trong bai nghién ctu chi ra rang cae hoat déng 1d yéu t6 chinh khién khéch du lich hai long, ding gop dén 74% mite dé hai Tang ctta Kinde du lich, trong khi vige di lai va chd 6 chiém 26%6 com Iai. Khéich du lich tham gia duce cang nhiéu hogt déng thi ho sé cang hai lang. Diéu nay cing cho thay rang khach du Ich thich cae hoat dong van hoa nhdt kh ho twong tac, vi dy nine dén tham marea (khu hop mat) dé hiéu thém vé cuée song ctia ngwoi Maori truyén thong. Nhiéu khach du lich phwong xa thich nhing trai nghiém nine thé nay, nhimg thit ho co thé ké lai khi tré vé véi gia dinh va ban bé. Thém vdo dé, cé vé nlue khach du lich dén New Zealand khong muén la “mt trong s6 dam déng” va tim kiém nhiing hoat dong chi lién quan dén mét sé ngudi vi né viea dje bigt va €6 yi nghia hom. G It could be argued that New Zealand is not a typical destination, New Zealand is a small country with a visitor economy composed mainly of small businesses. It is generally perceived as a sate Enghsh-speaking country with a reliable transport infrastructure. Hil How can we help you? =s#t-fligt, most visitors stay for longer (average 20 days) and eee ee ws sees == te country as possible on what is often seen as a once-in-a- Xhod IELTS online: hitps: dich IELTS Thanh Loan bién soan: hitps:// Dich vy chita bai IELTS Writing: hiips:/ielts-thenbloan,com/chua. 8 ts-thanh-loan-viet THANH LOAN However, the underlying lessons apply anywhere-the effectiveness of a strong brand, a strategy based on unique experiences and a comprehensive and user- fiiendly website. lifetime visi © once-in-a-lifetime (idiom): mét lan trong dé ENG: used to describe something special that is not likely to happen to you again Cé thé néi rding New Zealand khing phai la m6t diém dén dién hinh. New Zealand ld mét quée gia nhé véi nén kinh 1 du lich duye tao ra chi yéu bGi ede doanh nghiép nh. NO cling throng dwoe coi la mét quée gia ni Tiéng Anh an todn voi co sé ha tang giao thong dang tin cdy. Do cac chuyén bay duong dai, hdu hét cdc khach du lich 6 dai ngay (throng 20 ngay) va muén tham quan dit nude nay nhiéu nhét e6 thé, va nhiing chuyén Gi nay tintong diege xem nine fa chuyén di mot {dn trong don vay. Lay niuen, nhiing bar lige sau dé duege dp dung moi noi, dé Id se hiéu qua ciia thieong hiéu lon manh, mét chién luge disa trén nhimg trai nghiém déc dio va mét trang web toan dign, than thién véi ngusi ding. Questions 1-7 Complete the able below. Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet. Section of website Comments Database of tourism services + easy for tourism-related businesses to get on the list Dit liéu vé cde dich vu du lich —\Dé cho céc doamh nghiép vé du lich cd tén trong danh sich + allowed businesses to 1....... information regularly [Cho phép cae doanh nghiép ..... thong tin thedng xuyén + provided a country-wide evaluation of businesses, including their impaet on the 2. (Cung cap sue danh gia trén todn quéc vé céc doanh nghiép, ‘bao gém ed tae déng cia ho dén Special features on local topies + e.g. an interview with a former sport 3... and an interactive tour of various locations used in 4.. Cate tinh nding dtic biét vé cae os hii dé dia phuong Vi du: mét cuge phéng van voi mét cu .... thé thao va mét : ‘chuyén tham quan twong tae dén cde dja diém khae nhaw Hil How can we help you? Laer sig trom, ‘pis ape eee EEC, 9 sich TELTS Than oan bién som: hs ets auhloan.couy dank suu!saeh-ellthanh oust Dich vu chita bai IELTS Writing: hutps/ielts-thanhlo: Hil THANH LOAN Information on driving routes» varied depending on the 5. ‘Thang tin vé cic tuyén Idixe Da dang