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3rd Year 2st Semester
2013 Entry
Degree Program:-Regular
Individual Assignment of Introduction to
Distributed system
1. Kejela Yoseph……………………….PIT/R/13/01005

Submitted, to:-Ins. Gemechu W

1. What is multithreading in distributed system? Explain its advantage and
disadvantage: Multi-threading in a distributed system involves executing multiple
threads concurrently to improve performance and resource utilization. The main
advantage is enhanced parallelism, allowing multiple tasks to be performed
simultaneously. This can lead to increased efficiency and responsiveness. However,
managing shared resources and synchronization can be challenging, and improper
implementation may lead to issues like race conditions and deadlocks.
2. What is TACACS/TACACS+ Authentication?TACACS (Terminal Access Controller
Access Control System) and TACACS+ are protocols used for providing centralized
authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) services. They are commonly used
in network devices like routers and switches. TACACS+ is an improvement over
TACACS, offering improved security and encryption. These protocols ensure controlled
access to network resources and track user activity.
3. What is internet service daemon? An Internet Service Daemon, often referred to as an
inetd daemon or xinetd daemon, is a program that manages incoming network service
requests. It listens for service requests and launches the appropriate server program to
handle the request when needed. This helps in optimizing resource usage by starting
services only when necessary, reducing the load on the system.
4. Comparing and contrast Iterative Servers with Concurrent Servers:
o Iterative Servers: Handle one client request at a time. Once a request is
processed, it moves on to the next one.
o Concurrent Servers: Can handle multiple client requests simultaneously. This is
achieved through mechanisms like multi-threading or multi-processing.
Concurrent servers often provide better responsiveness and resource utilization
compared to iterative servers.
5. What is code migration in distributed system and what does it do?: Code migration
involves moving executable code or processes between different nodes in a distributed
system. It enables load balancing, fault tolerance, and resource optimization. Code
migration allows tasks to be dynamically moved to nodes with available resources or
better performance, improving overall system efficiency.
6. Discuss about Code Migration in heterogeneous systems: In heterogeneous systems,
where different types of hardware or software platforms coexist, code migration becomes
more complex. It involves translating or adapting code to run on different architectures or
environments. The goal is to make applications portable across diverse systems, enabling
flexibility and efficient resource utilization in heterogeneous distributed environments.

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