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A1 A2 "A" A2 "B" B1 B2
1 Nickname 1 always 1 agreement 1 foreign 1 abandoned
2 Address 2 beautiful 2 annoying 2 native 2 abolish
3 Thirsty 3 belt 3 appreciate 3 wish 3 accidentally
4 Adjective 4 big 4 babysit 4 bone 4 adjustment
5 Possession 5 boring 5 book 5 keep calm 5 among
6 Information 6 brush hair 6 boring 6 realize 6 amusement
7 Classmate 7 brush teeth 7 broken leg 7 nervous 7 anxiously
8 Validity 8 cheap 8 brunch 8 junk food 8 assessment
9 Umbrella 9 dance 9 cloudy 9 healthy 9 atmosphere
10 Amazing 10 difficult 10 cold 10 dirty 10 betray
11 Reason 11 dislike 11 crafts 11 pollution 11 bloody
12 Homework 12 dull 12 crowded 12 recycle 12 blame
13 Interview 13 easy 13 t 13 environment 13 bookmark
14 Different 14 enjoy 14 don't mind 14 hybrids 14 broadcast
15 Vocabulary 15 expensive 15 essay 15 candidate 15 cheerfully
16 Discipline 16 friendly 16 fly 16 terrific 16 chemical
17 Greeting 17 get up 17 foggy 17 land 17 collapse
18 Together 18 go to bed 18 freezing 18 campaign 18 commitment
19 Pronoun 19 good 19 funny 19 careful 19 confession
20 Dangerous 20 hat 20 get lost 20 trip 20 context
21 Harmonious 21 hate 21 haircut 21 mistake 21 creation
22 Sparse 22 have 22 breakfast 22 request 22 critically
23 Structure 23 interesting 23 headache 23 contest 23 darkness
24 Playground 24 jacket 24 hilarious 24 reward 24 deeply
25 Birthday 25 know 25 hot 25 magazine 25 delightful
26 Elephant 26 live 26 humid 26 crashed 26 n
27 Contraction 27 love 27 incredible 27 exciting 27 developing
make the
28 Recognize 28 bed 28 interesting 28 explorers 28 disapprove
Demonstrativ long-distanc
29 e 29 never 29 e 29 believer 29 dizzy
30 Preposition 30 often 30 miss 30 honeymoon 30 eager
31 Compound 31 pants 31 modifiers 31 career 31 effectively
32 Behind 32 play 32 g 32 ghost 32 exhausting
33 Statement 33 purse 33 quit smoking 33 dodgeball 33 forward
34 Skateboard 34 rarely 34 rainy 34 desire 34 furiously
35 Magazines 35 short 35 ride 35 heart attack 35 gambling
36 Following 36 sing 36 should 36 regret 36 go ahead
37 Engineer 37 skinny 37 shouldn't 37 available 37 greatness
38 Wednesday 38 sneakers 38 slippery 38 cheating on 38 herself
39 Compliment 39 speak 39 snowy 39 purse 39 hidden
40 Uncountable 40 swim 40 sprain 40 strange 40 jealous
take a comedy
41 Centerpiece 41 shower 41 show 41 business 41 jewel
42 Dialogue 42 tall 42 stormy 42 travel 42 journalism
43 Starving 43 taste 43 sunny 43 portrait 43 justify
44 Hungry 44 ugly 44 surprising 44 pet 44 kindness
45 Worried 45 usually 45 warm 45 yarn 45 known
46 Siblings 46 wake up 46 wet 46 immigrant 46 investment
47 Truth 47 want 47 windy 47 bush 47 hyphen
48 Falsity 48 wash face 48 wonderful 48 overseas 48 hunger
49 While 49 write 49 amazing 49 mural 49 human rights
50 Fire station 50 young 50 comfortable 50 boardgames 50 gossip
51 Post office 51 agreement 51 always 51 cinema 51
52 Wedding 52 annoying 52 beautiful 52 hobby 52
53 Beachfront 53 appreciate 53 belt 53 tournament 53
54 Them 54 babysit 54 big 54 persecution 54
55 Replace 55 book 55 boring 55 visceral 55
56 Children 56 boring 56 brush hair 56 globally 56
57 Supermarket 57 broken leg 57 brush teeth 57 picnic 57
58 Delicious 58 brunch 58 cheap 58 luggage 58
59 From 59 cloudy 59 dance 59 g 59
60 Subject 60 cold 60 difficult 60 rollercoaster 60
61 Writing 61 crafts 61 dislike 61 subway 61
62 Speaking 62 crowded 62 dull 62 passionate 62
63 According 63 t 63 easy 63 tradition 63
64 Indefinite 64 don't mind 64 enjoy 64 flag 64
65 Meaning 65 essay 65 expensive 65 bowl 65
66 Backpack 66 fly 66 friendly 66 principle 66
67 University 67 foggy 67 get up 67 earthquake 67
68 Fluffy 68 freezing 68 go to bed 68 headache 68
69 Human 69 funny 69 good 69 recipe 69
70 Cupboard 70 get lost 70 hat 70 advantage 70
71 Short 71 haircut 71 hate 71 arrangement 71
72 Singular 72 breakfast 72 have 72 between 72
73 Some 73 headache 73 interesting 73 beginner 73
74 Any 74 hilarious 74 jacket 74 behaviour 74
75 Haven't 75 hot 75 know 75 biography 75
76 Does 76 humid 76 live 76 become 76
77 Anymore 77 incredible 77 love 77 business 77
make the
78 House 78 interesting 78 bed 78 businessman 78
79 Holiday 79 e 79 never 79 bus station 79
80 Bark 80 miss 80 often 80 centimetre 80
81 Wonderful 81 modifiers 81 pants 81 ceremony 81
82 Freely 82 g 82 play 82 challenging 82
83 Something 83 quit smoking 83 purse 83 charming 83
84 Cellphone 84 rainy 84 rarely 84 careless 84
85 Usually 85 ride 85 short 85 damage 85
86 Borrow 86 should 86 sing 86 dangerous 86
87 Further 87 shouldn't 87 skinny 87 discussion 87
88 Quantity 88 slippery 88 sneakers 88 disturb 88
89 Frequency 89 snowy 89 speak 89 everything 89
90 Duration 90 sprain 90 swim 90 everywhere 90
comedy take a
91 People 91 show 91 shower 91 extraordinary 91
92 Places 92 stormy 92 tall 92 warming 92
93 Choice 93 sunny 93 taste 93 graphics 93
94 Age 94 surprising 94 ugly 94 grow up 94
95 How much 95 warm 95 usually 95 injure 95
96 Which 96 wet 96 wake up 96 meaning 96
97 Ownership 97 windy 97 want 97 rather 97
98 Seashells 98 wonderful 98 wash face 98 relaxation 98
99 Sunset 99 amazing 99 write 99 safely 99

100 Knowing 100 comfortable 100 young 100 sculpture 100

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