dua trén [revel Planner |. included a map showing selected places, details of public hoach du lich transport and local 6. Cong cu lip [Bao gém mét so’ dé chi rat nhiéu dia diém duoc chon, chi tiét vé cde plarong tién cng céng va ..... dia phuong “Your Words’ * travellers could send a link to their 7. INgon tie cwta ban IKheich du lich co the gin link tt... etta ho Cau 1: Vi tri trong cdin mét dong tit nguyén miu vi di theo cdu trite ‘allow somebody to do something’ ‘Théng tin lién quan: Doan B, cau thit 5, “In addition, because participating businesses were able to update the details they gave on a regular basis, the information provided remained accurate” Phan tich: Trong doan B tée gid c6 n6i béi cdc doanh nghiép tham gia déu o6 thé ep nhét ho da cung cap mét cach thing xuyén nén théng tin duge cung edp van chinh ede chi xéc > dong tir thich hop la “update” Dap an: update ‘Tir vung trong eau héi Tir dng nghia trong bai doc Allowed Were able to Information Details Regularly Regular basis Cau 2: Vi tri tréng edn didn mét danh tir néi vé anh huéng cila ede doanh nghigp dén mét khia canh nao d6 ‘Théng tin lign quan: Doan B, céu cudi cling, “As part of this, the effect of each business on the environment was considered” Phan tich: Theo nhw bai viét, tac gia cé ni chuong trinh nay cing xem xét anh hwéng cia ‘mdi doanh nghiép [én méi trong > ‘environment’ 1 danh ti can dién How can we help you? “hod IELTS online: hitps:/ 10 dich IELTS Thanh Loan bién soan: hitps:/ilts-thanhloan,com/d ‘Dich vy chita bai IELTS Writing: hitps:/ielts-thanhloan com THANH LOAN ‘Tir vung trong céu héi Tir dong nghia trong bai doc Impact on The effect on Cau 3: Vi nao dé choi thé thao mgity aun { trong can dién dién mét danh tir sé it néi vé mot ng ‘Thong tin lién quan: Doan C, cau thir hai, “One of the most popular was an interview with former New Zealand All Blacks rugby captain Tana Umaga” Trong doan C cé nhiie dén mét own vin déng vién ruby, va agwai ndy lam ddi 4 thé dp an céu 3 18 ‘captain’ Dap dn: captain ‘Tw vung trong cau hi ‘Tir dong nghia trong bai doc Former sport captain Former ruby captain Cfiu 4: Vj tri trong cdin mt danh tir chi ring cdc dia diém nay duge sit dung 6 diu ‘Théng tin lign quan: Dogn C, cau thit ba, “an interactive joumey through a number of the locations chosen for blockbuster films” Phan tich: Tiép sau d6, tac gia c6 nhac dén mét chuyén du lich tong tac dén nhieu dia dic mi da dugc chon lim béi canh cho cac bé phim bom tan, va ‘films’ la tir con thiéu dé dién vao ché trong Dap én: films n Tir vung trong edu héi Tir ding nghia trong bai dge Various locations a number of the locations Interactive tour Interactive journey Wu 5: Can didn mot danh tw dén not ring thong tin vé cac tuyén lai xe phy thuge vito yeu té nado ‘Théng tin lidn quan: Doan C. cu cudi cing, “To make it easier to plan motoring holidays, the site catalogued the most popular driving routes in the country, highlighting different routes according to the season and indicating distances and times” Phan tich: Tiép tuc trong doan C tac gia c dé cap dén driving routes, va khiing dinh cac 16 trinh nay ¢6 the khée nhau theo mia va chi ra ede khoang edch va thi gian. Vay thong tin can dién la ‘season’ Hil How can we help you? Xho IELTS online: https:/ 11 dich IELTS Thanh Loan bién soan: hit thanh-loan-viet Dich vu chita bai IELTS Writing: hiips: THANH LOAN Tir vung trong cu hdi Tir dng nghia trong bai doc Varied Different routes Depending on According to Ciu 6: Thong tin cn dién 1a danh tir di cing/ dug bé sung béi tinh tir “local” Vhong tin Hién quan: Doan L, cau