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Name : Vika septasinika (110123223)

Martcella Natalia Permata ( 110123225)

Kp : E

C : Hey there! Do you think you’re a superstitious person?

V : Hmm, that’s an interesting question. I guess I am to some extent. I mean, I don’t walk under
ladders or anything, but I do have a few little quirks. What about you?

C : I’m not sure if I’d call myself superstitious, but I do have some beliefs. Like, I’ve always felt that the
number 7 brings me luck. It just seems to show up in positive moments in my life.

V : Oh, that’s cool! I’ve heard a lot of people have lucky numbers. How about colors, do you have a
lucky color?

C : Not really, but I do tend to wear pink a lot. I guess you could say it’s my favorite color, so maybe
it’s my subconscious lucky color.

V : Makes sense. For me, it’s definitely Fridays that I consider lucky. I always seem to have good
things happen on Fridays, or at least it feels that way.

C : That’s interesting. So, what do you do to bring luck or ward off bad luck?

V : Well, I knock on wood when I want to avoid jinxing something. How about you?

C : Sometimes I make a wish when I see a shooting star. It’s more of a tradition than a superstition, I

V : Yeah, I get that. Speaking of traditions and superstitions, what do you think are the most common
superstitions in our culture?

C : I’d say avoiding black cats

V : what do you think is the weirdest superstition you’ve ever heard of?
C : Hmm, there are so many strange ones out there. I once read about a superstition where people
believe that if you whistle at night, you’ll attract ghost.

V : Whistling and ghost? That’s bizarre!

C : Superstitions are always a fun topic to explore. So, do you have any other superstitions or quirky
beliefs you’d like to share?

V : Oh, I’m sure there are a few more I could tell you about, but let’s save those for another chat.

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