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Mark Antony

Early in the play, mark anthony getts described as “ But a limb of Caesar”
and as “ a man who revels in long nights”. In other words, he is described and
a fun-seekind party-goer that would be powerless without the support of
Caesar. But in the later acts of the play he very quickly dissproves these
statements by showing not only his immense courage by standing agains the
conspirators, but also his intelligence and persuasiveness by manipulating the
people of Rome to go agains the conspirators.

He is driven by his will to avenge is beloved friend Caesar and this not only
demonstrates his loyalty to him, but it allso allows for him to act as a key
character by driving the plot forward.
He later forms an alliance with Octavious Caesar, Julius Caesar’s adopted son
and the next in line to his fathers power, and with a combination of
disagreements between the conspirators and biliant military strategy by
Antony and Octavious they manage to kill most of the conspirators by the
end of the play.

Many people would argue that Mark Antony’s methods where deceitful and
underhanded and that he grows ambitious by gaining more interest in gaining
power himself instead of fighting to avenge Caesar. But throughout the play
he proves these statements wrong on multiple occasions by continuously
demonstrating his loyalty to him even after his death.

In conclusion Mark Antony is a key character of the play who drives the
story forward by manipulating and tricking the conspirators to achieve is one
goal. To avenge Carsar’s unjust deat

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