thir ba, “Lhere were also links to accommodation in the area’ Phan tich: Trong doan D tac gid nhac dén Travel Planner, m6t tinh nang ma cé thé ggi y cho khdch du lich vé giao thang céng eng. bin dé va ede dutng din dén noi & trong khu vue. Oi chiéu tir ding nghia, dap an can dién 1a ‘accommodation’ Dap an: accommodation ‘Tir vung trong cfu hai Tir ding nghia trong bai de Selected places, Chosen locations Details of public transport Public transport options Local In the area Cu 7. Can dién mot danh tir di véi tinh tir sé hiru ‘their’ Thong tin lién quan: Doan D, cau cudi cing, “The website also had a “Your Words’ section where anyone could submit a blog of their New Zealand travels for possible inclusion on the website” Phan tich: G cudi doan D tie gia viét ring website eding cé phan “Tir khéa cia ban”, 1a noi bat ctr ai cé thé dua ra mét bai blog vé chuyén di ctia ho dén New Zealand dé dura vao trang web > Nén tir cau diéu 1a “blog* Dap An: blog ‘Tir ving trong cfu héi Tir déng nghia trong bai doc Send their link Submit Hil How can we help you? Xhod IELTS online: https:/ 12 dich IELTS Thanh Loan bién soan: hit thanh-loan-viet Dich vu chita bai IELTS Writing: hiips: THANH LOAN Questions 8-13 Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1? In boxes 8-13 on your answer shoot, write TRUE if the statement agrees with the information FALSE _ if the statement contradicts the information NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this jineraries 8 The website aimed to provide ready-made and packages for travel companies and individual tourists. Dich edu héi: Trang web nhim mye dich cung edp nhimg hanh trinh vi cde géi cé sin cho ede cdng ty du lich cing nhw ede hanh khéch ty the. ‘Théng tin lign quan: Dogn F, eau dau tién, “The website was set up to allow both individuals and travel organisations to create itineraries and travel packages to suit their own needs and interests” Phan tich: Trong bai doe téc gi ¢6 nlvéc dén mue dich cita trang web a cho phép cae t6 etre du lich va 4 nhan te tao nén lich trinh va ede goi du lich phi hop vdi ho, ehit khong phai li dia ra cée géi cé sin, Vi thé dap an la False. Dip dn: False Tir vung trong cau hdi Tir ding nghia trong bai doc provide ready-made itineraries and packages | > diéu dé déng nghia ho cé thé khéng quay lai day nita Dap an: True ‘Tir vung trong cfu hai Tir ding nghia trong bai doc Many visitors Most visitors Unlikely .. return Once-in-a-lifetime Hil How can we help you? hod IELTS online: hitps:/ 15 dich IELTS Thanh Loan bién soan: it ‘Dich vu chita bai IELTS Writing: hips: THANH LOAN PASSAGE 2 Why being bored is stimulating — and useful, too Vi sao buén chén via kich thich tai vita hitu ich A ‘We all know how it feels - it’s impossible to keep your mind on anything, time stretches out, and all the things you could do seem equally unlikely to make you feel better. (Q14) But defining boredom so that it can be studied in the Jab has proved difficult. For a start, it can include a lot of other mental states, such as frustration, apathy, depression and indifference There isn’t even agreement over whether boredom is always a low-energy, flat kind of emotion or whether feeling agitated and restless counts as boredom, too. (Q20) In his book, to disgust - an emotion that motivates us to stay away from certain situations. ‘If disgust protects_humans_from_infection_ boredom may protect them from “infections” social situations,’ he suggests. ‘stretch out (verb): kéo dai ra ENG: to make a process or task continue for a longer period of time than was orginally planned © agitate (verb) /‘edy.1.te1t/: khién ai lo ling ENG: to make somebody feel worried or angry restless (adj) /‘restlas/: v6 cam ENG: unable to stay still or be happy where you are, because you are bored and need a change ¢ disgust (noun) /ds’gast!: sir chén nan FNG: a strong feeling of dislike for somebody/something that you feel is unacceptable, or for something that looks, smells, etc. unpleasant Ching ta déu bret cam giac do niu thé nao — tam trt chung ta khong the tap trung vao bat cu diéu gi, thai gian kéo dai ra, va tat cd nhiing gi ching ta Iam déu cd vé khong khién ching ta cam thay tét hon. Thé nhung dinh nghia sw buén chan dé nghién ctr nd trong phéng thi nghiém lai kha khé khan. Ban déu, su budn chan c6 thé bao gém nhiéu trang thai tinh than, vi du nine sue that vong, sie lanh dam, trim cam hay thé: 0. Tham chi con khéng cé sw thing nhdt vé van dé buén chan 16 tinh trang luén thiéu nding long, v6 cém hay cam gide lo au bn chon ciing dwec coi la tinh trang budn chan. Trong cuén sich ctia minh la “Boredom: A lively History", Peter Toohey 6 tricéng dai hoe Calgary, Canada so sinh né voi sur chin ghét — m6t cam xtic ldm cho ching ta trénh xa m6t sé tring hop. Ong dy néu ra: “Néu sw chan ghét béo vé con ngueéi bai su anh Ineéng thi sw budn chin e6 thé bao vé ho bai nhimg tinh huéne xd héi nhat dink” Hil How can we help you? Xthod IELTS online: hitps:/ 16 dich IELTS Thanh Loan bién soan: https: lielts-thanhloan,. comy/danb-muc/ ts-thanh-loan-viet ‘Dich vy chita bai IELTS Writing: hitps:/ THANH LOAN B (QU5) By.asking people about their experiences of boredom, Thomas Goetz and his team at the University of Konstanz in Germany have recently identified five distinct types. indifferent, calibrating, searching, reactant and apathetic. These can be plotted on two axes - one running left to right, which measures low to high arousal, and the other from top to bottom, which measures how positive or negative the feeling is. Intriguingly, Goetz has found that while people experience all kinds of boredom, they tend to specialise in one. (Q21) Oftthe five types, the most damaging is ‘reactant’ boredom with its explosive combination of high arousal and negative emotion. The most useful is what Goetz calls ‘indifferent’ horedom: someone isn’t engaged in anything satisfying but still feels relaxed and calm. However, it remains to be seen whether there are any character traits that predict the kind of boredom each cof us might be prone to. © apathetic (adj) / zepo'Getuki: v6 cém ENG: showing no interest or enthusiasm * intriguingly (adv) /an'tricguli/: theo m6t edch tha vi/ ki la ENG: ina way that is very interesting because it is unusual or does not have an obvious answer Bang viée héi nhiéu nguci vé nhimg trai nghiém vé su buén chan, Thomas Goetz va nhém etia éng tai trang dai hoc Konstanz 6 Bite gan day da xée dinh duge nam loai budn chan Ahac mhau: thé o, dinh mice, tim kr ném trén hai true: m6t true chay tie trai sang phai dé do mite te thdp dén cao, va truc con lai chay tir trén xuéng dudi dé do cam xtic Ia tich cuc hay tiéu cue. K¥ la thay, Goetz thay réng trong khi moi nguéi déu trai nghiém tat cd cdc logi budn chan thi ho cing c6.xu hong chuyén vé mét logi néo dé. Trong ném logi thi loai gay tén hai nhiéu nhdt 1a buén chan phan tng héa hoc voi sue két hop bing né ctia cam xtic kich thich va tiéu cue cao, Logi tat nhat la trang thai buén chén thé o: mgt sO nguoi ching tham gia vao vige gi gp ho thod man cd nung ho van cam thay the gian va binh tink, Tuy nhién, ching ta van nén nhin nhdn ligu 6 nhiing nét tinh cach bdo trudc chiing