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The instruction cycle, also known as the fetch-decode-execute cycle, is the process that a computer's central processing unit (CPU) Follows to execute a machine language instruction. It consists of the Following steps: Sree Re Oe eea ee MCE Ue) A Pet a eh et teeter tc ae eesti scm uence ch aes s The instruction code is the series of bits that represents the instruction in machine Pte aes e eer CMe siete aca en ey necessary operands, which are the data on which the operation is to be performed. Freee CRT Cm eer e ec cat eure ua represented as a 32-bit binary number. The first Few bits of the number might specify the Cee RC ICRC auc cae ich a Casas Pen eco toe ier UCN erent ean Re Sr ea aac cet eet RE Rents eee OM eee cic uate Ta eater ee tg instructions and carry out a given task. In computer architecture, a general-purpose register (GPR) isa registerthat canbe used Reece NA ae Re cence ene Reker Le (2) Eire err Reo Ck eR ae ee aU eR lec see a CMa Mo cletlalaF of instructions. Pet cuca er tga ecient Lea c NCR aaa i) Canna ae oe ee eMC ecard Pesaran ete cee erie Tarn eel oneness Seine Crete enchant en Mente ce an knh at eyo) te] e-eeneee eel ee OM ea eee ee TPE) ele eee Gnu meme eee Me Lele t eke a (lar mee) capacity. In other architectures, the registers are organized as a set of independent ete eR ede (ees Te NUT CL Be) 0G Oe lo M EN Eta pet Meee e dae MS eho STC Pe Cee TNA Lee ner ean ee emer eect ee erie Cae eeee can aterm enn iees PETS ete Tete tres (ene te Moll UM Teun g aT staan eam emo! Memory transfer refers to the process of moving data between different types of memory or between memory and other devices, such as the CPU ora storage device. Memory transfer is typically achieved using a bus, which serves as the Poe un aa u ue cmaanCe In a computer system, the main memory (such as RAM) is used to store data and instructions that are actively being used or processed by the CPU. When the CPU Let Beene tae M ISSO SR Lee EOL a BRUM ULnO Lb fa Sled fen eR Mp me nie ARN R lees) emu Lente oe le nell data to and from main memory. The memory controller uses the bus to transfer the ee Reheat ec ae martes cnn et cnn ety Pees eRe ROR RUS eee Mem RR WR UML Sea controller stores the data in the appropriate location in main memory. ACU Smee emne es aul cami] eM Te pee aad eect ert cies cari nicereme ec cena in these cases, the data is transferred over a bus using a device called amemory PCM ICIeC Ra Rt etic un cna tected nce Rrre-ueneono Me ce Mertens i toe keen Cees fo esio seo eee th RO RMS re eM Ree NCom @eM seis) Cle Malte) eee Rae ss eR ue Roc Re Tes UeC Teac eens Cc ce ueecuekan Retr ce such as between the CPU and memory or between the CPU and input/output tes The time and control unit works closely with other components of the CPU, such as the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) and the registers, to perform tasks and execute instructions. The ALU is responsible for performing arithmetic and logical operations, while the registers are high-speed memory lacations that store data eens sity ceecce sl The time and control unit is also responsible for managing the timing of the Cerne eta ueest Re cten Cunte iemen aos ea IRR Recee meee Ta mtn Ee Melee es Ca) series of electrical pulses that are generated by a clock circuit. The clock signal is eR rPAUCh ac CSRs eae euuReR tes at Rd ensure that instructions are executed in a timely and orderly manner. Ore rR ae ea nen ery computer, coordinating the flow of instructions and data and controlling the timing Ce me Tn een een Es Cree aera ash Ceara eee NC An arithmetic microprocessor is a type of microprocessor that is specifically designed to Pee Le Ue ee ene ele ecreo acCeel TM Tell es] aoa eRe SAS Circe ech Reco ue eee ecn Geek ia applications where a small, low-power processor is needed to perform a variety of fellate BU -w So) ae ileal ee cell Moelle em ace) cele Ta eee lee Me eee lets em fel M aes onl ACen LeU alee) 11s Re) ea) PCr cect caru ureter aca iC Renttcet attr een aid eM en Ree oni er ieee nt eats allowing the microprocessor to perform calculations quickly and accurately. To perform an arithmetic operation, the microprocessor first retrieves the operands (the nel MUL Ae Ar A aM alee cata Cetera Cac icecretimeentnuticat asc: amit ta ans is finished. The microprocessor can then retrieve the result and use it as an operand in subsequent calculations. The 4-bit arithmetic circuit of an arithmetic microprocessor is the part of the processor that is responsible For performing the actual arithmetic operations. It is made up of a CR en each ae eee du chmarn enters CeCe Senet cence seit oth na ceen th iar allowing the microprocessor to perform calculations quickly and accurately. To perform an arithmetic operation, the microprocessor first retrieves the operands (the numbers being operated on) From memory and loads them into the arithmetic circuit. It then uses the circuit to perform the operation, storing the result