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I was dying when you bid adieu,

Of many things you said, only some were true,

Years have passed by since you have gone,
Since then have been only nights; not one single dawn,

What I say today is futile,

My many days are numbered,
For I had your ears once, your lips and you,
When I could’ve surrendered,

Forgive me for I know not ways of modern love,

For it is full sadness, betrayal, and hatred,
I know only of one pure form of joy-
Hidden behind the walls of my heart
Whence you coy,

I had given myself to the rivers that were calm,

To the sun that was garish and the days that were warm,
In my mind I was there, with you on the grass,
Soft beneath mine were seated your lips apart,

That was when the fire rose beneath,

I was only miniscule wrapped with your sheath,
My reach was so deep in the soil of your love,
Uprooted I was from you beloved,
Years had it been since the amputations,
From the heart swollen with love, from the days warm,
From the sun garish and rivers calm,
From the lover cold and false alarms.

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