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‘At Credit: Barres Aawon Praawia by dishwasher gio ee eee reo ty Megresce bye HUNTRESS/HUNTSMAN A pack of Beowolves surround a human girl draped in crimson, In an instant, the leader of the pack leaps out towards its target, a flurry of claws and fangs that tear into ~ nothing. The girl, now several feet in the air, draws her rifle and fires a shot that strikes true, blowing the Grimm's head clean off. ‘The forest is silent as she lands, save for the sound of corpse and casing bouncing off the hard earth. Now on solid ground, she unfolds her rifle into a scythe larger than herself, and unconsiously adopts the slightest grin in anticipation. A faunas girl leaps into the fray, assaulting her ‘opponent with a flurry of blows from her blade and its sharpened sheath, Several times the human engaged in combat finds an opening, only to make contact with a shadow where once was flesh. Quickly adjusting, he catches her weapon and Jands a devastating barrage, only for her fellow faunus to retaliate. Now with the upper hand, the partner unleashes his own salvo. Firing countless shots from his weapons, the tailed faunus juggles the chained shotguns in a relentless assault, his enemy still deflecting every attack with nought but acane and honed reflexes. Huntsmen and huntresses are skilled warriors and guardians, drawing upon the sheer power of their soul to protect them and grant them strength, For a huntsman or huntress, precious few things are more important than the concept of the individual, Granted unique abilities and weilding ‘weapons crafted by themselves for their maker's hands alone, to them the ideal of the self and all it stands for ~ freedom, choice, determination ~ is ‘one worth protecting with their entire being, Bopy anp Sout Ahuntress or huntsman is protected by their aura, a physical manifestaion of the soul. A powerful force, it can lessen devastating attacks and further enhance one’s abilities. A huntresses or huntsmen also draws upon the soul with their Semblance, a ‘unique ability that they alone possess, Although some families have been known for their inherited. ‘Semblances, in such cases there still exist nuances in the technique and capabilities between even blood relatives. Much like their Semblances, the ‘weapons weilded by huntresses and huntsmen are, one-of a kind creations. Forged in times of youth, their weapons are as versitle as their weilders, transforming in the heat of battle as the circumstances demand. ‘Most huntresses and huntsmen believe in the inherent right to carve out one's own identity. So 100 are they sworn enemies to the creatures of Grimm ~dark spawn that ate born of hatred, despair, and other negative emotions. Because of the nature of the origins of Grimm and the oppressive methods of tyrants and terrorists alike, huntsmen and huntresses will often seek out and eliminate a source of conflict rather than deal with the resulting influx of Grimm, Consequently, they are often recieved positively by common townsfolk, whether or not such kindness is deserved. ‘Though the proffesion lends itself to those of virtuous spirit, a huntsman or huntress derives their strength from the raw conviction of their own, soul, independent of the collective conscience. It is not unheard of for a rogue huntress to decide that a dead village would generate less Grimm than an unhappy one, or for a salacious huntsman to focus on the ‘positive emotions’ of an inkeepers daughter in lieu of aiding an impoverished family. For better or worse, huntresses and huntsmen need not talke stock in the common morality of man, and will ultimately base their conduct on their own beliefs and experiences first and foremost. Keep Movin Forwarp For huntsmen and huntresses, Semblances and ‘weapons are extensions ofthe self As an individual grows and develops, so too do their ‘weapons and proficiency with their Semblance. Throughout a given huntress life, her weapon undergoes a constant evolution. A simple dagger ‘with a tethered detachable blacle may be loaded with a secondary blade in the hilt, later improved by adding multiple blade segments, and completed ‘with an scabbard housing a short rifle. By the end other carreer, the timid girl with a knife on a string will have blossomed into a stoic veteran wei ding snake-blade who's sheath is every bit as dangerous asits edge. Likewise, Semblances do not always come naturally to the one gifted with them. A huntsman that can manipulate kinetic force may initially just use his Semblance to strengthen his attacks, but in time learn to dampen the impact of a fall, accelerate projectiles, and continue to find new" applications throughout his adventures. CreariNc A HuntRESS/HUNTSMAN When making a huntress or huntsma ider the type of childhood they had. Almost every huntress or huntsman makes their first weapon during adotescene, which is around the time that their unique Semblance reveals itself: What would rive a young boy or girl to take on the mantle ofa ‘warrior and guardian? Was it your yearning to "protect the weak and become a beacon of hope for your community? Were your loved ones taken from you by the creatures of Grimm, prompting you to swear revenge? Or perhaps it was your sheer lust for power spurred by the awakening of your aura? Credit Epes Calan CLASS FEATURES Asa huntress or huntsman, you gain the following, class features: Hir Points Hit Dice: 1d6 per huntress/huntsman level Hit Points as Ist Level: 8 + Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per huntress/huntsman level after the Ist PROFICIENCIES Armor: Light armor and medium armor, or forgo both and choose an extra skill ‘Weapons: None Tools: Choose two from tinker's tools, carpenter's tools, smith’s tools, and alchemist’s supplies Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma Skills: Choose one from History, Insight, Survival, or Nature, and one from Acrobatics or Athletics EQuipMENT You start with the following equipment, to the equipment granted by your background: n addition + @leather armor, () chain shirt, or 6) two leather pouches affixed to a belt or harness: + @adungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack, AURA Starting at Ist level, you have unlocked the ability, to manifest your own soul for your protection. Due {o your aura, you gain persistent temporary hit points that cannot be dispelled, and are considered independent from other temporary hit points. However, external projection of the soul is highly demanding of your vitality; as a consequence, the ‘maximum hit points you can possess - before adding your Constitution modifier -is cut in halt Your maximum aura is equal to this value plus. three times your level in this class. Round down, but add any remainder to your hit points. When _you roll hit dive to recover hit points, you regain any excess hit points as aura. You also regain aura ‘equal to your level in this class after a short rest, and all aura after a long rest. 7 ‘Though powerful, aura is not impermeable; necrotic damage ignores it entirely while psychic attacks target aura directly, and strain on the soul tears at its bonds to the flesh. When you take an amount of non-psychie damage greater than your THe Huntress & HUNTSMAN Proficiency Bonus Level Bonus Aura ie 8 and 42 +6 3d 2 +8 ath 42 +2 Sth 43 415 6h 3 +18 ETS) a2 Bh 3 424 Sth 44 427 1th 44 330 Mth 44 333 Vath 44 436 th 45 339 wath 45 sth 45 Voth +5 Vth 46 18th +6 19th 46 20th 46 Features Aura, Personal Weaponset Semblance Guardian Archetype Ability Score Improvement Ability Score Improvement Guardian Archetype Feature Ability Score Improvement Refined Aura Control Guardian Archetype Feature Ability Score Improvement Ability Score Increase Guardian Archetype Feature Ability Score Improvement Refined Aura Control Ability Score improvement Keep Moving Forward current level, half of the total damage bypasses your aura, Furthermore, your aura is inactive while ‘you are unconscious or petrified. At 10th level, the bond of your soul and body deepens. When you recieve magical healing, you can use your reaction to regain aura instead of hitpoints. Your hit die for this class is now a d10. At 18th level, your soul's bond develops further, ‘You may freely distribute all damage (excluding. neerotic and psychic) among your points. After a short rest, you regain one hit di aura and hit PERSONAL WEAPONSET You've spent many long hours over the forge and table perfecting every detail of your specialized weaponset. You will always have proficiency with your weaponset inal its forms. f your weaponset hasa shield, you also have proficiency with it as well, but any kind of weaponized armor must be of a type you are proficient in, You also learn one of the following fighting styles, provided it can apply. it take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again, ARCHERY ‘You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons. Semblance/Weapon Upgrade Semblance/Weapon Upgrade Semblance/Weapon Upgrade Semblance/Weapon Upgrade Pparrenmrc ke It’s Atso A GUN ‘Weapons for a huntress or huntsman need not be confined to such simplistic forms as a sword or a bow, and can often transform into a more convenient design at'a moment's notice, Many weapons are granted this property through the use of dust, fine particles or hard crystals housing a variety of arcane elemental energy, and potent enough to affect some Semblance use. Keep in mind that a weapon isn't always explicitly offensive in nature. Clawed gauntlets, pocket-watch fails, even something as innocuous as a musical instrument can be weaponized with enough dust. —— DUELING ‘When you are weilding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls made with that weapon. Great WEAPON FIGHTING When you roll a 1 or 2.on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you're weilding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new role, regardless of its value. The weapon must have the two-handed or versitile property for you to gain this benefit. PROTECTION When a creature you can see attacks a another creature other than you that is within 5 feet of you, ‘you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield to do so, Two-WEaPON FIGHTING When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the attack made with the second weapon. SEMBLANCE By 2nd level, you've discovered a unique ability that you alone poses. Semblances widely vary in form, and function, but all share a fairly minimalist ‘approach. Very rarely is a Semblance by itself capable of inflicting damage; instead, most take an indirect approach, enhancing the abilities of those ‘who weild them with assorted degrees of subtlety. ‘Agood starting point for a Semblance in regards to potency is to compare it to (or base it off of) a cantrip level spell. For more spefific guidelines refer to the “Semblances” section at the end of the class description, It's best to talk to your DM about your character's Semblance before putting it to use. GUARDIAN ARCHETYPE At 3rd level, you choose an archetype that you strive to emulate. Choose from Adaptive Combatant, Aura Sentinel, Dust Weaver, or Arcane Arbiter, all detailed at the end of the class description. The archetype you choose grants you features at 3rd level and again at Tth, 11th, and 15th level. ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. SEMBLANCE/WEAPON UPGRADE Upon reaching 5th level, and again at 9th, 13th, and. 17th level, your familiarity with either your weapon(s) or your Semblance allows you to use them more potently. When upgrading your Semblance, versatility and proficiency are key areas of development. Expanding who or what your Semblance can affect, and for how long and how easily, or increasing the damage or range of your Semblance are all valid improvements. For weapons, an upgrade is a phiysical modification, either further enhancing its capabilities or introducing a new component to increase its versatility. When choosing a weapon upgrade, you may forgo any physical improvements and instead take one feat that applies to your weapon. Once you have taken a feat in place of a ‘weapon upgrade, you cannot do so again. For more spefific guidelines refer to the “Weapon Upgrades” section at the end of the class description. KEEP MoviNG FoRWARD At 20th level, your soul sustains you when your body cannot. You can ignore one level of exhaustion, and ‘you regain all hit dice after a long rest. When you roll initiative with less than half your aura intact, you also immediately regain 346 aura. GUARDIAN ARCHETYPES Different huntresses and huntsmen will take a different approach to solving any given issue, especially when it comes to problems that cannot be resolved by words alone. The guardian archetype you follow determines the process by which you go about pursuing more... direct solutions. ADAPTIVE COMBATANT ‘Those who follow the Adaptive Combatant archetype often wield complex weapons that can transform in the blink of an eye. Spectacle fighters at their core, they utilize a high-tempo style of combat that keeps opponents ~ and nearby observers —on their toes. ViGOUROUS TRAINING Starting at 3rd level, choose either Athletics or Acrobatics. Your proficieney bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses that skill. ‘WEAPON UPGRADE When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you upgrade your weapon in the same way you would with the Semblance/Weapon Upgrade class feature. ‘You may not take a feat in this instance. Cuatn ATTACK At Tih level, when you land a successful attack using, the attack action, you may immediately make another attack roll against the same target, and again if the second attack roll is successful as well, All successive altack rolls suffer a stacking -2 penalty. FataL FLOURISH At L1th level, ou gain one of the following features. Aerial Assault. When falling from a height of 5 to 100 feet, you may choose a creature within 15 feet of the space directly below you. You immediately land on that creature and deal half ofthe fall damage you ‘would've taken before racial or class features. You ‘may choose to make an attack against it, which ends your movement, Regardless of whether you made an attack, you then leap off ofthe target creature to a space within 10 feet. You take no damage from the fall, and a medium or smaller ereature must suceeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or fall prone, made with disadvantage if you landed a successful