ta thugc nhém néo. c 1 phan ting hay v6 cam. Nhiig loai nay c6 thé duge Psychologist Sandi Mann at the University of Central Laneashire, UK, goes further. All emotions are there for a reason, including boredom,” she says Mann has found that being bored makes us more creative. ‘We'te all afraid of being bored but in actual fact it ean lead to all kinds of amazing things,’ she says. In experiments published last year, Mann found that people who had been made to feel bored by copying numbers out of the phone book for 15 minutes came up with more creative ideas about how to use a polystyrene cup than a control group. (Q16) Mann concluded that a passive. boring activity is best for creativity because it allows the mind to wander, In fact, she goes so far as to suggest that we should seek out Hi! How can we help you? hod IELTS online: hitps:/ 17 4éch IELTS Thanh Loan bien soau: hitps:/ dank-mmue/s Sieh vu chita bai IELTS Writing: hnips/iels-thanh THANH LOAN Nha tém If. hoc Sandi Mann 6 treéng dgi hoe Central Lancashire, UK nghién citu séu hon. C6 dy nd: “Tdi ca cde cam xtc tn tai déu cd IY do, bao gdm ca sw budn chan". CO dy thdy rang buén chin lim cho ching ta sing tao hon. “Ching ta dén so buon chan nhung sw that Ta n6 €6 thé dan aén tat ca nhieng diéu tuyét vor". Trong nhieng thi ngingm duege cong 66 nam ngodi, Mann thay rang nhitng ngudi bj lim cho buén chan boi viée sao chép s6 dign thogi ra Khoi danh ba trong vong 19 pitt nay ra nhiéu y teong sang tao vé vige su dung mot cai cde nina hon la mét nhém bi kiém sodt. Mann két ludn rang mét hoat déng thu déng, budn chin 1a: t61 nhdt cho se sting tgo b6i né cho phép déu de nguii ta di lang thang. Thnse ra, 06 dy di xa nlue vay dé cho ching ta thdy ching ta nén tim thém nhiéu swe buén chan trong eude séng néy, D Psychologist John Eastwood at York University in Toronto, Canada isn’t convinced. ‘If you are ma state ot mind-wandering you are not bored,” he says. “In my view, by definition boredom is an undesirable state.’ That doesn't necessarily mean that it isn’t adaptive, he adds, (QI7) Pain is adaptive - if we didn’t have physical pain, bad things would happen tous. Does that mean that we should actively cause pain? No, But even if boredom has evolved to help us survive, it can still be toxic if allowed to fester’. For Eastwood, the central feature of boredom is a failure to put our ‘attention system” into gear. (Q24) This causes an inability to focus on anything, which makes time seem to go painfully slowly. (Q22) What's more, your fforts to improve 1 ion e: ing vou feel worse. ‘People try to connect with the world and if they are not successful there’s that frustration and irritability,’ he says. Perhaps most worryingly, says Eastwood, repeatedly failing to engage attention can lead toa state where we don’t know what to do any more, and no longer care. * adaptive (adj) /a'deptrv/: c6 tinh thich nghi ENG: connected with changing; able to change when necessary in order to deal with, different situations ¢ frustration (noun) /fra’ strerfin/: sy that vong ENG: the feeling of being fiustrated ¢ invitability (noun) /,rr1ta'biloti: tte gigin ENG: the fact of tending to get annoyed easily Nha tim ty hee John Eastwood & trréng dai hoc York & Toronto, Canada khang bj thuyét phuc. Ong dy néi: “Néu dau dc ban dang di lang thang thi ban khéng phai dang buon chan. Theo quan diém ctia téi, dinh nghia buén chan la mét trang thai khéng mong muén”. Ong dy ni thém ring diéu dé khong nhdt thiét c6 nghia réing né khong ¢6 tinh thich nghi. “Néi dau mang tinh thich ting —néu ching ta khéng cb