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The first winter snow was falling and the village was deserted. Suddenly, someone Knocked hard on
our door. When I opeden it, I saw a boy standing there. He looked exhausted. He must have walked
a long way. My parents invited him to stay.

He was about my age, a teenager with huge, kind green eyes. He never spoke. Not a word. I called
him Sam. When I asked where he had come from, Sam just pointed north.
‘But he can’t be from the north, ‘I cried. ‘There’s nobody there My father quickly told me to be quiet. We
didn’t talk about the north, not since the fall. During the fall we lost technology, medicine, machines-
everything. Now, when people got sick, it was hard to help.

Slowly, I began to suspect the boy had strange powers. Granny Parker had been ill for some time, but she got
better. Then I realised that after Sam arrived. Nobody got stick.could he have done it? How? The idea was
fascinating-and frightening.

One day I was walking in the woods outside the village, when I heard some curious singing.

It wasn’t like any music I’d ever heard. I followed the sound and there was Sam.

‘ Hello, Rachel, ‘ he smiled. I herd him elearly- but he hadn’t spoken aloud

"There’s something I need to tell you."

Rachel looked at Sam curiously, wondering what he was going to tell her

"Remember when I told you I was from the north?" That’s not true. I come from a faraway place where nature
and magic are combined in ways that your people cannot imagine."

Amazed at Sam’s words, Rachel listened intently.

"I’ve been sent here with an intention". I have the ability to heal and protect, but also to teach how to connect
with nature in a special way.

Rachel nodded

Over time, Rachel and Sam became close friends and allies in the fight to protect and heal their community.
Together, they discovered new ways to use Sam’s powers and taught others to connect with nature in a
special way.

But one day, Sam disappeared without a trace. Rachel looked everywhere, but could not find him. He
wondered if he had returned to his distant home or if anything else had happened.

Rachel never forgot Sam and always wondered what had happened to him. But she knew that his presence
had changed her life and that of her community.

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