attack. Additionally, you add half your Acrobatics or Athletics skill value to your Iong jump and high jump values. Quickdraw: You add +1 to all initiative rolls, and rolling a natural 20 for initiative allows you to make a bonus attack during the first round of combat only This effect cannot be combined with Chain Attack. All attacks of opportunity you make have +1 added to the attack roll as well, and you can reload two light ‘weapons with a single action or bonus action, ShiftStrike. Once pet round each as part of an attack or reaction, your weapon can shift to any ofits forms. This happens immediately before an attack is ‘made or a reaction is taken, and eliminates the accuracy penalty from a Chain Attack against the same target for that attack roll. Additionally, a ranged attack: ‘made on a target immediately after transforming your weapon does not suffer close-range penalties. Split Focus. When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you may attack a different target with each weapon as a single Attack action. This forfeits the use of your bonus action to make another weapon attack. Chain Attacks with this feature can alternate between ‘weapons and may switch targets between attacks. Also, if you use your reaction to make an attack of opportunity against a creature, you may make an attack of opportunity against another creature with your other weapon until the start of your next turn. Compat MASTERY At 15th level you can attack twice more during a Chain Attack, up to 4 times if each attack is successful, and can change targets between attacks. You also take a second option from the Fighting Style class feature, AURA SENTINEL Huntsmen and huntresses who embody this archetype focus on honing their aura to bolster natural talents. Aura Sentinels know how to roll with the punches - or axe swings, or fireballs - and focus on using their technical fighting skill and abundant aura reserves to surprise and overwhelm their opponents. Srurpy Sout At 3rd level, and again at 7th, 11th, and 15th level, your maximum aura increases by 10. INNER VITALITY By 3rd level, you have become remarkably resilient. As a bonus action on your turn, you can tse one of your hit dice to inerease both your aura and hit points by heaton rolled. From 15th level onwards, you may use two hit dice instead. Once you use this feature, you ‘must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. From now on, you will regain one hit die after completing a short rest, and your hit die for this class becomes ad10, or a d12 past 10th level. Extra Artack AUTth level, you can attack twice, instead of once, ‘when you take the attack action on your turn, DILiGent DEFENDER By 11th level, you have gained extraordinary reflexes, Once per combat, you may expend 15 points of aura and your reaction to redirect a successful melee attack against you. The creature that made the attack against you must contest their Strength or Dexterity (their choice) against your Strength or Dexterity (your choice). If you win the contest, they infliet half the damage they would've dealt to you upon themself, Otherwise, you take only half the damage. You can now take up to two reactions per round. Aura BURN At 15th level, you can briefly flare your aura when in danger. As a bonus action, you can drain 20 points of aura to gain 20 temporary hit points. Until the these hit points are exhausted, you have advantage on all attack rolls. When you make a successful attack, you can expend any number of your temporary hit points to add that amount of radiant damage to the damage roll. At the end of your next turn, any temporary hit points remaining are added to your current aura pool. ‘You can only use this feature once per combat. Dust WEAVER Since the dawn of its discovery, there have been those seeking to push the boundaries of what dust can accomplish. Though the source of its power has stymied scolars accross the ages, there have existed a select few who have pursued a more intimate study, fusing the mysterious substance with cloth and flesh, alike. These individuals are often reffered to — in low, hushed wispers —as Dust Weavers. WeAVER'S IMPLEMENTS As a Dust Weaver, at 3rd level you gain proficiency with weaver's tools, jewler's tools, cobbler's tools, and. eatherworker’s tools. Dust IMBUEMENT When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you Jearn the method by which dust is weaved into clothing -and potentially iving tissue. You choose two types of dust to imbue a material with over the course _ of one hour. You must have ample amounts ofthe dist you choose on hand, either 2 whole crystals or full vials, 4 if you imbue the material entirely with one type of dust. The amount of dust weaved is equal to 12 charges in all 6 for each type of dust. Once the dust has been weaved, it lasts for 72 hours and can be activated with certain conditions, described under the “Dust” section at the end of the class description, You can't activate the dust if its not in contact with your skin or hait. A creature that is not also a Dust Weaver typically cannot use woven dust. UNARMOURED DEFENSE The persistent shimmer of dust that accompanies your weaving and heightened reflexes granted by your aura make you deceptively difficult to hit. Starting at 3rd level, when you aren't wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier From Dust By 7th level, your talent with weaving has advanced enough to allow you to construct your weapon from dust. You learn a ritual that takes I hour to complete, which can be done during a short rest. The ritual involves you weaving a large amount of dust ~ 10 whole crystals or full vials of one of the dust types. listed below — around your weaponset, which must be within reach, At the ritual’s conclusion, your weapons evaporate, and the dust flows into a material worn on ‘your person. After imbuing the material, you can then weave your weapons into physical form whenever you roll initiative. If your weapon transforms, when. transforming into a new form you first dissapate its current form, then reconstruct it in the new form as a bonus action. You can't be disarmed of your weapons, and when you finish using your weapons or become incapacitated, the dust recedes back into its material. ‘You may undergo the ritual again to change the type of dust used, discarding the last type. If your weapon is silvered, the silver within turns to a fine powder that flows alongside dust. You can silver a weapon post-ritual by aquiring powdered silver and mixing it with the dust in a brief ritual that lasts 10 minutes. Fire. Your weapon gains 148 fire damage, and your attacks can ignite flammable objects, Ice. Your weapon gains 1d8 cold damage, and your attacks ean freeze most liquids. Earth, You add both your Strength and Dexterity modifiers to damage rolls for ranged and finesse ‘weapons, and double your Strength modifier for other weapons. You can also replace the damage type ‘of yout weapon with bludgeoning. Improvep Dust IMBUEMENT Beginning at 11th level, you can add a third dust type when imbuing a material, or a total of 18 charges. You can now weave gravity, wrath, and tempo dust. From Dust IMpRovEMENT AC 15th level, after you complete the Weapon Weave ritual with all three types