ndi dau vé thé cheit thi nhieng digu 63: t€ 58 xdy ra voi chiing ta. Ligu diéu ndy cé nghia rang ching ta nén chii déng gay ra ndi dau khéng? Khong. hung dedi chi néu se budn chdn da phet ign dé gidp ching (a tn tai thi vige dé s ~ dong nghia véi viée tigp can khoa hoe gap nhiéu van dé > phi hop tiéu dé iv Pip ans iv Tir vung trong cfu héi Tir ding nghia trong bai doc Problems Difficult A scientific approach Be studied in the lab 15. Paragraph B Théng tin lign quan: Doan B, cau dau tién, “By asking people about their experiences of boredom, Thomas Goetz and his team at the University of Konstanz in Germany have recently identified five distinct types: indifferent, calibrating, searching, reactant and apathetic” Phan tich: Trong trich dan tac gia c6 chi ra nhém cia nha khoa hoc Thomas Goetz 43 chia sit budn chan thinh 3 nhém chink... > Pha hgp véi tiéu dé vi lién quan dén phn Jogi cdm ide nhim chan am: vi ‘Tir vig trong eau hai Tir ding nghia trong bai dgc A system of classification Have recently identified five distinct types 16. Paragraph C ‘Thong tin Hén quan: Doan C, cau tit hai tir duéi len, “[...] she says Mann has found that being bored makes us more creative [...] Mann coneluded that a passive, boring activity is best for creativity because it allows the mind to wander Phan tich: Trong trich dan tac gid chi ra rang str buon chan lim ching ta sang tao hon béi nd cho phép tim tri chiing ta dao choi lang thang > Day li tic dung cua su buon chin > Phit hop voi tigu di Hil How can we help you? hoa IELTS online: a 2 dich IELTS Thanh Loan bién soan: hit Dich vy cha bai TELTS Writing: hips THANH LOAN Dap din: i ‘Tir vung trong edu hai Tir ding nghia trong bai doc Productive outcomes Best for creativity 17. Paragraph D Théng tin lién quan: Doan D, cau thir nam, 'Pain is adaptive - if we didn’t have physical pain, bad things would happen to us. Does that mean that we should aetively cause pain? No. But even if boredom has evolved to help us survive, it can still be toxie if allowed to feater* Phan tich: Trong trich dan tac gia c6 dé cap dén vige sir buén chan 6 thé 1a dc hai néu nd bing phit > trong durong vai tée hai, méi nguy hiém cia sy budn chin > phi hop voi tiéu d& y Dip an: v Tir vung trong cau hoi Tir ding nghia trong bai doc A potential danger Be toxic 18. Paragraph E ‘Théng tin lién quan: Doan E, cau thtt ba, “[...] Boredom proneness has been linked with a variety of traits. People who are motivated by pleasure seem to suffer particularly badly. Other personality traits, such as curiosity, are associated with a high boredom threshold.” Phan tich: Trong trich dan tac gia cé néi thién hudng cia sir buén cha cé méi lién quan dén nhigu tinh céch khde nhau, sau dé dua ra vi du vé nhiing ngudi c6 sir hai long thi lai bi anh Jhuéng trim trong trong khi nhimg ngwi e6 tinh t mé thi Iai quen véi mite a6 budn chin cao > chi ra nhimg ngwai bi anh huéng nhiéu nhat béi sw budn chan chinh la nhitng nguéi dure Akhich 1é boi su hai long > Tiéu dé viii Dip dn: viii Tir vung trong ciiu hoi Tir dong nghia trong bai doc Most affected by boredom Suffer particularly badly Those People who are motivated by pleasure Hil How can we help you? hoa IELTS online: 22 ach IELTS Thanh Loan bign soan:https/ielts-thanliloan, com ¢ ‘Dich vu chia bai TELTS Writing: lips: /iels-thanhloan.comy THANH LOAN 19, Paragraph F Théng tin liém quan: Doan F, cau cudi cing, “So instead of seeking yet more mental stimulation, perhaps we should leave our phones alone, and use boredom to motivate us to engage with the world in a more meaningful way” Phin tie! han méi