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Worksheet for Hindu law

Allot the shares.

1. A male Hindu, dies intestate in 2008, and is survived by father, mother, his one son s1,
daughter d1, a widow of predeceased son SW, and their two children SS and SD. And a
son and daughter of a predeceased son of a predeceased son and the widow of SS,SSW,
had remarried in 2002.
2. A, male hindu married W in 1978. The marriage was annulled owing to their prohibited
degrees. They had a son from that marriage. A again got married in the year 1980 to W2
and had 2 sons and 3 daughters. A’s eldest son died in 2009 leaving behind a widow and
a son. A died intestate in 2012. He also has a mother and father.
3. A Hindu father has 2 living sons S1 and S2. 1 daughter D1, two sons of a predeceased
son SS1 and SS2. One son of a predeceased daughter DS1. They form a coparcenary. F
died in 2016.
4. A male hindu dies intestate and is survived by widow, mother, two living sons s1 and s2
and 2 daughters D1 and D2. Has another son S3 married a chritian female W2 and died in
2011. And a predeceased daughters son and daughter.
5. A Hindu male dies as a member of undivided coparcenary and is survived by father, two
brothers, mother, two living sons S1 and S2, one living Daughter D1, a son of a
predeceased daughter DS1.
6. A Hindu female dies leaving behind her general property and is survived by an
illegitimate son, mother, father and two sisters.
7. A hindu female married H1 in 2001 and had one son. H1 died in 2007 as a member of an
undivided coparcenary and she received her share from the property. After that she
married H2 in 2009 with whom she had 2 sons and one daughter. She died in 2017.
8. A joint Family consists of two brothers Br1 and br2. Br1 is married to W and has 3 sons
and 1 daughter, who suffers from schizophrenia. The eldest son is married and has 3
daughters. Br2 is married to w1 but has no children. Br2 married w2 and had four sons.
Br2 is dead and his four sons want their share in coparcenary.
9. A joint Family consists of a father, 2 sons and 3 daughters. The younger son has married
a Christian woman and has 3 daughters. The eldest son is married but his wife annulled
the marriage on the grounds of him being a eunuch. All 3 daughters are married. Partition
the property.
10. A joint Family consisted of 3 brothers. All three brothers are married and each have 2
sons and 2 daughters . Two brothers died in a car accident. The family wants to partition
the property. Calculate the share of each member.

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