of dust, you may freely switch between them as a bonus action or whenever ‘your weapon transforms. Ifone of your weapon's forms causes it to split into multiple weapons, they can each be different types. You have a +2 bonus to all altack rolls made with your weapons. ARCANE ARBITER When one manifests their soul through their aura, they expose the very core of their being to the forces of the material plane. On occasion, the soul comes across that very fabric of magic itself: the Weave. Such an individual proves a perilous foe, weild latent magical power in tandem with mar is prowess. SPELLCASTING When you reach 3rd level, you gain the ability to cast spells, See chapter 10 in the Player's Handbook for the general rules of spelicasting, and chapter 11 in the Player's Handbook and the Spells section at the end of this sourcebook for a comprehensive spell lst. Cantrips. You learn two cantrips of your choice from the sorcerer spell list. You learn an additional sorcerer cantrip of your choice at 10th level, ‘Spell Slots. The Arcane Arbiter Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. For example, if you know the 1st level spell shield and have a Ist level and a 2nd level spell slot available, you can cast shield using either slot. ‘Spells Known of Ist-Level and Higher. You know three 1st level sorcerer spells of your choice, two of which you must choose from the conjuration and transmutation spells on the sorcerer spell ist. The Spells Known column of the Arcane Arbiter Spelleasting table shows when you learn sorcerer spells of 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must be a conjuration or transmutation spell of your ‘choice, and must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 7th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level. ‘The spelis you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th level can come from any school of magic. . Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can. replace one of the sorcerer spells you know with another spell of your choice from the sorcerer spell list. The new spell must be of a level for which you Arcane ARBITER SPELLCASTING Class Cantrips Spells Level Known Known Ist 2nd 3rd 3rd 2 3 moe 4th 2 4 2 Sth A 4 1 aS 6th 2 4 5 7th 2 5 Te i ha 8th 2 6 47 ae oth 2 6 (aes 10th 3 7 es eee ice 8 ae 12th 3 8 is aes ees Vth 3 9 oo 14th 3 10. 4 asl sth 3 10° Se 16th 3 11 aia Seal Vth 3 1) ee Tatiana) 11 aes Sa 3a) 19th 3 12 at 7 ea 20th = 3 13 peeked Sas aN have spell slots, and it must be an conjuration or transmutation spell, unless you're replacing the spell you gained at 8th, 14th, or 20th level, ‘Spellcasting Ability. Wisdom is your spelleasting, ability for your sorcerer spells, since your magic is channeled through the bond between your body and, soul, You use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a sorcerer spell you cast and when making an, attack roll with one, Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus = your Wisdom modifier ESSENCE TRACE Starting at third level, when you weapon or spell attack, your soul constructs an. invisible tether linking you to your target. On your tur, you can use a bonus action and one aura to overload the tether, granting you advantage on your next attack roll against the creature this turn, or the ‘creature disadvantage on its saving throw against a spell you cast this turn. Alternatively, you ean use reaction and one aura to sever the connection and impose disadvantage on the creature’s attack Against you, or to gain advantage on a saving thraw against a spell they cast. Once the tether affects an enemy, the fether can't connect again until combat ends. Only one tether can be active at any given time. it a creature with a —Spell Slots per Spell Level— ath ARCANE REINFORCEMENT Also at 3rd level, your maximum aura increases by 2 for each spell slot you possess. Spell stots higher than Ist level grant more aura, | extra for each level after the 1st. For example, 4th level spell slots give 5 aura. Sout MeMoRY When you cast a spell, it leaves a faint arcane imprint upon your soul. By 7th level, you've gained the ability touse these magical vestiges to direct spells. After casting a spell of 2nd level or higher, you may use aura and a spell slot of a lower level to cast the spell as normal. Each spell slot level lower than the spell's level uses 5 aura. You must cast the spell normally before you can use this feature, and can't use a spell cast ata higher level, such as ice knife cast at 3rd level. This feature can be used multiple times, but the spell cast must be of a different level each time. Once ‘you complete a long rest, this restriction is lifted. SacrepD Bonn At Ith level, the connection between the Weave and your soul becomes permanently affixed. So long as you have aura remaining, you can use your aura as a spellcasting focus for your sorcerer spells. From now on, when your Essence Trace feature is in use, if you target the tethered creature with a spell that requires concentration, as long as you have aura remaining, your concentration cantt be broken by taking damage. Essence Trace will allow you to see an invisible creature as well, so long as the tether is intact and ‘was formed prior to the creature becoming invisible, BATTLE SURGE Starting at 15th level, when you use your action to make a weapon attack, you can use your bonus action toast a cantrip. Ifyou are tethered to a creature with the Essence Trace feature, you may use your bonus action to cast a spel that targets that creature. WEAPON UPGRADES ‘Whenever you are presented with the opportunity to upgrade your weapon, you may pick one of the ‘options that follows, or work with your DM to come ‘up with your own upgrade. CHOOSING AN UPGRADE Choose one of the following upgrades. Bladestock. Allows you to make melee attacks and attacks of opportunity with a ranged weapon, using a bayonet, spiked handle, or other similar feature. The attack is treated as if it was made with either a For iris IN Bassin IMMORTALITY. Trnouets dagger or handaxe, depending on the weapon. Chains. Allows you to make a melee attack against a target with a range of 45 feet. Such an attack has its damage halved, but allows you to pull a Large or smaller creature up to 10 feet towards you. You can use your weapon as a grappling hook out of combat. Tether: Allows you to make a melee attack with a range of 30 feet. Before making the attack roll, can decide to restrain the target in lieu of dealing, damage. The value of your attack roll sets the DC of the Dexterity saving throw for the target to avoid being restrained. If you make an attack with a tether weapon while a creature is restrained in th that creature breaks free ofits restraints. You can use your weapon as a grappling hook out of combat. Apparel. Allows you to wear your weapon(s) on ‘your person in a fairly inconspicuous manner. Your ‘weapon automatically transforms when you roll initiative, and grants you +1 AC when active. You can activate and deactivate a weapon with this feature at any time. You cannot be disarmed in combat, but your weapon can be removed like armor or clothing. Due to th fou s way, subtle nature, weapons with this upgrade cannot transform as elaborately as an independent