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16 | Objective Iain Potty UNG Consider he flowing statements: 1. UndertheGoneramentf Ini ct, 1919 the lian Legis wasmade more representative and fo the fst time beamed The Goverment of Ina Act, 1935, prscibl sfadenton taking the Provinces andthe Which of the statements given above is/are conc? 8) Only ®) Only? () oth and 2 (Nether 1 2 [Which ofthe allowing are the principal features ofthe Gaverment of Ini At, 1919? Introduction of darcy i the exseutve goverment ofthe Provinces Introduction of separate commu electorates for Muss Espunion and reconsttion of Cent and Provincial Leyes St the corre neuer fom the codes given bow a) 12and3 » of the 2. ‘The Government of Inia Act, 193, p the federal and proc vee [Which of the statements gen above i/ate comet? 8) Only 1 () Only2 (Both t and? (@ Neither 1 002 Which one ofthe filling Acts pve the sting up of a Boar of Control in Btn, hough which the Bes Government could ful conta he Betsh Fas India Company’ vl tniiary al reven alas in Tia? 3) Regulating Act 1773 (8) Pies tain Aco 1786 () Charter Act of 1883 @ 6 1 India Ato 1858 List (Act) Listt Provisions) A. The Gowemmentof Ina Act, 1958 1 Transer of owe fom the East Inka Company 93. Inston of provincial utonenny 4 D. TheGovernmentof In Ac 6584, lntahction of Dyan princes 5. Inno of spat toate fr Mais Codes: A Bc Dp os 4 2 4 Partly responsible governments inthe provinces were csiblished under which ome of the lowing Ac? a) The Government of Inia At, 1919 (&) ‘The Gonernment of India At, 1988 (© Iain Councils, 909 (nian Counce Act, 1872 The nia idea of secritment om mest principe canbe traced the 1) Macaulay Commie Daring the period of Weis ule adi, the rues mad under which one of te fllowing were known s the De Monct background | 17 (2) Indian Comme x, Princip of Eton 10, Ameri (A): Newington of Pinal toc the Gorennet of Remon (Rj The Goren wes pte 6 cin em deceton crn mats Gr (cay Cronin) m2 3 8 4 renee) as) D. Rigdon 1 NageChd Ri 1917 [_ Answer Key

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