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Survey Report

Kaythleen Quintanilla, Ale Quintana, Isa Portillo, Alan Ponce.

Our survey asked questions to know how people feel within their own communities.
The questions were mixed:

How would you rate the cleaning and the maintenance of the neighborhood or community?

-The answer in general was a 3 (regular)

Are you satisfied with the current safety measures?

Are there any traffic or park issues you have noticed in the community?

-There were varied answers, however the answer was the same amount in "yes" and "no”
What community activities would like to see in your neighborhood?

-Answers like: -basares. -varied classes. -garbage collection. Etc but the answer of “sports” was more

In your opinion what could be done to improve the community?


-More exit and entry routes

-Do not leave trash and clean up after our pets

-The union of neighbors to make the place better and cleaner

-Food machines and that it was more spacious.

-Allow another road alternative for cars

-To keep clean the community

-That everyone was cleaner.

-Parking should be regulated and there should be more trashcans

-Police officers around to get the scammers knocking in the doors

-they should take care of stray animals

-Clean the streets and segurity

-put polician

-Mas rutas de salidas y entradas

-do not leave trash and clean up after our pets

-The union of neighbors to make the place better and cleaner

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