weapon, though they are both just as effective. Cycler Allows a weapon to be augmented with multiple types of dust. As a bonus action, you can change what type of dust is currently affecting your weapon, A weapon can still only benefit from one dust augmentation at a time. Depending on the size and type of weapon, the cycler can hold between 3.8 types of dust. Repeater. Allows a ranged weapon to replace its Joading property with the reload property, holding anywhere from 5-8 shots depending on the weapon, Embed. Your weapon encases another, smaller ‘weapon. As part of an attack action on your turn, you ‘may draw this embedded weapon and either stow sagt first, or engage in two-weapon fighting. The first attack you make with the embedded weapon, after drawing it has a +2 bonus to hit. This embedded ‘weapon may be imbued with a different type of dust, and cannot house another weapon. You can re-embed this weapon as a bonus action, Dust Dust is a naturally occuring energy source commonly used by huntsmen and huntresses. Considering its widespread use, very little is known about this versatile substance, Arcane and alchemical analysis, alike fail to provide any meaningful insight towards the imperceptible mechanics of dust, and the erratic nature of the huntsmen and huntresses who wield its power only serves to further compicate any attempt at research. Despite the enigma of its origin, dust remains a widely sought after commodity with ample dust supplies, proving especially popular among those without access to conventional magic. ORGANIC AND SYNTHETIC Dust grows naturally over time, deep within the earth, Natural dust forms within massive veins of crystals: underground that are typically embedded within cliff faces or the stone walls of caves, but just as often found as freestanding monoliths in large enough caverns or in the great expanse of the Underdark Crystal dust can be ground into a fine power and put in vials to allow for more convenient (not to mention safer) storage without losing any of its poten Of the many varieties of dust, the vast majority are naturally occuring, Four in particular — Fire, Water, Lightning, and Wind dust — are impossible to artificially generate. These are known as the primary dust types, from which all others are born. When two primary dust types are in contact, they merge to form a secondary type. Curiously, powdered dust does not coagulate in the way crystal forms fuse: Instead the particles diffuse and stain, menging almost as if part of a flowing liquid. ‘Tertiary dust types are much more complex, Unlike primary and secondary froms of dust, Gravity, ‘Tempo, and Wrath dust do not grow naturally, and can only exist by combining specific varieties of dust. ‘The methods used to create each variant are as intricate as they are time-consuming, requiring a slow introduction of components in powdered form — lest the volitile dust result in an sudden adverse reaction. VALUE IN VERSATILITY One of the most attractive qualities of dust is the multitude of functions the substance can serve in capable hands. In its raw form dust serves asa resevoir of energy, suitable fuel for technological and magical inventions and experiments alike. Likewise, a talented weaponsmith can augment a weapon with tempered dust to enhance its capabilities, and dust itself has been proven a potent weapon in the hands of many a capable Weaver. ActivatinG Dust Dust in its raw form is activated by energy, be it traces of a creature's life force or the kinetic power of an arrow launched from afar. Some types of dust are more responsive than others, but all are especially: receptive to the intangible presence of a nearby soul, When a living creature or arcane construct holds a vial or crystal of dust, they can activate it as a bonus action. They may also immediately throw activated Dust Trees Combination Method Price Price Type Color Component Dust Units Needed Result Time ial) (Crystal) Fire Red Primary Type = = = 2—p gp Water Blue Primary Type 2gp gp Lightning Yellow Primary Type = = = 269 gp Wind Green Primary Type 2gp gp Ice Light Blue Water + Wind ofeach component — 2units 1Ominutes 2g Tgp. Steam Grey Water + Fire Vofeach component 2units 10 minutes 2g Tgp. Energy Clear Water + Lightning 1 ofeach component 2units 10minutes 2g Tgp. Earth Purple Fire + Wind Tofeach component 2units minutes 2g Tgp. Eruption Orange Fire + Lightning Tofeach component 2units 10 minutes 2gp gp Force White Wind Lightning ofeach component 2units 10 minutes. 2gp Tgp Gravity Black Earth + Force 3ofeach component Tunit — Thour —-20gp, — Tempo Dark Yellow Ice + Energy 3ofeach component Tunit —‘Thour 20g — Wrath Blood Red Steam+ Eruption 3 ofeach component unit. ©‘ Thour = _20gp dust at a target location as an action. The target location can be any point within 40 feet, and once the dust reaches the target — or impacts an object or creature before reaching that point ~it activates, Some dust types may also activate violently whenever they take damage, When when a dust crystal is activated, its color fades as the energy within is released. After its power is expended, the crystal briefly exhibits a smoky coloration before disentegrating into ash. Powdered dust evaporates as it is used, leaving only faint discolored traces behind. Weavine Dust ‘The practice of manipulating dust in its raw form — known in many circles as ‘weaving’ — isan intricate process mastered only with patient training and no small amount of natural talent. The most successful t and behavior of their target. Thus, when a character ‘weaves dust, they may use either their Wisdom or their Dexteriry modifier, Dust Weavers who imbue their flesh with dust may also rely on primal instincts and biological rythm, allowing them to use their Constitution modifier instead. When setting the saving throw DC or making an attack roll with dust, you use one of these modifiers. Dust save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your weaving ability modifier Dust attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your weaving ability modifier The somatic components of weaving are similar to that of spellcasting, since the wells of power they draw from flow through the same magical conduits. In order to properly weave dust, you must have free use of at least one hand to preform the neccesary gestures. Abilities that allow you to preform somatic components without a free hand such as the War Caster feat or a druids Beast Spells feature — maintain their function when weaving dust. In the same vein, sorcerers’ Metamagic can affect weaved dust. You cannot properly weave dust while wearing armor you are not profficient in. AUGMENTING WEAPONS Adventurers with the proper resources and training can empower their weapons with dust. You can augment a single weapon with one type of dust for 100 gp. This cost represents not only the price of the dust, but the time and expertise needed to augment the weapon without making it less effective. A single ‘weapon may only be augmented with one type of dust, at once, unless it has the cycler weapon feature. Dust Aucmentation Dust Type Augmentation Effect Fire +1d6 fire damage Water Finesse, functional underwater Lightning +148 lightaing damage Wind Light (unless two-handed), +20 