back in memory when it PM a Tae atte Mal Munem) ol gole Tole Mae AA Te eee RU Loe) subsequent calculations. The 4-bit arithmetic circuit of an arithmetic microprocessor is an essential part of the eles eel lee tam Ce Ral S eee) Use ee Re Reale toll Pre deeheten en ecard aedalenta each ieee and is vital to its overall functionality. Ss Meola Nea ead a enon Mural or wea a el elt| a (ie P ii auc araacicos Cuter cc hearer ae tian cael removed. Stacks are often used to store temporary data, such as the state of a program or eee nit caa (el ele eee ree Me eel eles Me elie Reger a eee ieee) small number of registers that can be accessed quickly but have limited capacity. The top Clg ent elecle aa eames ae ose Te Uae Te (elo Lae no] Col lan ele nea ara ee eculabathiete atl cures To add an element to the stack, the CPU performs a "push" operation, which stores the an ame) eee eee eed eee ced el acon eu ea register. To remove an element from the stack, the CPU performs a "pop" operation, Renee slen tide Cun a ee Mn) Meee Le Rel ee Ua ele aneiaco) Peach aneareinctatitGn The stack organization can be useful in certain situations because it allows the CPU to SOR cheetah cr ee mete Merete hme ects Sener ec cece Meer rete enced Laan nt ce ts register. To remove an element from the stack, the CPU performs a "pop" operation, which retrieves the element from the top register and decrements the stack pointer to Peon a The stack organization can be useful in certain situations because it allows the CPU to PCE uke each cect CMs nicl Cot aiternae nna Nye eee mee eee cea eaten ul eek) lela Re eee ld topmost element on the stack. In general, the choice of register organization depends on the specific needs of the CPU EUnet elmer a aC rece m el es Uhlan icing Per Een ene ecutlatnaenee mace stele In computer architecture, a general-purpose register (GPR) isa registerthat canbe used Reece lM Res cence eRe Re kel RL (2) Eire err Reo Ck eR ae ee aU eR lec see a CMa Mo cletlalaF of instructions. Poet caca er eda te caret ence Lea c NCI aaut iy Catena Cae ee ee eMC ek clelars Pee iene eta etite i ceemert le Tear aT oneness Sr eena Cretan ken en Mente ce nen knh at eyo) te] e-eeneee eel ee OM ea eee ee TPE) ere eee On meme Meee ee elect eke a «lary mee) capacity. In other architectures, the registers are organized as a set of independent registers that can be accessed individually. Be) 8G Oe M EN Beta let Me tele edge eh ole Tefen The organization of the general-purpose registers in a CPU can vary depending on the specific architecture of the CPU. In some architectures, the registers are organized as. a stack, with a small number of registers that can be accessed quickly but have limited fe) laa mane ate leeile-lae ele Men Reese Sle ele Pole Bled ele C-2 en eee ecenh eee nae) Some CPUs also have special-purpose registers that are used For specific types of data or Foyt] ihe) Tela eae ey cue OMe Mel E-Rate Wade selma Ree) specifically For storing and manipulating Floating-point numbers, or a program counter register that stores the address of the next instruction to be executed. Cree etter ncane erate RCiumcrecta eke sleet cg provide a Fast, high-capacity storage location for data that the CPU needs to access Geetces A control unit is a component of a computer's central processing unit (CPU) that directs Reach cccm aca Coa eeated nett Ch tna eee at Ret nen Lea mel) Ke ar ee se eae eR ES On Here is a simplified block diagram of a control unit: BP Sereda Ma Rea aero earl man neon lec Mt aT e ccaelce 1c colle 2. Instruction register: This is a temporary storage location where the control unit can hold a single instruction while it is being decoded and executed. SP asentrae (ola Kel Ceol eM MN R ec aL oA NE eae doo M MONRO Te bce and decodes it, determining what action the control unit should take. rs Pees CM ee eee et are een cle ee eens ko the CPU to activate the appropriate circuits and carry out the instruction. Pee Geeuc Catia meee rasa ekea trata eeurlat a else Peete eeeCel nent ken cacch marker etniechtceesniert Poe meter eect cient echay fare Cidatae ol 6. Memory address register (MAR): This reaister stores the address of a location in ACE aatla sto y 6. Memory address register (MAR): This register stores the address of a location in memory that the control unit needs to access. Memory data register (MDR): This register holds the data that the control unit retrieves from or stores in memory. 8. Memory: This is where the data and instructions used by the computer are stored. The control unit sends the address of the desired location in memory to the MAR, and then EST ele U ce eRe le Meo Hegel ese MoM ait Mla eo eee Ma eee By MDR. Overall, the control unit is responsible for coordinating the operations of the CPU and Cea hurl m eg eee gram ieee) eee ceo call ce MM Mee] ie cement Te mele Can ae) fetching instructions from memory, decoding them, and activating the appropriate aigaU Nal Me Ono Roan ea iee rade

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