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[MUSIC] Hey there, mind if I ask you

a digital marketing question? Okay, how much content did you see today? Think about
all the push notifications
on your phone, internet pop ups, email, YouTube ads, Facebook, Instagram,
and other social media alerts. It's a lot, am I right? And for every single piece
content you read or viewed, somebody combed through data, analyzed it,
and decided to create that content. So it "speaks" to people like you. Data drives
but who drives the data? Welcome to the digital marketing
analyst professional certificate. If you want to be a part of the world
of data driven decision making, this is the place to start. Information is like a
puzzle. There are a lot of pieces, but it needs someone like you to
understand those pieces and empower businesses to reach a global
audience, target specific demographics, track and measure campaign performance,
and personalize marketing messages. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? The widespread use
of digital devices and
the internet provide more and more data every day. This four course program is
designed to
introduce you to the power of digital marketing, which has become a vital, integral
part of modern
marketing strategies. want to be the person who can use the data
to identify trends, make predictions, uncover customer thinking and habits? want to
help companies speak directly to
their customers in a more meaningful way? I thought so. Which is why industry
experts like me
are here to take you through the world of digital marketing using real
world strategies, tools and models, as well as case studies and
hands on activities. You'll have lots of practice planning,
analyzing, and monitoring digital
marketing from the inside. Let's take a closer look at how we'll
do that and what you'll be learning. The customer understanding and digital
marketing channels course will delve into the essential aspects of tracking,
analyzing, and optimizing marketing
efforts to drive success. Throughout the modules you'll gain a solid
understanding of search engine marketing, SEM, and search engine optimization,
SEO, web analytics and tools, social media platforms and
analytics, as well as AB testing and campaign performance reporting. Next, the
measurement and analysis course
focuses on the tools digital marketing analysts will wield to locate and
track data, analyze it, and use it to drive success through
better marketing decisions. You'll become familiar with search engine
marketing, search engine optimization, web and social media analytics, and
other tools to understand what they do and why you need them for the best results.
Once you have all the hows and
whys figured out, the campaign performance reporting,
visualization and improvement course covers what
to do with that information. You've heard the phrase measure twice,
cut once. Here, you'll take that
principle to the next level so you can see the effects that measuring,
reporting and presenting can bring about in a marketing
campaign and overall marketing strategy. Finally, the Advanced Tools for Digital
Marketing Analytics course does
a deep dive into marketing automation and scaling strategies, predictive
analytics and algorithms, video and mobile marketing trends, as well as
artificial intelligence, natural language processing and ethics, and the tools and
metrics that support them. You'll also have the opportunity to step
through creating a customer journey map and an action plan. Throughout the
certificate, you'll have
several opportunities to work on a case study that lets you practice
applying your new skills to data for a fictitious company. You'll use your consumer
data to
develop a customer journey map and an action plan, aligning the two to
optimize the customer experience, excited? Ready to start making data come alive?
Then let's go.

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