ft. range lee +1d6 cold damage Steam +1da4 fire damage, hit reveals invisibility Energy +146 force damage Earth ‘Add half your Strength modifier to damage, ranged weapons can use Strength modifier +1d6 thunder damage, audible for 50 ft +1d4 damage, ranged weapons penetrate Eruption Force Dust TYPES Found in four basic forms, dust can be combined both artificially and naturally to form new, stronger types, each with unique properties. Fire ‘Sometimes reffered to simply as “Burn’, fire dust generates brief but powerful flames. The blaze of fire dust in use is often a striking shade of red, but in some cases an exeptionally potent flame will ‘manifest in a brilliant blue glow. Raw Form, Concentrated fire dust, whether itis cxystalized or enclosed in avial or other container, is. incredibly volitile. When fire dust is activated — either normally or violently ~it ignites, Everything within five feet of the dust must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d6+2 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Ifa creature was occupying the same space as the dust, they have disadvantage on the saving throw. Dust Augmentation. A weapon augmented with fire dust deals 1d6 additional fire damage. Heat (0 charges, action). By touching an object or creature, you can apply a significant amount of heat toit. This can thaw out a frozen key, incubate an egg, or aid in other similar tasks. After 30 seconds of continuous contact, you begin to do 3d6 fire damage ‘each turn you maintain direct contact, generating ‘enough heat to melt through an inch of metal Flare (1 charge, action). You send a trail of ‘embers forward for 60 feet ‘embers last for two minutes, dimly lighting an area within 15 feet of the trail. The embers disperse mist ina or clouds in a 5-oot diameter, are affected by strong winds, extinguish upon making contact with ‘water, and cannot ignite flammable materials ‘one direction. The Blaze (2 charges, action). Choose a point within 30 feet of you that you can see. A pillar of flame erupts from that point in a cylinder, with a diameter of 5 feet and height of 10 feet. The blaze lasts for 6 seconds, and emits bright light for 15 feet and dim. light for an additional 15 feet. Any creature that makes contact with the flames must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 346 fire damage on a failed save, or halfas much on a successful one. Any flammable objects within or directly adjacent to the blaze Scorch (4 charges, action). You send forth a wave of scorching flame, immolating all in its firey wake. Everything within a 30-foot cone must succeed on a. Dexterity saving throw or take 446 fire damage, halved if the saving throw is successful. Ifthey fail, they also take 14 fire damage at the start of their turn over the next 30 seconds, and have resistance to cold damage. The saving throw can be repeated at the start of the creature's turn, before taking damage. Ifthe saving throw is successful, orif the creature is, doused in water, this effect ends. Inferno (6 charges, action). You weave a colossal wall of fire, occupying a 25-foot cube that that lasts, for 30 seconds and spreads around comers. You center the inferno on a location within 30 feet of you, and can choose to be unaffected when you center the inferno on yourself. A creature takes 3d6 fire damage when it enters the area coated in fire for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there. The flames also emit, bright light for 15 feet and dim light for an additional 15 feet. WATER One of the four basic types of dust, water dust produces pure, deep blue water. Since it comes from dust, such water is ultrapure and therefore doesn't conduct electricity, and evaporates shortly after use. ‘Raw Form, Compared to the other primary dust types, water dust is fairly stable. Upon activation, it creates a small sphere of water about five times as. large as the volume of dust used. The bubble hovers about a foot off the ground for about 30 seconds. before collapsing into a puddle. Unlike with weaved Water dust, water generated in this fashion lingers after use and can be stored, Dust Augmentation. A weapon augmented with, ‘water dust functions normally underwater, and has: the finesse property. Flow (0 charges, bonus action). You can move ‘much more freely through liquids by manipulating the current with water dust. As a bonus action, you ean increase your swim speed by half its current value for your turn, and can make a long jump or high jump while swimming. Douse (I charge, action). You weave a 5-foot diameter sphere of water and hurt it at a creature within 40 feet, making a ranged attack roll against, the target. If the attack is successful, the target is drenched in water and has its speed reduced by 10 feet, and their flying speed reduced by 20 feet. Bubble (2 charges, reaction). In response to an attack made against you, you weave a bubble of water around yourself for protection. This bubble lasts until the start of your next turn or until you are forcibly moved out of it. The bubble halves damage from incoming projectiles, and completely negates the effects of non-physical attacks. Therefore, spells like Cone of Cold, Magic Missile, or Flame Blade, or a dust attack like Blaze is blocked, ‘while spells that make a physical projectile such as Conjure Barrage, Hail of Thorns, or Meteor Storm, in addition to ranged weapon attacks, are only halved. However, a physical melee attack ~ either with a ‘weapon or a spell such as Thorn Whip — and any spell with a range of touch completely bypasses the bubble’ protection. You cannot hear outside the bubble while inside it, and those outside the bubble cannot hear within without the aid of magic. Torrent (4 charges, action). A thick jet of rushing Water is sent out in a line 30 feet long and 5 feet wide, originating from your outstretched palm. All creatures in the path of the torrent must make a successful Strength saving throw or be pushed to the end of the stream of water: Ifa wall obstructs the end point of the torrent, any creatures that fal their Strength check are slammed into the obstruction and, take 3d6 bludgeoning damage. Undead caught in the torrent take an additional 38 acid damage. Deluge (6 charges, action). By weaving a tremendous amount of dust, you construct a massive ‘wave of water, 25 feet tall and just as wide. The wave rushes forward for 60 feet before evaporating. Creatures caught in the path of the wave must make both a Strength and Dexterity saving throw. Ifa creature fails the Strength save, they are carried with the wave until it dissipates or until they hita wall or other sturdy object. Upon collision, a creature takes 3d6 bludgeoning damage. Ifa creature fails the Dexterity save, they are knocked prone by the force of the deluge of water, ‘and suffer 2d6 bludgeoning damage. gardless of the outcome of the saving throws, all creatures caught in the deluze’s path become drenched in water and have their speed halved for their next turn, Undead caught in the flood of water take an additional 3<8 acid damage, WIND ‘Wind dust summons fierce blasts of air and intense gales. Though it has a green coloration while dormant, due to its intangible nature wit often manifest as a transparent