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Family’s Backbone

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I want to shed light on the often overlooked role of the oldest daughter in many
families—a role marked by sacrifice, responsibility, and the embodiment of resilience.
This is for the parentified eldest daughter. The daughter who "never had to be worried
about" because she was hyper-independent. She's the one who got called selfish when
she said no to something but spent her entire life and childhood being a mediator
between her parents and making sure her siblings got the childhood she didn't have.
She now struggles with pleasing people and burnout because if she's not being
productive, she's being "lazy”.

As the eldest sister, she not only becomes a second mother to her siblings but also
serves as a role model, guiding them through life's challenges with strength and
compassion. Despite her own dreams and aspirations, she puts on a mask of fortitude
for her family, shielding them from the harsh realities of their circumstances while
silently bearing the weight of their collective burdens.

In the face of adversity, the oldest daughter rises to the occasion, navigating the
complexities of familial responsibilities with grace and determination. She sacrifices her
own ambitions to ensure the well-being of her siblings, becoming their pillar of support
and source of stability in times of uncertainty. As an unpaid therapist, babysitter, and
confidante, she provides a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on, offering comfort and
guidance amidst their shared hardships.

People told them not to hate their parents because it’s their first time living, and how
about them? It’s their first time living, too. People invalidate their feelings, but they are
also children who want to be seen, heard, and loved. “You’re the ate; you should do to
this, do that, know this, and know that.” These words resonate deeply with the eldest
daughter's journey, acknowledging the internal conflict between her own emotions and
societal expectations. Despite the challenges she faces, she stands and rises, not just
for herself but also for her loved ones.

Let us honor and celebrate the oldest daughters, who, through their unwavering
devotion and strength of character, inspire us all to persevere in the face of adversity
and to cherish the bonds of family. Thank you.

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