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For the life of the flesh is in the blood. —Leviticus 17:11

God is so obsessed with blood because He’s so obsessed with life.
We must understand this: God is so obsessed with blood because He’s so obsessed with life.
That is the only reason why blood is of importance to God and all other spiritual realms.
That means the only reason God is so much interested in blood is because he is interested in
life. So what is more important to God is not blood no, it is life since life was not created for
blood but blood was created for life, it is the one that carries life —Leviticus 17:11, If blood
was created for life then life is more important to God than blood. Mark 2:27-28
Blood shouldn’t be equated with death. The Bible teaches, rather, that sin is equated with
death (Genesis 2:17; Romans 6:23). And because we’ve all sinned, death is the default
spiritual condition of each of us. It’s only blood that can reverse this. The only act that can
revive something from death is to infuse it with life. We can show this point by replacing the
word blood with life and the word sin with death in one of the most popular New Testament
verses regarding the need for blood for the forgiveness of sins. Here’s how it reads (the
original words are in brackets): “Everything is purified with life [blood], and without life
[blood] there is no forgiveness of death [sin]” (Hebrews 9:22).
Equating blood with life will change the way you read the Bible, and thus, how you think
about God. The coverings He provided Adam and Eve after their sin were coverings of life.
The blood on the doorposts of the Hebrew people at Passover was the protection of life. The
yearly sacrifice God instituted for Israel was intended to restore them with life.

Like Adam and Eve and Israel, we too are offered a covering of blood. But not anymore
through participating in a yearly sacrificial ritual. Rather, we are given the blood of Jesus,
which was shed so lavishly at Calvary, once and for all. The DNA of Jesus is offered to us in
order to completely cover our old lives with His new, spotless life. It’s incredible! The
application of Jesus’ life completely dissolves our guilt and shame, protects us from the
enemy and allows us to enjoy daily relationship with our Creator—forever.
God’s intention for blood isn’t disgusting as blood seems to look like—it’s beautiful because
it carries what is of greatest importance to him which is life. So saving a life by giving out
blood is very right.

The Bible teaches that we should love our neighbours as ourselves, and helping others in
need is an important expression of that love (Mark 12:31, 1 John 3:17-18).
Jesus emphasized the importance of showing mercy and compassion towards others, even if it
requires setting aside certain religious laws or traditions (Matthew 9:12-13).
The Bible encourages practical measures to improve health and well-being, and does not
reject the use of modern medicine or medical treatments. Wine was a modern treatment for
the stomach then and Paul advises timothy to use a little wine for his stomach. Blood
transfusion is a new technology now which am guessing if Paul was here would also advise
us to at times give blood for a good cause of saving a life of someone in need (Proverbs
3:27-28, 1 Timothy 5:23).
James 2:14-17 teaches that faith without action is incomplete, and refusing to donate or
receive blood, when it could potentially save a life, is a failure to put one's faith into action
and show love towards others.
Leviticus 17:11 teaches that life is in the blood, and preserving life is an important principle
in the Bible.
Mark 2:27-28 teaches that the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath, that also
implies that blood was made for man and not man for blood. This means that it's more
important to save someone's life than to follow strict religious rules. These Biblical principles
suggest that helping others in need, including through the use of modern medical treatments
like blood transfusion, is a Godly and right thing to do.
Is Blood Transfusion a Covenant?
The answer is no. Why?
The concept of a covenant in the Bible typically refers to a solemn agreement between God
and His people or between two parties, involving mutual promises and obligations. In the Old
Testament, covenants were often sealed with the shedding of blood, such as the covenant God
made with Abraham in Genesis 15:9-21 and the Mosaic covenant in Exodus 24:1-8.
However, a blood transfusion does not involve a solemn agreement or mutual promises and
obligations. It is a medical procedure in which blood from a donor is transferred into the
bloodstream of a recipient to help restore blood volume or improve the ability of the blood to
carry oxygen. Blood transfusions can be life-saving and medically necessary in certain
situations, they do not have any religious or spiritual significance that would make them a
covenant in the biblical sense.
Muslims, Hindus, Buddhist, Atheists, Christians and almost every other religion accepts
blood transfusion, The Christians in the whole world known to whoever not allow blood
transfusion are the Jehovah Witnesses, to us their teachings are not biblical and I guess this
one too is Not.
1 Corinthians 12:27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. When
we partake the holy communion dad you always tell us this is the body of Christ that gives
out life and so on. Galatians 2:20. It is not I who lives but Christ lives in me. Acts 9:4 Jesus
did not ask Saul why are you persecuting my Believers, He asked him why are you
persecuting me. This is because we are His body, so if I give my blood to save a life, it is not
my blood that am giving but the blood of Christ. Because I am a member of the body of
Christ and He is the one that lives in me, so the Life I have is because of Christ and blood
carries life so the blood I have now is no longer Zacharias blood but one of Christ. It is the
reason we cannot be bewitched, people make plans against us and maybe even go to witches
but it doesn’t harm us, why because of who is in us. Snake bit Paul but he wasn’t harmed
Acts 28:1-6, because his blood which would have carried poison to his heart could not
because it had Jesus in it. If anything those who believe in Jesus Christ should give out blood
more than anyone else because in them there is life through the blood of Jesus Christ.

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