gust. Exceptions to this norm are usually more violent, and have a faint green or gray hue. Raw Form. Wind dust is notoriously difficult to contain, and will seek to escape confinement at any ‘opportunity. Upon activation, everything - besides the activator - within a S-foot radius must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed back 10 feet. If the dusts is stored in a kind of tube or activated in a narrow space, then the range is extended to 15 feet in the direction of the nearest opening. Dust Augmentation. A weapon augmented with Wind dust gains the light property, unless it the two-handed property, and ranged and throwing weapons have both their normal and long ranges extended by 20 fect. Aero (0 charges, bonus action). As a bonus ac While airborne, you can negate up to 20 feet of falling damage, or extend your long jump or high jump distance by an additional 15 feet. Gale (1 charge, action). You summon a stream of air 15 feet tall and 30 feet wide, facing a given direction, and with a point of origin within 20 feet, As Jong as they move within the gale, creatures traveling ‘with the flow of air have their movement costs halved, hile those going against it have their movement costs doubled. Airborne creatures within the gale on creation, or those entering the gale for the first time on their turn, must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed to the end ofthe stream of aie. The gale lasts for six seconds or until the start of your next turn, and has no effect on submerged creatures. Turbulence (2 charges, reaction). In response to a projectile or flying creature moving within 15 feet of ‘you, You may use your reaction to weave a disruptive wind, granting the target of a projectile +5 AC against that attack, or forcing a flying creature to make either a Strength or Dexterity saving throw (their choice). If the creature fails the saving throw, it ends its movement for that turn immediately, Vacuum (4 changes, action). You condense all the air in an area into a single point, creating a lack of pressure that causes a rush of ai to fill the void. You choose a point within 60 feet to serve as the center of dust will Iso has a 20-foot-radius sphere. Everything within the sphere must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be dragged to the center point. Alternatively, a creature may instead make Dexterity saving throw to attempt to grab onto a solid object within reach. Upon reaching the center, creatures take 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every other creature also affected Afterwards, everything caught in the vacuum is, dispersed around the center point, taking fall damage if applicable. This all happens instantaneously: Gyclone (6 charges, action). You weave a fierce funnel of air centered on a point within 60 feet, spawning a cyclone that occupies a 15-foot-diameter, 30-foot- high cylinder. The eyelone lasts for 6 seconds. All creatures that enter the same space as the cyclone must make either a Strength saving throw, or a Dexterity saving throw to attempt to grab a solid object in reach, Upon failure, creatures are restrained within the cyclone, and ranged attacks made against them have disadvantage. When the cyclone is first formed, all creatures withing the same space as the eyclone immediately make this saving throw. Regardless of the outcome, all creatures that start their turn within or enter the area of the eyclone (that are not being restrained) take 1d8 bludgeoning. damage for each creature restrained by the cyclone, and each creature restrained by the cyclone takes, 1d6 bludgeoning damage. Ifa creature enters the eyelone's area for the first time, it must make the saving throw to determine if it is caught up in the cyclone. When the cyclone ends, all restrained creatures fall 30 feet. LIGHTNING Perhaps the most dramatic of all the varieties of dust, lightning dust generates wild electrical currents. This raw electric energy leaves sharp yellow streaks or vivid blue holts in its wake alongside a distinct energetic cackle. Raw Form. Pure lightning dust will seek out the nearest conductive object or creature, dissipating ita conduit is further than 10 feet away. Ifthe lightning dust is released violently, the nearest conduit will take 1410 lightning damage and become paralyzed for 6 seconds. If the conduit is a metallic object or construct, then the next creature to make contact, with it will also take 1410 lightning damage. Otherwise, when the lightning dust is activated it will course through the body of the activator, allowing. them to send out a bolt of lightning at a target within 60 feet, making a ranged attack roll. Ifthe attack Jands, the tanget takes 1d12 lightning damage and make reactions until the start of its next turn. Augmentation. A weapon augmented with lightning dust deals 1d6 additional lightning damage. Charge (0 charges, reaction). As a reaction to taking lightning damage, you absorb half the damage taken and gain a single use of the Shocking Grasp cantrip, for which you may ignore the verbal ‘component. You use your weaving ability modifier in place of your spellcasting modifier for the spell. You may only hold one charge at atime, and to gain a ‘charge you must you must open yourself to the attack, forfeiting any damage reduction that would otherwise occur. While you hold a charge, you cannot be resistant to lightning damage; likewise, you cant gain or hold a charge while immune to lightning damage. Static (1 charge, action). You touch a small piece of metal approxamately smaller than a S-inch cube, such as a door handle, arrowhead, pen, ete., and transfer a substantial electric current into the object. The next creature to make contact with the metal takes 18 lightning damage and ends its movement for the rest ofits tur. Ifthe metal contacts another conductive object touching multiple creatures (such aan iron door), or a body of water smaller than the area of a 15-foot cube, then the static is distributed among the creatures in contact with the object. The creatures each take 1d4 lightning damage and lose all remaining movement fior the rest of their turn. Once: a metal becomes static, a DC 10 Perception check. reveals that the object is faintly humming. Circuit (2 charges, action). You weave a powerful are of electricity that seeks out another creature of your choosing no further than 20 feet away. A line of electric energy is formed, linking you and the target creature, Ifa creature that is part of the circuit moves: further than 25 feet away, or another creature moves: across the line between the circuit members, the circuit is broken, As a result, all the electric energy rushes into the ereature responsible for the break, dealing 2d10 lightning damage. While a circuit is intact, you ean use your action to add another creature to the circuit -expending one charge of lightning dust -so long as the creature is no further then 15 feet away from two other members of the circuit. Each additional member adds another 1410 lightning damage when the cicuit is broken. The circuit may also be broken when a solid object obstructs a line between circuit members, dealing 114 lightning damage evenly for each member. Surge (4 charges, action). You weave