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ma'am do you find the new speed bumps in

your neighborhood a nuisance yes i

believe these important speed bumps do

not fit the regulation standards


very hungry today

let's make something to eat

it's back flip time one



it's backflip time





okay it's baffling time this time it'll

work one two three






space grinch

chin creature

and i think we have a

winner challenge

i think we have our winner high pitch

voice challenge

oh no i broke the camera

i don't think it was the camera

hi guys this is my new phone unboxing

video my old phone told me it needed an

update so i followed its advice threw it

away and my dad bought me a new one here

comes the moment of truth


dry eyes that's new they really know how

to make it spectacular and here it is

the new

what what the what is that

okay so yeah after a little research i

discovered what happened to my package

looks like it was dispatched to the

wrong address

hey dude






all right bye see you later

i love butter but science claims the

body is not designed to consume only

butter well man has been known to

overcome every great obstacle in his

existence we've been on the moon and

proved the earth is flat and albert

einstein brought a guy named frank back

from the grave so i'll tell you what

real science is not taking no for an

answer ladies and gentlemen i give you

butterscotch it's the combined taste of

all the essential foods burgers bacon

sausages fries making burritos curry's

bacon bacon bacon all in one healthy yet

delicious yellow spread i've eaten

butter smear every meal for 11 days now

but i feel no ill start to fix it all in

fact i've lost feeling in my entire body

pledged today to help me push mankind

one step further

butter smear makes everything taste a

little bit butter

if you're watching this video please

call it evelyn



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