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Data Structures and Algorithms

Checklist for learning & interviews

Algorithm Analysis
Big O notatio Time complexit
Master’s theorem Space complexity

Data Structures
Basic Data Structures
Arra Stac Se Tre
LinkedList Queue HashMap Graph

Advanced Data Structures

Suffix Arra Trie (Prefix tree
Heap (Priority Queue Suffix Tre
Segment Tre Self balancing tre
Binary Indexed Tree Disjoint set

Basic algorithmic paradigms
Brute forc Divide & Conque Sliding window
Recursion Two pointers

Advanced algorithmic paradigms

Greedy techniqu Backtrackin
Branch & Bound Dynamic Programming
Created by Sadanand Pai
Search Algorithms
Linear search Binary search

Basic Sorting algorithms Advanced Sorting algorithms

Bubble sor Heap sor
Selection sor Quick sor
Insertion sort Merge sort

Basic Tree algorithms Advanced Tree algorithms

In-order Traversa Rooting a tre
Pre-order Traversa Euler's tou
Post-order Traversa RMQ Algorith
Node insert & remove BST validation

String algorithms
Rabin-Kar Z algorith
Knuth Morris Prat Manachar’s algorithm
Boyer-Moore Algorithm

Basic Graph Algorithms

Depth First Searc Flood Fill algorith
Breadth First Searc
Shortest distanc
Topological Sort Lee’s algorith
DFS base A* algorithms
Kahn's algorithm

Created by Sadanand Pai

Advanced Graph algorithms

Minimum Spanning Tre Shortest Path algorithm

Kruska Topological sorted min pat
Pri Dijkstr
Strongly Connected Component Bellman For
Tarja Floyd Warshal
Kosaraj Johnso

Minimum Cost algorithm Maximum flow algorithm

Cycle Cancellin Ford Fulkerso
Hungaria Push-relabe

Hierholzer’s algorithm


Fibonacci number Levenshtein distanc

Bit manipulatio Biconnected Component
Tower of Heno Bipartite detectio
Strassen's algorith Isomorphic graph
Kadane’s Algorith Hamiltonian Pat
Knapsack 0/ Vertex Colorin
Knapsack Fractiona Articulation Poin
Huffman cod Articulation Bridg
Task-scheduling Travelling salesman Problem

Created by Sadanand Pai

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