together an overwhelming current of electricity and send it coursing into a creature within 30 feet that you have a direct line of sight on, or yourself. The surged ‘movement speed increased by 10 feet, and gains a +1 bonus Strength and Dexterity for the duration. All of its melee weapon attacks deal an. extra Id4 lightning damage, and the creature can attempt to touch (an unarmed strike or grapple) a another creature not immune to lightning damage to creature has a Dust AND THE WEAVE ‘The worlds within the D&D multiverse overflow with ‘magic, both arcane and divine, Magic has influenced creation for coutles eons, flowing from the very pores of existence and seeping into every stone, stream, and creature, Mere mortals cannot directly control magic, and rely on the Weave: a sort of interface between a spellcaster and pure magical energy. Dust, on the other hand, is a relatively ecent discovery. Even in advanced worlds, dust has only been known fora few hundred years at best, and studied for fa, far fewer. Though litle is known of its tue nature and origin, one key observation remains true throughout the ‘multiverse: Dust grants its power through the Weave Debate continues on whether this implies that dust absorbs and redirects magic from the world, or ifit instead draws upon an essence of lfe that has been so ‘thoroughly ingrained in the fabric of reality as to become inseperable from magic itself. Most huntsmen and hhuntresses care litte for such abstract speculation, and stick to practical use of dust Whether or not itis innately magical, t's clear that dust still operates within the magical channels ofthe ‘Weave. Any effects that disrupt or nullify magic, such as spells lke antimagic field, will have the same effect on dust, Weapons formed by a Dust Weaver's From Dust feature will maintain their physical form, but lose any added benefits and cannot be dispersed. Eee deal 146 lightning damage. Each turn that the surged creature fails to make contact with another conductive creature, it takes 114 lightning damage. After five successful contacts the effects are dispersed harmlessly. However, after either three cumulative or two consecutive rounds without expelling the surge’s electrical energy, the affected creature takes 4d8 lightning damage, and becomes paralyzed for 14-1 turns. The surged creature cannot be immune to lightning damage, and the effects of the surge end if it becomes immune. Discharge (6 charges, action). You begin weaving, a maelstrom of electrical power within yourself. While channeling this power, you cannot move or make actions or reactions. On each turn after the first, you can discharge your built up electrical power to damage everything besides yourself within a }0-foor sphere. The damage starts at 3d12 lightning, e, and increases by another 2d12 lightning for ‘each turn you spend channeling. At the end of 5 turns. ‘or 30 seconds, you must discharge the energy. When ‘you lose hit points from an attack, you must succeed ona DC 5 Constitution or Wisdom saving throw or immediately discharge the stored power at only half damage (alternatively, you may roll Xd6 in the place of ‘Xd12), This save DC increases hy 5 for each turn. after the first you spend channeling, Ifyou lose hit points to slashing or piercing damage and fail the saving throw, you must then make an additional DC 20 Constitution or Wisdom saving throw: Ifa ranged atack causes you to fail this save, then the discharge is reduced to a 5foot sphere that affects yourself. Ia melee attack leads to a failed save, then no discharge occurs, you and your attacker take half the normal discharge damage, and you are both paralyzed for the rest of the round. A discharge will spread around walls, but not through them TEMPORARY INFO DumMP Everything after this point is a sort of temporary storage for mechanics and rules that formatting won't allow to fit within the sections I have ready at time of, writing, or otherwise contain loose wording I intend to formalize. My next update will feature the Faunus race and any balance changes to the material in this PDF, and the two updates after that shoud finish up Dust, and start on some Grimm statblocks or dust-focused archetypes for the Sorcerer, Warlock, and Ranger. Depending on my feedback and/or creative energy, | may add an entire campaign setting that merges the World of Remnant with traditional D&D settings, Dust Related Feat Ifyour DM allows the use of feats, the following option would assist those eager to try out the abilities of a Dust Weaver, but hesitant to play that archetype. Dust-BLoop Prerequisite: Constitution 13 or higher ‘You have learned of an ancient technique that allows ‘you to weild dust at a level on par with the finest Dust ‘Weavers. Your technique is far less elegant, however. When you choose this feat, you learn how to ingest dust to temporarily gain the ability to weave. Each crystal or vial of dust you consume grants you 2 charges of that type, which you may use at any point Within the next 8 hours. Your weaving ability modifier for these charges is Constitution. _* You may use this feature a number of times equal fo your Constitution modifier, regaining all uses after completing a long rest. MutticLassinG A HuNTRESS/HUNTSMAN Prerequisites Strength or Dexterity 13, and Constitution, Wisdom, or Charisma 13 Proficiencies Gained Light armor, either smith’s or tinker’s tools, and one skill from the class’ skill list, which must be either Althletics or Acrobatics if you are not already proficient in either. Extra Attack Extra Attack cannot be used with Chain Attack, even if you miss the first attack of a Chain Attack. Aura You may use the usual method of determining aura (half your hit points before applying your Constitution modifier, plus 3 per level as a huntress/huntsman), or you may simply turn your hitpoints from being a huntress or huntsman into aura, For instance, if you were to gain six hit points from gaining a level as a huntsman or huntress, and you had a Constitution modifier of +3, you would gain no hit points, but gain 12 aura (6 from rolling for hitpoints, 3 from your Constitution modifier, and 3 bonus aura per level in the class.) If the a huntress/huntsman class feature upgrades your hit dice, only your huntress/huntsman, hit dice improve, Weapon UpGRapes (EXxteNDED) Transformation. Your weapon can transform as a bonus action. When your weapon transforms, changes into another weapon within reason. For ‘example, a shortsword could transform into spear 4 rapier could transform into a whip or handaxe, and a shortbow could transform into a ‘quarterstaffor fail, However, sickle cannot become anet, nor can a heavy crossbow become a greatclub, The reasonable range of transformation is ultimately, up to the DM, but need only loosely follow logic or conservation of mass. For instance, a greataxe could feasibly transform into two hand crossbows, and a morning star could be comprised of an polygamous union of club and daggers. s n the weapon transforms, there must be space for the weapon's new form. A tiny cerawlspace may accomodate a dagger just fine, but a lance could prove problematic. Dust augmentation is constant between forms.

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