cho stt buén chén ¢6 thé [8 do Idi séng qué két néi etta ching ta > day chinh fa mot Tigp dé ong dura 1a giai phap do 1a ching ta nén tranh xa Trong trich din ngwoi viét chi ra 2 vé: Thi nhdt aha khoa hoe gid air ring nguyén sy giai thich moi vé sw buda chan. ign thogi, sit dung sit budn chan dé Lim dong lye dé héa nhip véi thé gidi nay theo céich c6 ‘nghta hon > day chinh 1a phuong phap cht wi moi cho su budn chan. Dap dm: iii Tir vung trong cfu héi Tir déng nghia trong bai doc ‘Anew explanation A new source of boredom Anew cure for boredom Leave our phones alone, ... Questions 20-23 Look at the following people (Questions 20-23) and the list of ideas below. Match each person with the correct idea, A-E. Choose the correct letter, A-E, in Boxes 20-23 on your answer sheet. List of Ideas A The way we live today may encourage boredom. Dich: Cach ching ta séng hém nay cé thé khuyén khich sue buén chin B One sort of boredom is worse than all the others. Dich: M6t logi buén chéin 161 16 hon ede log khée C Levels of boredom may fall in the future. Dich: Cée mite dé ctia sy buén chén c6 thé giém xuéng trong twong lai D Trying to cope with boredom can inerease its negative effects. Dich: Né luc dé d6i mat voi su budn chan cé thé lim tang nhimg tic déng tiéu eye tia né E Boredom may encourage us to avoid an unpleasant experience. Dich: Sue bun chén c6 thé Khuyén khich chning 1a rah diege mu trait nghtém kho cht Hil How can we help you? Xthoa IELTS online: https/ 23 dich IELTS Thanh Loan bién soan: hitps:// Dich vu chtta bai TELTS Writing: htips:/ielts-hanhloan.comi THANH LOAN 20, Peter Toohey Théng tin lién quan: Doan A, céu cudi cing, “In his book, Boredom: A Lively History, Peter Toohey at the University of Calgary, Canada, compares it to disgust - an emotion that motivates us to stay away from certain situations. “If disgust protects humans from infection, boredom may protect them from “infectious” social situations,’ he suggests” Phan tichs Cuéi dogn A, khi néu ra quan diém ctia nha khoa hye Peter Toohey, tie gid 06 trich dan ring nha khoa hoe niy khing dinh sir budn chén 6 thé béo vé con ngudi véi nhiing tinh huéng bi anh hudng béi xa hoi > wong duong dap an E Dap an: E Tir vung trong cfu hoi Tir déng nghia trong bai doc Avoid Protect ...from. Unpleasant experience Infectious social situations 21. Thomas Goetz Thong tin lién quan: Doan B, cau thir tr, “Of the five types, the most damaging is ‘reactant’ boredom with its explosive combination of high arousal and negative emotion” Phan tich: Trong doan van néi kién cia Thomas Goetz, téc gia c6 viét ring trong nim Jogi budn chan thi loai nguy hiém nhat buén chan phan tmg hod hoc két hop véi sir bing bd cia cam xite kich thich va tiéu cute cao > Vay day 1a loai buon chan 18 hon so véi tat ed ede loai khée. Dap am: B ‘Tir vung trong cu héi Tir ding nghia trong bai doc Worse than all the others The most damaging 22. John Eastwood ‘Théng tin Hién quan: Doan D vi E, “What's more. your efforts to improve the situation ean end up making you feel worse [...] But of course, boredom itself cannot kill -it’s the things wo do to doal with it that may put ue in danger” vin dé budn Phan tich: Ca 2 cau nay déu khang dinh moi né he ching ta lam dé giai quyé chan déu Lim cho ching ta cm thy 8 hon hode thim chi dat ching ta vio nguy hiém > Dap an D li hop ly Bian dns Hil How can we help you? “hod IELTS online: hss thanhloa cony/coursevkhou hoc ilt-online+-y-nang-academic 24 /ilts-thanbloan Dich vu chta bai TELTS Writing: https: /ielts-thanhl

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