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Continuous Assessment II

Academic Year : 2023-24

Class : 9
Maximum Marks : 40
Duration : 1 hour
Month : June


(Candidates are allowed additional 5 minutes for only reading the paper.
They must NOT start writing during this time.)
Attempt all questions.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [].

(Attempt all questions from this Section.)

Question 1

Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the [10]
question, Write the correct answer only.)

(i) A community of animals, plants or human beings among whose members

interbreeding occurs:
(a) Community
(b) Population
(c) Ecosystem
(d) None of the above
(ii) The population of birds declined in an area where DDT was extensively used. Why?
(a) The birds stopped laying eggs
(b) The eggs laid by the birds did not hatch
(c) The snakes ate the eggs
(d) The DDT spray killed all the birds

This paper consists of 4 printed pages. Turn over
(iii) Type of interaction shown by this plant:
(a) Competition
(b) Parasitism
(c) Mutualism
(d) Predation

(iv) Example of dispersive mutualism:

(a) Epiphytes
(b) Wood ants and aphids
(c) Clown fish and sea anemone
(d) Flowering plants and bees

(v) Allogenic succession is caused due to:

(a) Activities of animals
(b) Activities of plants
(c) Change in environmental conditions
(d) Change in the biotic community

(vi) Importance of food chain include/includes:

(a) Energy flow
(b) Nutrient cycling
(c) Ecological balance
(d) All the above

(vii) Living things in an environment are known as:

(a) Biotic elements
(b) Abiotic elements
(c) Animals and microorganisms
(d) Plants

(viii) Relationship between a tiger and a deer exhibit:
(a) Predation
(b) Parasitism
(c) Competition
(d) Commensalism

(ix) The conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into its usable form is called:
(a) Denitrification
(b) Nitrification
(c) Nitrogen fixation
(d) Ammonification

(x) Which statement is correct with respect to Biomass?

(a) Decreases with each trophic level
(b) Always more in lower trophic level
(c) Produced by plants
(d) All the above

Question 2

(i) State the Law of limiting factors. Give any two examples of limiting factors. [2]

(ii) What do you understand by co-evolution? Give an example. [2]

(iii) What is the importance of decomposers in an ecosystem? [2]

(iv) Define the following terms: [2]

1. Bioaccumulation.

2. Synergism.

(v) Differentiate between habitat and ecological niche. [2]


3 Turn over

(Attempt all questions from this Section.)

Question 3

(a) What is Ecological succession? Explain the Primary and Secondary succession [5]

with examples.

(b) What is Commensalism? Explain the four types of Commensalism. [5]

Question 4

(a) What is a Nutrient cycle? Explain the Carbon cycle with the help of a diagram. [5]

(b) What is a food web? Explain the various trophic levels in food web. [5]


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